Ezra was training but the train wasn't so good for him that day

He had nightmares at night about the capture of his parents eight years ago. Kanan noticed the bad changes and he wasn't so happy with Ezra because of it.

- You are not focusing!

- Sorry Kanan... I... I had nightmares all these days about my parents

Kanan didn't change his face. He was angry rather hug him or comfort him

- I don't care your parents. They are gone and you can't save them! - yelled him - that's why I can't train you so easily... You're so loser!

Ezra looked at his eyes, and his own eyes widen with sadness because of what he heard. He ran to the ship, crying.

Kanan sighed angry and went to apologize but he wasn't repentant

He'll do it to don't have a discussion with Hera. But it was too late. Hera was hugging Ezra, comforting him and she saw the jedi angrily

Hera's POV

I saw Ezra running to his room but I stopped him when I saw the tears on his face. He was crying so much. He hugged me, and that surprised me. I gave back the hug to comfort him, just like if he was my son. I never heard him crying like that

- What happened? - I asked worried

- Kanan... he hates me... he told me I am a loser and I can't learn because I don't focus ... All that because I told him I wasn't focusing 'cause I had nightmares about my parents... I... I can't believe it Hera! I thought He would comfort me but he yelled to me!

I couldn't believe it! Kanan yelled those things to Ezra?!

Suddenly Kanan entered and I saw him angrily

- Ezra...can you go to your room? I will give you hot chocolate to comfort you... I have business to attend

He nodded, and saw Kanan, he was scared.

When Ezra closed his room's door I stared to discuss with Kanan in the kitchen.

- Hey! What's with you?! You have any idea how you hurted him?!

- Actually no, I don't... and I don't care... He is a fool!

- Kanan! Stop it! He loves you... He was expecting a hug from you...

Kanan sighed

- Ok... I'm going to apologize

Kanan is so stupid sometimes... I hope he might be different tomorrow

Ezra's POV

I entered to my room. Zeb asked me what had happened and I told him, but I wasn't crying.

Now I am in my bed, trying to meditate and wondering myself why Kanan said those things.

Someone knock the door. I open the door by the Force and I can see someone I didn't want to see. Kanan.

He entered, and he seems repentant

- Sorry kid, I didn't want to hurt you

I don't feel so good... I have a bad feeling about this... but I forgive him

- I... I forgive you Kanan

He goes out. I think I know how to comfort myself.

Sabine. It's a decision I have to take... I have to tell her that I want to be more than just a friend... that I love her. Yeah! I will

Ezra's POV ends

Ezra knocked Sabine's door. She opened it

- Ezra... you ok? have you cried?

Ezra turned his face red, ashamed

- Yeah, well... a little.

- Oh... I see...

Ezra sighed. Sabine noticed he wanted to say something but he needed to take a decision inside.

- Ezra... what's wrong?

- Sabine... It's not news that I think you are beautiful... but... I wanted to ask you... What do you feel for me? I mean... You love me... as something else than just a friend?

Sabine stood in shock...and her face turned in disgust

- Ezra you aren't my friend... you are just a little boy who included in our crew because you are orphan... you don't deserve your place between us... I don't know why Kanan and Hera adopted you. I don't care your damn feelings... Stay away from me!

Ezra looked at the floor... hidding his face with his hands... He was crying and gasping. He just looked at her with his face with tears, nodded, and went to his room... All his world was falling down

He entered to his room and took his blaster and put it against his head and closed his eyes...

But Zeb entered and when he saw the kid almost killing himself he pushed the weapon away from Ezra's head

- What hell you were trying to do?!- yelled Zeb, worried with tears in his big eyes

Ezra fell in his knees and cried harder. Zeb hugged him

- What's wrong, little brother?

Ezra geve back the hug... and said to Zeb what happened with Sabine. That made Zeb be angry

- Don't worry, kid... I'll talk to her

- No Zeb... She has to apologize by herself.. Can you keep it as our secret?

- Consider it as a fact.

- Thank you

- You're welcome. Take rest... You'll feel better tomorrow

Next day….

Ezra woke up. He wasn't in the bed... He was... In the Phantom's floor?

He sat, confused looked around him and no one was piloting

- What the hell...?

He turned and felt something strange and bad... He saw Kanan in his side.

The jedi started to strangle him. Ezra gasped for air and tried to take out Kanan's hands but got less air

- Kanan... please, let me breath!- said gasping and coughing

- I am sick of your lack of discipline... You'll learn how to be a jedi for good or bad!

Ezra closed his eyes and fell unconscious