Upon arriving at the hospital, Liv smiled at him, seemingly not surprised that her husband had already knew she was in labor. She'd told him many times before that he always seemed to be one-step ahead of the rest. Now, Fitz guessed he was.

Her doctor was waiting for them upon their arrival and after a quick check, immediately took Liv into the delivery room. Because of the size of the baby, a C-section had already been deemed necessary, and several hours after arriving at the hospital, Fitz looked through the nursery window at a healthy baby girl.

Liv had been taken to her room. Walking down the hallway, he looked again at the snapshot of their daughter on his phone. Liv had gotten a quick glimpse of her right after the delivery, but had yet to hold her child. As soon as she was settled, the nurses had promised to bring their daughter down to the room. Fitz couldn't wait to see his wife holding their child for the first time.

Entering her room, he was happy to see her looking relaxed and pain free. "Hey, momma, how're you doing?"

Liv gave him a tired smile, "Good. Can I see her? Is she okay?"

Fitz leaned down and kissed her. "She's perfect, just like you. The nurses are going to bring her down in a few minutes."

"I can't wait to see her."

"Me neither." Fitz pulled his phone from his pocket, "I took a picture of her a few minutes ago, look."

He handed his phone over and marveled at the look of pure love on her face. There was nothing more beautiful than a mother looking at her child.

Several more minutes passed and the nurses still didn't arrive with their daughter, and Fitz got impatient. He pushed the call button and a nurse entered.

"Hi. Darcy, is it?" Fitz read the nurse's name from her tag, "I was wondering if you could check on our daughter. I was told they would bring her down and my wife hasn't had a chance to hold her yet. C-section."

Darcy smiled. "Of course. Let me go check on that for you. I'll be right back."

Darcy ran to the nursery window and tapped on the glass to get the head nurses attention. "Where is the Grant baby? They're asking for her to be brought down to the mother's room."

"Oh yes. We are coming now." The nurse said and grabbed the cart the baby was in. She took the baby into the Grant room and they immediately fell in love.

"Little Lucy Jane Grant. Welcome to the world." Fitz and Liv say in unison.


A/N: This is one I have been writing for a while now. Hope you enjoyed it.