Auther's Note; Hey Guys! I'm back with a new story! So I know where I want to go with this story and I've finally got a semi-free schedule so I can start writing again. I have been wanting to do a story like this one for a while, pregnant Mer is probably my favorite to write and there is going to be a lot of fun in writing this story! Unexpected things of course, this is going to have some MerDer fluff along the way but I want to try and portray Meredith as she was in season 3 so there is still dark and twisty Meredith. I really hope you guys enjoy this story!

Chapter I

Do I wanna know?

Have you got color in your cheeks

Do you ever get that fear

That you can't shift the tide

The type that sticks around like something's in your teeth

And some aces up your sleeve

Meredith's eyes shot open, hearing the alarm blaring next to her ear. She let out a groan, pushing her face into her pillow. Her body warm and aroused by the dream she awoke from. It had been the third that week, she seriously needed to make her choice already. She got the energy to sit up, suddenly feeling the room spinning as she sat back down on the edge of the bed.

She realized that her alarm was set later than normal, she quickly got over the sudden nausea as she rushed to the bathroom. She didn't have time to get sick, not now. She grabbed the closest shirt that looked clean and pair of jeans, pulling them over her naked skin. She couldn't keep her mind off the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She went through her symptoms in her head as she searched the house for something, anything to relieve the nausea.

Headache, nausea, fatigue, and slight dizziness could be signs of anything from a bad migraine to an ulcer. She noticed no one was home, not even Izzie. She felt bad for Izzie of course but glad that something finally made Izzie get out. She kept running through scenarios of what could be wrong with her, finally just chopping it up to an ulcer. She grabbed the Pepto Bismol from the medicine cabinet, rushing out the door with barely enough time to spare.

A wash of relief ran over her when she arrived at the hospital with enough time to change into her scrubs and not get on scut for being late yet again. She grabbed her tote, rushing through the light drizzle that fell from the sky and into the hospital. She made her way up to the locker room, finding George just arriving also. She put her tote into her locker along with her rain coat, searching for the Pepto Bismol. She finally found it, tipping it against her lips and taking a large gulp and shivering slightly at the taste.

"So Izzie left the house this morning," George spoke finally, pulling his scrub top over his bare skin. Alex just coming into the locker room also, rushing to get into his scrubs.

"You OK?" George noted how she sat down slowly on the bench, gripping the bottle of pink liquid tightly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she questioned, taking another sip of the thick pink liquid that coated her throat as it went down.

"Because you are drinking that like it's candy," he let out an awkward laugh before grabbing his stethoscope.

"Oh, yeah. Just not feeling myself," she closed the bottle of medicine before slipping it back into her locker and quickly changing into her scrubs.

"O'Malley seems to have that effect on women, just ask Torres," he snorted, changing into his scrubs just as quickly as Meredith.

"What is that suppose to mean?" George questioned, staring at Alex dumbfounded.

"Would you both stop it," Meredith rolled her eyes, pulling on her white coat. She sat back down on the bench as another wave of nausea hit her.

"It means you threw Torres out on her ass," Alex continued to aggravate George.

"I did not, who told you that?" he said again, confused by how he knew all of this.

"Torres," Alex smirked, causing George to almost freak out. He grabbed his white coat, slamming his locker before rushing out of the locker room.

"Come on," Bailey shouted as she stuck her head into the locker room, Meredith tried to ignore the sick feeling in her stomach as she followed Bailey out along with Alex. They followed her as she walked down the hall, sounding annoyed just by the way she mumbled under her breath.

"Let's go people, I've been in surgery since 2am, I am in no mood," she yelled as they passed by George.

"George," Meredith whispered as she passed by him, hoping to get his attention for him to follow. He finished talking to Callie before quickly catching up to Bailey with Cristina suddenly showing up as they went into the corridor.

"No cutting!" Cristina said as she straightened her white coat, trying to walk faster than George.

"Yang, you're late!" Alex snickered behind Bailey, drawing attention to the fact that Cristina had just arrived.

"Hey, so is George," she tried to pull the attention off her.

"I was here," he corrected her as they all followed behind an annoyed Bailey.

Meredith got distracted by the fact that she felt like she was feeling like she could pass out at any moment. Her head was spinning, her stomach turning, and she couldn't handle the bickering between the pair. She suddenly had to stop, feeling like her insides were about to spew from her mouth.

"Woman troubles?" Cristina said, stopping along side Meredith.

