Title: Instincts

Author: NineTailsKyuubiKit-SasuNaru

Summary: Naruto is a wolf born with the natural ability to give birth like his mother Minato. After their clan is attacked by other wolf clan Naruto along with his siblings are force out of there home. As instincts take over Naruto and his siblings separate from each other to find their mates, As Naruto goes though the cold struggle of the winter, starvation, and loneliness.

Pairings: SasuNaru, KakaIruk : One-sided- NejiNaru, SakuSasu, SaiNaru, and GaaNaru

Rated: M

Warning: Mpreg-it's natural for natural born males

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, everything goes to rightful owners




Whine, Kick, Whimper

Bright blue eyes opened as another soft kick landed on his side. With a soft huff, the 2 week old wolf pup got up on unstable legs and huge paws. He shakes his golden fur by moving his body in a fast turning motion, with the result of falling over on his unstable legs.

A cold nose, bigger than his brothers and sisters, poked his side alarming him. Turning his head fastly, his looked into the dark blue eyes of his mother. He smelled the milk he produced, and yes his mother was a male, not yet winged, he started to whimper wanting the warm milk that rested underneath his mother's skin. The mother, Minato, hearing his pup crying out settled down at the back of the den. Seeing his mother laying down on his side, he all but ran to him, and immediately latched onto a nipple surrounded by white golden colored fur, before sucking downing the warm milk that his mother produced.


I looked at the runt of the litter, Naruto, who was busy suckling on one of my ten nipples. Normally being a male I would have 8 nipples, but me being born with the property of being able to breed I have ten, for one day I might be in the situation of having ten pups just like a female. A male that can give birth are considered very rare, and desirable by other males. This reason is because males like to have a strong female with a good life span. Better life the more pups and the stronger last the longest, which is what every male wants.

I looked down at the feeling of a particular hard tug at the, now sore nipple, courtesy of Naruto. I watched as Naruto kicked his bigger than normal paws against my belly, fighting for what little milk my body had managed to produce. Looking outside, my dark blue eye dilated as the bright light reflecting off the snow and hit my eyes. Then I looked at my other pups as they begin to stir, waking for their minds illusion of what some call dreams. The first to wake was a rusty colored male pup with strange purple eyes gifted the name Nagato, he had not gained the ability to wield unborn pups, but he was very wise for his age and very strong. The next to wake was a faded golden furred female with pale blue eyes named Ino, she had a bit too much of attitude and expected a lot of attention from everyone, when she didn't get this attention she for some reason, picked on Naruto which resulted with him being kick in the side, a nasty attitude. Next to her was her sister Karin, a dark rusty colored pup with red eyes like her father, she too has a nasty attitude against Naruto reasons unknown. Then there was Deidara, who had golden fur, like Naruto, with pale blue eyes, he had a habit of being really hyper when something small happened, and would take a while for him to calm down. Then last, but not least was Naruto, who was currently still sucking on Minato's nipple for milk, was different from the others. Naruto is a very shy thing, with fur so golden it shines brighter than the sun and bright blue eyes that rival the sky, he has a tendency to stutter when talking about something embarrassing and talks in a normal, but very shy voice, he is respectable to everyone in the pack, and everyone in the pack adored him and his brightful shyness. The only ones that seem to dislike him were his own brothers and sisters, and what most assumed was because they saw it unfair that Naruto was pampered when he was a runt and they were not. The thing that made Naruto special though was that he like Minato had ten nipples, so Naruto like him was a carrier of pups, and with his shy and sweet personality, it made him more desirable to other female wolves.

Again I watched as the other pups, without struggle of their legs, run up to him and latch themselves to a nipple of their own and sucked harshly. I winced and gave them a warning growl, in response the pups then sucked softly afraid of their mother's rage. I watched Naruto flinch and run away, just as I remembered that Naruto was afraid of aggressive noises.

I felt his heart shattered in two as I watched sweet adorable Naruto run away. I whined softly quietly scolding myself and as an apology and in hopes to make him come back over. Naruto looked at me with wide blue eyes brimmed with tears before walking over and slowly latched onto another nipple sucking softly. I sighed softly and licked Naruto to calm him. After he was calm I settled back down.

The sound of soft paw steps and dragging in the snow made my ears twitch to behind me. Turning my head with my guard up I felt my tail wag at the sight of my leader and mate, Kyuubi, the muscular, rusty and black colored fured alpha male held a baby elk by his powerful jaws. Though me having Kyuubi as a mate of an alpha male makes me the alpha female. I had met Kyuubi when I had left my pack in order to find a suitable mate, one that could protect my young and run a pack.

Of course, I had a lot of wolves I had crossed, but being one as male and bearing pups you have to chose your mate wisely. Where other wolves would take down rabbits, foxes, or just finding corpses, Kyuubi took down an adult elk. Too say it was almost impossible to take down was a understatement to Kyuubi. Kyuubi took down the adult elk in 6 minutes flat. After that Kyuubi and I ate that elk, after I approved of Kyuubi of course, and talk a bit. After several months I found myself falling hard for Kyuubi and soon found out that Kyuubi had as well, and as winter approached I formally chose Kyuubi to become my mate. Now we have the litter of five healthy pups, Nagato, Ino, Deidara, Karin, and of course Naruto.

I watched as Kyuubi walked up to us and settled beside me as he laid the baby elk down in front of me. I look at the baby elk before licking Kyuubi's nose in appreciation, to which Kyuubi licked me back, as I started to eat.

I felt Naruto detach from my nipple, and slowly walked, as if not to trip, up to Kyuubi and licked his paw. Kyuubi then laid on the ground and rolled Naruto on his back with his stomach facing up making Naruto squeal in delight. Kyuubi then put his nose on Naruto's stomach and moved it back and forth making Naruto squeal louder and harder. I smiled at the sight, but it did not last long as Ino and Karin grew jealous of Naruto and ran up to him and Kyuubi, knocking Naruto out of the way. I quickly got up, making Nagato and Deidara let go of my nipples in the process, and checked on Naruto to see if he was ok. Meanwhile I heard Kyuubi chewing out Ino and Karin about pushing Naruto, I felt Naruto shiver and I looked down to see him yawn.

I smiled knowing he was ok before picking him up and going back to the back of the den. Sitting back down I let Nagato and Deidara latch back onto my nipples to drink so more. Setting Naruto down gently I begin to eat the baby elk corpse again. I watched as Kyuubi chewed out Ino and Karin some more, who looked like they were about to cry. Sighing softly I called out to Kyuubi telling him to go easy them. Kyuubi let them off the hook letting them both run back to me and curl up to my belly.

Even though I knew that some of my pups were mean, I knew one day the would grow into loving Naruto just like the rest of us. That alone gave me the will to watch over them, but most of all I knew they would live a good life even if they didn't know it now. Until then I would watch over them and give them all the love a care I could give them.

I smiled at them as I felt Kyuubi lay down behind me laying his head down between my leg and stomach, kinda like my hip area.

'My family' I thought as I looked down at them once more, watching the pups begin to sleep. Thier eyes drooping low until shut. Kyuubi let off light snores through his nose as he sleeped the day off, twitching here and there. Finally I turned my head around and layed my head on my paws. Letting a soft snort through my nose letting my eyes drop as well with a thought that made my smile.

'Nothing can go wrong'

Hello! This is my first story base on my favorite anime Naruto and my love for wolves (though I love foxes more XD), and I would love to know what you think of it and your reviews! The first chapter will be updated shortly X3.