Yugioh Arc RVB

(A/N: This is a non-profit fan-based crossover Red vs. Blue are owned by Rooster teeth and Yugioh Arc V is owned by Kazuki Takehashi and Shounen Jump, AND NO ONE ELSE {give look of death at 4kids}, also this will take place after season 13, and before Yuya enters the Maiami Championship, and there will be more Yuya x Yuzu moments, say what you will we all know it's going to happen)

Chapter 1

A day has passed since the defeat of Malcolm Hargrove, and Epsilon purging his memories to rebirth the A.I. fragments and gives his friends the edge to keep them alive. After they burst through the soldiers and Tucker armed with his sword and the META suit, the Aqua warrior took all his rage and arrested the man who caused the suffering of people of Chorus. After being rescued they also took F.I.L.S.S (or Sheila as Caboose kept calling her) from the on board computer to transfer her into a drive so they can transfer into something else later, after that they ejected the A.I. fragments and put them into a case to debate what to do with them.

Now Tucker is sitting at the top of the temple of Communication, wearing the advanced Spartan META suit, the last and possibly only gift he got from Church. Even though he was bit of an asshole, scratch that he was an asshole for forgetting about them, yes it helped them survive, but they could have all got out of there alive. Tucker looked outward to the Chorus skyline, he heard the footsteps of a black with yellow-stripped armored man, an aqua armored woman, and a dark blue armored moron, Washington Carolina and Caboose approaching. Wash looked at him, "hey, buddy, how it going?" he said.

"seriously dude" Tucker replied.

"yeah, I guess that is assumed, I mean we lost a good man today," Wash said with sympathy.

"Yeah, considering that you are still conscious when Epsilon nearly put Wash in a coma, if he didn't do what he did-" Carolina spoke.


"I know this is hard for all of us, he was a friend to all of us, even the reds would admit that they miss him, and grieving just as much as us" Carolina spoke.

At the base of the tower, Simmons and Grif arguing as always, "For the last time Grif, a banana split is not considered fruit, especially when you deep fry the banana" Simmons yelled at him. *Idiotas* Lopez lamented in Spanish while the overweight orange trooper tried to make a counter point with his grenade launcher/ huge blade he stole from the Meta, he dubbed the Grif Shot.

"Oh guys, I have an idea, Santa" Caboose said with his normal enthusiasm, then the red Sangheili A.I appeared before them.

"What do you desire? Brave warriors" the A.I asked.

"Santa, you are magic right, then I wish for our friend Church to be back with us", Caboose said, stupidly. Carolina was going to tell him, but Wash put his hand on her shoulder, knowing he has to learn the hard way

"If you want me to restore you're A.I., I regrettably have to say that I cannot restore his memories, there is nothing I can do." Carolina walked up to her not very bright friend, put a hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him.

"I'm sorry Caboose, to both of you," she also referred to Tucker who shared so much with Epsilon.

The red alien A.I. cleared his non existing throat "However there is a tower that can reverse time and space itself, but was never used, because they feared it would rip the entire universe asunder" he pontificated as he pulled up a map to the tower.

"Wait, wait, wait, if they never used it, how do you know it will work? Cause seriously it's starting to sound like the bike I got Grif for Christmas but he never used." Tucker, getting out of his funk to question the flawed logic.

"I personally been part of the designing and the calculating the equations, I know for a fact it will work" Santa rebutted.

"Hey guys where is Caboose?" Washington asked and just like they looked over the edge to see Caboose on a Ghost speeding towards the tower, "Come on" Carolina said to go find their idiot friend.

"Sarge, we need a few warthogs and go get our idiot" Washington stated.

"Which idiot, the blue one, the pink one, or all you bitches, Bwahaha" Doc split personality O'Mailley retorted. Everyone brushed off the mean comment and focused on the task at hand.

"Where did Caboose go to?" Sarge asked.

"A tower that has the power to turn back time, supposedly" Tucker retorted.

"If I could turn back time" Donut began to sing,

"Oh God", Grif lamented Donut trying to perform a one man musical, again

"I would find a way" Donut Continued,

"SHUT UP DONUT" the reds and blues yelled. That being said they grabbed a couple of warthogs

"SHOTGUN" Grif called before Simmons called


"shotgun's lap", Donut yelled calling his position,

"fuck" Grif immediately lamented causing Simmons to giggle.

