Loki was a man possessed. He'd stolen the Casket of Ancient Winters from the vault and had fled to the mountains. There was a cave there, in which he'd built a little getaway when he was a child. He had need of it now. The Destroyer could have killed him, should have but Odin made it stand down. Now the army was searching for him. His time was limited. He needed to complete the spell before he was found.

He was not a Jotunn, or at least, not for much longer. The revelation that he was one of those blue beasts had devastated him. Odin and Frigga broke the news to him not three days ago. They'd said the time had come and he needed to know the truth. He could understand why. He was finally of marriageable age and his future wife was bound to notice that their children were blue when they came out. Never mind the extra set of genitalia that had been hidden by an enchantment since infancy. The fact that everyone in Asgard now knows that Loki has a cunt had been the last straw pushing him into this madness.

Loki had seen some dark spells in some of his books pertaining to shapeshifting and making a temporary change permanent. He would do that now. With the added help of the power of the Casket he would expel all traces of his Jotunn heritage from his body and make himself a true Aesir.

In the cauldron of Jasmine water, Loki dropped a lock of his hair and a blade still wet with the blood of an Aesir Warrior, which he'd procured that morning. It was Fandral's. He added a chunk of obsidian, a handful of white sand, three rose petals, and four drops of bilgesnipe sweat. He chanted the words over the cauldron that would make his Aesir appearance a permanent one. He heard the sounds of soldiers in the forest outside his cave. They were so close.

At last the spell was ready. Loki opened the Casket and let some of its power flow into the cauldron. He shut the lid and put the Casket down, then grabbed a goblet and scooped up a healthy portion of the potion.

"Brother stop!" Thor yelled as he entered the cave.

"Bottoms up." Loki said and chugged down the magical liquid. His vision went black.


Loki slowly opened his eyes. His head hurt and wherever he was, the sun was shining down on him directly.

"Martha, pull the curtains. The sun is shining in his eyes." Loki heard Frigga say. He was back in the palace, and from what he could tell, he was in the healer's wing.

"Did it work?" Loki croaked out.

"I don't know what your aim was son, but it did accomplish something." Frigga said, her tone grim. Loki sat up…slowly. He faced her sitting on his exam table and looked down at his hands. Right away he noticed that his muscles were larger, more defined. The hair on his forearms was red. Red?

"I need a mirror." Loki said. "Now!" A healer brought him a large hand mirror and Loki looked at himself. It worked! The hair on his head was red and his skin was no longer pale but slightly tanner with a red tone to it. He's a ginger like Volstagg. His muscles all over his body were larger. Not nearly as impressive as Thor's, but still a vast improvement. Loki, forgetting the witnesses in the room, reached down between his legs in search of that new organ that had been revealed to him a couple of days earlier.

"It's gone." Frigga said. "Or well, it's nearby."

"What?" Loki asked.

"Loki what did you do?"

"I rid myself of my Jotunn nature. I'm Aesir now. Permanently. I used a shapeshifting potion to make it so. No one will ever call me a Jotunn beast again."

"You're right. They won't call YOU that."

"What do you mean? Thor! He entered the cave when I drank the potion. Is he alright?"

"Oh no, Thor is fine. She's not though." Frigga said pointing at an exam table behind Loki. He turned round. A woman with long black hair, blue skin, and very familiar cheekbones was lying unconscious on the table.

"She's Jotunn. But Jotunns are intersexed. Does she have a…?"

"No, she's purely female. Loki, did you really think you could banish that part of yourself? That who you are would just disappear?" Frigga asked.

"Who is she? Was she some Aesir girl? Did I steal her traits from her?" Loki asked.

"No Loki. She's not some Aesir girl. She's you."


"You split your soul in two Loki!"

"Split my soul?"

"She is Loki, the same as you, and everything about yourself you used to not like now abides in her." Frigga said.

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, I spoke with her before you awoke. She was so upset I had to give her a sleeping draught. I hope you are happy." Frigga said. Loki looked down at his hands. Norns curse him for being a selfish creature, but he was happy. Immensely happy.


Loki slowly opened her eyes a second time, praying that she'd had a nightmare and nothing more. She'd awoken to a blue female body complete with tits and no dick. Her screams were so loud and terrifying the healers had to knock her out. She lifted up her hand to see it. It was still blue. It was even more refined, more delicate, more feminine. She sat up and looked around the room.

"How are you feeling?" Frigga asked. He was sitting next to her.

"What have you done to me?" She asked her other self. He blanched and looked away, feeling contrite.

"You know what we did. We're the same person." Loki said.

"Not anymore. Can this be fixed?" She asked her mother.

"I don't know." Frigga said. "For now, you'll have to live with the consequences of your actions. Both of you. Until such time as your father and I figure out how to reverse this."

"And if you can't?" She asked.

"Then we can't." Frigga said. Loki dropped her face into her palms and sobbed.

