Negima and Winx AU

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

"Okay let me get this straight. Mages and Demons and all exist." Haruna said looking at everyone after Negi, Zazie and the others gave them a quick explanation on Mage's and all, even demons. Right now they were all in the room still, surrounding the table as those that hadn't known stared at those that had.

"You are a fully graduated wind based mage who was assigned here for training." Haruna said pointing at Negi who gave a small nod.

"She is an untrained fire based mage but has good control of her powers usually." Haruna now pointed at Bloom who was being fed some breakfast by Zazie and earning another nod from Negi.

"Zazie-san is a fully trained and qualified darkness and shadow based mage who is here for reasons she won't say." Haruna said pointing at Zazie who glanced up and gave a single nod.

"And while their secrets can get out without problem cause one of them is fully trained and the other hasn't gone to the Mage Academy yet, if your secret gets out you'll be stripped of your magic and turned into an animal?" Haruna asked earning nods all around.

"While Kaede-chan, Mana-san, Hakase-san, Ku Fei-chan, Yuan-chan and Chao-chan already knew about all of this and the fact that most of the teachers and Dean are mages too?" Haruna asked looking at them for an explanation.

"While I'm not magical myself most of my family is so I can tell easily, De gozaru." Kaede explained while Ku Fei nodded in agreement.

"Same here, aru." The Chinese martial artist said nodding as well.

"Me and my dad are both Mage's but we're already fully trained… actually my family is nothing but mages. Misora-chan and the others at the church are mages too, Misora-chan and Cocone-san are still in training though." Yuna pointed out cheerfully everyone paused and blinked for a second at that.

"Well I'm actually a mage from the future and used a mix or science and magic to come back in time to fix some things. Hard not to know these things when you come from Mars." Chao said scratching the back of her neck sheepishly as everyone stared at her for a full minute of dead silence.

"Moving on…I have family members that have magic but I don't have it myself. Seen Chao do some spells to help with our experiments though." Hakase said still tinkering with something on her lap.

"Well to be honest, Setsuna-san knows about it as well since she is half demon but she tends to keep to herself unless she's patrolling to make sure no harmful demons are around." Chao added when she thought about it for a minute.

"I'm Zazie's partner and a half demon. Of course I know." Mana said while cleaning one of her guns without even looking up at them.

"Partner?" Fuka asked curiously. Mana merely smirked slightly as she looked up at Zazie who met her eyes before nodding.

"No use hiding it from you guys, you already know more than you should anyways. Most mages have partners to protect them because when they're casting spells, most of them are vulnerable to attack from any enemies. For example, Negi-sensei you don't have any temporary partners yet do you?" Mana asked causing Negi to blush and shake his head in the negative.

"Alright try and cast a spell." Mana said causing Negi to blink but nod. He grabbed his staff and began to chant.

"Un-Ow!" Negi was stopped at the start of the chant as Mana dashed forward and flicked his forehead with barely any demon strength behind it.

"See? When trying to chant a spell he's vulnerable to attacks which interrupt him. Okay now Negi-sensei try to stop Zazie from chanting her spell." Mana said making Negi nod while Zazie began chanting quietly.

"Tenebrae fio meamet arma," Negi began chanting as well whole everyone stared at the supernatural echo tinting their words.

"Un-" Unlike Zazie who wasn't interrupted Negi was quickly stopped by Mana pulling on his cheek slightly.

"Daemon fio meamet gladius." Zazie finished her incantation quickly while Mana kept Negi from finishing the first word of his.

"Umbra disseptum!" Zazie casted the spell that allowed a dark grey light black dome that seemed to move slightly to surround her and Bloom.

"See? If the mage has a partner then the partner can cover them while they cast spells. Since sensei doesn't have a partner but Zazie does, Zazie would win since I can keep him from casting spells but no one stops Zazie." Mana said causing everyone to nod slightly in understanding.

"Of course this was just a demonstration so Zazie was casting the spell aloud. Low power spells like the barrier she could cast silently if she wanted to." Mana said causing Negi to gape at Zazie who shrugged slightly as the barrier dropped and she continued feeding the giggling and awestruck little red head.

"How do you become partners?" Chizuru asked curiously but still smiling like she always was. At that Mana, Zazie, and Negi all blushed while Chao snickered.

"By doing a pactio. To do a pactio the mage and their protector need to be in a magic circle, for two males to become partners they only need to make a cut on their hand and then exchange a handshake. For two girls or a boy and a girl it's different." Chao explained grinning as she looked at the blushing Mana and Zazie who weren't looking at anyone or even each other.

"How so?" Haruna asked beginning to grin when she saw how embarrassed the other three mages were.

"For those under age like Negi-sensei, they can only make a temporary pactio. He can't do a permanent one yet. For temporary pactios the mage and the protector need to exchange a kiss on the lips. Kissing the forehead or cheek messes it up." Chao said with a grin while most of the girls blushed and Negi turned as red as his daughters hair.

"What about Mana and Zazie?" Asakura asked with a grin on her face.

"They're both older than they look thanks to…other circumstances that I can't say because it's not my right but they have a permanent pactio." Chao said causing everyone to blink slightly before Negi turned even redder, and those who knew how permanent pactios began blushing as well as they stared at the two.

"How do you make a permanent pactio?" Aka asked curiously, making them blush harder while Mana sat beside Zazie and only smiled when the clown leaned against her. Those who hadn't known looked shocked or blushed at Chao's rather casual answer.

"For a permanent pactio… the mage and the partner essentially get married."