September 15th, 1991

Dear Charlie,

Bit late to the party here, literally. I'm writing this at a friend's house. I am such a socialite. That was sarcasm.

I think what you just witnessed there was a 'bonding moment', my friend. It's like in books, where the good guys who really didn't get along have a moment where everything is put aside and it's all happy and great and it's all good, except, well, in real life. There it feels empowering. Here, on Planet Earth, it just feels weird.

Still, what was it like seeing your brother on TV? I'm jealous! I'll never get on the tube. I'm too silly. Eh, well, that's not important.

I miss my dad. He got sent to a super important conference and he won't be back for a few days. I think you're going through worse though. You have to wait to see him until he gets out of school for a while. Or can drive home.

Ah darn, I'm being dragged away. I hope you have a good day, Charlie, wherever you are.

Forever yours,
