Notes: Y'all. Y'ALL. It's time. Three years to the day from when I first posted this story as a short one-off; part of my returning love of the Naruto fandom. I had no idea then that halcyon days would become what it now is, but I certainly do not regret it, any of it. Through writer's block and school and stressful jobs and a couple of rewrites, the end is finally here. I've learned so much through writing this story and I am so glad to share this journey with you all. Thank you for joining me on this adventure and I hope you all enjoy this epilogue.

halcyon days

The War, if it can truly be called that, ends as quickly as it begins. It's rather anticlimatic in truth, lasting a scant three to four days. The War is a culmination of years, decades, of build-up.

The boiling point.

It's over in a flash, though the aftermath lasts considerably longer.

It's so easy to destroy, but it takes much longer to rebuild.

Sakura swallows back the bite of bile as she collects another fallen body, examining it for identifying information. The boy, for he is truly just a boy, wears a Kiri headband. She gently lifts him, carrying him to the space designated for Kiri, laying him out with reverence before moving back into the field.

She is beyond thankful for the minor jutsu that Naruto created that dulls a person's sense of smell for she knows that her roiling stomach would revolt in earnest should she smell the stench of death that clings to the battlefield.

The Kages are currently embroiled in meetings, attempting to hammer out the finer details of the "What now?" question that lingers in everyone's minds. What comes after a war? What follows the immediate aftermath of survival? How do they go on living when they were prepared for death?

No one really thought this part through and Sakura knows that change is on the horizon. Whether that change will be good or bad has yet to be seen.

Sakura knows that, considering her role in the war, her role in the deaths of Orochimaru and Kaguya, she should be involved in these meetings. She attended the first few, just to recount her experiences as no one else was present or cognizant of the fight with Kaguya. She only informs Tsunade of her relationship with Kaguya as her Inner, obfuscating those details to the other Kages and focusing instead on her bond with the Ōtsutsuki brothers.

But Sakura is uneasy with the looks her account garners her from the Kages. There's an uncomfortable awe in the way that they watch her, for her part in eliminating a Sannin who terrorized each of their nations and her hand in the death of a goddess. Sakura is grateful for the fact that they are much more intrigued by Indra and Ashura than they are by her.

Their heroism is easier to understand than hers.

They are legends, their mythos defined in death and only enhanced in this second life.

And Sakura? She is a nobody from an empty, nobody clan. She is forgettable.

(There is a reason that the Haruno symbol is an empty ring; they are nothing in the grand scheme of things.)

Her actions were the result of luck, grit, and the sacrifice of others.

She is undeserving of any high praise.

So, she throws herself into working in the trenches with the other shinobi, cleaning up the battlefield and recovering the dead. Each of the fighters, even those who were enemies, will be laid to rest properly, with the burial style of their homeland. It's a thankless, tiring job, but Sakura is glad of it.

It gives her time to think, to even try to process the losses she's already sustained and the ones that she continues to discover as news of people's whereabouts is determined. Indra and Ashura understand her need to process and set about other work, giving her the space to be alone. They always come together later in the day, taking comfort in each other as they explore the new intimacies of their relationship.

She is unashamed by the tears she sheds during the process and it doesn't interfere with the work.

Sakura continues in this way until mid-afternoon when the grumbling of her stomach becomes too much for her to ignore. She stops, heading to the medical quarters and submitting to the comprehensive decontamination processes before moving on to the cafeteria encampment.

This encampment is mainly run by the Akimichi, though Sakura notices that there are several nin from each village serving here. It's a sign of the trust being fostered among the shinobi nations, to allow every nation to be involved in meal preparation.

The easiest battle is won without ever entering the battlefield.

(And Sakura has learned all sorts of dangerous, beautiful, and terrible things that can be accomplished with poison.)

Sakura beelines for the stew being served, a specialty of Kumo. She ladles until her bowl is nearly overflowing before taking a look around the room. There are not too many people here at this hour, but Sakura notices that Karin and Naruto are seated together.

She frowns at that, surprised that they are not with the rest of Team Seven. Without hesitating, Sakura makes her way over to them, pulling up a seat. Glancing between them, Sakura can see something haunted in their eyes. Then again, it's a look that she sees in everyone's eyes since the start of this War.

"Karin? Naruto?" Sakura asks, glancing between them. She places her hands over theirs. "What is it?"

"We found Tayuya today," Karin says, gaze averted. Sakura can feel Karin shake beneath her hand. "She…didn't make it."

"I'm so sorry," Sakura says, feeling her eyes smart. When will the suffering and losses end?

"Once you and I were separated, I was pushed into Naruto's vicinity and joined him in the fight," Karin says. "We were engaged with some of Orochimaru's experiments—the ones whose minds were broken and remade to make them slaves to his will. Naruto and I were handling it alright, though we were certainly being worn down. I was tired from the fight with Orochimaru and Naruto was weary from Zetsu's attempt to extract Kyuubi."

"We were doing fine," Naruto interrupts. "The blow wouldn't have—there's no chance I would have died from that!"

"One of the Oto nin had manifested the third form of the curse seal, she was about to land a blow on Naruto, but Tayuya intercepted and took the blow instead," Karin explains. "It was at that point that the sea of Zetsus completely overwhelmed us, pulling us under. We weren't sure if what happened to Tayuya, if she lived or died. We guessed at the outcome, but we hoped—" Karin's voice breaks as she begins to cry. "Well, we learned the truth today."

"Why?" Naruto whispers, eyes overflowing with tears. "Why? I would've been fine—"

"Tayuya was Uzumaki, just like us," Karin says, grabbing Naruto's free hand. "She was protecting her family."

Sakura holds onto the both of them, crying alongside them as they mourn the Oto general who dedicated her life to ending Orochimaru's regime of terror. Sakura doesn't know when the pain will end, but for now, she'll just cling to her friends as they all break apart together.

And together, they'll reassemble the fragmented pieces into something new.

It won't be the same—can never be the same—but that is not necessarily a bad thing.

Sakura sighs, leaning heavily against Indra.

"Are you alright?" he asks, wrapping his arms around her waist and taking on most of her weight.

"It's this damn prosthesis," Sakura replies, shifting her hips so that she keeps her weight on her flesh leg. "It's so clunky and heavy. I've been spoiled with the prosthetics from home. It's just inhibiting my movements and making my leg ache."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Ashura says, coming up behind her and ruffling her unbound hair. He presses a kiss to the shell of her ear. "We can't have the hero of the Fourth Shinobi War wandering around in pain. Indra?"

Indra smirks, lifting Sakura in his arms.

"Put me down," Sakura says, laughing under her breath. These moments of levity are what she lives for at the moment. They are too few and far between right now. "C'mon, this isn't funny."

Indra presses a kiss into her hair. "We aren't joking. You haven't been attending the Kage meetings, but we have. They know who they owe for their victory. You defeated the goddess who founded chakra; you have sway here."

"Plus, they all know you from your time spent traveling. Ōnoki may not be the biggest fan of you, but he's surprisingly a big fan of Indra," Ashura says, smile impish. "Apparently, he quite idolized Indra in his youth."

Sakura snorts, glancing up at Indra for confirmation. His longsuffering look speaks volumes. Sakura laughs outright, burying her face in Indra's chest. Just imagining Ōnoki, such a strong-willed, serious man, fawning over Indra has Sakura in a near fit of hysterics.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Indra says, but his soft smile belies his words. Anything that can make Sakura smile has his approval.

"There's got to be better prosthetics available," Ashura says. "And if they aren't immediately available, someone should be able to get a prosthetist brought in and fit you anyway. You've got clout and I have no issue throwing our collective weight around to make you more comfortable."

Sakura laughs a bit at that, charmed by their insistence on her behalf. She wriggles out of Indra's grasp and grabs both of their hands, leading them off to meet with Tsunade.

It is nice to be taken care of.

They walk across the camp, Sakura valiantly ignoring the stares and whispers of those that they pass. For her own piece of mind, she pushes it off as awe about the Ōtsutsuki brothers. Though, overhearing their whispers about "the goddess slayer," Sakura knows they are staring at her, judging her.

"Ignore them," Ashura says in her ear, even as Indra turns a fierce glare to all bystanders in the vicinity. "They do not know how to handle living legends walking in their presence."

Sakura snorts, but squeezes Ashura and Indra's hands in silent appreciation.

With Indra and Ashura directing deadly looks to everyone around them, they make it to the Kage pavilion without further incident. It is well-constructed for the quick work, clean, functional lines constructed from the stone.

