Pairing: Elsa x Sesshomaru

Chapter 16: Snow Day

A/N: Italics between Erin and Sesshomaru means they are speaking Japanese. Bold Italics means a voice or a memory. Hopefully with the context of the story it will make sense…

Elsa couldn't help but dwell on what Sesshomaru had said earlier. About protecting a little girl with no other reason than to care for her. Or the fact that his brother would be coming to the castle relatively soon. Her mind swirled with such information, she had to inform the housekeeper of their new guest arriving.

When Sesshomaru and Elsa left the conservatory it was a contemplative silence. Elsa was left to her own thoughts as the Lord was left with his.

Just then they heard giggling. "Olaf! Watch me!" A little voice said. With that, a girl came cartwheeling down the hall. Her form was quite impressive as she moved her body. She heard Olaf gasping with wonder and clapping all the while. His twig hands making a peculiar clacking noise.

Erin suddenly lost some of her balance and landed solidly on the ground.

The sudden appearance of Erin startled Elsa, but Sesshomaru seemed rather calm as he always was.


The way Sesshomaru had said it wasn't a scolding tone. It sounded almost like an inquiry. But then again everything about this man was confusing, even the inflection of his voice.

"Ah! Sesshomaru-Sama!" Erin instantaneously beamed as she greeted her caretaker.

Elsa's heart warmed at seeing Erin so excited to see Sesshomaru. If anything Elsa thought the two made an adorable Father-Daughter duo. Erin ran up to Sesshomaru and desperately tugged on his pant leg. All the while speaking rapidly in Japanese. Whatever she said made Sesshomaru sigh in exasperation.


"Papa~..." Erin cut him off with a whine. Hearing that, I watched Sesshomaru's face carefully. His eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were actually wide. As if embarrassed? Was he even capable of that emotion? I giggled at his expression, clueless to their simple conversation.

Sesshomaru's eyes suddenly met mine, and he sighed.

"Is everything alright Lord Sesshomaru?" I asked with light amusement.

He coughed but spoke cordially, "Erin request's that we go ice skating together."

I tilted my head in thought. Honestly, I loved ice skating, but I never thought I would try it with the Lord of the West. It sounded almost...romantic. I could already feel a light blush traveling to my face.

"Uh well…" I stuttered. Why is it I always lose composure around him? Suddenly Erin was clinging to my skirt with sparkling eyes. Her English was quite broken but she tried her best.

"P-please? It's fun together!" She said with a pout. Looking into her eyes was a mistake on my part. It reminded me of when I denied my sister such activities. Her brown eyes were full of hope and silent pleas.

I couldn't deny such a cute child. I smiled softly.

I ran my fingers through her dark brown hair and tucked the loose strands behind her ear.

"Of course Erin. I'm sure we'll have so much fun together." I looked up to Sesshomaru, my smile lingering. I couldn't read his expression.

"Erin." He intoned. He held out his hand for the little girl. Erin smiled broadly, she ran and took his hand. All the while Olaf chatted excitedly to himself.

"Erin you should go bundle up." He said to the little girl. She nodded enthusiastically.

"What are you saying?" I asked curiously. Every time they spoke Japanese to each other it sounded so beautiful and effortless.

He explained with a hint of sincerity coming to his voice, "The winters here are harsh for one so young." His eyes met mine once again. I could feel my heart starting to stir and beat rapidly.

"You should bundle up as well." He said quietly, like a hesitant whisper.

"Y-yes," I said. I felt my heart melt at his words.

"Let's meet at the front entrance." Suddenly his voice changed and he was all business again. I nodded quickly and turned on my heel. I practically rushed to my room, hand on my chest to prevent my heart from bursting. I could feel myself blushing madly.

How embarrassing…


I made my way down the large staircase, all bundled up and ready to go. I could feel the rush of excitement, I haven't ice skated in a while due to my duties as Queen of Arendelle. In one hand I held a pair of ice skates while in the other I held a small handbag. In it were my wallet and thick socks. Even though I was mostly immune to the cold, having wet clothing was not ideal.