Doc/O'Mailey, whichever personality was in control at the time saddling up on his Ghost and after a 20-minute drive and Grif complaining about Donut's ass being on his crotch they arrived at the chrome trident shaped tower.

They entered the alien structure to see Caboose next to the pillar at the center of the room trying to activate the tower; Tucker stood forward and tried to reason with him. "Caboose it's time to stop, I miss Church as well, he was my best friend too, but he is not worth risking the entire universe's destruction, besides the only way for the tower is with my" before he could finish Santa appeared

" Time space distortion activating in 1 minute" Santa spoke.

Everyone was in shock,"what in the name of Uncle Sam's boxer shorts just happened?" Sarge shouted.

"Wait how is this even possible? Unless" Wash questioned until the A.I. fragments appeared Delta, Theta, Gamma, Eta, Iota, Sigma and Omega apparently override the towers protocols so Caboose can activate it without Tucker's sword."YOU USED THE A.I. FRAGMENTS" Washington screamed.

"we need to shut this down NOW," Carolina ordered.

A tornado of energy swirled around them, Grif Started to panic "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF", Grif shouted running for an escape but the tornado knocked him back on his ass looking at the center of the room, the small pillar the main power conduit for the device, so he pulled out his laser sword and ran towards the pillar and stabbed it to try to stop it. Sparks started to fly and a beam of light flew into the sky a blue portal then appeared in the sky.

"Well, if the world's going to end, may as well have no regrets" Sarge stated he then proceed to strangle Grif, then lifted up into the sky along with the other reds and blues and the couple of warthogs outside,

"I'm flying" Caboose said stupidly. Tucker holding onto his sword for dear life until the sword propped out of the pillar.

"DAMN IT CABOOSE, YOU TEAMKILLING FUCKTARD" were the last words he said before entering the portal as it disipated.

Tucker opened his eyes to see the inside of the portal, everything was blue and electricity was shooting everywhere. A bubble floated near him to see an image him striking down Hargrove ending the war on Chorus. He then saw the rest of his team, "Hey guys, where are we?" Tucker asked.

"Simmons, explain what the hell is happening through science," Sarge ordered.

"Well it appears we are in some sort dimensional rift defying all known laws space and time, and probably spit us out to some dimension with horrible creatures that most likely to kill us, eat us, infect us with a horribly painful disease or all three at the same time, in short we're royally screwed" the Maroon kiss ass stated.

Tucker looked over to Caboose to see him popping the weird bubbles turning into balls of white energy flying in the blue void. "I always knew Caboose would be the cause of our deaths" Tucker stated.

"Affirmative" freckles the A.I. in Cabooses gun said.

"Well if this is the end, I just want to say being with you guys has been the most fun I've ever had", Carolina said heartfelt.

"The feelings mutual little missy" Sarge said for the group weirdly out of character,"even you Grif, even though in my last moments I want nothing more to see your violent demise" he said back in character.

"Well this is it" Tucker said as they were nearing 4 white lights at the end of the tunnel "YAAAAHH they all Screamed as they were enveloped in a white light.

At that moment two teenagers, a male with red eyes and a dual hair color of red and green, wearing an orange shirt, beige pants, white jacket holding on his shoulders like a cape. He had orange goggles with the left goggle having a blue star on it finally around his neck a pendant in the shape of a blue crystal with silver wings wrapped around it. While the young lady had blue eyes and pink hair in a white/grey uniform with red tie and skirt and blue circle hairpins were walking home from school. "Hey Yuzu" the young man asked the girl.

"yeah, Yuya" Yuzu replied.

"you ever wonder why we're-" Yuya was then interrupted by the sound of crackling lightning and a bright blue light coming from an alley two blocks away.

"Hey what's going on over there" Yuzu asked a bit worried.

"I don't know but I'm gonna find out" he said as he started to run towards the alleyway

"YUYA" Yuzu yelled trying to catch up to her friend.

A small portal opened in the alley in some city where it spat out our heroes, along with an extra person and the two warthogs. The Aqua soldier was one of the first to regain consciousness; he took of his helmet to get more air he looked to a nearby puddle and saw his reflection "What the fuck" was Tucker's initial response. The rest of the troopers got up and surveyed their surroundings then they saw a 17-year-old African American teenager.