Sakura mounts the stairs, wincing slightly as the prosthetic digs into her thigh. Indra is immediately beside her, an arm around her waist as he takes on her weight.

"Indra," Sakura says in warning.

"What?" he asks, smiling down at her, eyes warm beneath his fringe. "I'm feeling weak; I need your help to make it."

"You're incorrigible," Sakura says with a huff, but she allows him to assist her up these stairs.

Sakura stares at the plain, polished doors at the top of the stairs, hesitating.

"Throw your weight around, god slayer," Ashura says, touching her shoulder.

She exhales, shaking out her jitters, and places her hand to the door.

The area beneath her hand turns blue, pulsing out through the entire door. It creaks open.

Sakura steps inside, bracketed by Ashura and Indra. She walks down the empty hall, entering into the room at the end. All of the Kages look to her as she enters, curiosity in their gaze.

"About time you joined us, Sakura," Tsunade says with a hint of a smirk. "We're right about to discuss the continuation of the contact program. You and Sarutobi-sensei were involved in writing up the original proposal."

"Perhaps Sakura can lend a hand with that after we discuss something else," Ashura says firmly, guiding Sakura to sit in one of the open seats.

"Is something wrong?" Gaara asks, assessing Sakura with concern.

"Yes," Indra says, crossing his arms and directing a gimlet stare around the table.

"It's just—this prosthetic does not fit well," Sakura says, resisting the urge to fiddle with her fingers. She looks between Tsunade and A, as the Kages who have the most renowned medic nin. "Do we happen to have other prosthetic leg models on hand?"

"I don't think we have any here," Tsunade says. "Perhaps we can contact Kyoto-san and have her travel here to get you fitted with something new."

"Kankuro would be able to assist you," Gaara says, leaning forward and bracing himself on his forearms. "He created Chiyo-baasama's hand prosthetic in her later years. He would jump at the opportunity to help—"

"We have blacksmiths here," Mei cuts in, casting Sakura a kind smile. "They are master artisans of prosthetics and, even more, they make absolute works of art."

"Art?" A snorts, shaking his head. "The importance is functionality. Kumo's medic-nin are experts in fitting prosthetics to an individual's specifications perfectly! Haruno-kun, please allow us to treat you to a new prosthetic; I promise you will not be disappointed."

"None can match the superiority of Iwa craftsmanship!" Ōnoki chimes in, leaping to his feet. "Our Bomb Brigade is the best in creating prosthetics that will handle well in the field!"

"Doesn't that mean that the Bomb Brigade is not doing its job well?" Mei asks, smirking at him.

Sakura watches as the Kages begin to squabble, each striving for the right, nay, honor, to offer Sakura their services. She glances between Ashura and Indra, taking in their unsurprised expressions. They expected this outcome.

Sakura's shoulders begin to shake with quiet laughter as she feels overwhelmed by the affection in the room.

She looks at the hidden smiles on the faces of the Kages, the enjoyment they get out of the banter. She thinks maybe, just maybe, this post-War peace will actually work.

Sakura closes her eyes, a weight lifting from her shoulders.

Sarutobi-sensei, your legacy is upon us. Peace is achievable; it is within our grasp. I won't let it pass us by.

"We're leaving soon," Tsunade says, eying the group before her. It is rather small, consisting of Sakura, Tenten, Itachi, and Kakashi. "We have all of our stopgap treaties written up; they'll last for eight months as we try to get everything sorted."

"How soon do we leave?" Kakashi asks.

"Within the week," Tsunade replies. "Reports from Shizune indicate that international trade among the civilian sectors has already picked up. We need to head back so we can start creating and enforcing new trade policies and infrastructure." She smiles, though it is lined with weariness. "We're in all new territory here; it's a brave new world. We have to ensure that Konoha flourishes in this uncertain aftermath."

"What of Oto?" Sakura asks. She pauses but, remembering what Indra and Ashura said of clout, forges forward, "What of Root?"

She catches the way both Itachi and Kakashi blink, a sign as good as a flinch in individuals as controlled as they are.

"We will find and destroy each of Oto's remaining strongholds and free those he held as prisoners and experiments," Tsunade says. "I'll examine the list of Oto spies you and Karin gathered and do what I can to assist them in settling wherever they choose. We'll rely on their and Karin's assessments of the other Oto shinobi to determine what should be done for them. We will do our best to do right by them; mitigate the damages that Orochimaru caused. It'll take months, years even, but we will do better by them than Orochimaru ever did."

"And Root?" Sakura asks, eyes flashing. "I understand they've been a part of Konoha since its founding, the shadow of Konoha's great legacy, but if we are to move into the light, there is no room for such a bloody organization. Now is the time to weed out Root."

Tsunade sighs. "It won't be easy."

"Good things never are," Sakura says. "Sarutobi—" Sakura steels herself. "Sarutobi-sensei is dead. With him dies the faulty structures of his generation. Perhaps, once, Root was a necessity—" Sakura cannot agree with that logic, but she'll concede this point. She wasn't there when Root was founded after all. "—but now we are breaking free of that mold. We can't continue running in the same circles any longer if we ever wish to change or grow. Root, with the way it abducts and breaks children to force them to become tools, has no room in the future we wish to make. Wouldn't you agree, Tsunade?"

Sakura holds Tsunade's gaze evenly, desperately hoping that she'll see Sakura's point.

Tsunade purses her lips, glancing among the others. "Well?"

"I agree with Sakura," Tenten says. "Konoha is strong enough to stand on its own in the light. Thanks to the efforts of Sarutobi-sama and you yourself, Tsunade-shishou, we are stronger than we have ever been. We do not have to fester in the shadows, living off the blood of innocents to survive. We can only thrive if we cut away the dead weight. Root is a parasite that must be purged."

"We can rehabilitate the Root agents," Sakura says, thinking of the stories that Ino and Shino sometimes share about their relatives in Root. She thinks of Sai, of his painfully honest, stilted overtures toward friendship. He is one of the sweetest, most genuine individuals that Sakura knows and she treasures every step he makes in integrating into social life. "Remove them from the active roster, foster them in capable families, and give them a chance to formulate their personalities." Sakura's eyes glint as a new purpose solidifies in her mind. "We owe them that much and more, for stealing away their lives."

Tsunade looks at Itachi. "Will the clans back this decision? Danzō has been a central force within the village since Nidaime's time. You know as well as I that the clans are resistant to change."

"Perhaps the elders are," Itachi replies. "However, the younger generation has shown itself to be quite progressive. Already the Hyūga, one of the most prestigious clans within the village, is splintering into the Jiyū as this generation refuses to bow beneath the clan's oppressive demands. If there were ever a time to depose such an individual as Danzō, it would be now."

"The key is to get the right people supporting the dissolution of Root from the beginning," Kakashi says. His eye creases upward in a smile. "Sakura-chan would be a good choice. Her ghouls as well."

Sakura rolls her eyes. "Ashura and Indra do not appreciate you addressing them that way, Kakashi-sensei."

"It's why I do it," Kakashi says cheerfully, before he returns his attention to Tsunade, joviality replaced with a rarely seen solemnity. "So? Let's get started."

"Sakura, may I speak with you?"

Sakura glances up from her writing, meeting Gaara's gaze. She grins, immediately setting her documents aside. She was chronicling her different spy seals, accounting for those who survived the war and those who did not. It is not the easiest of tasks, but Sakura owes it to them all to do right by them.

"Of course, Kazekage-sama," Sakura replies, hopping to her feet.

"You're welcome to call me Gaara," he replies, a hint of asperity in his voice. It's an old argument.

"I'm not sure, Kazekage-sama," Sakura teases. "I'm not too sure I have the clearance for such liberties."

He snorts, offering her his arm. "If anyone has such a right, it is you."

Sakura takes his arm, squeezing slightly when they are suddenly encompassed in sand and transported them to an empty area outside the camp. Sakura glances around, quickly realizing that they are located on a cliff near the camp. She relaxes slightly at that knowledge, releasing Gaara's arm.

"You sure we should be out here?" she asks, looking over at him. She still stands an inch or two taller than him. "There are probably still enemies in the nearby vicinity."

He gives her a small smile. "I feel safe having the slayer of a goddess at my side."

Sakura laughs outright at that, shaking her head. She looks out over the camp far below, smile fading. "Is that what they are calling me now?"

"One of the many names ascribed to you," Gaara says, keeping his gaze out on the sunset. "Kankuro mentioned that songs are already being written."

