Here it is, in all it's… over 2000 words. Wow. Told ya!

Thank you to all reviewers, hope this chap isn't disappointing…

But I have to say about that earlier promise, I have this principle of reading only about stuff I know about, meaning I'll read about anime I've seen and games I've played, so if you have fics for series I don't know, I can't review you. Sorry, but a) I don't want to be spoiled b) I want to form my very own opinions of anime&manga etc.

Dinner for two: finishing touches

The chilly evening air nipped Hisoka's still heated cheeks and ran shivers through him. It didn't go unnoticed like he hoped it would. Now he'd be sure to get embarrased right in the middle of a busy street.

"Hisoka, are you cold? Here, take my coat. Or, I can carry you if you want," Tsuzuki went in his full protective gear.

"I'm okay, stop bugging me." Hisoka tried to sound annoyed but ended up souding somewhat pleased. As if he'd enjoy all that bothersome worrying. Damn this adolescent body.

"Let's be quick then. I don't want you to catch a cold," he said, grabbing Hisoka's hand and practically dragging him forward. Which was all good, since his feet were feeling a little wobbly.

It was a short way to the hotel. Hisoka left his baggage (aka Tsuzuki) to deal with the formalities. He was usually the one to check them in since he was better with things involving money and filling forms, but this time he was too nervous, and he barely could walk straight. So he wandered around the lobby, admiring the fancy decorations. Wow, Tatsumi sure outdid himself this time, he thought. This was definitely the best place they had yet stayed in.

Time crawled. What was taking so long? Tsuzuki probably got caught by his big mouth. Might as well enjoy this break, Hisoka thought and sat in the lobby bar. He ordered one coffee, black.

He was just getting comfy when Tsuzuki finally arrived. To his horror, he walked straight to him and grabbed him from behind, nuzzling his hair.

"Hope you're not taking long," he murmured to the boy's ear.

"I'm ready, get off me so we can leave," Hisoka grumbled. Why did he have to be so touchy feely all the time? Almost like he wanted to make me nervous, he wondered.

"I thought you liked it. You didn't protest that much at the restaurant," Tsuzuki backed off.

"Baka. This is public, but what would you know about things like keeping privacy," Hisoka sneered.


They went up the elevator, and thankfully Tsuzuki kept his hands to himself. Although that might be because Hisoka gave him a Death Glare (patent pending) he had honed almost to perfection.

Room 615 was at the back of a hallway, right next to the fire escape. This was good, at least as far as Hisoka was concerned. A quick getaway was always good to have, especially when staying with a touchy Tsuzuki. But as the door clicked shut, he realized he wouldn't make it that far.

Tsuzuki backed him to the wall and leaned over him. In five seconds, Hisoka's feet turned to spagetti, another five and his brain went fuzzy, and ten more and he forgot about escaping. This was even better than before; who knew Tsuzuki could kiss like that?

"We don't have to do anything you don't want," he said as he moved away from Hisoka's mouth to his jawline, "just let me be close to you."

His answer got stuck on its way as Tsuzuki found an extremely sensitive spot near his ear. He took hold of the black coat between them and eased it off to feel those wide shoulders. He held on to them as if they were the only thing holding him up, which wasn't that far from the truth.

Tsuzuki answered by slipping out of it completely, and placed his hands on Hisoka's hips. They resumed their kiss, twining their tongues and exploring every crevasse. The intensity was already making Hisoka's knees buckle, he knew he'd soon be a puddle on the floor if this was going to continue for long…

As if reading his thoughts, Tsuzuki took a firm hold on his waist and carried him to sit on the bed. A double, Hisoka noticed. So that's what kept him, he idly remarked. Normally he'd be mad for making such assumptions, but at the moment, he was too aroused to think such way.

"Will you let me undress you?" Tsuzuki whispered. Hisoka could sense his apprehension.

"Only if you let me do the same," he answered. Oh god, was that him being coy? No wonder he rarely drank, if the result was this. And he followed up by blushing.

"That sounds fair enough."

Tsuzuki opened the jacket and removed it in one motion. A little nervous pause later he trailed his fingers across the blue shirt and tucked it up from its confines under the jeans. His hands ran up against the chest, brushing lightly over the nipples.