"When you are done lamenting your mistake, I will take you both to the royal chambers via the hidden hallway. There, Loki, I will take you into my closet and we will find a dress that will fit you. Loki, your new body has a larger frame than your old one and I fear your old clothes will be too tight on you. I'll see if some of your father's old things will fit you. Once you are both decently dressed I will take you to the throne room to face your father. The kingdom will need to be told of your situation. I think for practical purposes, one of you should be given a new name."

"Well I still look like me. I should still be called Loki."

"Like hell you will! You've taken everything else from me, you will not take that too!"

"No one is going to mistake you for me. You're blue! And a woman!"

"Oh go fuck yourself!"

"You know that takes on a whole new connotation when you say that to me."


"Enough, both of you." Frigga said. "We will discuss this later. Get up." Loki's mother was at the end of her patience. They traveled through the royal family's secret passage to Frigga and Odin's bedchamber. Once there Frigga riffled through a row of old dresses from her younger days and pulled out a deep red number that matched her ruby red eyes.

"Here, this will look very flattering on you."

"But that's Thor's color!"

"Silence!" Frigga hissed at her. Loki shrunk back, not accustomed to her mother being angry with her. "Get dressed." She said. "You, follow me." Frigga said to her son. She entered Odin's closet and went to a row of old clothes that Odin could no longer fit into. He'd gotten a little too doughy around the middle in his old age.

"Here. You'll look dashing in this." She said. It was a nice brown and hunter green tunic and trouser set. He liked his selection far better than what the other Loki got. The two emerged from their dressing areas and took in one another's new appearance.

Prince Loki looked very much like himself, only now he required less padding to look as broad and formidable as the other warriors. Well, that and that red hair.

Princess Loki looked stunning. Her black hair reached clear to her very generous bum. She had wide beautiful birthing hips and a perky bosom. Her slender waist, neck, and wrists all highlighted her lithe graceful form. She would've been gorgeous had she been Aesir.

"Come sit at the vanity. I'll do something with that hair." Frigga said to her. Frigga opened up her jewel box and then went out to the balcony and cut a red rose from the bush. She spent what male Loki felt was an inordinate amount of time braiding and weaving jeweled beads into Loki's hair. Finally, she fastened the rose behind her left ear. Frigga then pulled out an emerald necklace and draped it around her neck. A quick application of matching red lipstick and some eye make-up and she was ready. Loki looked at her reflection in the mirror. Inside, a part of her felt very pretty, but for that blue skin that ruined it all.

"They'll call me a monster." She whispered.

"They'll do no such thing. You are lovely, now up." Frigga said to her.

"What will father do to us?" He asked.

"Nothing you haven't already done to yourself." Frigga said.


Thor paced in the throne room anxious to see his brother. He and the men had collected him up along with that blue woman. She'd appeared out of thin air while his brother's body seemed to swell with muscles. He hadn't understood at the time, or perhaps didn't want to, that the woman was also Loki. Frigga had to explain it to him, but even now, he still had a problem with processing this new reality. It probably didn't help that after a very short explanation, his mother had kicked him out of the healing wing with no update or further guidance.

"Thor, enough. You'll wear a track in the floor." Odin said. Some of the courtiers laughed at that. A side door opened. The loud hinges creaked as the heavy wooden panels swung open and three figures entered the throne room. Frigga came to stand before her husband with Loki flanking her on one side and the woman on the other.

Thor gazed upon the young woman standing behind his mother. He'd never seen a female frost giant before. She was stunning. Her red eyes were a lovely shade. Usually frost giant eyes are a garish shade of red, but hers looked like rubies. Her matching dress highlighted them as did the rose in her hair. She was wearing his mother's emerald necklace, something not even Frigga's handmaidens were given permission to don.

"My King, it is my duty to inform you and the people of Asgard that Prince Loki is no longer as he once was. By magic and misfortune our son has taken it upon himself to separate out all that he once found undesirable. In his attempt to become a true Aesir he created another version of himself. May I present to you Princess Loki, our daughter."

"So it is true. Prince Loki has split himself in two." Odin said.

"Yes husband."

"I see you are female and Jotunn in form. Do you possess your seidr as well?"

"Yes Father I do. I still feel the pull of magic within me." She said.

"And what of you?" Odin said to his son.

"I do not feel seidr as strongly as I did before. It has left me, for the most part." He said. In truth, he has been horrified to find he cannot perform magic at all.

"I see. If a unification is even possible, which it may not be, it will only come with her expressed consent as she now has the gift required to make it so. For the sake of simplicity, I will treat you as something akin to twins, brother and sister. Calling both of you Loki is impractical. Since my son still looks like the Loki we all know for the most part, you shall keep the name. You, my daughter, shall be called Luka. This is the decision of your father the King." Odin stated.

She bristled at having her name changed, but at least it wasn't too different from her old one. Luka. She could live with that. It was the least of her problems really. Odin stood and banged his staff upon the floor signifying the end of these proceedings. They all adjourned to the great hall to eat supper, where a new chair was added to the high table for the new addition.