*Bows head in shame*

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. In all honesty I have no excuse other than I couldn't be bothered. Don't worry I'm not giving up, though I doubt the story has much more to go. I want to thank everyone that has supported me throughout the story it means a lot to me. This is a short chapter so you have been warned.

I own nothing but my own O/C's

Chapter 36

Paul's eyes refused to open. His mate was draped over him his head resting on his chest. Never before had the beta felt so content or complete. Hearing his phone vibrating somewhere in the motel room he tried to wriggle his way out from beneath his lover. Brady so deep in sleep didn't stir. Padding his way to the small kitchenette he found his phone to see he had missed several calls. Grunting he rubbed his eyes to read it clearly.


They had missed going out and hadn't even bothered to eat all day. Paul's stomach growled in protest with the lack of food. As shifters they were never truly satisfied when it came to being full. Their wolves demanded a lot of energy making them eat far more than the average man. Even the smallest of the pack could eat as much. Brady could put Paul to shame especially when he was in heat for some reason.

The beta felt his mate's smaller arms wrap around his waist leaning his head against Paul's shoulder.

"Hey." Brady yawned leaning heavily on Paul for support.

"Hey you." Paul twisted at the waist and kissed Brady's ruffled hair. "We've missed dinner with the others. You hungry?"

"Hmm starving. Want me to make something." Brady pulled away only to lean back into his mate to tired to move.

"Let's order pizza." Paul chuckled scooping his mate up and taking him to the small couch.

"Sounds good to me." Brady suddenly sat up. "Wait we missed dinner. How?"

"Well you see." Paul pushed his mate down and started kissing and licking his lover's neck.

Brady giggled as he tried not so hard to push his imprint away from him his cock already starting to fill with blood. They had already made love more times than he could count throughout the day. Not that he was complaining. He was pretty sure if it hadn't been for his wolf healing ability he wouldn't be able to walk let alone think about going for another round so soon.

They had made love in many positions including against the wall of the shower Paul using shampoo as lube. Brady decided that with his legs wrapped around his mate's waist as he plowed into him was his favorite hitting the magic spot with every thrust.

Another favorite was when Paul had him bent at the waist and slamming into him while he gripped his knees for support. He got the giggles when Paul told him it was called the wolf position. They ended up on the floor causing carpet burn for both of them. Again Brady thanked his wolf healing for not having to suffer too long.

"Behave cub. We need to eat." Paul pecked him on the lips and stood his cock hard against this stomach.

Pouting Brady began stroking himself as his mate found a number to call for pizza. Paul groaned as he watched wanting to take his lovers cock in his mouth and taste him. The beta had found out that he rather liked the appendage in his mouth, tasting the delicious juices of his mate. He also loved the sound his imprinter made as his tongue licked him like a lollipop. The first time he almost gagged when he went to swallow but being the stubborn man he was he tried it a second time and was more than prepared for the amount of come Brady released into his mouth.

They had done the traditional sixty nine position as well. Paul had jumped almost a foot in the air when he felt Brady's digit press against his entrance. The omega didn't try it again although Paul in a way wished he would. Sure he was the dominant, but the look on his mate's face when Paul found his magic bundle he wondered if it truly was as magical as Brady's body spoke of it to be.

"Ahh so they live." Kyle winked at his friends when he opened the door to them the following morning both looking well and truly happy.

"Leave them alone." River chuckled pulling his mate out of the doorway and letting their friends into their motel room.

"Sorry about last night, time got away from us." Brady blushed.

"Like I said everyone understood, but we do have to meet up today."

"Paul and me will go get breakfast." Kyle said kissing his mate and dragging a reluctant wolf out the door before he could protest.

The moment the door was shut River pulled his friend to the couch and got comfortable waiting for Brady to tell him everything. Even though he was the dominate he felt more at ease talking to his friend since Paul was more Kyle's age and the two were best friends. As much as the alpha loved his mate he couldn't help wonder what would have happened if he had met Brady before Kyle had imprinted on him and if they would have ever got together.

Brady was just about to tell him everything when there was a knock at the door. Frowning River went to answer it making sure that Brady was hidden from view. He had been intrusted with his friends mate and he would do anything to keep him safe. However he needn't have worried as it was only his birth wolf. Hugging his son quickly he pushed his way in the moment he picked up the other shifters scent.

"Well good morning to you to." River chuckled as he watched Brady and Gabriel squealed and started talking over one another.

"Morning son now make me coffee I want to hear about everything. And don't worry Nico has caught up with the others and they are going to make Paul eat breakfast out. Its just the three of us for the next few hours."

