

"No!" Valerie said sternly as she crossed her arms and looked at a pleading Jacob.

"Why not?" He asked, taking his top hat off. Valerie and Evie had gotten him new assassin robes to wear, while Valerie designed the top hat which he could close and put away.

"Because fight clubs are barbaric." She explained.

"You'll say that now, but once you see one you'll love it." Jacob tries to convince his partner.

"You just want me to go to watch you win." She pursed her lips raising an eyebrow as she sat down on one of the chairs in the train next to a desk. It had been a week since they got back from the asylum and Jacob had begun babbling about the fight club he had joined. She was surprised to hear he had won five of the fights he entered.

"No!" Jacob denied, Valeria rolled her eyes and gave Jacob a look. "Maybe..."

"I'm not going. Unless you give me a list of reasons why." She said to him, Evie walked into the room as Jacob sighed and gave up sitting down in the chair at the desk. He leaned back propping up his feet up on the desk. "If you fall in that chair don't come whining to me if your head hurts." She warned Jacob as Evie smirked amusedly.

"Ah, another exciting night home for, Evie Frye." He joked as he looked at the papers Evie had spread out on the desk.

"Just on my way out actually. I've found the Piece of Eden." She told Jacob, glancing back at her twin. Valerie stood up and looked at her.

"Really?" She asked as Evie nodded. Valerie looked over at the papers Evie had. She picked one up and began looking over it.

"What's this one going to do? Heal the sick? Deflect Bullets? Control the populace?" Jacob questioned in a sarcastic tone. Both women shook their heads at his sarcasm.

"They're dangerous objects, Jacob. Especially in Templar's hands." Evie said in a serious tone.

"She's right. We have to get it before the templars do." Valerie agreed with her friend.

"You sound exactly like Father," Jacob said, Valerie sighed to herself. Evie whipped around and looked at Jacob.

"If only." She said simply, shoving Jacob's feet off the desk. Valerie moved over to Jacob and flicked his nose. Jacob scrunched back in pain, reminding Valerie of a cat.

"Ouch. Why?" Jacob mouthed.

"You're being an ass. No one likes an ass." She replied back silently, before turning back to Evie.

"Lucy Thorne is expecting a shipment tonight. She's Starrick's expert in the occult." Evie began to explain to them. "I'm nearly certain she is receiving the Piece of Eden Sir David Brewster mentioned." She finished.
"Sounds like fun. Mind if we join you?" Jacob smirked referring to both Valerie and him. Evie looked at Valerie who shrugged and nodded.

"I would like to come," Valerie adds. Evie nodded at her friend, before turning towards Jacob.

"Promise you will stick to the mission." She says to him.

"I swear." He grins, crossing an 'x' across his chest. Valerie nudged his leg and gave him an exasperated expression. He looked at her as if was saying 'what?'

"Come on. Let's get there before Thorne does." Valerie concluded

"All right." Evie nodded, the trio left as the train stopped. Exiting the train and walking through the station they made their way to dark barely light street. Standing on the roof of a house as they looked down below on the people loading a carriage with a chest. Valerie nudged Evie as she spotted Lucy Thorne speaking to a man. Valerie couldn't hear the conversation, but once a man and Thorne walked away Evie spoke up.

"Whatever it is she's after, it's in that chest." Evie said.

"There are gunman on the rooftops." Jacob gestured.

"Can you dispose of them before Evie and I reach the cart?" Valerie asked him.

"I was hoping for a challenge." Jacob commented as Evie and Valerie rolled their eyes at him. Jacob went off as Valerie and Evie put on their hoods before making their way to the carriage. As they got there making sure it was clear both women hopped in the cart. Valerie broke open the lock as they opened it and began looking through it. She spotted a large book with the Brotherhoods symbol on it. Valerie looked at Evie as she pulled out an old leather black journal from under some papers.

"Evie, this is my father's journal!" She whispered, Evie's eyes widened as she looked at the book. Brushing back some papers the women found three more journals. Grabbing the other three Valerie stuffed them in the paper satchel she brought.

"Did you find it?" A voice suddenly hissed, both women turned around and stared at Jacob.