I could feel my heart in my throat as I caught eyes with Sesshomaru who was standing at the entrance with Erin. I've never seen them in such heavy clothing, even on the day of their arrival they stayed in the garb of their culture. Instead, they both wore thick black wool coats, scarves, and gloves. As well as snow boots. They actually looked quite prepared. Erin had on a red scarf, with complimentary red mittens. She was also wearing black, puffy earmuffs, with a brown soft hat covering her head.

Sesshomaru, on the other hand, looked so nice and sophisticated, he looked good in western garb I realized. The black wool coat seemed to fit his personality, including his black gloves, and scarf. His black hair was even tied up into a ponytail which made me realize how nice and mature that made him look...But there was something, he was wearing too much black!

I could feel the mischievous side of me coming out, "Are you dressing for a funeral My Lord?" I said with a bit of a cheeky attitude. At this, his eyebrows raised, while he looked over me.

"Are you dressed for the circus My Lady?" He said in turn. I gasped, quickly looking at my own garment. Before I chuckled. He was too reserved. I wore a nice big outer coat which I adored. It was a bright blue color with fluffy white trim. I wore knitted grey mittens and a soft yellow scarf. A perfectly normal outfit, I was not expecting an equally cheeky remark from Sesshomaru.

So with my head held high, I smiled at him in mirth. We never really joked with each other before, but...I actually liked seeing this side of him…

Feeling especially brave I marched right up to him. My head barely reached below his chin, but with determination I gently grabbed his black scarf. I didn't dare look at his face. I removed it with ease and then took off my bright scarf. I quickly wrapped the scarf around his neck careful to avoid his ponytail. My hand brushed past his ear, thank god for the mittens! Taking a step back I looked at the contrast of color.

I could feel myself smiling, seeing my favorite color on him made me really happy. I slowly looked up to see his expression. I almost gaped, he looked flustered!

Was the Great Lord of the West blushing? His brown eyes were staring at me in shock, in fact my actions didn't really catch up to me until this moment. "Oh uh! I just thought some color would look nice…" I looked to the side, equally flustered now. Then, I felt his hand take his scarf from me.

'I guess he doesn't like it…" I thought in secret disappointment. Then I felt his own hands deftly wrap the scarf around my neck. He barely touched me, but seeing him return the favor made me smile. I watched his gloved hands as he bundled me up. I already felt hot in these thick clothes. I'm doomed to be a tomato today.

"Come My Lady, Erin, we must be off." He held out his hand for me to take. I hesitantly put my hand in his, then Erin took his other free hand.

'Oh my, now we really look like a married couple!'

I was completely lost in that thought until Erin asked a question.

"Elsa….what….is a….circus?" She asked slowly, sounding out the words.

I could feel myself calm at such an easy question. I didn't have to think about who I was holding hands with at the moment.

"Well, it's a place where strange and exciting performances are held. Usually it has eccentric people with bizarre talents. Some can throw knives with accuracy, while some can balance upon a tightrope mid-air. I've even heard that they have people who can make fierce animals bend to their will."

After a long silence, I realized Erin may not have caught all of my words due to the language barrier. I looked to Sesshomaru for help.

I heard him calmly explain to Erin in Japanese, it was fun watching her face light up with understanding.

"Ahh!" Erin exclaimed, finally getting it. "Like Sesshomaru-sama!"

At this I could feel Sesshomaru's grip tighten in my hand. My confusion arose. Like Sesshomaru?

Sesshomaru spoke in a low rapid voice to Erin. It definitely sounded like scolding.

"-Ah! Sesshomaru-Sama…." Erin struggled. "Very good. Very good at…" Erin was at a loss for words. Sesshomaru cut in,

"Erin meant to say I'm also a very talented individual." He said with monotone.

"I see…" I knit my brow, but I decided to brush it off as a language flip flop.

We finally made it past the courtyards and walked up to an ordinary looking carriage. The driver quickly opened the door for us both. Sesshomaru helped Erin and I up into our seats. As we settled comfortably I told the driver where to go and we were on our way.

We slowly made our way through the Kingdom of Arendelle. I pointed out all that I knew, which was actually not that much. It was another reminder of my childhood and adolescent isolation. Erin was glued to the window, watching the passerby. I was amused to watch them both. Erin would excitedly shout in Japanese, and Sesshomaru would quietly say something back.

