Adopted Chapter 1
"My real parents"

I'm Jasmine Summer, and I live in Gardenia California. I go to Gardenia High, how it got it's name, I have no clue. My friends are great. I'd beg my mom each time if we'd move to stay, because my friends, well, they're not your ordinary girls. Neither am I. I'm a, fairy. Ya, I know it's hard to believe. My friends are Bloom, Stella, Musa, Tecna, and Layla. My friends had told me to go to their school, so this years first semester is about to start. I had packed my stuff this morning, and when I was done I changed my clothes. I chose pink denim jeans with hearts on the back pockets, and a silver crop top with one sleeve. For my makeup, I chose my silver liquid eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a light tan lip gloss. As I walked down the stairs, I heard a women's voice talking to my mom. As I got to the end of the stairs, I poked my head around the corner to see who was there. I saw a women and a man, the man had spiky black hair, and the women had long black hair. I gasped in my head, and ran back up stairs. I got my hair bow and ou my hair up, and ran back downstairs.

'Jasmine, there you are. I was calling your name about five times.' My mother said as the two women turned around.

'Mom, I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for college.' I said, trying not to alarm the two women by saying fairy college.

'Sweetie, there's something I need to tell you. Please, come sit down.' Mom says, motioning me to come sit down. I put my head down so I won't see the women's faces.

'Mom, what's going on? Why are they here?' I ask her.

'That's what I was going to tell you about. I know you're not going to like it, but, you're adopted. These are your real parents.' My mom said. Those words filled my head. I can't be adopted, then how am I a fairy?

'Mom, you can't be telling me the truth.' I said, but I knew she was. A tear started to fall down my cheek, and my mom wiped it off.

'Honey, I know you don't want to leave, but your real parents want you to come home with them.' Mom said. Anger started to boil inside me. I wanted to run and cry in my room, but I know that I would just be making a fool of myself in front of my, real parents. I gave a small sigh and nodded. I can't believe what I just did, I'm leaving! Not for college, but for another life! What am I going to tell the girls?

'Sorry, we forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm ChiChi, and this is your father Goku.' ChiChi said.

'Bulma's outside waiting, you should go get packed.' Goku said. I nodded, and went to my room to pack, really pack. I grabbed a bigger suitcase, put the close I had in my one suitcase in that one, and put my other clothes in it as well. As I went to close mt dresser drawer, I saw the picture of me and the Winx. So many memories. The girls are going to miss me when I'm gone, and so is Kiko, Bloom's pet bunny. I put the picture in the suitcase, and sat in my bed with my face in my hands.

'What am I doing?! Why am I leaving all of a sudden?! Matter of fact, why did I agree to go?!' Said the many questions in my mind. I felt sadness hover over me, like the time when Darcy had controlled me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up. It was Goku.

'Hey, I know this is hard on you, just now knowing you're adopted and all. But trust me, you'll love everyone.' Goku said. He wiped the tear that was falling from my cheek.

'You think I could come back and visit my friends sometime?' I asked him. He looked shocked, like he'd seen a ghost.

'Um, I don't think that's gonna be possible.' Goku said.

'Why not?!' I raised my voice. I quickly put my hands over my mouth, seeing his face turn from shocked to scared.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-'

'It's fine. Your mother's a bit like that when it comes to me trying to train your brother, especially when he was little.' Goku interrupted me.

'Brother?' I asked. Goku sat down beside me on my bed.

'Yeah, you have two brothers. Gohan is the oldest, and Goten is the youngest. You're 16 right?' Goku asks me.

'Y-yeah.' I answer.

'Well, Gohan is two years older than you, making him 18. Goten is one year younger then you, and that makes him 15.' Goku replied.

'You're probably not going to believe me, so, I'm probably going to have to show you. I'm a fairy, and I know it sounds crazy, but I am.' I said. I covered my mouth.

'Why, why now must I be stupid?!' I thought to myself.

'Honey, I don't think I understand. A fairy?' Goku asked. I sighed, knowing I have to get out the picture of me and my friends when we were transformed, and when the specialists were there too.

'See, that's me with my fairy friends. That's Bloom, Stella, Layla, Musa, and Tecna. The guys are Brandon, Prince Sky, Timmy, Riven, Nabu, Helia, and Jake my, boyfriend.' I said, another tear forming into my eye when my two fingers pointed to me on Jake's back when we were in Charmix form.