"Actually..." They both began. When a voice shouted at Jacob. Valerie gaped at him.

"I think it's best we leave." He said, going around to the front of the carriage.

"What did you do?" Evie whisper/shouted.

"Jacob, when you create a distraction! You lead them away! You don't lead them to us, you idiot!" Valerie growled angrily. "You plan on getting us out of this?" She barked at him.

"It's hardly the time for questions." He shouted back, climbing on the carriage and grasping the reins. Valerie fell onto her back as the cart jolted forward.

"I'm going to kill you later!" Valerie yelled, getting up and loading her gun.

"Would you drive a little more carefully? You're endangering the documents!" Evie exclaimed, loading her gun as well.

"Oh, poor documents! Perhaps you'd rather I just stop right here?" Jacob said snidely.

"Kindly fuck off." Valerie said in a polite tone to Jacob, making Evie snicker as she shot the men following them, Valerie doing the same. Jacob glanced back offended yet amused. Valerie went back over to the chest as Evie and Jacob continued shooting. Opening it, she began looking through the documents. Her eyes widened in shock as she found one. Quickly storing it in the bag, she stood back up and aided Evie and Jacob. The two women continued yelling at Jacob in the urgency of the documents.

"We need to get this crate back to a safe place!" Valerie hollered.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" Jacob replied snarkily.

"Don't be snarky, Jacob Frye! Because I can guess you're trying to kill all three of us." She bit back.

"Oh, shut up you two and focus!" Evie butted in.

"We're going to have to jump!" Jacob said as they came upon two bridges with train tracks beneath them.

"What about the chest?" Evie and Valerie asked.

"Leave it! Jump! NOW!" He yelled as the cart came to a screeching stop. Quickly grabbing the large book with the assassins symbol and tossing it to Evie. Valerie and the twins jumped out before jumping off the railing of the bridge onto the moving train below. Valerie stood up as Evie did breathing heavily. Giving Jacob a sour look as he mockingly waves goodbye to the blighters.

"Well, that was fun! Thanks for the invitation. Must do it again." Jacob laughed as Valerie walked over to him and slapped him hard on the back of the head.

"Idiot." She glared at him, as Jacob gave her sad puppy dog eyes as an apology. "No." She shook her head ignoring him. The three jumped off the train as it got near a station before heading towards their train. Getting on their train Valerie walked over to the desk sighing as she took the journals out of her bag, placing the document she grabbed as well.

"Well, I suggest before we continue on unexpected adventures." Valerie said pointedly at Jacob. "We get needed rest."

"Agreed. Henry and I can go to the Kenway house tomorrow." Evie nodded in agreement.

"All right." Jacob sighed, plopping down on a sofa.

"May I go with you and Henry?" Valerie asks Evie.

"What?" Jacob exclaimed.

"Yes, of course," Evie said.

"But-" Jacob pouted.

"Well, go plan. I'm going to look at my father's journals." Valerie spoke, Evie walked off as Valerie sat at the desk. She opened the journal numbered as the earliest when something fell out of it. Frowning Valerie leaned down as Jacob got up curious. "This is my father's necklace." She gasped getting a look at the silver necklace linked to a silver charm showing the Brotherhood symbol. "He was attached to this he would never let this go." She muttered.

"I didn't know some Assassin's had that," Jacob said.

"Some of us wore it for luck or felt safe I guess if they had the brotherhoods symbol on them." Valerie explained when she pulled down the collar of her blouse to reveal a small inked version of the assassin symbol on her collarbone.

"Well, well, well. Ms. Perfect has a tattoo." Jacob smirked, as Valerie chuckled.

"Oh, yes. I'm horrible for having this on my skin." She laughed, letting go of the collar of her blouse hiding the symbol. "It was painful, but it reminds me what I fight for. What I stand for." She sighed standing up. "I want you to have this Jacob." Valerie said holding out the necklace.

"Wha-No! I can't it's your fathers, you should have it." He shook his head.

"I have plenty of things that remind me of the father. My memories." She told him. "Plus, my father was very fond of you. You were like a son to him, but he still loved me more." She joked.

"Yes, and he was more of a father to me than my father was." Jacob uttered.

