Hi everyone!

I know, this is WAY late. Sorry about that but life, writer's block, Sound Pod, Soulful Fugue, FreLu… There's been a lot in the way!

Hopefully this installment for Lahcy week will make up for the delay.

On to the reading.

Day 4 - Soap

"Son of a bitch!"

Lahar looked up from the book he was reading, peering at his blonde companion over the rim of his glasses. It wasn't the expression of adoration that she typically pulled from him that settled on his face, but rather that of disapproval. Almost a year of being together, he was fully smitten with the Celestial mage. She was everything someone of his caliber would seek in a life partner. Gentle, usually well mannered, definitely well bred, strong, intelligent, well read and versed in all sorts of literature. He'd even been pleasantly surprised to learn she was a skilled tactician. Keenly aware of her surroundings and an impenetrable sense of self. She saw the entire picture, weighed every possible outcome in a matter of seconds before making the most logical decision.

But, all great things had a price. Not only was she a member of the most destructive mage guild in all of Fiore, which included being a proud member of what he referred to the most criminally defective team, but she also had the mouth of a sailor when it suited her. A deplorable habit that he'd come to see was acquired from an immeasurable time spent with the lowliest of creatures, Dragon Slayers. The lot of them, in his point of view, had all of the charm and couth of a wild pack of dogs. He would not even consider them on the level of neolithic misrepresentations of man. Evolution had apparently missed their species completely.

"Oh, come the fuck on! Really?"

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath to steady the nerve her foul mouth was jabbing at. I will rid her of this habit, even if it kills me. "Lucy," he frowned. "Must you use such language?"

The blonde looked up from the small gaming device in her hands, a pout settled firmly on her full lips. "Sorry, but this game is really friggin stupid."

That makes absolutely no sense. He could not, for the life of him, figure out the appeal of video games. It was his firm belief that they demolished brain cells. This only seemed to further that belief. "Then why, may I ask, are you playing it?"

"Because," she huffed. "It's fun, and it's something to do on this six hour train ride."

Lahar nodded in understanding. He hated the long trek himself, refusing to do it unless it was absolutely necessary. And this was one of those necessary times. He was considering asking for her hand in marriage. He owed his parents enough respect to allow them the privilege of meeting the woman that would become their daughter by proxy. "Perhaps a nap or reading a book would be better suited," he suggested.

Lucy grinned as she set the gaming device down before getting up to come take a seat next to him. "Or," she cooed as she cozied herself up against his side. "We could play another game."

His breathing hitched at her closeness, the feel of her ample breasts pressing against him making it hard to resist the temptation she provided. It amazed him just how easily she could sway him from his normal moral compass, foregoing the propriety he swore to live by. All in the name of dying over and over again in the comfort of her flesh. He was sure his neighbors were permanently scarred for life by the numerous times they'd been caught rutting in the elevator. Poor Doranbolt… Ok, perhaps he did not feel sorry for that man in particular. If he would only learn to knock, he would be spared the sight of my very naked rear end and other unmentionables. She had convinced him that every square inch of his office needed to be christened, and who was he to deny her? She was incredibly convincing every time she showed up in a cloak with nothing but her heels beneath it.

"Love," he smiled as he reached up to grasp her exploring fingers. He pulled them up before they could reach his already awakening arousal, pressing his lips to each delicate fingertip. "As enticing as that offer is, I must refuse for the sake of our fellow passengers."

"But, Lala-bear!" she pleaded with a bat of her eyelashes. "Please? I've never been fucked on a train."

"I'm sure you've never had your mouth washed out on one either," he deadpanned.

Her tawny eyes narrowed as she pulled away. "You would not."

"Yes, Love," he stated. "I would. Now, you've been warned. Watch your language or we'll take a trip to the bathroom."

"Not nice," she pouted as she slipped off of the seat to move back to her original place on the bench across from him.

He truly did hate to reject her in that manner. She was a vision in her demure baby pink strapless sundress. He knew all too well the undergarments that lay beneath the soft fabric that clung to her chest like a second skin and pinched at her tiny waist. She'd so brazenly modeled it for him the night before, a gift he'd purchased from the shop they'd visited on their first date. He would have never thought himself to have much of a lingerie fetish, but on her… It was his kryptonite. It was wrapping on a gift that kept giving. Christmas happened a lot in his apartment and her own.