"Sage above," Sakura mutters, somewhat horrified but also flattered. She shakes away the odd thought of her name being known and renowned among all the nations as she turns her attention to Gaara. "What were you wanting to speak of?"

Gaara's eyes cut her way for a moment before returning to the setting sun. Somehow, it burns less than looking upon her directly. "Ōtsutsuki Indra and Ōtsutsuki Ashura are the ghosts who you have seen since childhood, are they not?"

"Yes," Sakura replies. "Our bond has grown over the years and, after the showdown with their grandmother, they returned fully to the mortal realm." Sakura grins. "I suppose that means I've accomplished my dream of figuring out their mystery!"

"I suppose it does," Gaara says. There is a long pause. "Are you—" His brows furrow as he tries to come up with the right words. "Are you happy?"

"Happy?" Sakura says, thinking for a moment. "Right now? No." She ignores his bewildered look as she continues, "Happiness is a transient feeling, here one moment and gone the next. The War—its cost—well, it leaves me unable to feel much happiness in the moment. And that's alright. The losses are still so fresh; this is a time of mourning."

Sakura takes a deep breath as she contemplates the Ōtsutsuki brothers. Warmth spreads through her as she is filled with the love that they share. "I am full of joy though," she says. "In the midst of all of the pain and anguish, I still feel joy. It's beyond the fleeting wiles of happiness. And I owe most of this joy to Ashura and Indra. Because of them, I know we'll weather these storms. Because of them, I'm already experiencing my halcyon days."

Gaara takes in the content, blissful smile on Sakura's lips and the way her eyes sparkle as she speaks. He exhales, running a hand through his hair. "You love them." Sakura hums an assent. "How long have you known?"

Sakura has to think about it for a while. "I liked them even before we officially met; I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to figure out who they were. Once I was put on Team Seven, I actually got to know them." She shrugs a bit helplessly. "How could I keep from caring for them more with every passing day? They cared for me, taught me, looked out for me, and even protected me when it was needed. They encouraged me to grow, to push myself beyond my boundaries. They became my best friends. I wouldn't be who I am today without them.

"As for when I fell in love with them…" Sakura hums, contemplating the question. "Well, I don't know if there was ever a moment where I necessarily fell into love. Falling implies something abrupt and jarring, but loving them is the most natural thing in the world to me. It's more like I walked into love with them. I think my romantic feelings for them started after I returned from my travels with Sarutobi-sensei. With every step I took, my love for them increased and deepened. I think that I knew, even then, that loving them was always going to be the outcome." Sakura scratches her cheek, laughing a bit self-consciously. "Sorry for rambling a bit there. Did that sound strange?"

"No, not at all," Gaara replies, giving her a soft smile. "They are very lucky to have your love."

Sakura grins impishly at that, levity lightening her expression. "Indeed they are! After all, I am the new incarnation of the Sage. At least, that's what one of the new tavern songs infers."

Gaara chuckles.

"What about you, Gaara?" Sakura asks, catching his hand in hers as she turns fully to face him. "Have you found your halcyon days?"

Gaara regards her for a long moment, his gaze heavy with emotion. "No, not yet, Sakura." He returns his focus to the camp, keeping a grip on her hand. "But I will get there one day, I know it."

"I'll support you as best as I am able," Sakura pledges.

"I know you will."

Gaara smiles, squeezing her hand once before letting go.

Sakura adjusts her new prosthetic, rotating her leg in small circles as the connections to her chakra coils snap together. She appreciates it as the work of art it is; the Mizukage-sama was not lying about her craftsmen and their work. The prosthetic is made of bronze-toned metals, with scalloped-out metalwork arranged to make a design of a field of wildflowers.

She examines it for a moment longer before hopping to her feet and exiting her tent. The Konoha delegation is up and moving about, taking apart camp. They've been traveling for over two weeks now and today they should arrive back in Konoha.

Sakura joins the hustle to close shop, understanding the eagerness to return home. It hasn't been that long, just a few months, but Sakura feels like years have passed since she last saw Konoha.

Perhaps part of that is because Sakura wasn't sure she would ever be able to return.

"How long have you been up?" Sakura asks, taking a box from Ashura and sealing it into a scroll.

"An hour or so," he replies, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he adds another box to be sealed away. "Indra still sleeping?"

"Of course," Sakura says, laughing. "He still isn't used to having a body once more that requires sleep."

"He was always a late riser," Ashura says. "I always thought that was part of the reason he went off on his lonesome, so he wouldn't be woken by our mother and father in the morning." He winks at her. "He's absolutely beastly when he wakes up."

"That's because you try to wake him up by pinching his nose or throwing water on him," Sakura replies. "Anyone would act beastly if woken in that manner."

"She's right," Indra replies, voice raspy with sleep. He leans over Sakura, pressing his chin against the top of her head and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Mother always said you had dreadful manners."

Sakura laughs outright at their playful sniping. The banter is teasing with just a bit of bite. Sakura appreciates their open, casual displays of affection, a reminder of their presences alive and well. She's also glad to see that her friends and colleagues handle the Ōtsutsuki brothers' displays of affection so well too. They don't seem to mind at all.

"Morning, Sakura-chan!" Naruto calls, hustling over to her. "Indra, Ashura." He takes the scroll from Sakura, handing her a fresh one. "Ready to get home?"

"Yes," Sakura replies, hesitating before taking his hand. Something about him seems off. Strangely subdued. "And yourself?"

"Of course, Sakura-chan!" he exclaims, but his smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. "It will be good to get back and see everyone."

Sakura cocks her head slightly, wanting to press him. However, she restrains herself, deciding to wait until they return to the privacy of their apartment before confronting him about it. So, she squeezes his hand gently before letting go and bustles about to finish packing up camp.

It doesn't take too long to finish things out and they set off at a quick pace. Indra and Ashura fall into step with Sakura and Team Seven, engaging in somewhat stiff conversation. While Ashura and Indra have been around the team since its founding, they've never actually interacted. They were always bystanders, observers but never participants.

So there is a lingering awkwardness as Indra and Ashura know the team quite well, but they don't know them as friends. They aren't sure how to interact with these people they've watched grow up into adults.

On Team Seven's part, there is an uncomfortable awareness that these strangers have been beside them throughout all of their years together as a team. It was one thing to know that, it is another thing entirely to be confronted with the living, breathing reminders of that fact. Sakura thinks they are also a bit uneasy with her romantic relationship with the Ōtsutsuki brothers, though they haven't said anything.

Team Seven hasn't dealt with any of its members getting a romantic partner, so this is all new territory to navigate.

Sakura does her best to smooth over the blips in the conversation. Sai, bless him, assists her as much as he can, though he sticks his foot in his mouth more often than not. She knows that relationships between Indra, Ashura, and Team Seven will build with time, but she wants to ease that transition as much as she possibly can.

Still, the hours of travel drag on and Sakura finds herself praising the Sage when they pass the sentry towers set about three miles out of Konoha. Conversation ceases as everyone picks up the pace, anticipation growing.

Sakura crests the final hill separating them from Konoha, catching sight of the bright red gates of Konoha. Her breath catches for a moment as she takes in the familiar scene. There are pockmarks in the road away from the gate, a reminder of the bombs once planted there. All in all though, this is the Konoha that she left behind during her travels.

There is an acrid taste in her mouth as she is reminded of the fact that she is not passing through these gates with Sarutobi-sensei.

At least, not with him alive.

Sakura is also worried about how she feels about seeing the gates. While yes, she is happy and relieved to see Konoha still standing, there is nothing much deeper there. She loves Konoha, will always love Konoha, but she isn't sure if it is still her home.

"Sakura?" Indra says, coming to stop beside her. She didn't realize she stopped moving. He takes her hand. "Ready to go?"

Sakura looks at him and beyond him to Ashura who has turned to watch her with a quizzical frown. Her heart lifts, concerns calming and disappearing.

Konoha—the physical location of Konoha—may no longer feel like her home, but these people, her people, will always be her home.

Her home hasn't disappeared, it has just extended beyond its former boundaries.

Konohamaru wakes four days after they lay his grandfather to rest.

Upon hearing the account of his grandfather's death, he immediately requests an audience with Sakura.

Sakura makes her way up to his hospital room, trepidation heavy in her heart. She knocks on the door frame as she enters, meeting his dark eyes. His gaze, so like his grandfather's, nearly staggers Sakura and she has to fight the prickling of tears.