"So take it. I think you need some reminding some of the time." She told him, hesitantly Jacob took it slipping it around his neck. "We can compare tattoo's later." Valerie grinned.

"Oh, really. So Ms. Perfect has more than one." He challenged.

"Not as many as you, but I have two. Thank you very much." She rolled her eyes amused, sitting back down at the desk.

"Uh, Valerie. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier." Jacob muttered.

"Yes, I know." She just replied as she began reading the journals. Sitting down on the sofa again Jacob began to fiddle with the necklace. It was near midnight when Valerie stood up suddenly waking Jacob from his sleep, bolting out of the train compartment to the other where Evie and Henry talked. Valerie held up her father's journal.

"Evie!" The two turned to her - as Jacob followed behind.

"What is it?" Evie frowns.

"My father. I think he knew something about the Piece of Eden we're looking for, and I think he's alive." She explained as everyone gaped at her in shock.

"How?" Henry asks, pulling out the document and passing it Henry as she gave the journal to Evie.

"But that's impossible. He's dead, witnesses saw him die." Jacob stuttered.

"I want you to help me follow his journal to where he might be. After I get back from the Kenway mansion." Valerie turned to Jacob surprising him.

"Me? Why?" Jacob gaped.

"Because I need you on this with me!" She told him, walking up to Jacob. "I need you to watch my back like you have the couple weeks we've been here."

"She's right!" Evie and Henry exclaimed.

"This document has every conversation between her father and Templar's. Interrogations between them. All past the year he supposedly died." He added. "The latest was last year."

"Her father was here the whole time she was in London." Evie says flabbergast.

"Will you help me, Jacob?" Valerie looked at him desperately.

"Yes. I will." Jacob nods determinedly.

"Thank you." She says gratefully.

"All right the excitement has died down. We're going to the Kenway mansion tomorrow. Get some rest, Valerie." Evie orders, Valerie nods before slipping past Jacob to her compartment.

"I don't know if I'm more surprised for her asking Jacob's help or that her father's alive?!" Evie breathed, Jacob just shrugged before stepping out of his compartment. Dawn came as Valerie got up dressing in her robes and getting her weapons. She walked into the compartment where Evie and Henry spoke as Evie looked back at her.

"It's not a Piece of Eden. It's the Shroud of Eden." Evie explained to Valerie.

"So, that's what my father was here for." Valerie said.

"He might've been close to finding it." Evie told her.

"Which is why they must've taken him." Henry nodded. "But I told Evie we're missing something in the book."

"We can use our senses to find it." Valerie said as Evie nodded. Relaxing and focusing her senses Valerie closed her eyes then opened them. Looking down at a white hue on the book, both women glanced at each other.

"These look like directions!" Evie exclaimed, tearing the piece of paper out of the book. Valerie followed the excited Evie. Evie stopped and looked back at Henry. "Are you coming?" She asked.

"Field work is not really my specialty," Henry said.

"We've found a clue to a Precursor object, don't you want to follow it?" Evie questions curiously.

"Put that way, one can hardly refuse." He nodded, Valerie smirked as she looked between the two.

"Well, come on children." She joked. On the way to the Kenway mansion, Henry spoke to them about the Shroud and Edward Kenway. The three watched from a small park as Lucy Thorne walked out of a carriage.

"I'll be in the study. I don't want to be interrupted unless you have news of the lost notebook." Thorne said sternly.

"That woman must be a nightmare to know," Valerie mumbled under her breath, making Evie and Henry chuckle.

"That makes getting in a challenge." Evie comments.

"You two still intend to enter?" Henry asks them.

"If this is a Templar stronghold, it won't get any easier." Evie began. "But don't worry, we'll stay well away from Miss Lucy." She finishes.

"I'll meet you inside." Valerie tells them. Evie and Henry nod as she runs off. Sneaking her way in Valerie makes it the wall of the home before she opens a cracked window before slipping inside. Closing it quietly behind her. Using her senses Valerie made her way to a room with a piano, noticing the door slightly open she made her way in and spotted Evie and Henry. She closed the door quietly as they looked back at her.