"Ugh, men troubles, I think this dating two guys thing is really getting to me," she murmured, trying to slow her breathing. She felt nauseated by a smell coming from one of the rooms they had just passed.

"McDreamy and the vet are making you sick?" she questioned, not completely believing what her person was saying. Meredith knew Cristina knew that she wasn't just fine.

"I just need to make a choice," Meredith finally said and got her footing back as they tried to catch up with everyone else. They turning into one of the patients rooms, an older gentleman. Meredith couldn't focus on anything that Bailey or George said about the patient. She was glad when they left the room, getting a small break before they had to do something else.

"Dr. Grey, you alright?" Bailey said partially sarcastic, putting the patient's chart along with the other charts.

"Yeah Dr. Bailey, just..." she sat down on one of the chairs against the wall, feeling like she was about to pass out from the mix of loud chatter, her stomach doing flips, and a slight musty smell coming from somewhere. She looked up, watching as Derek came down the corridor toward her.

"need to make a choice," she finished her earlier statement, looking at the ground as Derek approached her. Her symptoms were only getting worse, she needed something stronger to make her feel better.

"Dr. Grey, I am clipping a basiler tip aneurysm, any interest?" he tried to sound charming as he wanted her to scrub in on the surgery with him. She looked up at him momentarily, noting as Addison passed by them to the nurses station. Things still seemed tense between them, why wouldn't they be? It had been six weeks since the prom. Six Weeks.

"Dr. Bailey can I..." Addison started before looking up into the conference room. The sight in front of her almost made her jump out of her skin and run for the hills.

"Oh my god," she muttered, causing everyone to look up at what she was talking about.

"My god," Derek said, anger lined in his voice. Meredith didn't even bother looking up, she didn't care what everyone else was concerned with.

"Oh my god," She said, trying to control her stomach. She pulled they hair out of her face, trying to fan cool air toward her. She couldn't puke, not in front of everyone.

"McSteamy," Cristina smirked, looking at Mark Sloan standing there.

Meredith couldn't handle it anymore and suddenly the only thing in her stomach made it's way up and she leaned over and allowed it to empty all over the floor in front of her. Derek was by her side in an instant, rubbing between her shoulder blades as she leaned against his touch. She didn't care that everyone had just seen her barf.

"No Mr Sullivan! Don't light that!" George yelled and there was loud gasp heard around and a large flash of light coming from the patient's room. Everyone rushed in to help the man who had just lit his face on fire, except Derek.

"Are you ok?" He whispered into her ear, not worried about the other man that had just almost caught. She nodded, not wanting to open her mouth and more come out.

"Come on, let's go get you some water," he said, offering his hand to help her up. She took his hand, getting up on her own. He put his hand on the small of her back, leading her toward one of the break rooms on that floor. He wanted to make sure she was alright, hoping that she wasn't too terribly sick.

She felt comforted, relaxing at his touch. She didn't care they were on the hospital, she was sick and all she wanted to do was curl up in bed but she couldn't. She was an intern, interns don't take sick days. She walked closer to him as they entered the break room, breaking away from his touch to sit down on one of the chairs. She watched as he filled a cup with ice water, thankful he was here. She took the cup from his, guzzling down half the cup. She welcomed the cold liquid, the smell of Derek's aftershave seemed to calm her stomach.

"I'm fine Derek," she lied after putting the cup down. She had to get back to work soon.

"Meredith," he started, reaching his hand up and placing it on her forehead, "you have a slight temperature, you are not fine."

"Come on Derek, it's just I got nauseated by someone's smell. I'm alright, see?" She said, standing up. She felt a little dizzy but stood on her own two feet successfully. Her stomach still felt uneasy but it was getting better now she had the relief.

"Mer, what happened?" Cristina asked as she burst into the break room.

"Nothing Cristina, I just got sick. I am fine now," she pointed out the fact she could walk fine but she really wasn't alright. She still felt weak an dizzy, maybe she needed to get some food in her system.

"Are you sure?" Derek asked, standing close to her just in case she felt weak or sick again. He felt like he needed to protect her, he knew that she wasn't really fine but he couldn't fight her on this matter.

"Yes Derek," she said annoyed, leaving the break room with Cristina and Derek closely following her. She managed to make it to the nurses station alright, leaning against the edge of it.

