They were barely past the "how I'll take over the world, mwahaha!" monologue and edging into the "and your little dog (or Seto's little brother), too!" finale when a glowing green hand interrupted the Villain of the Week just as he was about to do something especially villain-y involving Duel Monsters cards and/or dice (Téa had stopped paying close attention some time after the first "mwahaha!").

The giant hand, originating from a beam of emerald light, itself generated by a ring worn by a familiar (to Téa, anyway. The rest of the group gathered on the roof were gaping at the figure hanging miraculously in the sky.) red-haired man, scooped up the would-be world conqueror by his scruff and let him dangle like a kitten. A kitten that flailed and shrieked impotent curses at its captor, but still...kitten. The image made Téa giggle, even as she ran to help untie Mokuba from his spot in the center of the makeshift dueling arena the nut-job had crafted on the roof of the museum.

Captive well 'in hand', Green Lantern gave a jaunty wave and swooped off toward the Domino City Police Station.

Grinning, Téa waved back and shouted, "Thanks, Uncle Guy!"