Hisoka's breathing was getting deeper, and his head turned away. Soon all his scars and his small frame would be visible; he had never shown them to anyone. Well, willingly at least, or not out of dire necessity. He tried to concentrate on something else, the clock on the wall, the nightlamp on the table, but those fingers were so warm and the touch was so gentle and oh gods, is that his mouth on his nipple?

Tsuzuki rolled light circles around one pink bud with his tongue, enjoying to see it pert up and harden as his lips wound over it. The quiet yelp Hisoka let out encouraged him to remove the rest of the shirt, never taking his mouth away. As soon as the offending cloth was out of the way, he began caressing the slim torso, sliding his other hand to the back and his lips towards the neglected other nipple.

Hisoka's shyness drifted away with the movements. He never knew his nipples could bring such sensations, much less that it could be so enjoyable to be that exposed. He noticed his hushed moans heightened both of their pleasure, so he grew bolder, but still not loud.

Now those long fingers were undoing the button of his jeans. The sound of zipper alerted him.

"You're still dressed," he scolded.

Tsuzuki lifted his head and grinned: "I thought you wanted to do that."

"Would if I could," he muttered while loosening the habitually sloppy tie. Making short work of it, he concentrated on the shirt buttons. Damn, there were many. It didn't help that his hands were slightly shaking and his eyes drifted off to the exposing skin. He lost his patience totally when he saw the last buttons were under the slacks, and there was a belt guarding it. A belt! Where's the carpet knife when you need it?

"Why the hell do you have to wear a suit?" Hisoka criticized. "Will these ever get off?"

"Hey, I had no idea you'd be so… eager," Tsuzuki said, quite amused.

"Eager? Want to see me eager? I have teenage hormones, and I've been suppressing those urges for ages. What would you be?" Hisoka snapped, and immediately choked on the last syllable when he realized he really said that all. Mental note: hormones and alcohol don't mix. Unless you want a horny teen with a big mouth. Then again, judging from present situation, maybe that wasn't so bad. It got him in front of a nearly naked and apparently excited Tsuzuki.

To get his jeans off too he had to get up. The best way to do that would be… yes, crawl along Tsuzuki's frame. That's what he'd do. Oh, but that belly button looked nice to him, it almost called for a little attention. Hisoka's head felt incredibly hazy. He actually was licking Tsuzuki's stomach and nipping on his way up! Maybe he ought to drink more often…

Somewhere in between suckling dark nipples Hisoka noticed he had contradicted himself at least twice during the last five minutes. Who cares, he thought. He was having too much fun watching Tsuzuki's body react to his touch. It was nearly as good as when he was touched… Or maybe better. He could somehow tell just what was the best way to touch.

That's it! The dizzying high he was on, it wasn't alcohol, it was his empathy! His own feelings were mixing with Tsuzuki's, and the combination was quite potent. If he concentrated just a bit more, he'd be able to know exactly what and how Tsuzuki wanted. All he had to do was lower his shields… What? They were almost down already. A bit more and they'd be…

//We're synchronizing, Hisoka. Is that what you want?//

//I'm here, am I? So let me in. Oh, and get me out of these jeans, they feel really awful.//

//So… how far are we going? I don't mean to rush you into anything and I//

//Shut up. I know where you're heading with that. If I were going to avoid everything that happened then, we wouldn't be this far. You'll see if I protest. I'll whack you if I have to.//

//Good. --- Heavens. You're really pretty. Scratch that, you're beautiful.//

Hisoka had a most glorious shade of red on his cheeks, and the rest of him was pinking up as well. Tsuzuki had obviously decided to liquify him totally. He was currently on his knees taking off Hisoka's underwear, lifting each foot with utmost care, and showering kisses along his calves. Once done, he trailed his wet path up his legs, caressing with his hands.

Fast approaching his centre of pleasure Tsuzuki massaged his way from the back of his thighs to his backside. Then… he skipped.

//Tsuzuki… I'm not in the mood for teasing…//

//Hmm, really.//

They fell to the bed side by side. Hisoka turned to Tsuzuki and attacked his mouth. The kiss was hard and hungry, he wanted this so badly, and if he only…

There, finally Tsuzuki touched him there. His hand felt so much better than his own, he had to move against it. To be with him, claimed by him, devoured.

