"This is Terabithia, the land of dreams, the land of happiness, the land of hope and light. This is truly my homeland, the land where I belong. You see, the story was mine. You, my dear friend, are Jess, king of this land. You must, by now, know with whom you are speaking. It is I; Leslie. I have come from the depths of the land of darkness. That land is, in name, Rishbon. You thought me long departed; ten years today. But I am not yet gone on my departure." She said with all the feeling she had in her. She had not been able to say a word to him for so many long years. Spoken now, there was no return from this point.
"It cannot be! How can it? Leslie has been departed from me these ten years. How is it that she should come back now? How can it be? You could not be her. You speak like her and you look like her, but how could it come to pass that my dearest friend should be alive and well after all these years? Are you, then, her ghost, perhaps? The spirit of her that has come after ten years to tell me what has become of dear, sweet Leslie now in the other land? That is, in the land of the shadows. It could not be a stranger- nay- it could not! She knows too much about this land and about the life of Leslie. The only explanation is that this here is the spirit of Leslie Burke." He said, trembling because of the cool wind, and because he did not know what to think of what was happening.
"The air of Terabithia had been working on the two since they had arrived and they had started to remember the speech which they used in those early days as the king and queen of Terabithia, the shining city of light. Leslie had been there overnight, so it had longer to work on her than Jess, but it was moving upon them nevertheless. For it was true; the girl was Leslie. She was indeed the queen of old. Jess could not believe that after many seemingly unanswered prayers for his best friend to be alive that she really was and had been the whole time.
"No, it is I. I am not a spirit! Look! Feel my hand; it is flesh and blood and bone. Oh! Can you not see? The land knows of my return. The air is lighter and the sun is shining more brightly. The waves in the Eastern Ocean are calm and the thunder from above does not disturb the sleep of the little creatures in their homes. The desert has rain; the mountains have flowers of snow and sun." She said, looking north toward the mountains.
"These flowers are called Neve Amaranta. It is said that their seeds fall from the sky with the snow and are made to grow by a ray of sunlight dripping its juice onto the seed. They are the most beautiful flowers of all, but they grow in the far north where few have traveled. It is said that they bring healing and peace to the beholder of the flower. The flower had mysteriously stopped growing when the queen left, but were now again flourishing.
"As she spoke, he began to see the mountains and the desert as if they were only a few feet away. He knew then that this was no spirit. "The land is happy for my return. Be then happy also; I have returned. What is more; I shall never leave this land alone to suffer again!" She exclaimed, walking onto the balcony and spreading out her arms across the land.
"Terabithia, awaken! I have returned! Merry are your hearts and happy are your homes now that the great darkness- one greater than the one before- is gone fro your land. Come out, come out, my friends! Come, all you trolls! Come you little ones in the trees and under the dirt! Come those who soar through the air and those who swim in the rivers and sea! Come and see that I have come back and shall never more leave you and your land." She spoke the words like a queen, for she is.
"Jess knew it was her and cried out with fervour, "Terabithia, your queen has returned!" He exclaimed, tears freely flowing down his face. He didn't mind that the Terabithians saw; they were crying too. Their beloved queen had finally returned to them.
"There was then much joy and merry making and the creatures began to make gifts for the king and queen, as well as for each other. They prepared a feast and had a great celebration throughout the land to welcome back the king and queen.
"After the celebrations were over, Jess took Leslie's hands and led her into the castle. He still had a few things to discuss with her. "I-I don't know what to say; You were gone for so long. I-I missed you so greatly!" He exclaimed when they were alone.
""I know. I missed you too. I missed all of it. I missed this palace; this land, and you. I'm so glad to be back!" She exclaimed, giving him a much needed hug.
"He returned the hug and spoke. "I'm glad you are back as well. I-I thought you were gone; never to come back. But now you are here; alive and well! I prayed and dreamed and wished and hoped for this day to come to pass, but for so long it never came and I gave up hope for it to ever happen. But now here you are. I am in awe of this occurrence. I'm so thankful!" He exclaimed, tears falling from his face onto the ground below.
"She, by this time, was crying as well and wept aloud. They embraced once more before wiping away their tears and standing up. They turned around to see they the tears they had cried had turned into diamonds on the ground. In legend, the tears of those who are pure in heart who have suffered much would have their tears turned into diamonds. It was always thought that this was a figure of speech; that it meant they would have a good outcome through their pain. No one would have guessed that it meant diamonds in the literal sense.
"They were amazed by this and stood there for quite a few minutes pondering it. It was a sign that things were once again at rest for the land of Terabithia. Suddenly, a Mayre bird (the cousin to the Nightingale) flew into the castle holding a small branch in its mouth. The branch had five small twigs growing out of it. The first was a dragon's scale from the great Western dragon caves. This showed that even the fiercest beasts were happy that the queen was back. The next was the petal of theNeve Amaranta from the northernmost mountain. This signified that the blessings of the sun had returned to Terabithia and that the mountains were no longer plagued by the sad rain, but now had light, happy snow covering their peaks. Another branch carried a glass bottle of pure water from the Eastern Ocean. The water was not salty, but pure and clean, showing that the land was pure, clean, and light. The fourth branch held sand from the Southern Desert. It was hot and wet from recent rain; showing that there was a growth in even the most barren parts of the land. The last branch held the winds in a little glass jar. The wind was swirling around inside the jar. This meant that the land was alive and happy now that the king and queen had returned. The branch signified that the land was united together and there was peace all around. All of these signs together meant that change had come upon Terabithia and it was good.
"Jess looked at Leslie and smiled as she took the branch from the Mayre bird. She brought it to him and saw that he was looking at her. She smiled back and handed him the branch. They began discussing the significance of the branch and what it all meant for the future of Terabithia. They sat down at the table and began to talk about all sorts of things. Leslie once looked up at Jess and, for less than a second, maybe half a second, there was a glimmer in his eye. It was happy and peaceful and full of light and- could it be?- in that moment she saw maybe a hint of love in his eyes for her and for Terabithia. It was only there for perhaps half a second, but it changed the way she thought about everything in Terabithia thus far. Could he really love her? Now was not the time to think of acting on these things; they had only just been reunited. But who knows what the future holds. And so the adventures began once again.


Hey guys! Tomorrow is my 2 year anniversary on fanfiction! Yay! So in Honor of my anniversary, I'm posting the third chapter to this story! Yay! I don't have any more of this story written, but if you would like me to continue it, I will. Just review or send me a pm. Also, just review in general! Tell me what you think. :) have a wonderful day everyone! Loves!