"Tucker, is that you why are you 17" Wash said shocked.

"Uh guys, I think you should take off you're helmets," Tucker said to his friends after they did they all looked at each other except Lopez because he was a robot.

"OH MY GOD, GRIF MUTATED INTO UNHOLY ABOMINATION THAT EVEN THE DEVIL HIMSELF WOULDN'T WANT. Sarge yelled Grif's young tanned Hawaiian face and light brown hair looking pudgy and un-amused.

"Oh bite me" Grif said, looking back at Sarge's Caucasian, buzz cut brown haired 18-year-old face.

"Oh my god, that skin cream I got from that gypsy finally worked" the young, blonde, ecstatic teen named Donut said.

"It's not the cream Donut the portal must have done this" The former ginger cyborg said noticing his cyborg parts are gone.

Wash saw his blonde hair with brown hair on his sides shocked on how he got so young "what the hell?"

Carolina had her Red hair still in her ponytail but her face looked slimmer and younger "how is this possible?"

Caboose despite being younger still had an idiotic look glued to his face with short fuzzy blonde hair, guess he fit the stereotype of dumb blonde "Oh my god, I'm cute"


"Shut up O'Mailey" Grif retorted.

"uh that was actually Doc, I had no idea where that came from though" Doc's split personality replied.

Tucker grabbed Caboose "WHY, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS CABOOSE?" He spit at him in anger.

"Tucker" Carolina tried to stop him.


"I-I missed Church" Caboose cried seeing his friend crying Tucker then pulled him into a hug.

"He was my best friend too you know" Tucker said with a tear coming out of his eye.

"Uh I hate to break up this touching moment, but what do we do now?" Sarge questioned the group.

Carolina stepped forward "Your right, although by the look of the buildings we are in a human colony, although if they find us with armor and alien weaponry, we'll immediately be sent to prison so we must stay low and avoid any civilians" she said as everyone looked behind her. "Someone already spotted us haven't they," she said.

"Yep" Grif replied.

Everyone looked to see a 14-year-old boy with hair resembling a tomato and goggles with a star on it he has a confused look on his face about the strange people he is now facing. "Uh, hello there sorry didn't mean to interrupt whatever this is" Yuya said.

Thinking up a lie, Carolina asked the boy"we are from out of town could you happen to tell us where we are".

"We are in Maiami city" Yuya answered.

"so what we're in Florida?" Grif spoke.

"No, we're in Japan" Yuya replied. "

Wait then how are you speaking English then?" Simmons retorted.

"Oh learning a second language is mandatory in our school system one of the few subject I'm good at, also me and my friends watch a lot of American TV" Yuya responded.

As he finished his sentence he got smacked by a girl with pink hair with her paper fan. "Yuya, what were you thinking leaving me there like that" Yuzu shouted at him in Japanese.

"I was just talking to these American tourists, by the way what are you guys here for some sort of sci-fi cosplay convention or something" he said directed to the sim troopers. As they were about to answer they heard a noise in a dumpster they pointed their plasma rifles at the dumpster, they lifted the lid to see a tan woman with brown hair who had a striking resembling to Grif, minus the excess body fat.

"Kaikaina" Tucker exclaimed.

Grif turned to Sarge "ha told you she wasn't dead" Grif said to his commanding officer in a triumphant tone.

*How is she is still alive I choked her until she didn't have a pulse* the brown armored robot shouted in Spanish.

Yuya and Yuzu stared at them as Washington stared back at them. "I guess we have some explaining to do" Yuya just nodded "Okay long story short we are soldiers from the from the year 2564 but we do not mean any harm, as to how we got here on the other hand all I know is that we were at this alien temple that could have destroyed time and space as we know it and now we are here. Simmons mind if you explain it to everyone cause I have no idea what's going on either" Wash ordered.

"Well, from what I can gather the tower has sent us through time and space to another dimension one which has turned back our chronological aging to our adolescence and those bubbles caboose popped created dimensional rifts so whoever was seen in those bubbles shared our same fate." Everyone looked at him confused, "does everybody get that" Simmons asked,

"Yep" was everyone's response.