"What are we looking for?" Henry asked confused.

"I'm not quite sure." Evie sighed.

"He's was a pirate and an assassin." Valerie says, activating her Eagle vision. "Evie! There are letters on the wall." She pointed to the wall above the mantle.

"I see it." Evie nods, going over to the piano. Valerie reads her the letters as Evie plays the keys. When a large panel below slid away to reveal steps.

"Not enormously subtle, is it?" Henry looks at them.

"Clearly, Kenway had a strong sense of spectacle." Evie joked.

"Well, if you're a pirate you have to show off. Be extravagant." Valerie smirked, she watched Evie and Henry smile at each other as she tried not to roll her eyes at their obvious attraction to each other before the three assassins descended down the staircase.

"This is incredible." Henry gaped.

"All of this looks like it's from the Jackdaw." Valerie looks around the large underground room. Valerie turned and looked at Evie as she looked at an object on a pedestal. Evie began speaking of the letter she held as Valerie walked over to the bottom of the entrance to keep an eye out for anyone.

"You say you heard music." Valerie's eyes widened as she heard the voice of Lucy. "There was no opening there before."

"Shit!" Valerie cursed dashing over to the lever and closing the entrance. Lucy and the woman began shouting as Valerie looked back at Evie and Henry.

"We need to find another way out." Evie told them, activating her Eagle Vision, Valerie went over to the wheel of the Jackdaw turning it and it opening a secret door.

"Come on!" She ushered them. The three then dashed into the tunnel, leaving the vault behind.

"An entire vault filled with Assassin history left behind once again." Evie grumbled.

"We'll get it back later, Evie." Valerie replied.

"Yes, or find a better cache." Henry added with a nod. Valerie rolled her eyes and ran ahead as Evie and Henry began having a conversation she didn't want to be a part of. Getting to the entrance of the sewer, Valerie climbed out - Evie and Henry following behind. After a long way back to the train they got back on and were greeted by Jacob.

"Ah, do you three bring gifts? Perhaps a hat to cover Evie's big head?" He asks mockingly.

"Cute, Jacob. And real mature." Valerie rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm going to ignore that." Evie spoke.

"You and Henry get a look at that letter you found." Valerie said to Evie who nodded walking away with Henry.

"See I knew that would happen, Greenie and Evie." Jacob said sticking his tongue out slightly disgusted at the thought of his sister interested in someone.

"Behave, Jacob." She told him, pushing his top hat off his head.

"You three got in trouble? Didn't you?" He said in a singing song voice.

"Oh, and you know everything Mr. Know-It-All." She said challenging.

"Yes." He nodded in a fake serious tone.

"All right. Now, let's get to finding out where my father is." She told him, Jacob picked up his hat and put it away as he stepped over to Valerie as they looked at the journals on the desk.

"This should be interesting." He mutters.

"Shall we?" She looks at him, gesturing to the desk. "We have a lot of work, Mr. Frye." She grins.

"Of course we do, Miss Oswald." He returns the grin.

"Let's just not get into too much trouble trying to find my father." Valerie suggested.

"I wouldn't dare start trouble." He gasps in fake surprise.

"All right, smart-ass. Come on." She rolls her eyes. The two went over to the desk and began their investigation. "So, think Evie and Henry will final admit it?" She asks suddenly.

"I bet you ten pounds they won't. Greenie's too much of a nervous nelly." Jacob tells her, Valerie glances at him before grinning.

"You're on.

A/N: The assassin london squad is back! Sorry if this seems short. I felt like writing and was feeling creative. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had to bring in some Valerie/Jacob banter into this. I know it was a weird timeskip, but I wanted it to make it seem like they've been working longer than like two days. And in that week Valerie and Jacob did bond a bit more, but not to the point where she'll spill secrets. Just to where she trusts him more and she's trusts him to cover her back. I really wanted Valerie to go along Evie and Henry to the Kenway mansion. I really love that mission in the game. But I expect she'll be teasing them even more especially with the interactions she observed. Also surprise Valerie's dad is alive! This storyline of Valerie find her fater will be a couple chapters, before iintegratingback in the main game storyline.~ Bela.

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