"Sarutobi-san," Sakura greets, moving into the room. Her eyes skirt over him, unwilling to meet his gaze after that initial reaction. "It is good to see you well."

Konohamaru's lips twist slightly at that. "I'm not sure if I would call myself well," he says, self-deprecation clear in his voice. "But I am happy to be awake and alive." He looks at her, curiosity clear in his hollowed face. Spending over a year in a coma has a high toll on the human body. "I hear it is in large part thanks to you."

"I wouldn't say that," Sakura says. "I'm sorry for the circumstances surrounding your wakening."

"It isn't your fault," he replies. "I can hardly believe that I've lost half of my team, over a year of my life, and now my grandfather…well, it is a lot to take in. I do not think I've really processed it yet."

"Why did you call me here?" Sakura asks. Truthfully, she was expecting him to lay the blame at her feet. Whether it was earned or not does not matter.

Konohamaru squirms in his bed a bit. "Well, this may be an odd request, but jiji and I were not the closest in his later years. We certainly loved each other, but, once he stepped down from being Hokage, he took on responsibilities as a diplomat. There was a brief window of a few months after his return to Konoha where we spent a good deal of time together, but then we encountered Oto—"

His lip trembles for a moment as his rate of breathing shortens. Sakura reaches out, rubbing circles into his frail shoulder. His jaw firms after a moment.

"We encountered Oto and I was left comatose," Konohamaru says. "And now, apparently, he is gone. I didn't even have a chance to attend the funeral."

"I'm sorry," Sakura says, for lack of anything better to say.

Konohamaru shakes his head. "Again you apologize. You are not at fault for the unfortunate circumstances of time. I only wish to…would you be willing to share stories of jiji with me? You were with him in his last few years, even his last few moments; would you share those memories?"

"Of course," Sakura says, voice thick with emotion. It is good to be reminded of Sarutobi-sensei's significance to others. He didn't just matter to her. She is not the only one mourning him. "Well, I suppose I should start at the beginning, when I first met him one-on-one. I was still attending the Academy and I was in sore need of books on the Sage of Six Paths."

"The Sage?" Konohamaru asks, confused. "What about him?"

Sakura chuckles. "Well, less him and more his sons. You see, I saw dead people. Well, two dead people to be exact."

"Move in on my signal," Tenten's voice crackles over the headsets. "Daisy and Aster are nearly done with their fūinjutsu."

Sakura nods, narrowing her eyes in contemplation as she regards the shabby, nondescript building that hosts Root. Her hands are a bit damp with anticipation, but they do not shake with nerves which she counts as a blessing. They are so close to purging the poison that is the Council of Elders; Homura and Koharu have been strong-armed into retirement.

The only one left in their unholy, sanctimonious trinity is Danzō.

By far, the most dangerous of the bunch.

Sakura glances back to her squad, taking in Indra, Ashura, and Sai's faces. Her heart races as she is confronted with the fact that they may not walk away from this unscathed.

Sakura isn't sure she can take anymore loss.

"Ugly," Sai says, calm as he grabs her forearm. "My seal…"

"Show me your tongue," Sakura says quickly, touching his face and pulling out a paintbrush. Her fūinjutsu is not nearly on Karin or Naruto's levels, but she can make do if Sai's life is in danger. "Quickly."

Sai opens his mouth, sticking out his tongue. Sakura squeezes Sai's jaw involuntarily before releasing.

The seal—Root's seal—is gone. The thick black lines that held Root members loyal under pain of death have completely disappeared, leaving Sai's tongue a healthy pink.

It is as if it never existed at all.

Sakura taps her headset. "Gladiolus," she begins. "Celandine's seal disappeared. How should we proceed?"

There is dead air for several long, precious moments. Then Tenten's voice comes through once more, "Enter with caution. Celandine, lead your squad to Danzō's office and report."

Sakura follows Sai's lead as they approach the entrance of the building. The door opens to Sai's touch and they move inside, eyes roving for any threats.

None present themselves.

In fact, they see no people whatsoever as they make their way unimpeded down multiple flights of stairs.

When they reach the bottommost floor, Sai hesitates, fingers clenching into fists. Sakura places her hands over his, waiting until the fine tremors cease.

"Would you like me to enter first?" Sakura asks in a low voice, watching Sai with concern. Sai has not spoken much about his time in Root under Danzō, but Sakura knows Danzō was a cruel and merciless master.

"No," Sai replies, releasing her hands. "I will handle this, Ugly."

Sakura nods, taking up her naginata once more. Sai pulls out a scroll, scrawling a handful of rats onto it. The ink rats leap free of the scroll and slip beneath the door. They wait for several moments before Sai nods.

"There is no one alive within that room."

Sai pushes open the door, stepping inside the dank, dim office. It is spartan in nature, completely devoid of personality.

Danzō's body is slumped over the desk facing the door.

Sakura hears Ashura begin to report to Naruto of their findings as she approaches the body at the desk.

In life, Danzō was a formidable, intimidating presence, but now…

Well, Danzō appears small and peaceful in death.

Sakura looks him over, catching the remains of foam around his mouth. His death was not a pleasant one, but then, death by poisoning never is.

She pulls on her gloves, lifting his head slightly to pull free the sole piece of paper on the desk. Sakura examines the precise, military lettering, surprised at the artful tone to the writing:

The roots were needed

Fed by blood in the shadows

Now, the sun returns.

Sakura passes the note to Sai, setting about sealing Danzō's body in a scroll.

"This is," Sai begins, tone rising in ire. Sakura turns to him, watching with concern. She's never heard him raise his voice. "It is unacceptable! How dare he kill himself like this? It's so…it's so…"

"Cowardly," Indra says, disgust clear.

"There is no justice in this type of death," Ashura says.

"Danzō knew he wasn't going to survive," Sakura says. "As someone so used to being in power, he couldn't handle the idea of fading into obscurity. Perhaps he believed that suicide was the only death afforded him that would give him a modicum of control."

"He knew he wouldn't fit into this new world," Indra says, glancing over the note.

"And he refused to apologize for the atrocities he committed in the comfort of darkness," Ashura adds, setting about systematically ransacking the room.

Sakura rubs Sai's shoulder, standing beside him. Sai stands stiffly for a bit, processing everything that has happened and undoubtedly mourning the losses he experienced at Danzō's hands. Sakura stays with him, wondering how she would feel in his shoes, if Orochimaru ended himself in this manner rather than dying, in part, by her hand.

"I'm sorry, Sai. This isn't a very satisfying resolution to your time with Danzō," Sakura says softly, watching with unseeing eyes as the other squads flit in and out of the room as they dismantle Root's headquarters.

Eventually, they will need to figure out where Danzō sent the other Root members. Sakura hopes that they were not killed in one last, vindictive attempt for power on Danzō's part. Sakura thinks there is a good chance the other Root agents are still alive.

Most of the fight and drive went out of Danzō when they buried Sarutobi-sensei. His passion extinguished as was his greatest rival.

Sai turns, awkwardly wrapping his arms around Sakura in a hug. His grip is too tight and his body is tense with unease, but Sakura holds him in turn, trying to offer him some sort of comfort.

"I'm not happy with how it ended," Sai says into her hair. "But I will survive. I will survive and walk in the sun." He pulls back slightly, regarding Sakura seriously. "Do you believe I can step out of the shadows, Ugly?"

Sakura smiles, cupping Sai's cheek. "You've been walking in the sun for years now, Sai. You'll be just fine."

"What are these?" Sakura asks, putting a handful of papers on Tsunade's desk.

"You can read," Tsunade replies, not even glancing up from the scroll she is looking over. "Those are your reward for your service."

"Reward?" Sakura asks tightly. "These are deeds to a considerable amount of land."

Tsunade finally glances up at Sakura, smiling. "Congratulations," she says. "The Haruno clan officially owns Konoha lands now."

"What?" Sakura squeaks, before clearing her throat. "What does that mean?"

"Konoha possesses a sizable amount of unclaimed forested lands. When new shinobi clans are settled and brought into Konoha in an official capacity, we make them an offer of land for them and their descendants. It is an investment upon the part of the village for its future."

"But I possess no kekkei genkai or hiden," Sakura protests. "A clan of one is not very impressive."

"Clan of one?" Tsunade asks, arching a disbelieving brow. "Isn't it a clan of three now?" Sakura flushes. "I wouldn't be surprised if those Ōtsutsuki brothers choose to adapt your clan name and symbol; what with the legacy that Kaguya left them."

