
Natasha can you hear me?!

I can hear you, dad, stop shouting.

Natasha! You stay awake! You hear me?! Just stay awake!

Dad, calm down.. I can hear you just fine...

Nata! Stay with me! Stay with me, damn it! Don't close your eyes!

Dad.. What's-.. She felt the softest touch of liquid drip onto her face from above her. Through her hazy, muddied vision, she could make out the long, silk-like tresses of her father's luscious, silver-white hair, the strands each falling like their own streams of spiderweb to the cement beneath her, forming a curtain around him, and herself. She could see his pale peach skin blotched around his sharp golden eyes.. He was crying but-..

Oh-.. OWW... That-..

The music was blaring... The soft chimes playing a favorite of hers... Masquerade..

My-.. my phone.. I can't answer it-.. Why can't I-..?

Her father suddenly sat up, her own black phone held stiff against his ear. Though her hearing was anything but strong at this point, she strained to listen to his short, tight tone. "..No, Yuuki!.. I will not have you rush down here and cause traffic!" He paused, "She's-" his voice broke, and she almost flinched, "She's-.. Losing a lot of blood... The paramedics.. They won't-.." He had answered her phone.. but..

Why was it still playing..?

Dad.. I'm.. Tired...

"Natasha-?! Nata- damnit- Don't you dare close your eyes-!"

I'm.. sorry, dad...

She could hear the chorus getting louder, then heightening, before it slowly spun into her favorite.. The Point of No Return...

"Natasha.. Don't do this-.. Don't let go, yet.."

They have such... Beautiful voices...

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime..

"Natasha- please-!"

Such a beautiful voice...

Lead me, save me from my solitude..

"Natasha so help me-! I will never forgive you-!"

Such a beautiful man...

Say you want me with you here..

"No-nonononononono- No- Natasha-!"

I love... this song...

Beside you...

"Anywhere.. you go... Let me... go, too..."


That's all I ask of you...