Sighing River went to the small kitchenette and started pulling out ingredients to make breakfast. All the while his birth mother and friend talking loud enough most the time so he could hear their conversation. Brady blushed for most of the conversation especially went Gabriel insisted on more detail. The others were due back soon and the men sat there with full belly's drinking their coffee's, when River's phone went off. Excusing himself he went to the bedroom shutting the door behind him, but not before the other two heard him greet his father.

"Your coming onto heat," Gabriel smiled at his friend.

"Yeah I know, but Paul doesn't want another child." He said that one is enough for him and he is happy."

"And what about you Brady. You happy just to have Olivia and Paul as your family?"

"I'm happy if Paul is." Gabriel went to speak only for Brady to hold up his hand to stop his new friend. "He's my imprint and my dominant if he is happy then I am happy."

"That's a load of crap if I've ever heard it." Gabriel sighed when he saw tears silently fall down Brady's cheek. "Sorry I shouldn't have said anything. You're both young and have plenty of time to still have cubs of your own. I promise you he will change his mind in time. Who could not want to have mini Brady's running around."

They were interrupted by the bedroom door slamming open and a pale looking River. A car screeched to a stop outside and three car doors could be heard slamming. Kyle raced inside and went straight to his mate and pulled him into his arms. Brady and Gabriel looked at their mates for answers.

"They found a submissive who is willing to mate with River." Nico smiled pulling his mate into his arms.

"Oh." Brady said watching the excited couple whisper to each other as they pulled apart to head to the bedroom without a backward glance at their guests.

"You okay?' Paul said going and hugging his mate.

"Of course I'm so happy for them. I didn't know they were going to find one so soon. River is still a child in my eyes."

"As alpha he needs to have an heir as soon as possible." Nico explained smiling. "So my sexy husband shall we go see our cubs before we go make them a new brother or sister?"

"I'm not on heat you fool." Gabe giggled slapping his mate lightly.

"So who said we couldn't practise." Nico winked.

"Excuse me." Brady said leaving them and racing out the door.

"Did I say something wrong?" The alpha asked as Paul followed his mate.

Brady was curled up on Jacob's knee after another episode of tears. The alpha stroked his friends hair cooing him as his wife left the pair alone. It had been three days since they had gotten back from their trip and Brady had come straight to his alpha seeking comfort. At first the alpha was angry that his beta was denying his mate however Angela said that it was not his place to get involved in his pack brothers personal problems. It still didn't mean the alpha was happy at the treatment of this friend.

"You can't keep avoiding him." Jacob sighed.

"He doesn't want me."

"That's not true Bray the man loves you."

"Does he Jake?"

"Of course he does. He hasn't stopped circling this building since you came on heat."

"It's his wolf demanding he mates with me not Paul."

"I don't think that is true. Paul has great control of his wolf more than most. I'm surprised he didn't pull over and mate with you on the way back."

Jacob couldn't help but draw in his submissive's scent. He was well and truly on heat at the moment. He had to order the other shifters to stay away until Brady's heat had finished. Even he was fighting the urge to take the man and mate with him at the moment. However like Paul he had great control over his wolf. Besides he loved his imprint who had just announced that she was once again pregnant with their third child. He could feel his wolf puff out his chest with pride knowing he was going to have more cubs.

"Why don't you go and talk to him?"

Brady looked at his alpha. "He won't talk to me."

"Kinda hard when he can't shift back to his human form. Brady just talk to him while he can't. Make him hear what you have to say and be honest with him. For once this isn't just about his happiness but both. You have the right to be happy too."

"That's what Gabe said." Brady sighed. "Is anyone else in wolf?"

"No they all know to stay well away. Seth just about had his throat ripped out when he got to close yesterday. Liam has taken him away for a few days." Jacob pushed Brady off his lap and stood up. "Go be honest. If I feel you shift I will inform the others and promise that Liv will be taken care of until you return."

Brady nodded and tip toed and kissed his alpha's cheek. "Thanks Jake."

"Get out of here." Jacob chuckled and opened the back door where Paul was pacing back and forth.

"I've started making meals to go in the freezer." Angela said baring her neck to her husband.

"Let's hope they are needed." Jacob said biting gently on his mate's neck before kissing it.

"Will we get to see the cubs?"

"Depends, but I doubt it."


"Paul is a very protective father and mate. His wolf would kill and die protecting his family.

Come let me take you to bed while we have the place to ourselves." Jacob swoop up his wife and carried them to their private quarters. He couldn't wait for them to get their own home once again.


A/N So think we are going to have cubs. Let me know what you guys want.