"We—I can't promise children," Sakura says, face hot with embarrassment. "We haven't even discussed—"

Tsunade raises a hand to stop Sakura's stammering. "I didn't ask. That is a private decision between you and them. I am just explaining the usual reasons that lands are distributed. Your case is, as usual, quite unusual.

"I know that the work you and Sarutobi-sensei did abroad laid the foundation for the peace that we have now. You took part in eliminating two of the greatest threats Konoha has faced: Orochimaru and Kaguya. While I did mention to the various Councils that the Ōtsutsuki brothers were joining your clan, that was not my reason for awarding you these lands. You have more than earned these lands. Besides, if things go according to plan, those empty lands will stay empty anyway. Take them and do with them as you please."

Sakura sighs, picking up the papers once more. "Thank you, Tsunade-sama."

"I look forward to seeing what you choose to do with these lands," Tsunade says with a smirk. "You always manage to surprise me."

"Did you ever imagine you would be here, like this?" Sakura asks, folding her hands across her stomach as she stares up at the stars.

"What do you mean?" Ashura asks, raising his head slightly to glance her way.

"That we would be here like this," Sakura says. "That the two of you would reconcile. That we would be together. I still can't believe that I get to wake up next to you every day and feel your warmth, listen to your heartbeats."

"I am grateful for every single day we get to spend with you. I have felt more alive in your presence while I was dead than I ever did during my former life. I am grateful for every breath I take now in this new life," Indra says, lacing his fingers through hers. "In my former life, I would have never imagined reconciliation with you, Ashura. Now, I cannot imagine my life without your presence." He smirks, levity entering his voice. "It would certainly be quieter."

Sakura rolls her eyes at the ribbing, but, realizing how lighthearted it is, she leaves it be. Ashura seems to realize the same, saying, "I hoped for reconciliation, both in life and death. I didn't think it was likely to ever come true though. We ran through so many cycles of following around our descendants and it always ended the same way." His lips purse as he reminisces the turbulent past before his eyes clear. "Nowhere in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine you Sakura."

"Oh?" Sakura says, trying not to feel stung.

"My imagination pales in comparison to the reality of you, Sakura," Ashura says, propping himself up on an elbow and running his free hand through Sakura's unfettered hair. "You are an absolute force of nature, Sakura. You swept into our lives—deaths—and broke a ceaseless cycle of pain and anguish. Our descendants live in peace now, just as we do. I always thought that Indra and I would fade away into nonexistence upon resolving our issues, but the reality is immensely better. I was consigned to oblivion, but life with you is far more pleasing."

"Well," Sakura huffs under her breath, face flushing from their praise. "I never thought about what came after, not really. Before, the focus was on surviving each mission, ensuring the strength of Konoha, but now?" Sakura stares up at the twinkling stars, so distant from them and yet so bright. "Konoha is establishing peace among the different nations. Akatsuki, in its current state, is disbanding. Orochimaru and Kabuto are dead and gone. The last strongholds of Oto are being dismantled as the victims of Oto are in the process of being rehabilitated and reintroduced into society. Danzō is dead at his own hand, no longer able to enact his machinations from the shadows.

"There isn't a high demand for a one-legged shinobi." Sakura chuckles. "Hell, soon enough, there won't be much of a demand for shinobi in general. Tsunade-sama is in the process of overhauling the Academy so that students are learning to be more than just killing machines. These children will be trained in ways to use chakra in trade, in healing, in anything but killing." Sakura sighs. "These are good changes, necessary changes if we are to ever truly be at peace with our neighbors, but it feels a bit like the world is narrowing in a sense. I've been trained from childhood to be a tool wielded by Konoha. Who am I in a world where such tools are obsolete?"

"You, my dear, are anything but obsolete," Indra says, pressing up out of his reclined position so that he leans over Sakura. "The world is changing, in no small part thanks to your efforts. Change is terrifying, but it has its benefits." His smile is sultry as he bears down on Sakura, his hair tickling her face as he kisses her senseless. After several long, heated moments, he pulls back, brushing a thumb over her kiss-swollen lips. "You will forge your own path as you always have and we will be with you every step of the way."

"And who says your old skills won't be of use?" Ashura asks, sitting up on Sakura's other side, nudging Indra away from her face. "You are a skilled tactician and one hell of a diplomat; these skills will be vital in the upcoming upheaval that accompanies change. During times of turmoil like this, important things slip through the cracks and opportunists try to take advantage. We'll all need to stay on our guard."

Sakura bolts upright, mind racing with all of the different possibilities. "You're right. Once things are a bit more settled here in Konoha, perhaps after we get the Root and Oto rehabilitation projects truly underway and stable, we can turn our attention to the other nations once more. Perhaps I can tour them as Sarutobi-sensei and I once did, assisting in fostering those inter-village bonds." Sakura grins, heart singing with a new, focused purpose. "We can cement our future into place, make it a reality."

"Yes, we can do all of that," Ashura says, smile fond as he cups her cheek. "But for now—"

His hand shifts to the back of her head as he bears his weight down upon her until she reclines once more. His dark eyes are intent as he takes in the pretty picture she makes.

"There are a few ideas I would like to make reality," Ashura says, voice filled with mischief. "Any complaints, Indra?"

"We're of a similar mind, brother," Indra says, reaching out to trace a light pattern across Sakura's bare arm. His touch is slow, measured, practically innocuous, yet Sakura is very, very aware of it. "Any complaints, Sakura?"

She shakes her head mutely.

The brothers exchange victorious grins that steal Sakura's breath away before Ashura is slotting his lips across hers, stealing her breath in a different, pleasant manner.

Her thoughts and plans scatter, screeching to a halt, but Sakura has absolutely no complaints.

"Sakura-chan, could I speak with you?"

Sakura turns away from the young Root operative that she is teaching to knit, meeting Naruto's concerned eyes. "Of course," Sakura replies, patting the boy's hand. "Is that alright, Kohaku-kun?"

Kohaku looks up at her blankly but, when she goes to stand, he catches her wrist. Sakura pauses, crouching beside him.

"I'll be back in a moment Kohaku-kun," she says gently. "Why don't you work on purling this line? I'll be happy to see your progress when I get back."

Kohaku turns his eyes to Naruto, narrowing his gaze for a moment before releasing Sakura's hand.

Sakura stands, resisting the urge to ruffle Kohaku's hair. She looks at Naruto, cocking an eyebrow. "Ready?"

Naruto nods, leading Sakura into a different room of the building. With Yamato, Ashura, and Indra's assistance, the buildings on Sakura's lands were erected quickly. They're great quality; this one built specifically to house and assist the former Root members in their rehabilitation.

Naruto places a no-noise seal on the door and Sakura can feel Kohaku's chakra flare in alarm. She stifles a good-natured sigh, knowing that eavesdropping is undoubtedly part of Kohaku's former training.

They'll have to work on it.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Sakura asks.

Naruto sighs, scrubbing a hand through the hair at the back of his neck. "It's—look, you know I love Konoha."

"Of course," Sakura replies, catching his hand. "Naruto, what's going on? Why are you so concerned?"

"It's just, things have changed," Naruto says, pulling free of Sakura's grasp and pacing the room. "Even before the War, I was feeling dissatisfied. Something was off, but I kept my head down and kept hunting down Orochimaru's labs. But with the War—with Tayuya—"

Naruto stops, eyes over bright.

"Things change, Naruto," Sakura says, trying to comfort him. "Our feelings, our relationships, our hopes, they all change with time and experience. So what exactly has changed?"

Naruto whirls, meeting Sakura's gaze solidly. "I don't want to be Hokage anymore!"

Sakura blinks at the outburst, processing his words. "Alright," she says.

"Is that all you have to say?" Naruto demands. "Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it?"

"Do you want to be talked out of it?" Sakura asks simply. He doesn't respond, but his shoulders slump. "That's what I thought. What brought this decision on?"

Naruto takes a seat, placing his head in his hands. "I started having my doubts when you came back from traveling with the old man. I realized that being Hokage was a difficult, isolating position. It's lonely at the top. And the mistakes you make can be the most haunting. Look at what happened with Orochimaru! You have to be impartial and politically savvy." He smiles at her. "And I am neither of those things."

"So is your reason not to pursue being Hokage because you're afraid?" Sakura asks, trying to understand.

"It isn't just that," Naruto says, gritting his teeth in frustration, "though that is certainly part of it. I wanted to be Hokage as a child because I saw the respect that the position garnered. If I could reach that station, then everyone had to respect me!" He sighs. "My reason for being Hokage hasn't evolved as I have. I'm just about the worst possible candidate for a politician; I have no social graces."

