As our hero ascended to the surface, she and her new friends started their new lives on the surface. Our hero soon started her journey as ambassador of the monsters. While monsters started to grow on some humans and some learned to accept them, others did not. Some did not see the monsters as equals. Some treated monsters as beneath them. Let's begin our story, though, shall we?

"Frisk?" a voice said from outside of the small bedroom.

"Frisk dear, it's time to wake up. You're going to be late for school if you don't," the voice said as the bedroom door opened.

The bed sheets twisted as a groggy groan was heard.

"Frisk, come on wake up!" as the voice said ripping off the covers of the bed.

The seventeen year old slowly opened her eyes and yawned. Stretching, she groggily got up from her bed to look at the monster who awoke her.

"Mornin' Toriel," the girl said smiling, rubbing her eyes.

"Come on let's go. I told you you were going to be late," Toriel said.

"Uh-huh. I'll make it on time, I always do," she said with a smile.

"Well hurry up and have breakfast then."

"Who's cooking this morning?"

"Papyrus and Undyne I believe…"



"... I think I'll skip breakfast this morning."

"Suit yourself," Toriel said as she left.

Frisk rolled out of bed in her pajamas and went downstairs to the bathroom. She started brushing her teeth and walked out of the bathroom. She went to the room across the hallway and knocked on the door. When she knocked all she heard was a groan from the other side of the door. Frisk laughed at the the noise.

"Come on Sans, wake up!" she shouted through the door. She could never seem to open the door though, the room was always locked.

She only got a groan in response.

"Fine sleep all day! But Papyrus is gonna get mad when he finds out you're still sleeping!" she said laughing to herself.

After she was done brushing her teeth she went into the kitchen where a lot of noise was going on…

Breakfast was being prepared by the great Papyrus and the amazing Undyne. While they try their hardest, their cooking skills have never been the best.


"Great," Frisk said with an unsure smile. She loved her friends and didn't want to make them upset, but she also couldn't stomach too much of their cooking.

"Are ready for the best breakfast of your life?!" Undyne said confidently.

"A-actually, I'm gonna be late for school, I oughta just skip breakfast today," Frisk said stuttering.

"Suit yourself!"


"Thanks Papyrus, I'll see you guys later."

Frisk poured herself a glass of milk and another glass of water. She drank the milk and took the other glass upstairs with her. She went to get dressed and poured the glass of water on her flower.

"Hey! I'd appreciate it if you not pour such freezing cold water on me first thing in the morning! I don't need to be woken up by the likes of you!" the flower said.

"Oh hush up. I don't need any of your attitude right now, if you don't want cold water I'll make it warm water next time," Frisk responded.

"You're just gonna make it too hot then! You always do!"

"Fine I'll make it room temperature how about that?"

"How about stop waking me up first thing in the morning!"

"You always have something to complain about, don't you Flowey?"

"I'm stuck in these tiny accommodations, of course I'll complain!"

"Would you prefer if I got you a bigger flower pot?"

"I'd prefer if you kill me!"

"I'll take any requests from you except that one."

"Plant me then!"

"Or that one."

"Grrrrrrr. I swear Frisk you just want to see me suffer don't you?"

"Far from it my friend," Frisk said smiling.

"I'm not, nor will I ever be, your friend.

"Mhm, whatever you say. Look I've got to get going, but I'll see you later okay?"

"You could jump off a cliff for all I care…"

"*Sigh* what am I going to do with you?"

"Bury me within the pits of hell."

"I'm going. See you later!"

"Hopefully I won't!"

As Frisk used her new solar powered bicycle Dr. Alphys gave to her, she saw one of her human friends walking to school.


The boy turned around.

"Yo, Frisk what's up? Cool, uh, bike ya got there," he said stopping his walk to school.

"Thanks! Wanna ride?"

"Nah, that thing doesn't look too stable for two people."

"Oh… Yeah I guess so. Well, I'll see at school"

"Yeah see ya."

Frisk wasn't too popular as others were in school. Because she was the ambassador for the monsters, not too many people took a liking to her since she was the one who helped break the barrier between monsters and humans. Many people looked down on her, but she didn't care. She knew what was important in her life. And that was all that mattered to her.

