
The surf gently crested onto the white sandy beach making the salt water bubble up as it retreated back into the deep. The warm trade winds gently blew through the palms making the branches lightly sway back and forth. The smell of the salt water permeated the air giving it a cooling and crisp feeling. I breathed in the familiar scent of dozens of surrounding tiki torches that lit up the beach. I looked far into the water, seeing the moon's reflection rippled in the endless sea. And as I looked up, a sea of stars joined the ocean at the horizon.

Looking on to the right, I see the dark silhouette an ancient creature floating in the water while a dark figure jumps off and splashes into the water. It is all surreal to be back here after many years. This time, I'm not stranded. And that I am thankful for. And I am thankful for this getaway from the stresses of the hotel. As I think and stare off into the night time horizon, I hear the shuffling of the sand beneath someone's feet slowing coming up from behind me.

"What are you thinking about?" a female voice asks me. With my peripheral vision, I see someone standing next to me. I turn my head and see a pair of pale feet and legs. An arm is extended with a cold glass bottle, waiting for me to take. I look behind the bottle and to whom the arm belongs to see a petite woman, wearing a two-piece black bikini with small golden, sparkling bat shaped sequins, all covered up by a see through grey cardigan that extends down to her knees. Looking up further, I see her pale, petite stomach and belly button as I work my way up to the familiar face of my beautiful wife of roughly twelve years. She has not changed one bit except for her hair. She let it grow out a little. Now beyond her shoulders. But her bangs are still the same length so not to interfere with her vision. And I like the length. Her mesmerizing big blue eyes. Her tiny nose, light freckles on her cheeks, and her black lips hiding a pair of sharp fangs. Her raven black hair is blown by a slight gust as some of the hair settles behind her shoulders. She sees me staring and not reacting at taking the beverage out of her outstretched hand.

"Johnny? Are you okay?" she asks. This snaps me out of a trance. I look once again into her mesmerizing eyes. Her smile has faded into a face of concern, one that I caused from not answering timely enough. I take a deep breath in, smelling the wafting scent from the burning tiki torches and salty air.

"Yea. Sorry Mav. Just spaced out there. Thank you," I said taking the dark brown bottle of cold beer out of her hand. Putting the opening on my lips, I let the cold, bubbly liquid fill my mouth. The beer is cool and refreshing, along with a warmth from the alcohol in the back of my throat. Mavis sits down next to me in the sand and looks at me again, still worried.

"Soooo…. What were you thinking about?" she asked again.

"I never imagined I would be out here again," I replied.

"I know what you mean," Mavis said.

"So, how's your Dad and the hotel?" I asked knowing she made the call from the satellite phone from our new island home.

"Their good. He kind of misses your guidance on the technology. I could hear it in his voice," Mavis said with a smile on her face. I chuckled at her jab. "No. Truthfully, he really does miss us. He hasn't been this busy since we started to help him with the hotel. He almost couldn't sleep for a whole day with how busy it is."

"Well, I guess we came out here in time," I replied smiling at her and trying to hide some worry behind my eyes, hoping she did not see it. But she did.

"Johnny, you seem worried. Are you sure you're okay?"

"To be honest," I said with a sigh. "I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?" my wife asked with concern.

"I'm afraid of becoming old. I'm afraid of… dying." I turn my head to her eyes and look at her with tear clouded vision. My vampiress looked up at me with a sorrowful expression. Saddened by the fear that I had. I bowed my head and continued to talk to my best friend, "Ever since Bela almost… killed me, I felt… weak. Powerless. Knowing that nothing could save me if something… bad happened to me. Mavis, I'm scared." I said as I started to choke on my words, holding back sobs and tears. Bringing my head back up, I looked right into her eyes as tears rolled down my cheek. "I'm scared of dying. Scared of losing you. Leaving our family with no father. I'm scared what that would do to you, having to live almost an eternity without me. What would Dennis and…"

"Shhhh," she said quietly while putting her index finger to my lips. She studied my face, her eyes shifting to my hair, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, my tearful eyes again. She surprised me with a hug. Her cool, soft skin against my body. But it felt warm to me. A warm, reassuring hug telling me everything will be okay. That I am loved. To not be afraid.

"Oh, Johnny," she said quietly and softly in my ear. "You will never lose me and I will never lose you. We have each other and our family." Mavis broke our hug to look at me in the eyes. She cupped my cheeks and took her slender hands and wiped tears from my cheeks and around my eyes. "You are not going to die. You will always be here." She reached for my hand and lead it to the middle of her chest. With my palm against her skin, I could feel her slow, vampire heartbeat. Her meaning that I would be in their hearts was reassuring to me. "I don't want to lose you too, dear," she said. "You mean so much to me and our family. But please don't be afraid of dying." She paused a moment to think then she continued. "That will never happen. And no matter what, have strength in your family. Know that we are here for you. Please don't be scared anymore."

She took my hand that was on her chest and removed it. Using her small fingers, she weaved in between mine as she knelt in closer to me. Her forehead against mine. "Don't be sad. I'm here for you," she whispered until she tilted her head slightly where our lips touched. Her kiss was passionate and heartfelt. We wrapped our arms around each other as we continued to kiss. Her words of encouragement running through my mind. And she was right. In a round-about way, she adopted my philosophy of "rolling with it."

As we continued to kiss, I was brought in closer to her as she lead a dance of euphoria on our lips. My Mavis knew how to talk to me and to inspire strength and courage into me. I felt that strength, that courage on her lips. I wanted more. However, that mood was broken quickly. As quickly as it started.

"Ewwww! Mommy! Daddy! That's gross!" said a shrill child's voice. We stop our kissing and look toward the water to see a disgusted and horrified face. Mavis and I realized our kissing was turning a little too… wild for the beach and especially in front of our children. Looking at each other, we giggled about how adorable and innocent our little daughter is. I turn to speak to my black, curly haired daughter.