"Neither does Gaara, but he excels in his position as Kazekage," Sakura replies, keeping her tone even.

Naruto shakes his head. "Gaara is suited to the role; he has a passion for it. I think that I would go crazy within the first few months. It just isn't for me." He smiles slightly. "Besides, my dream has changed."

"Oh yeah?" Sakura says. "And what is your new dream?"

"I want to find the other Uzumaki," Naruto says, eyes sparking with determination. "I've been reading through Mito and mom's journals; they cover the fall of Uzushio. The Uzumaki clan fell apart and spread across all of the shinobi nations. Karin was raised in Kusa, Tayuya in Ame, and myself here in Konoha. Who knows what happened to the rest of the clan? Tayuya sacrificed herself for our family; I need to reunite us once more."

"That's an amazing new dream," Sakura says softly.

"I want to go to Uzushio and explore the ruins; see if there is anything salvageable there. Try to rebuild what I can," Naruto says. He meets Sakura's eyes head-on. "I want to know my mother's family."

Sakura envelops Naruto in a hug. "I'm proud of you Naruto. I'll do everything in my power to assist you. Have you told anyone else yet?"

Naruto shakes his head even as he wraps his arms around Sakura as he relaxes into the hug. "Sasuke's been wrapped up with that woman he's interested in, besides, he can be a bit short-tempered. I haven't told Sai because he's…well, Sai."

"And Karin?"

"Not yet. I didn't want to tell her until I was certain," Naruto says, pulling away and scratching his cheek. "She's Uzumaki herself. I didn't want to get her entangled in these thoughts until I could actually start laying out the plan concretely."

Sakura nods. "You should speak with her about it. I think she might want to join in your efforts; Tayuya meant a lot to her too. You're both Uzumaki, she should have a say in the restoration of your clan."

"Thanks Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaims, sweeping her clean off her feet into a bone-crushing hug. "I knew I could trust you."

"Anytime, Naruto," Sakura wheezes, looping her arms around him in return. She pauses, cocking her head toward the door. It's completely silent, which is never a good sign. "Let's head back to the main room, Kohaku-kun is probably getting a bit fractious."

"Is that—?" Indra cuts off, shaking his head.

"What?" Sakura asks, turning with her arms full of groceries. "Who—?"

She stops dead, both in speech and step as she catches sight of a couple seated at a nearby restaurant.

Sasuke, for that distinctive hair cut can only belong to Sasuke, is seated at one of the outdoor tables, hand entwined with the woman's across from him. His smile is wide and open as he regards her with clear affection. The woman is still dressed in her work clothes, with a bandanna in her hair and a navy apron around her waist.

"Huh," Ashura says, placing a hand on his hip. "Who knew the kid had it in him?"

"Well," Sakura says, still reeling a bit from the shock of it. Sasuke and Ayame? She never would have predicted it. "I suppose it explains why he always consumed nearly as much ramen as Naruto and Karin, despite not possessing the Uzumaki constitution." She smirks. "And the fact that he doesn't really like ramen."

"Think that'll be a deal breaker?" Indra asks.

"No," Sakura says, with a shake of her head. "Ayame's been around since the beginning; she's seen Sasuke at some of his lowest points. Ramen not being his favorite food won't dissuade her."

"If she wanted someone who loved ramen, she would've pursued Naruto," Ashura says. He pauses, brows furrowing. "Think the Uchiha will kick up a fuss about it? She doesn't have the usual pedigree they go for."

"Itachi will raise all hell if they get in the way of his brother's happiness," Sakura says.

"The traditions of the clans are falling by the wayside. As they should. Pompous assholes," Indra mutters darkly. He is not a fan of the strictures put in place by Konoha's clans, finding them far too restricting. "The clans are already quite wary with the dissolution of the Hyūga in favor of the Jiyū. In a generation or two, the Hyūga will no longer exist. The Uchiha elders will not dare to incur the potential ire of Sasuke and the infamous Team Seven, for fear of a similar fate."

Sakura hums her agreement, watching as Ayame reaches out, cupping Sasuke's cheek. Sasuke leans into her touch, smile shy and bashful. Sakura turns away from them with a smile of her own, tugging at Indra and Ashura's hands.

"C'mon, let's leave them to their date. We've got some cold goods that will melt if we stay out much longer."

Sakura picks up the reports left her by the Academy teachers, taking a seat at the desk. She flips to the first report, reading through it with care. A slow smile creeps across her lips at the words written there.

It's been a few months since the Root operatives were reintroduced into society, attending courses at the Academy to assist in regaining their humanity. Truthfully, Sakura wasn't entirely sure it would work, but change is happening.

It is slow-going, yes, but things are improving.

The Root operatives take to the hobbies and tasks offered them like ducks to water, though it is much harder to get them to determine their likes and dislikes. Sai is heavily involved in the process, coaxing the repressed personalities forward with a patience and understanding that warms Sakura's heart.

Shino, Chōji, Sai and Neji have all moved into the homes housing the former Root and Oto operatives, doing what they can to assist in the rehabilitation process. Konoha has tracked down most of Orochimaru's labs thanks to Karin's information from the spy network and those who are willing are offered homes in any of the shinobi nations should they choose.

It makes for an interesting home life, rowdy and wild at times, but Sakura does not mind overly much. There are certainly moments when it gets to be a little much for Sakura (the former Root agents have no concept of personal space or social niceties and they have a pesky habit of popping in on Sakura unannounced), but she doesn't regret it for a moment. How can she, when she sees the tentative, fragile, but ever hopeful relationship blossoming between Shino and Torune, Ino and Fu, and countless others?

It does not take away the pain and destruction that Danzō's wanton lust for power caused, but it certainly goes a long way toward healing it.

Sakura flips through the rest of the reports, nodding to herself as she reads through them.

The non-Root students at the Academy are improving as well, for the most part enjoying the new curriculum implemented. They learn the applications of chakra outside of violence and survival, as they should. Sakura volunteers some time at the Academy on a weekly basis, connecting with the children who will one day inherit Konoha.

She thinks a future of continued peace is possible with these youngsters.

"Sakura-sensei!" a voice chimes from the doorway.

Sakura looks up from the paperwork, smiling at Miki. She is a civilian student, daughter to fish mongers and quite the loud, fearless personality. Somewhat surprisingly, she's taken to the young Root agents in her class and Sakura sees two of them behind her: Nana and Chihiro.

"What can I do for you?" Sakura asks, stashing the reports in her bag.

"Could you show us how to do bubbles again?" Miki asks, voice tempered just enough that it isn't quite a demand. "Chihiro really liked it!"

Sakura peers at the girl who tucked herself slightly behind Miki. "Is that true Chihiro?" Chihiro doesn't squirm beneath Sakura's gaze, but Sakura catches the way her eyes widen. Sakura stands, casting them all a broad grin. "Well, let's head outside! If Chihiro wants bubbles, she'll get bubbles!"

The sweet, hesitant smile that Chihiro gives Sakura in return is all the thanks that she needs.

This, all of this effort, is more than well worth it.

Sakura grabs three mugs of cider, placing a coin in the vendor's hand in thanks. She weaves through the crowd, nodding to those who raise a glass her way. Ashura and Indra are seated at one of the tables set up on the periphery of the celebration, left alone by the revelers.

"Aren't you two quite a pair of wallflowers?" Sakura asks, arching a brow and casting them a wry smile.

"Just waiting on our sun to arrive," Ashura says.

"Wow," Sakura says, shaking her head. "That is not one of your best lines."

Ashura shrugs, smile still wide and genuine. "Well, not all of them can be as perfect as you are."

Sakura snorts, chuckling when Indra smacks the back of Ashura's head. She takes a seat across from them, passing them their cider. "This is your first time having Akimichi spiced cider; prepare your taste buds for an absolute pleasure."

"This isn't the first time we've had juice from apples," Indra says with a discrete roll of his eyes. "Frankly, I think you're—"

"Just drink it," Sakura huffs. "You are so dramatic. It's easy to see that the Uchiha and Hyūga get it from you."

Ashura laughs raucously at this, unimpeded by Indra's death stare. "Well, Sakura reads you like an open book!" He pauses, glancing down into the steaming mug of cider. "Though are they really the Hyūga anymore? Shouldn't we call them the Jiyū?"