When she got to her high school, she chained her bike up and went to her first class. While Frisk was somewhat naive, she was very smart; she was the smartest one in her whole school. She took all high level courses and had the top grades. Frisk was never a fighter, she was a strategizer. She could figure her way out of any problem without resorting to violence. Frisk swore herself to being a pacifist, and that she would always stay that way.

Once Frisk had sat down, she looked next to her to see her friend Kid* smiling at her.

"Yo! What's up Frisk?" he said cheerfully.

She smiled back at him, "Nothing much, just another day as usual."

Suddenly Kid was hit in the back of the head with a crumpled ball of paper. Kis in the back started laughing. Frisk turned around a glared at them, and then sighed.

"Don't pay attention to them alright? They're just looking for someone to pick on," Frisk said with a concerned look on her face..

"It's alright! I just gotta stay cool, just like Undyne right?" he said with a smile.

She smiled back at him, "Hey why don't you come back to my place and you can have a cooking lesson with her!"

"No way! Really? That be totally cool!"

She laughed at his excitement and soon after the bell had rung.


Once school had ended Frisk and Kid had walked back to Frisk's house.

"I'm home!" Frisk shouted.

"welcome back kiddo," greeted sans.

"Hey sans, you know where Undyne is?"
"Yeah! I'm taking cooking lessons from her!" said Kid.

"heh-heh, yeah I think she and Alphys are in the kitchen, be careful though, she's cooks pretty intensely."
"That's what I'm hoping for!" said Kid as he headed for the kitchen.

Frisk walked upstairs to her room to go feed and water Flowey, but when she got up there the flower pot was broken and he was nowhere to be seen.

She looked around her room. Nothing.

She ran out of her bedroom and into the hallway. Nothing.

She ran throughout the rooms in the house. Nothing.

Flowey.. Where could he be? D-did he get out? Where is he? she thought.

While Frisk was busy panicking and looking for Flowey, Papyrus had walked up behind her.

As he said this Frisk fell to her knees heavily breathing.

"HUMAN? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. I thought I lost Flowey," she said.

"Heh, what scared I escaped?" Flowey asked smirking.

"No, just worried you would've left me."

Flowey was taken aback.

"Please. I could honestly kill you right now. You don't need to worry about me."
"Thank you Papyrus for taking care of him."
"MY PLEASURE! HERE YOU GO!" he said handing Frisk the mug.

She walked upstairs with Flowey in her hands.

"That did scare me a little," she exclaimed.

"Oh? What would you have done if I actually did escape?" Flowey asked with an evil grin.

"I'm not sure, I wouldn't stop looking for you though."


"Flowey, you're important to me and I care about you whether you think it or not. Even if you think you could kill me, you haven't. Plus you're my friend, no, you're family. Just like everyone else in this house."

"Tch. You don't know anything. I don't like you Frisk. Even if I did, I'd still rather be dead than be your friend."

Frisk stayed silent. She couldn't force Flowey into friendship, but the words still hurt. Flowey even started to regret what he said.

Frisk then decided to break the awkward silence.



"I'll make you a deal."

"What kind of a deal?"

"If you can show me that I can 100% trust you, I will plant you in the garden and you can go wherever you want."

"Sounds easy. You're not worried?"

"No, because I'll know when the time comes when I can trust you."

"We'll see about that…"

"Trust doesn't come quickly, it may even be years before I can fully trust you."


"Flowey you don't have to be my friend, but please stay by my side. Okay?"

Flowey only sighed.
"Yeah, whatever."

Frisk gave him a small smile and put the mug down on her desk.
"I'll get you a new home tomorrow, just bear with the tiny accommodations for now."

"If I must."

"You should rest now, you seem tired."

"Well if someone didn't wake me up so early in the morning…"

"You would just complain once I got home that didn't have water the entire day then."


"Goodnight Flowey."

"Yeah. Night."

*- Kid is the yellow monster guy with no arms. You meet him in the waterfall area.