"Such an asshole sometimes."

The muttered words, said under her breath were so low that he questioned hearing her at all. "I am sorry," he frowned. "What was that?"

"Nothing," she smiled before going back to her video game.

His eyes narrowed for a moment before he chose to let her slide. "Very well then."

She was disappointed, and he completely understood. But, she was a screamer. Every single person on the train would undoubtedly hear her, and know exactly what they were up to. He would hate to have to imprison the dim-witted slug that would surely look untowards at her when they exited the train. His Lucy was not a loose woman, and nothing short of death would be satisfactory for anyone who would be so brazen as to think she was. The heavens help the poor sot that decided to approach her for their own selfish desire. He'd seen the infamous Lucy Kick in action more than a few times performed on some of his men in the barracks for thinking to hit on her. He'd even left Doranbolt with a few more scars of his own for lewd remarks where she was concerned.

"Gah! Link, you stupid little goat fucker! That isn't the button I pushed!"

The anger in her voice went ignored as Lahar set his book down on the seat beside him. Wordless, he rose from his bench and made his way to the small bathroom their private cabin offered. He hated to travel, but he insisted it was done in comfort when he did. He reached for the small, wrapped bar of soap that decorated the sink's ledge. He removed the wrapper and discarded it in the waste bin before heading back out to the main room. "Device," he demanded as he stuck out his free hand.

"What?" she questioned as she looked up in confusion. "No, this is mine."


Her eyes flickered down to his closed hand for a brief moment before she let out a heavy sigh, and begrudgingly placed the game boy in his open palm. "Fine," she pouted. "But I don't want that."

"I know," he nodded. "But you have been warned. Quite often, now tongue."


Pointedly looking at her, he lifted the small bar of soap to her lips to quell her argument. "No buts, Love," he chided. "You can either take this as punishment or we can go with option B."

"Option B," she responded quickly. "Whatever it is, it has to be better than this."

His thin brows lifted. "Are you sure? I was under the impression you were rather fond of sex."


He wanted to laugh at the way her face fell but he forced his calm exterior to remain in place. "Sex. Sexual intercourse," he lamented. "Option B is no sex for two weeks." Please do NOT let her pick that one. My hand just isn't the same anymore…

"Two weeks?" Lucy scoffed. "Seriously? Soap or you're holding out for two weeks?"

"Yes, I believe that is what I said."

She gave an indignant huff as her eyes flickered down once more to the bar he held, weighing her options. "That's not very fair."

"Things in life are rarely fair, Love," he shrugged.

Accepting her fate, he watched as she tentatively stuck out her tongue. Inside, he jumped for absolute joy at her choice, while his cool demeanor held fast on the outside. The way her face wrinkled in disgust as he scraped the handsoap on that pink muscle was almost comical. Unlike the way his member twitched in his pants. He wanted nothing more than to replace the soap with his arousal. But spoiling her will never break the habit.

"Good girl," he remarked when he was satisfied her tongue was thoroughly coated. He knew it had to be the foulest taste, and almost pitied her tastebuds. Turning back, he placed the soap on the bathroom sink and returned to his seat. He could feel the weight of her stare as he moved about, choosing to avoid looking for fear of buckling.

"So mean," she pouted softly.

"I know," he said as he picked up his book once more. "But, you love me despite that."

"Yeah, and you love me too despite my potty mouth."

A smile tugged at the corners of his thin lips as he raised his gaze to hers. "That I do, Lucy," he sighed. "That I do. With all my heart."

Not only is Lahar a closet perv, but he's also a hard ass. No surprise there though LOL. But there you have my interpretation of the Soap prompt.

I will admit, the next prompt probably won't come until next week. Unless, like this, the urge to switch over from Sound Pod strikes. That is kind of dominating my time at the moment :)

The next prompt will be Enabler.

As always, please review, follow and fav!

Until next time… Big hugs to you all!