"Well, if things keep progressing as they are, there probably won't be any Hyūga within the next generation or two," Sakura says. "Hinata has really started a revolution for her clan."

"And she certainly carries on Indra's legacy of theatrics," Ashura says, still chortling. "The way she stormed into the Council of Clans and demanded a seat…Well, she does her forefather proud."

Sakura smiles, remembering the sight of Hinata staring down the Council defiantly, daring any to question her right to be there. If for nothing else, Sakura is glad that she's received an honorary seat on the Council for that moment alone. The incredulity on Hiashi's face is emblazoned in Sakura's brain. Hinata argued ferociously for the rights of her people to join the Jiyū should they choose.

And nearly all of the younger generation willingly followed in Hinata's courageous footsteps.

"Well, if any of his descendants weren't dramatic, Indra would have to disinherit them," Sakura says.

Indra glares as the two of them burst into laughter, looking quite put out at the teasing. He pouts down at his mug for a moment before lifting it to his lips, taking a sip. His eyes go wide in wonder.

"Good right?" Sakura asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes," Indra replies before smiling. "I don't know why I even bother. You are always right."

"Good for you to learn that so early on," Ino crows, looping her arms around Sakura's neck. "It reflects well on the survivability of your relationship."

"Gracing us with your presence, Poison Mistress?" Ashura asks, mischief clear in his eyes. "We're quite honored you deigned to join us."

"Oh please," Ino says, ruffling Sakura's loose hair before falling into the seat beside Sakura. "I'm not the big hero of the War. That's Sakura."

"You're the one who got the fancy title," Sakura replies, squirming a bit uncomfortably. "And you vanquished Kabuto singlehandedly. You're a pretty big hero in my eyes, Ino."

"Thanks Sakura," Ino says, heat rising to the back of her neck. "You're too sweet. Why are the bunch of you sitting on the fringes like this?"

Indra and Sakura exchange looks. "We aren't party people," they say at the same time.

"And I'm accompanying them," Ashura says, grabbing Sakura's hand and squeezing.

Ino rolls her eyes. "You are almost as bad as Chōji and Shikamaru. Go, make merry, dance! Tenten went through a lot of effort to get these harvest festivals started again and I won't let her efforts go to waste."

Sakura looks at the brothers, raising a brow in question.

"Sakura, will you do us the honor of dancing with us?" Ashura asks, yanking Indra to his feet as he speaks.

Sakura glances between them, the resignation on Indra's face, the excitement on Ashura's, and the deep, deep love beneath it all. "How could I say no?"

She takes both of their offered hands, shaking her legs as she stands. Her calves are wrapped in lines of sleigh bells, just like theirs. It's an old tradition recently resurfacing thanks to Tenten's efforts.

Sakura knows her history, knows that in the early days of Konoha that these bells were used in clan training to learn the art of stealth. A true shinobi possesses the ability to run and jump and cavort without letting the bells ring. They caught on among civilians and the bells became a part of traditional Konoha dances.

These dances and festivals fell by the wayside during the Third Shinobi World War, though Tenten is doing her damnedest to bring them back.

"Have you ever done any dances like this?" Sakura asks, looking at the holm oak bastons in the nearby containers. She decides against them, not sure if she trusts herself to not get brained by one of the sticks as they toss them about. "Celebrate the harvest in this manner?"

"Nothing quite like this," Ashura says, casting his eyes around the enormous bonfires that encircle the dance area. "Though there were certainly dances." He returns his attention to Sakura. "Never attended one with anyone as pretty as you on my arm."

Sakura pats his hand, shaking her head at his words. The moment they embarked on this romantic relationship Ashura started up a ruthless torrent of flirting. He claims it is to make up for lost time.

"Well, I suppose I can say the same about you too!" Sakura says, smiling at the two of them. "I'm the belle of the ball with the two of you on my arms."

Sakura's smile becomes a smirk when she catches sight of the flush crawling up the back of Ashura's neck. He can dish it out, but he gets surprisingly bashful on the receiving end.

Indra looks around at the other dancers. "What dance are we planning to do? All of these dancers are in pairs."

"Well," Sakura says, drawing out the syllable. She hears the band begin to play a lively tune on sanshin, tambourines, tabors, and shawms. "I suppose we will have to improvise. Maybe try some sparring techniques?"

Ashura elbows Indra in the side, chuckling. "What's wrong, old man? Think you can't keep up?"

"More worried about you," Indra says. "You were always the clumsy one during training."

"Let's try the half-moon kata," Sakura says, mentally running through the steps. "I think that'll work with three people."

"Let's give it a try," Ashura says.

Sakura spins away from them, listening to the beat of the music as she begins to move through the opening steps of the kata. Her bells jingle with every step, further emphasizing the simple movements of the kata.

She whirls, meeting the gazes of Ashura and Indra as they do the same. She reaches forward with one hand toward the center of their circle and, as Indra and Ashura place their hands on hers, she begins the slow, steady steps around the circle.

Indra's eyes reflect the flickering flame, a softness there as he regards Sakura. Ashura's mischievous smile has gentled into something warm and lovely. Sakura's heart feels overfull with affection and love for them. She can barely believe that she is able to experience a happiness like this.

Sakura breaks away from them, spinning a couple of paces away. She faces them once more, runs toward them, and flips forward, utilizing a little bit of chakra to make sure she springs clear and high above them. Her bells tinkle merrily as she lands, turning to see them in action as well, grace and power in every one of their movements.

They move back toward each other and Sakura catches their hands in hers. They start the dance anew and Sakura says, loud enough that they can hear her, "You two are my halcyon days."

To anyone else, this phrase would be nonsensical. But Indra and Ashura know her, understand the significance. Their very beings echo with the sentiment, with that steady, consuming love, as they break the dance, pulling Sakura into a tight embrace.

"Congratulations Tenten!" Sakura exclaims, sweeping her off her feet in a tight embrace. "I had a feeling it would be you."

Tenten laughs, adjusting the Kage hat as it is knocked askew. "Thank you Sakura," she says, voice effusing pure delight. "I'm still reeling."

Sakura sets Tenten down, looking her over. Tenten wears the hat well, dressed in the shimmery gold robe of office. It is ostentatious and Sakura can understand why most Kages choose to only wear the official garments of office during only the most necessary of occasions. She shoulders the responsibility with a seemingly effortless grace, better than any other Kage that Sakura has encountered.

"You were born for this," Sakura says, quiet words almost lost in the chatter of celebration around them. She can tell Tenten hears her from the way her smile falls into a serious, contemplative look. "You will be the best Kage Konoha has ever seen."

"Tsunade-shishou has at least promised to stick around for the next year just in case that faith is misplaced," Tenten says, smoothing down the robe. She crooks a smile to Sakura. "And I have friends like you to keep me from running astray."

"I highly doubt you'll need the assistance but I'll be glad to help as I can," Sakura says, moving toward the table as she tucks her hand against Tenten's forearm. She gestures to the room around them. "Just look at this turnout; diplomats from every single one of the shinobi nations are here to see your inauguration."

"The peace affords us these opportunities to deepen our friendships," Tenten says, nodding to a passing dignitary.

"Is that what you call it?" Sakura asks archly. "I had no idea that friendship was what you had in mind while you were making out with Chōjurō."

"Hush," Tenten says, cheeks darkening in a flush. "That has nothing to do with this."

"Really," Sakura drawls. "Well, I suppose the rumors about Chōjurō demanding that he be the representative for Kiri this evening were exaggerated too. And Mizukage-sama was so impressed with his initiative…"

Tenten shakes her head, though her blush lingers a while longer. "Speaking of diplomacy, Sakura, I have a proposition for you."

"For me?" Sakura asks, drawing her gaze away from the crowd and focusing on Tenten. "And what would that be?"

Tenten pulls free a paper seal, the fūinjutsu on it the work of Karin. She presses chakra into it and the letters flare, encapsulating them in a bubble. No one will be able to eavesdrop. "You've made quite a name for yourself, both before and during the War," Tenten says, tapping the medal around Sakura's neck. Sakura doesn't care for it, for the accolades and awe that accompany it, but she understands the delicate political game afoot tonight. Konoha must show its might to its friends and would-be enemies, do what is necessary to prevent future strife. "We've fielded requests from all of the shinobi nations to have you visit. We've held off so far to give you a chance to recuperate, to give Konoha a chance to refortify in the aftermath. It's been nearly a year now and it is time for us to turn our gaze outward once more.