Total surrender had never seemed such a good idea.

"Tsu… Tsuzuki~i!!"

Hisoka's whole body shivered uncontrollably, until he came convulsing. White ribbons fell over his stomach and dripped to Tsuzuki's fingers.

"You're even more beautiful now," Tsuzuki whispered. Carefully he loosened his hold and admired the sight of his young lover, glowing pink with sweat and panting. He raised his smeared hand and brought it to his face, sampling the taste of his success.

"I'm not satisfied."

Tsuzuki startled. What on Earth was that, didn't he just come screaming his name?

"Baka. I feel you as much as myself, you're not satisfied, so neither am I," Hisoka explained as if commenting the weather. Except that the weather didn't catch his breath like this.


"So? You have to ask?"

"Mmm, didn't think you'd want that. But if you insist…" Tsuzuki had gotten the rather… explicit thought Hisoka sent him. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I can say if I hurt or not."

Tsuzuki licked his fingers once more and approached his destination. Cautiously he felt around the tight ring of muscle, pressing a little. Hisoka answered by spreading his legs wider, silently urging him on.

Finally pushing in, Tsuzuki played with the still pert nipples. They grew even harder under his lips as he began easing his way in and out. One more finger, and he moved to take Hisoka's half hard member into the warmth of his mouth. By the time he entered a third digit, Hisoka was completely turned on, chewing his bottom lip and thrusting his hips.

"You… do you have any…" Hisoka managed to voice out.

"Not right here, but will this do?" Tsuzuki fingered the puddle of come.

"I… guess so…"

"Then you do it," Tsuzuki said as he covered himself and flopped to his back. "I know you want to be in control."

"O- okay." Hisoka inched his way on top and slowly began to back down.

The tip was pushing against him, and he willed his body to relax. This is Tsuzuki, and I want this, he kept repeating in his head. This is Tsuzuki…

Their moans were muffled when their mouths pressed together in a lingering kiss. Hisoka stayed perfectly still, adjusting to the sensations.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, it didn't hurt like I thought it would."

"Take your time."

Hisoka felt weird. This was only a bit uncomfortable, and even that was subdued by the gentle lull of love and fiery heat of passion radiating from Tsuzuki. Testing, he moved. Not bad. He moved more. Still not bad. He began a slow pumping motion, and soon found it actually felt quite good. It felt even better when he saw Tsuzuki's eyes glazing, holding his breath and letting it out in a long moan.

He sat up and steadied himself placing his hands on either side. Then he rose up, held on, and slammed down. This was as good as anything before. And it made Tsuzuki cry out. So he shifted just a bit and did it again. That's when something happened to him, and he felt pleasure beyond anything he ever had.

He kept repeating that motion, and everytime with the same result. He was exhausted, but he had to have more, he couldn't stop…

Tsuzuki's hands grasped his waist and they moved together, growing faster and frantic. Tsuzuki's back arched and his hips bucked, and in one small eternity, there was nothing else but their bodies dancing to the pulse of their heartbeat, and two voices calling out their names.

They collapsed in a heap of tangled limbs and wandering touches.




"I have to confess something."


"I chose that restaurant on purpose."


"And I begged Tatsumi for extra for this room, and Watari loaned me some more."


"I swear, I didn't mean to… well, you know. I just wanted to spend some time alone with you, maybe get to cuddle a bit and then when you ate that ice cream I just had to know how you tasted and I wanted to…"

"Shut up."

"I'm really sorry, now you think I'm an old pervert or something…"

"Tsuzuki. Shut. Up."

"You mean you're not angry with me?"

"'m too tired. Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow."

"Okay. Good night."


"I love you."

"Me too."


"Tsuzuki. Sleep." //Before I get up, and I'll be totally pissed and I'll whack your head, and you won't get any tomorrow//

//oh. OH! Okay then. Goodnight, Hisoka.//



O.o Did I write that? I'm feeling like Hisoka on a high. Oh well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. So, did it suck or make you all hot and bothered? No, you don't have to tell me if you used a boyfriend or your fingers or something…

Oh hey, and I already have an idea for a "sequel"! That's for all the wonderful people who wanted Hisoka on top ^_^ Well, he was on top, wasn't he? *grin*

I'll shut up now. Ja ne!