"Derek, you have aneurysms to clip," Meredith sighed, looking at him. She could see the primal instinct in his eyes to be there for her but she didn't need his help, not right now at least. She followed his eyes that directed to Mark Sloan and Richard talking in front of the staircase.

"And surgeons to confront," she directed it toward both Mark and Richard. He looked at her again, a sympathetic gaze this time.

"Take care of her Cristina and page me if you need anything," he said, giving her forehead a quick kiss before walking toward Richard, following him up the staircase.

"Well yeah, no way I'd miss this," Cristina smirked, standing near Meredith against the nurses station also. They both watched as George came to stand between them, Meredith laid her head in her hands and she felt nauseous again. This could not be happening at a worse time.

"Come on Richard!" Derek called after Richard as they both stood half-way up the staircase. Meredith felt her head spinning again, she wasn't as strong as before and she couldn't keep it down. She quickly made her way to the trash can that sat beside the nurses station, emptying the bile in her stomach.

"Crap, are you pregnant?" Cristina exclaimed loudly, causing everyone's gaze to shift toward Meredith. Meredith quickly shot an angry look at Cristina, ready to kill her for saying that in front of everyone.

"Oh great, an adulteress love child," Addison scoffed, watching as Derek quickly passed by her as he went straight to Meredith's side.

"Goes with an adulteress sociopath," he smirked back toward her way, trying to bypass Dr. Bailey to get to Meredith.

"Uh huh, you have done enough," Miranda tried to stop him but he didn't listen. He was right by her side, he put his hand on the small of her back and she relaxed against his touch.

Meredith couldn't hardly comprehend what Cristina, Bailey, and Derek were fighting about. She was more worried about keeping whatever was left in her stomach where it is. She slowly made her way to an exam room, Derek holding his position at her side until she was sat down on the exam room table. She took a few deep breathes before looking up at him.

"You have aneurysms to clip, I'll be fine," she assured him, trying to stay calm.

"Are you sure?" He pressed on, wanting to keep by her side.

"I am. Cristina can page you if I need you," She promised. He leaned down to kiss her forehead before slowly leaving.

"Cristina, draw her blood and run all possible test," Bailey instructed before leaving the two alone in the room.

"So who's the father?" Cristina smirked, grabbing the things to draw blood from Meredith.

"I'm not pregnant!" Meredith insisted. There was not way she could be pregnant.

"I didn't think I was pregnant when I was either, but you have abdominal pain and constant vomiting. So who's the father?"

"Im not pregnant."

"You don't know!"

"If I am, it has to be Derek's, can't be Finn's, " Meredith gulped, remembering back to Prom.

"You haven't had sex with the vet?" Cristina scoffed.

"No," Meredith mumbled, shaking her head.

"Oh you have to get out of that relationship immediately," Cristina laughed, sticking the needle in Mer's arm.


"Oh, go cry about it," Cristina rolled her eyes. She finished drawing two tubes of blood and put a bandage on Meredith's arm.

"Now let's go drop this off so I can prove you wrong," Meredith laughed. She took the test tubes herself and they both walked down to the lab.

"Put this in ASAP, patient is Jane Doe," Meredith said handing the lab tech the samples. She nodded before Mer walked away with Cristina.

"So why haven't you and the vet did it yet?" Cristina asked curiously, following Meredith.

"Celibate," Meredith reminded Cristina of her celibacy.

"Oh that didn't work when you saw McDreamy in the suit," Cristina joked, earning an eye roll from Meredith.

"Well that was a one time thing. I am with Finn now," Meredith shrugged. They walked into the cafeteria and Meredith grabbed a salad.

"Oh that's until he finds out you're having a McBaby with McDreamy."

"I'm not pregnant," Meredith said for what seemed like the thousandth time today.

"Okay. Whatever you say," Cristina rolled her eyes, sitting across from Meredith.

They both ate, Cristina continued to tease about being pregnant and as they finished, they were paged to the lab.

"Here goes nothing," Meredith raised her brows at Cristina. They both walked in silence back to the lab.

"I need the results for Jane Doe," Meredith said nervously. This was it, she knew the results were going to be negative but that didn't put her at easy.

"You do it," Meredith handed the results to Cristina.

"Alright," Cristina shrugged. She looked over the results and a smirk came across her face, "congratulations mommy."

Meredith froze for a second. She couldn't believe the words that left Cristina's mouth. Her world was about to change and she didn't have a clue how she was going to handle it.


Song is Do I wanna Know by Arctic Monkey's