"I'm asking that you consider taking on the role of an ambassador for Konoha," Tenten says. "You'll travel among the nations, both shinobi and civilian, working on our treaties with them and strengthening our bonds with their people." Her lips curl into a mischievous smile. "Of course, Ōtsutsuki Ashura and Indra will accompany you wherever you go. We wouldn't dare attempt to separate you three. What do you think?"

"I—I will have to discuss it with them," Sakura stammers, dumbstruck.

Her heart squeezes as she remembers the last time she traveled among the nations, accompanied by her teacher. That loss is a painful ache, but she thinks Sarutobi-sensei would approve. It is bittersweet, imagining continuing his work without him, but she will not be alone.

Sakura looks across the room, catching sight of Ashura and Indra standing with Naruto, Yugito, and Sai.

"Of course," Tenten says, squeezing Sakura's hand and releasing the seal around their conversation. "Take as much time as you need."

"Sakura! Hokage-sama!"

Sakura and Tenten turn as one, meeting the gaze of Kurotsuchi as she strides to greet them, smile wide.

"Sakura, would you mind terribly if I steal your Hokage away for a dance?" Kurotsuchi asks, eyes sparkling with impish energy. "I've heard tale of your dancing prowess, Hokage-sama, and I wish to experience it for myself."

Sakura bites her lip to keep from laughing. Tenten is a master on the battlefield, but a dancer she is not. Sakura doesn't quite understand how such a graceful individual can have two left feet on the dance floor, but she has suffered many bruised and, on one memorable occasion, broken toes while dancing with Tenten. "Of course, Kurotsuchi. Enjoy your dance."

Kurotsuchi leads Tenten away, something feral and hungry in her gaze. Sakura watches them go for a moment, cocking her head in contemplation.

"Huh," she says. "How about that."

"How about what?" Ashura says, leaning over her shoulder. Sakura gestures toward the dance floor where Tenten and Kurotsuchi are dancing. Actually, it looks like they are using a kata instead, just as Sakura does when dancing with Indra and Ashura. Ashura hums and Sakura shivers at the sensation. "Chōjurō will not be pleased by that."

"You may be surprised," Indra says, placing a hand on Sakura's hip. He points out Chōjurō who is watching Kurotsuchi and Tenten with an unreadable but intent expression.

Sakura leans back against Indra for a moment, sighing as the tension leaves her. "I have something to discuss with you both."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Ashura asks, grabbing her hand and spinning her away from Indra. "We've been trying to figure out how to get out of here for the past hour! You look quite delectable in that dress."

"Ravishing in fact," Indra agrees, catching her other hand. "Let's go."

Sakura follows in their footsteps, picking up her pace at the heat in their eyes. She gets the feeling that the discussion will have to wait, but she doesn't mind.

She doesn't mind at all.

Sakura wakes slowly, eyes fluttering as she comes awake in increments. The soft grass tickles her bare arms as she rolls onto her stomach. She rubs at the corners of her eyes, yawning as she takes in her surroundings.

Ashura and Indra are within reach of her, chests rising and falling slowly with the deep breath of sleep. Sakura is entranced with the sight for a long moment, still marveling over the fact that their chests even move. They've been ghosts for so long; she cannot believe the fortune she has.

They are alive; they are here; they are hers.

Sakura sits up, keeping quiet as she begins to pluck some of the nearby flowers. They are on the lands bequeathed her by Konoha, resting after several long weeks of work. Konoha is a flurry of action at the moment: Tenten has been announced as Tsunade's successor, Naruto and Karin have set out toward Uzushio, and Sakura has officially been given the title of ambassador by Konoha. So, the workload has increased exponentially as they prepared for all of these changes.

She weaves the flowers together, braiding the stems with an expert twist of her wrist. She's been doing this since she and Ino became best friends, all of those years ago.

Sakura's eyes slide shut beneath the heat of the sun, basking in the simple pleasure. What could be better than this? She's with her people, everyone is at peace, and her people are actively pursuing their dreams. She is thankful for the fact that she is still living, for the ultimate sacrifices made by Sarutobi-sensei and Inner that allow her to be here with her people.

She weaves a dandelion in with the daisies she already has there. Sakura pulls free a sprig of fennel, chewing on it.

Her gaze returns to Indra and Ashura, even as her fingers continue to make quick work of the plants. They look ethereal in repose, otherworldly, supernatural beings as they used to be. Awe fills Sakura, unable to believe that they even deign to consort with her.

They love her, as fiercely and ardently as she loves them.

She finishes off the crowns with a flourish, deftly getting to her feet. Sakura moves toward the Ōtsutsuki brothers, dropping the crowns on their heads with a giggle.

They both come awake with a start, Ashura snorting in shock as they sit up.

"Wha—" Ashura says, looking up at the crown on his head. He raises a hand to it. "A crown?"

"Did you make these Sakura?" Indra asks, yawning slightly. He lifts it off his head, surveying it. "It's lovely work. If your new position as ambassador does not work out, you could take over the Yamanaka Flower Shop."

Sakura grins, glancing between them. "Well, do you accept them?"

"Of course we do Sakura!" Ashura says immediately.

Sakura continues to watch them with anticipation, frowning when their expressions do not change. She nearly smacks herself as she realizes something. "Flower crowns can have significance among Konoha shinobi. It started with the Senju and kind of carried forward to future generations. Flower crowns can represent intent." She stops, flushing slightly.

"And what intent is that?" Indra asks, eyes sparking with an intent all his own.

"The intention of marriage," Sakura says, keeping her eyes downcast. "These aren't the final flower crowns; I used what was on hand rather than things signifying my relationships with you. Though these flowers do represent our relationships generally. The daisies represent loyal love, dandelions overcoming hardships, fennel represents strength, and honeysuckles represent bonds of love." Sakura tucks her hair behind her ear nervously. "It's only the first courting gift but—"

Sakura is cut off by the press of Indra's lips against hers. She stills for a moment before pressing closer, kissing him in turn. It is a slow, easy kiss, a reassurance, a dedication to the relationship. Sakura relaxes into the kiss and Indra pulls away slowly. Sakura feels the heat of Ashura's body as he takes a seat behind her, pulling her against his chest and leaning forward to place his chin against her shoulder as he wraps his arms around her.

"You beat us to the punch, love," Ashura murmurs in her ear.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asks, nose wrinkling slightly as the fennel in Ashura's crown tickles her ear.

"We've been preparing your courting gifts for months," Indra says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small scroll. He unseals it and Sakura watches with anticipation as the smoke clears.

Indra proffers a crown of his own to her. It is wrought in fine silver, with hewn and polished dark crystals lining the silver work. Ropes of silver chain of varying lengths connect from one side to the other.

"Will you allow me the honor?" Indra asks. Sakura shifts, letting Indra place the crown upon her head. It is light and fits perfectly. Indra pulls away, regarding her softly. "You're magnificent."

"My turn!" Ashura exclaims, breaking the weighty moment.

He removes a scroll of his own, releasing it to reveal a crown of his own. His silver crown is wrought to look like branches and antlers woven together with three individual peaks. Within each peak is nested a pale green stone the color of Sakura's eyes.

"We made them to interlock with each other," Ashura says, tone softening. "Two crowns become one crown. The three of us in one imperfect, blended relationship. We want this, with you, forever."

"That's exactly what I want," Sakura says, voice trembling as Ashura places the crown atop the other, the grooves clicking and locking into place.

"You're it for us," Indra says. "I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you."

"And what a wonderful, eventful life it'll be," Sakura says, remembering her initial thoughts upon meeting them face to face.

"Haruno Sakura," Ashura begins, voice solemn but eyes dancing, "will you allow us the honor of joining the Haruno clan as your husbands?"

She flings herself at the both of them, tackling them to the soft, sweet grasses below. The glade rings with laughter as Sakura closes her eyes and lets go of all of her doubts and fears. Everything is changing and uncertain; Sakura knows she is caught in the middle of it all, but she isn't worried.

How can she be?

She has Indra and Ashura with her, for every day for the rest of their lives.

Which means, of course, that every day will be a halcyon day.

The End

Notes: Thank you all for joining me in this tale. This story is forever close to my heart and I am ecstatic to share it with you all in full. I've learned so much, grown in countless areas thanks to this fic. This fic has led to one of the deepest and greatest friendships in my life and I am thankful for it every single day. It feels like an accomplishment to present this final chapter to you; this is the longest story I have written to date. I thank you for your patience and kindness across these past three years. I am so grateful for the experience and to you, dear reader, for being a passenger in this journey. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed!