Monile was overwhelmed by it all, he could feel his bond with Loki and it comforted him he had the bond the moment he saw the tall dark haired god and suddenly he felt like he belong and Loki picked him up and held him. He watch his mother sometimes and he can see the sadness in his eyes as he looked out the window. Loki looked around to see him sat up in bed yawing "Morning my little jewel." Loki smiled as he walked over to him

"Morning mama." Monile said, Loki sat on the bed kissed the top of his head

"Today I thought we will get you some new clothes. How does that sound?" Loki asked as he ran his fingers thought thick black hair.

"Really?" Monile asked, he looking up at him blinking with hope "'I've never hand any new clothes before I had Duddly's hand me downs." The dark haired boy said as he fiddled with the night shirt. Loki frowned but smiled at him any how

"No more hand me downs." He told him as he kissed his forehead head.

Later on Loki was called to the throne room hall by Odin and his mother, Monile walked along with him smiling and blushing at his new clothes. Loki had his eyes fixed and gotten rid of that horrid scar finding a strange form of magic embed in the scar but with the wave of his hand he send that strange magic flying. The guards open the door the door for him eyeing the small dark haired boy that was holding the once imprisoned prince. "I do hope this is important." Loki said as he kissed his mother on the cheek. Frigga smiled and kissed his cheek back before bending down and kissing Monile's on the forehead

"Hello my angel." She said

"Hello Grandma." The dark haired boy smiled and hugged her.

Odin frowned as he looked down at the 10 year old as his wife cuddled the boy and smiled at Loki, while Thor looked longingly at Loki and Monile. "Thor went back to Midguard and injured that boy's adoptive family." Odin snarled, Loki looked up at the old man who was seething as he stood before he turned to look at the blonde god

"And tell me what did you do Thor?" Loki asked, the god of thunder looked up with shock on his face at Loki as he waited for him to speak

"I went back to Midguard like father said and I went to this place called England. I found the family after I had the man of iron's floating voice servant find out where they were. I didn't know what I was going to do but I…"

"Did you kill them?" Loki asked

"No quite, I put the fat man in a coma and I may have called the shrill horse face woman an abusive whore." He mumbled, Loki looked him up and down and for the first time in a long time he smiled at Thor. He walked over to Thor and reached out to him hesitantly to him placing his hand on his cheek

"You did this for our son?" He asked softly

"Yes." Thor sighed as he breathed in his scent and there it was that bond he created 10 years ago. "I'm so sorry Loki." Thor whispered

"Shhhh… thank you." Loki smiled and Odin let out a grunt.

Monile heard what Thor had done and frowned slightly wondering if he should feel bad for his fake Aunt and Uncle. He then turned and saw Odin was watching him and the boy didn't the look and it made him shy away towards his grandmother as Odin just stared at him it was a look he has seen on his fake uncle as few times before he hit him. A comment was made and Odin looked up to see Thor get on to his knees and kiss Loki's hand

"Can we please try to get to know each other?" Thor said and Loki had looked at Frigga who smiled at him.

"Alright Thor you can court me." Loki said, Odin snarled at the comment and marched over to them pushing Monile out the away so he could yell at Loki.

The boy feel too the floor and Loki spun around and rushed to his son before Odin could even open his mouth and knelt in front of his son who was pushing himself off the floor. Thor moved quickly to them and then picked up Monile as the boy rested his head quietly on Thor's shoulders as Loki checked him for injuries. "Are you hurt my jewel?" Loki asked as the boy nodded whimpering into the blonde's chest "Where?" Loki whispered as he cupped the dark haired boy's face Monile held out his arm and Loki saw it the small arm was broken. He turned and looked at Odin who stood where with an indifferent look on his face.

Loki took Monile from Thor's arms making the blonde god stand still with shock as he looked at him "I'm sorry Thor but if your father can't behave then I don't think I can let you court me." Loki told him as he walked out the throne room. Frigga turned to Odin with a frown

"It was an accident." Odin lied, as his wife walked away from him as Thor moved towards him

"You touch my son or my mate again I will put you into Odin sleep forever!" Thor growled and walked away from him.