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Chapter 9 : Tales of Saitama : Memory
(Note : Remember that this fiction is not lining up to the canon. In some other aspects, the story will sometimes go off the canonical part of the original canon. Bear with me)

Years has passed since Saitama had first met a friend, tried making that friend smile in her life, and tried freeing her from her prison of isolation. He would never forget her, and what he did to try and know her some more. Their friendship was abruptly struck by a wall of nothing. Black. Pitch darkness out of nowhere. He's now 9, and his adoptive parents had enrolled him into a school. Depression made him serious in every aspect. He always denied everything in front of him... until it all changed.

"Haha! It's Saitama! Cutie-patooty now huh? Hahaha!" A group of large fat kids blocked Saitama from going back to the school gate.

"Hey, cut it out! I'm gonna go home already!" Saitama replied angrily, making the other kids 'ooooh'.

"Tough eh? You think you're tough punk? I'll show you who's tough in these grounds!" The fat kid knuckled both his hands, hoping for a good fight.

"Stop it!" Other kids tried to break off the group's insolence, but was turned aback by the sudden burst of energy that came.

"SHUT UP! You bastards, all of you, quit it! I don't want to pick a fight, and I already said I'm going home! You guys took my money already, what else do you want!?" Saitama bursted out of anger, throwing his backpack on the ground.

"What we want?! Heh, we want you to fight us!" The kids replied back disgustingly.

"I said I don't wanna fight! What the heck is wrong with you!?" Saitama recoiled, turning into a huge crowd.

"Ooh-oh, oh! But we want to!" The tall kid pushed Saitama as he tried to stand up in the ground

"AAAAARGH!" Saitama punched the tall kid as he placed all of his anger into it. The tall kid tumbled back to the ground, crying.

"Mom! Help!" The kid shouted in pain.

"Oh, nobody messes with the leader!" The other member exclaimed.

"Yeah! No one!" Others cheered as they ganged up on the defenseless kid, easily overpowering him in strength.

Saitama stared at the dark clouds before him, before it started to fall against his body. He glared at the light that reflected upon his eyes, blood coming out from his nose, he stood up and picked his backpack then proceeded to go home.

Thunder crackled over the silent streets of J City, Saitama's old home. The streets were full of a gray thick fog engulfing a person's sight if it were to look around. The lights refracted back at the fog, turning into a dark bloom. Saitama dragged his limped body across the sidewalks, his backpack now filled with water, he walked faster with determination. Hoping that his adoptive parents are home. Now stepping on the white tiles of his small house, he carefully opened the door to find no one.

"Where did they go?" Saitama thought, placing his wet backpack over a ledge and carefully removing his muddy shoes. He paced back at the living room, silence and darkness consuming the space he's in, he flicked the switch that would turn on the lights. Much to his surprise, he can actually have the whole house by himself.

"Finally I can watch those rated PG channels..." He thought, turning on the remote control for the television to come up.

"And now where back live at the F City Convention where the tragedy happened..."

"Oooooh." Saitama said with an interested tone, sitting down in an uncomfortable plastic chair while gazing at the device in front of him.

"Three men accused of murder of Agoni's family, four has been stabbed in the back and one who survived. Luckily, he is now being healed at the Hospital with minor injuries. The two of the three men has been apprehended and caught, while the other is still roaming the land freely and is currently unknown. The two men will be sent to prison and a life sentence of a hundred and fifty years." The reporter said, prompting Saitama to make a disinterested face.

"Augh! Oh well, atleast the two has been caught. One is still... here... must be somewhere..." Young Saitama thought, standing up and taking off his wet clothings, still dripping.

"I hope my stuff isn't wet." He picked his backpack to see his things... wet.

"Oh come on! Not my paper! Darn those kids, I'm not gonna forgive those fat idiots!" Saitama exclaimed, pouring his items on the floor that formed a puddle.

"Why does this always happen to me!? Uuugh, how am I supposed to report my homework without paper!?" Frustrated, he wore his normal clothes and a pajama.

"I should borrow some paper tomorrow and do it in school. The subject is far from morning though... I wonder what I will say if I fail. That homework was long!" He went inside the kitchen to grab a carton of milk.

"I just hope it works, or else I'll get a failing grade. Not like I don't get that very often..." He proceeded to go inside his room.

"I'll leave tomorrow's problems, to tomorrow's me..." Saitama thought as he drifted into the dreamscape.

"Hey, how come you have powers? Where'd you get it?" Young Saitama asked a very flustered Tatsumaki, both sitting down in a metallic staircase.

"I'm born with it, why?" The little esper replied.

"Ooooh, how come your mom doesn't have it?" Saitama asked out of curiousity.

"That's because..." The esper paused, obviously agitated by the question.

"Because what?" Saitama added in.

"Forget about it, hey, how about we play something else rather than questioning?" Tatsumaki replied, standing up from her position.

"Hey! I'm asking you somethin- hey! Don't ignore me!" Much to his surprise, the esper already ran ahead of him leading to her quarters.

"I know! Let's play throwing rocks at the window over there!" The suspicious esper held an unnerving smile for about a minute, convincing Saitama out of his curiousity.

"Why do you want to throw rocks at the window? You might hit someone!" Saitama added.

"That's the point, dummy. It's the only thing which makes me happy in here..." The esper replied, looking down on the floor.

"Alright alright! Geesh, but don't blame me if I'd kill someone or whatever..." The little boy proceeded to pick a small rock, he swung his arms in a circular motion as he threw the rock, instead of throwing it outside, Saitama had hit the glass which caused it to break.

"Are you mad?! Throw it outside! Not hit the glass!" The esper exclaimed.

"Whoops, sorry. I have a bad aim. Why do you even like these things anyway?" Saitama asked.

"Because a rock is my weapon... I can control them anytime I want." Tatsumaki replied, swinging her arms on a nearby rock, causing it to glow a green hue and levitated above them.

"Oh! Why not break this whole place down and get away?" Saitama asked excitedly.

"Duh, I can't! I can only control small things like water droplets and small rocks! Isn't that obvious?!" The esper exclaimed.

"Oh. That's a bummer, isn't that the reason they will move you?" Young Saitama asked.

"What reason?"

"To practice your powers and stuff. Isn't it the reason why?"

"Dude, even though I got these powers, I still can't predict what will happen in the future. I'm not a crazy old woman who looks at a small crystal ball all day!" Tatsumaki yelled.

"Soo... how do you float things up?" Saitama asked.

"What's with all these questions!? Aren't you tired of asking one every second!?" The esper exploded.

"Well, you can't blame me. I'm no esper." Saitama spoke.

"Then stop asking questions! You're creeping me out!" The green-haired girl replied.

"Fine, fine." Saitama replied.

As the two were silent for about a minute, Saitama noticed a pair of yellow suits, flying and hovering above them with a terrifying look in their face. Saitama's teacher. What? How could that be? He thought, as he was about seconds before realizing it's a horrid dream, Saitama flailed his hands as he tried to block the face pushing his own.

"YOU FORGOT YOUR HOMEWORK AGAIN YOU IDIOT!" An old woman with glasses exclaimed right at his face.

"NOOOOOOOOoooooo!" Saitama yelled back, as everything turned into white before fading to reality.

Saitama bursted from his bed, panting from the sudden outburst from a once peaceful dream. He looked around his surroundings, only to find wall covered in drawings.

"Whew! Good thing it was a dream!" His gaze turned to his wooden table, which lies a fine pad of paper.

"I forgot I still have that reserve..." He stood up from the comfortable he was once lying on, and sat on his chair, turning on a lamp.

"I can't risk doing it tomorrow, I'll do it tonight!" The confident boy exclaimed, smiling in the ceiling.

Several hours had passed since he started writing, while looking through many textbooks and even larger, the boy turned his confident smile into a frown the next hour he had started. Boredom eventually consumed him, at the least the questions were quite easy, but a little hard, not to mention an essay.

"What time is it?" He turned to the clock beside him, shock filling his eyes.

"3:08!? How did this took so long, it's just a test and an essay!" He realized why as he looked down on his paper with a stylish font of the word ' The '.

"Darn it, I have to finish this first... 797 words to go!" He exclaimed as he continued to write on the paper.

"More ideas for how to manage a business... hmmm.." Saitama kicked the end of the table, causing his chair to back off a little as he swung his arms in the air.

"Ahhh, I need to think more ideas... or maybe I could get them?" He asked himself, agreeing that it's the least good idea.

Saitama ran downstairs and turned his TV on. He placed a small stool and sat on it, putting his arms on his chin, he pondered over the channels to find and get ideas from the shows the channel aired.

"No ideas at all... dang I can't think of anything!" As he was about to give up, something rang up his head.