"Are you explaining everything to her?"

"Hn." He said simply. I assumed the answer was a positive. I suddenly realized something.

"Do you own a pair of ice skates Lord Sesshomaru?" I was so distracted at the prospect of our day together that I completely skipped over that important fact.

"I was about to ask if we could make a stop at a local shop." He said.

I nodded seriously, you can't go ice skating without a pair of skates. I tapped the sealing, and quickly changed our route. I knew of a shop that could fulfill our needs.


After making a quick stop at a local shop we were on our way once again. Erin sat in her seat admiring the skates with wide eyes. She blushed happily as she exclaimed in admiration.

"So c-cute!" A smile painted her tiny face. I suddenly felt so happy to see the child's excitement. Then my attention was captured by Sesshomaru as he looked to be thoroughly examining his pair of skates. I couldn't help but watch as his beautiful brown eyes took in the skates from different angles. I caught myself. Why am I getting so wrapped up in this!? .

Was my heart betraying me? I glanced to the side worried.

The carriage slowly left the small kingdom and started taking the back roads. To distract myself I watched the rolling hills as we passed.

It was silent in the carriage...but it wasn't a bad kind of silence. It was comfortable. When the carriage finally came to a stop, we were parking in front of a large hill. I could feel my face lighting up. Excitedly I turned the handle of the door and burst forth before the driver could even consider it.

It's been too long. The last time I was here was when I was a small little girl. It was a few months before Anna was born. Just my Father and I. It was a pleasant day that I would never forget…

"Papa do you think I can I do it?" I asked, my small voice trembled.

"I'll be right here by your side, trust me." My father took my tiny hand into his as we slowly began to glide across the frozen lake. My wobbly legs shook.

"That's it. Just follow what I do." Slowly but surely I gained more confidence. I remember smiling so brightly at my Father. Soon enough it was me who was twirling around him, laughing in excitement.

I smiled to myself as I thought of the memory, I'll never forget the quiet moments I had with my Father. I stared up the long hill as I heard Sesshomaru and Erin leave the carriage. As I turned around to greet them I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head. Like a headache but far worse.

"Beast! Lay your hands off my Daughter!" Father's voice?

I clutched my skull. I suddenly felt a presence, I slowly looked up and met Sesshomaru's gaze. He looked down at me worriedly. What was that just now?

Trying to shake off my rattled senses I said, "I'm fine. I must of left the carriage too quickly and got dizzy…" I pulled the excuse into existence and tried to play it off with a reassuring smile. But the excuse didn't seem to alleviate any of his worries.

"No really! I'm fine!" I said again with a happy undertone. I avoided Sesshomaru's gaze, his silence was unnerving me.

I finally felt the courage to look up at him, I didn't realize his hands were on my shoulders to keep me from falling. But his eyes seemed to hold different fleeting emotions.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" Was he in a trance? Then his eyes seemed to light back up with coherency.

Something felt off between us.

"Come, we haven't got all day." He muttered. What was this mood shift? He was walking up the hill determined, Erin scrambling to catch up.

I stood there, confused. I watched him for a little while before following.

Once I made it to the top of the hill I saw a huge frozen lake before me. Already I could see Sesshomaru and Ein standing at the edge. I strolled up to them and began to show them how to lace up in skates. I could tell Erin was nervous, but Sesshomaru seemed completely calm as per usual.

After lacing up I could feel the excitement beginning to take over, I gazed at Sesshomaru and Erin. I smiled widely, I finally felt like I was in my element.

Without further ado I glided unto the ice with ease. I felt the skates grind against the frosty ice, making tracks as I went along. The world around me slowly faded away as I skated with a contentment burning in my chest. I truly needed to get out more like this, to enjoy a hobby I hadn't done in years. Testing my confidence I twirled around.

It was like the ice was in harmony with my gliding, I smiled broadly.

I heard a gasp, breaking me out of this trance like state the ice had put me into. I looked back at the shore, where Erin stood. She stood there clutching Sesshomaru's sleeve. Was she scared? I skated back to them both.

"Erin…" I said tenderly. She met my eyes, I held out my hand patiently.

"Trust me." I said. Blinking, she nodded. She slowly grasped my hand. With that I carefully pulled her onto the ice.

"See? It's not so bad. Weren't you excited to come ice skating?" I said with a motherly tone.

"H-hai." She said, her voice faltering. I recognized this phrase. Erin had become so nervous she reverted back to using Japanese.

I guided her along, slowly but surely Erin was coming out of her shell. Her shaky smile was becoming brighter as she gained confidence.

While Erin's excitement grew, my excitement was mounting with her's. "That's it Erin!" This phrase echoed, it was just like the memory with my Father. I couldn't be happier in this moment.

"Erin I'm going to let go now...You got this!" I said. Erin was happy to oblige, right as I let go she was off on her own. Erin and I laughed, soon we were ice skating together.

"Sesshomaru-Sama! Look at me!" Erin suddenly shouted. I almost forgot! I looked to the shore to see Sesshomaru watching us with a slight smile of his own.

Once again I skated back. I was determined to pull him out here too. His eyebrow rose once he saw me.

"Come on Lord Sesshomaru! Let's enjoy the ice together!" Soon enough I was reaching out and I grabbed his wrist.

I pulled him onto the ice, I could feel my windswept cheeks burn with a different kind of heat. Don't think just action! I lost my grip on his wrist, before I knew it his hand enclosed mine again. I looked up to see him staring down at me with a tenderness in his gaze. I could feel butterflies taking flight in my stomach. We ice skated towards Erin, I let go of his hand and with speed I began gliding around again. I stared back at him with a mischievous expression. I raised my eyebrows in a challenge.

What kind of challenge?

I hadn't a clue…

Sesshomaru cocked his head to the side, a contemplative expression on his face. Erin laughed and skated past me. Once again a smile creeped unto his face, it looked lazy. Before I knew it I was off again. Looking back at him again as if taunting him. I could hear him skating, looking behind me I screeched. He was almost upon me, the screech that left my lips sounded more excited than terrified. He was a lot better at ice skating than I expected. I skated a few laps around the lake building speed, just avoiding Sesshomaru. Before I knew it Erin joined in the fun. We taunted Sesshomaru, he was changing his target constantly. Erin and I were shrieking and laughing.

From across the lake I watched as Lord Sesshomaru effortlessly scooped up Erin from the ice. Erin laughed joyfully, and pecked the Lord on the cheek as a reward for catching her. I watched the sweet scene with a warm feeling. I caught my breath from all the sudden exercise.

You have weird hair mister.

The pain I felt before returned with fervor. Was that my voice? I didn't understand why this was happening so suddenly.

Through my blurry vision I could see Sesshomaru from across the lake. I could see him staring at me with an intense expression.

Do you remember?

Remember what? Was this voice even my own?

Erin was looking between us with a confused expression of her own.

What makes you think I would give my daughter to the likes of you?

I could feel my eyes tearing up for whatever reason, why did my Father sound so angry? Why was his voice infiltrating my mind? What was wrong with me? My knees suddenly buckled, I was staring in Sesshomaru's eyes. His widened, before I could understand what was happening he caught me.

He held me up, staring into my eyes. Again an image, a man with gold eyes flitted across my mind. That nightmare was affecting me more than I ever thought it would…

But how…

How did Lord Sesshomaru catch me?

He was so far away…? I couldn't think properly.

"Erin. Come. We're leaving."

Sesshomaru picked me up, bridal style. I was pressed into his chest, his arms surrounding me securely. I stared at his jawline, unable to think a coherent thought. I could feel the air around us getting colder. My magic was reacting to my unstable emotions.

Sleep Elsa.

My eyes closed unwillingly. Yes...this voice wasn't my own...Why did I have to ruin our fun?

Silly woman.

I fell asleep in his arms.

Confused. But I felt so safe.

A/N: Oh my gosh I finished it! This I believe is the first chapter where Sesshomaru and Elsa are actually having fun together. Wow. That took forever. But I really wanted to make this happen because I felt that it's time lol. I love slow burns but oh my word I'm so sorry you guys lol. I really like the interactions in this chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it as well! Please leave me your thoughts in the comment section!

Also, thank you Angelpie for encouraging me in my writing!

As always guys see you in the next chapter!