"I'm sorry my little bat. Do you want some kisses too?" I asked my daughter, Lailah. She, in turn responded with a "Yuck!"

"Daddy, come look at my sand castle I built!" she said showing off her excitement with jumping up and down and changing the subject.

"You built a sand castle?" I asked with some excitement. Lailah nodded her head and put her hands behind as she sheepishly rocked back and forth. "Awesome!" As I was getting up, I paused a moment, almost forgetting about my wife. I turned around and looked at her and she at me.

"It's okay Johnny. Go have fun. That's why we came out here," she replied.

"Hold that thought," I said to her with a wink and a smile. She smiled back and giggled. I was always the romantic goof.

Walking behind Lailah, she skipped her way down a little closer to the water, where I saw a large mound of sand taller than me. It was sculpted just like a castle. A familiar one at that. The bridge, the main gate, entrance, the pool area, the towers. Everything looked so intricate.

"Wow! Did you do all of this yourself sweet fangs?" I asked as I stared at the large, intricate replica of Hotel Transylvania.

"Yep!" she said as she looked up at my shocked but proud face. "Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it! I so gotta get a picture of it!" I pulled out my phone and took a snap shot of the beautiful structure made out of sand to show to Mavis and the family. In doing so, I saw the time. It was close to dawn. Looking to the eastern horizon, I saw the very dim purplish light of day approaching.

"Do you think Grandpa and Great Grandpa would like it too?" Lailah asked, almost concerned.

"Of course they will, especially Grandpa. He would love it. I will send the picture I took of it to him later. But right now, it's almost morning. We need to get you to bed." I said to my five-year-old daughter, kneeling down to her as I made eye contact.

"Awww," she said in disappointment as I scooped her up in my arms. "What about my castle, Daddy?" she asked me all worried her art would be destroyed.

"Don't worry my little bat, it'll be here tomorrow. I'll have Mommy freeze it for you," I said as I put my forehead on hers.

Walking up the beach, I saw Mavis sitting in deep thought, not hearing me call her name. Only after the third time did she hear me.

"Mavis! Earth to Mavis!"

"Hmm? What's up Johnny?" she asked.

"Hi Mommy! You should see the sand castle I built!" Lailah said scrolling through my photos to show the picture and turning the screen toward Mavis.

"Holy Rabies! That looks awesome sweetie bat! Good job!" her mother praised her.

"We better get back inside. Dawn is coming up," I said, turning my head to the slowly brightening eastern horizon. "Where's Dennis?"

"Playing with Drakon out there," Mavis said. "I'll call him."

"DENNIS! Time to come inside!" yelled Mavis loud enough to be heard at least a mile away.

"Aww Mom! Just a few more minutes please?" said my ten-year-old son from the water. As quick as we called, Drakon swam up to the beach with Dennis on top of his head.

"You heard your mother. Dawn is coming up. Time for bed," I said to show my support for of my wife and being father.

"You should listen to you parents little vampire. It will help in the future," Drakon, the last of Krakens said. I never thought I would befriend a large sea beast in my life. But I found that Drakon was very gentle and wise, certainly quite the opposite from his mean looking demeanor and enormous size.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Dennis asked, turning into a bat and hovering in front of Drakon's eyes.

"We will see little vampire. Do not worry though. I will see you again before you leave. Until then, rest and enjoy your time. Remember what I have taught you little one. Farewell," said Drakon. He swam back into the deep waters of the ocean and sunk in the dark waters, out of sight.

Walking up the beach to a small, carved path, lined with tiki torches on each side to light the way, Dennis caught up to the three of us but stayed in his bat form.

"Lailah. Race you to the house!" he said, daring his sister to a bat race.

"I'll beat you this time Dennis! No cheating!" Lailah said as her weight on my arms disappeared when she became a purple mist. And out of the purple mist came a small bat, flying as fast as possible, leaving me and Mavis to walk back… together.

"So, you are okay?" she asked me.

"I am better. Thank you. How about you?" I asked right back.

"I'm good," she said.

We walked back slowly through the trees, side-by-side. Not saying a word, just enjoying the sounds of the ocean and nature all around us. I felt her lean her head on my shoulder as she took my right arm and wrapped her hands around my arm. Looking down at her, she had her eyes closed. Completely trusting me in leading her back to the tropical cottage.

"I'm glad you came out here with us. I know you kind of fear this place. But it seems like you have been able to relax. This is paradise after all. Our paradise," my vampiress said.

"I have. I really do like this place now. You know why?" I asked. Not truly receiving an answer other than a "Hmm?" from Mavis, I continued. "Because it has my three most favorite vampires in the world on the same island," I said smiling down at her. She looked up at me and smiled. We both stopped walking to face each other. Her hair and cardigan swaying in the breeze. I took my hand and moved some out of her vision and behind her ear. She was so stunning in the poorly lit path. Her face gleamed in the tiki torches. She smiled up to me.

"I love you Johnnystein," She said.

"I love you, Mavy Wavy."

Author's Note:

I would like to thank all of you readers who read my story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Seeing other people love your writing gives me a lot of pride and accomplishment. A special thanks to Gotham317 for their many ideas for the story.

For the future, there will be a sequel. But before I write that, I have some other projects to complete. But do not worry. I will never give up on it and you will see the sequel. And I may also revisit Hotel Castaway. Maybe add to it. More detail, more dialogue, more everything. But until then. Thank you and don't forget to "Roll with it!"


I do not own or say that I own any character related to Hotel Transylvania and Hotel Transylvania 2. Any original characters (OC's) of my design are owned by me. If you would like to use any of my OC's, you must have my consent to do so. Thank you.