"Wait, you guys are soldiers," Yuya asked.

"Yeah, well we mostly bitch about how our military is fucked up, although we did have some adventures like exposing a corrupt government organization, stopping a civil war, preventing a planet scale genocide and I got this kick as laser sword and became an alien savior" Tucker explained showing his sword in the process. "Oh I guess we forgot to introduce ourselves my name is Lavernius Tucker, but you can call me Tucker" Tucker introduced himself.

"My Name is Yuya Sakaki" Yuya said.

"Yuzu Hiragi" Yuzu stated.

"David Washington and the blonde guy in blue armor with the incredibly low IQ is Michael J Caboose" Washington said pointing to Caboose.

"Hello, new friends and this is Freckles," Caboose said cheerfully waving at them.

"Civilians" the gun spoke

"Did that gun just speak?" Yuya asked

"Yeah we put an A.I. in his gun so he wouldn't kill us all on accident so now it just shoots confetti and party noises" Tucker said as Caboose pulled Freckles trigger shooting confetti and party noises from the barrel.

"Carolina Church" Carolina extended her hand out in peace where Yuya shook her hand.

"My name is Frank DeFrunse but people call me Doc, also I would like to introduce you to my other half O'Mailey" Doc said "NO DON'T SAY IT LIKE WERE AN MARRIED COUPLE YOU TWIT" O'Mailey took over, Yuya and Yuzu sweat dropped on the scene they witnessing.

"Yeah we found some experimental tech that teleported him somewhere and forgot to teleport him back and now he has a split personality, our bad" Tucker explained

"Dexter Grif and this is my Sister Kaikaina," Grif said introducing him and his sister. "Tip of advice lock up your booze and medicine cabinet" He whispered.

"Woohoo" Sister hollered

"Richard Simmons" Simmons said

"You forgot to say resident kiss ass" Grif insulted.

"God damn it Grif" Simmons yelled back.

"Franklin Delano Donut" Donut said with glee.

"wait a sec Donut, Yuzu was it" Grif said, Yuzu feeling uneasy

"what color is your hair?" Simmons questioned.

Yuzu getting scared "uh, dark pink" Yuzu replied nervously.

"So Donut, me and Grif have physical evidence that your armor is not indeed lightish red but, GODDAMN PINK" Simmons said.

"Yeah we were right, bitch" Grif said.

Grif said agreeing with his friend "huh so it is, well I guess that I was wrong," Donut states.

"Wait we had this argument for years and this is your resolution, just acceptance" Grif said.

"Yeah, you were right over something as trivial as my armor color, don't have to make such a big deal about it" Donut stated

"Okay, now that those idiots are done with their little tea party, I am Francisco Montegue Zanzibar, but you can just call me Sarge, and the brown armored fellow here is my mechanical Mexican companion Lopez" Sarge said. The reds and Blues just looked at him.

"I've known you all these years, yet I did not know your name" Simmons said.

"wait didn't you give that name to another robot?" Grif asked.

"Yeah I named it after myself, duh" Sarge retorted. *Run away kids, run before you catch these idiots stupidity,* Lopez warned them in Spanish

"Uh what's with him" Yuzu asked

"oh Lopez, when installing his voice chip we ran into a bit of a snafu and now he can only speak Spanish" Sarge said.

"Yeah, but the power of friendship can overcome any language barrier" Donut said.

*One day I will kill you Donut, and that day will be glorious,* Lopez said knowing that his words will fall on death ears.

"I love you too buddy" Donut said unaware of the death threat.

"Anyway do you guys have a place to stay?" Yuya said.

"Yeah, we are probably spend the night at the lovely Dumpster Holiday Inn?" Grif said in a snarky tone.

"Well if that is the case, How about you guys come with us and we can find you a place to stay," Yuzu said.

"Really? You guys would do that for us?" Tucker asked.

"Of course, plus you guys don't look like you guys are bad people" Yuya said with a smile.

"Thank you" Carolina said.

"Okay let's get a movin' people" Sarge said getting into the driver's seat in one of the warthogs.

'I hope I made the right decision' Yuya thought as they were all crammed into the armored vehicle, and drove off as inconspicuously as one can when driving a jeep with a turret in the back seat.