'I was supposed to go to Alfea college this year to learn how to control Charmix, the form I'm in the picture.'


'Well, we should get going. Your mother gets pretty upset if we don't do something in the next 5.. 4.. 3.. 2-'

'NOW!' ChiChi yelled again. Goku grabbed my arm and rushed out my door. I quickly grabbed my suitcase and held the picture in my hand as we went out the door of my bedroom. I quickly said goodbye to my adopted mom and we went out the door where ChiChi and Bulma were waiting. ChiChi had her arms crossed.

'It's about time you two came out! I was starting to wonder what was taking so long!' Bulma said.

'You mind if I call someone real quick, it's one of my friends.' I asked.

'No, we need to-'

'ChiChi, let her call. She needs to tell her friends what's going on.' Goku interrupted ChiChi.

'Thanks, be back in a sec!' I said, getting out my phone and running towards the back of the house. I dialed Jake's number first, hoping he would answer.

'Hello?' Jake said as he answered.

'Hey Jake, it's me.' I answered.

'Hey Jas, heard your first semester's about to start.' Jake said.

'Actually, it's a long story. I just found out I was adopted and I'm about to leave. Just tell the guys I said bye and I wish them luck. I'll tell the girls as soon as I hang up with you.' I replied.

'You're leaving, and right now?! Why?!' I know Jake has a lot of questions, but I don't have time to answer them.

'Sorry Jake, but I'll miss you. I'll call you as soon as I get to my new home.' I said.

'Alright, I'll tell the guys you're leaving, I'll leave the Winx up to you. See ya.' Jake said, hanging up. I can't believe I said goodbye to my boyfriend! Man, I bet he feels heartbroken. Well, time to tell the Winx. As soon as I was going to call them, my phone rang. It was Bloom. I answered the phone.

'Jas we need your help! The Trix are attacking Alfea and we can't hold them off any longer!' Bloom said.

'What!? Um, I'll see if I can. Bloom, it's a long story. I just found out I'm adopted, and my real parents are here to take me home. I'll ask them if I can go.' I said. I know what Bloom's going to say next.

'What!? You're adopted!?' I heard the entire Winx yell through the phone. Obviously Bloom was on speaker.

'Yeah, but my new mom's gonna get mad in 3.. 2..-' I put the phone on speaker.


'ChiChi, give her a few more minutes!' I heard Goku yell.

'Uh oh.' I said, knowing ChiChi was coming to get me.

'Uh girls, I have to uh, go! I'll see if my parents would let me come fight with you!' I said as I hung up.

'Perfect timing!' I thought to myself as ChiChi come around the corner.

'Ch- Mom, I can explain!' I exclaimed as ChiChi grabbed my arm and tightened her grip.

'Young lady, I will not tolerate waiting for you this long! We're leaving!' ChiChi yelled.

'Mom, I need to ask dad something first before we go, is that alright?' I asked her.

'Grr, oh alright! Make it snappy!' ChiChi said, yelling at me. As we got to the front of the house, I saw Goku standing there with a worried face. I walked up to him to tell him about Alfea being attacked by the Trix.

'Dad, can I tell you something?' I asked him in a whisper.

'Go ahead.' He replied.

'Well, remember the college, Alfea, I was talking about? Well, it's being attacked by three witches who we call the Trix. I need to go help them, please! My friends can't hold them off any longer!' I said, a little bit too loud, because I saw ChiChi's face go red of furry.

'I'm not waiting any longer, we're leaving right now!' ChiChi yelled, about to walk up to me to grab my arm and pull me onto the ship. Goku put his arm in front of ChiChi to stop her from doing so.

'Thanks dad!' I said. I was about to run off, but Goku grabbed my hand.

'I'm coming with you.' He said with a smile. I nodded. Goku and me ran into the back of the house so I could transform.

'Winx Charmix!' I yelled, and transformed into my Charmix form. I looked at dad, and he seemed amazed. My pink denim jeans turned into a glittery yellow skirt, and the silver shirt turned into a gold sparkly tank top. My wings were like a butterfly, but small on my back. My makeup, however, stayed the same.

'You ready dad?' I asked.

'Yeah, let's go.' He said.

'Alright, hold on!' I said as I used a spell to get to Alfea.