"That's it! I just have to think like I own a business... like what?" He fiddled his chin as the clock made a clicking noise every second.

"If I had a business, the first thing I would get is materials for it... right? If I'm not wrong, the materials is the things I will use for that business, but how will I get customers?" Saitama fiddled his head as he wrote it on his paper.

"If I will make my materials cooler, they would like it... but also make my business place clean. I can't do a business alone so I will hire other people to do the other things for me! Also I kinda remember these advertisement things so that I can spread the idea of my business to other people around the world, and bam! An awesome business! No wonder why this is so easy in the first place, now let's count the words..." Saitama counted each words and got what he's asking for a long time.

"Finally! 800 words! What time is it?" He gazed over his clock to see the initials 5:55 AM.

"WHAT! I'd took that long! Geesh! I gotta go to school quick!" The young Saitama paced as quick as he can around his house preparing for school. Pressure crushing him as always.

"Oh crap, can't forget these!" He exclaimed as he took his backpack and headed outside of his house.

The dark sky faded away as the sunlight stretched out for everyone to see. The birds chirping, children across the street moving and walking by their schools and others preparing for their work. The sound of the busy boardwalk filled with people struck Saitama in the head as he paced quickly to get into the School Bus.

"I can't make it in time!" Saitama exclaimed as he pushed in front of other people.

"All aboard!" The school bus manager yelled off his microphone, finally closing the door.

"WAIT! Aaaaaaaaaaauuugh!" The young boy angrily stomped his foot on the terminal, causing others to look at him with confusion.

"Dang it! Another time, another day. I gotta run quick!" Saitama exclaimed as he ran as fast as he could heading for school.

"Hey kid!" A person carrying heavy items exclaimed.

"Sorry! Gotta run!" The young boy paced quickly, heading for the building that's known his school.

"Almost time! I'm gonna make it!" Saitama exclaimed as he was stopped in his tracks by a group of boys.

"Step aside, we have a tough boy he-" The boy was pushed aside by Saitama as he ran past him.

"Sorry! Not now!" The young boy immediately went inside his classroom, to find no one.

"I guess I'm the first one..." He thought until he was interrupted by a tall figure.

"You're late, you idiot!" The tall figure exclaimed.

"Sorry Mam! The essay took so long!" Saitama replied.

"Oh, did it? Or were you too lazy to do it?"

"I already finished it!"

"Really? Pass your notes, I'll be talking to your parents again." The figure paced outside.

"Again..." Saitama thought as he headed outside of his classroom, disappointed.

"Hey, Saitama, I thought about it, and I think this is the girl you're looking for..."

"No, no. Masamune, I told you it's not the girl, she was taller, this is a kid you're giving me, plus, she doesn't have gray eyes! That could be a cosplay or something..." Saitama replied.

"Dude! Are you blind or what? This girl is the girl you're looking for over these years! This is the most closest one!" Masamune exclaimed.

"Nah, don't be crazy just because I told you of this girl I've been dreaming about. It's fine, plus, I need to get an apartment after school." The black-haired man replied.

"Darn, ooh! I know the apartments just near your hometown man, at City Z! They rent out cheap, plus, they got tons of stores there that can ease up your life! What do you say?" Masamune asked confidently.

"Wait, really? I could really use some of those stores, plus, I'll live alone, and I really start that regimen much more earlier if I wanna be saving lives." Saitama replied as he stared blankly on the floor.

"Ha, good luck with your hero business as always bro, you ain't gettin' with that kind of stuff. Why do you wanna be a hero anyway?" Masamune asked.

"Because I want to." Saitama replied, everyone stood up from their seats as the bell rang.


"Not yet since we still have recognition day..."

"Darn, still we will have though."

Murmurs and cheers can be heard as the last day of Highschool had been concluded. The same purple sky reflected over many bright faces of teenagers running around the building, celebrating their peace time.

"It's time."

I apologize for the really short chapter, not mentioning it took me a week to write it, but I kept getting distracted by the holidays and my extreme sickness. Hoping this would give ya'll what you're looking for. It's not really major, but gives another plot for another story of mine.

Next Chapter : Cracked (February) I can't really give enough ideas why I will update the story on February, but with school coming in the way, it will distract me greatly. Next chapter must be long, I promise.

Till' then, have a happy new year, celebrating 2016.

~ CryOceD

I'm not gonna include reviews of this one, it's mostly negative reviews about me not updating it. :(