Summary: It's senior year for most of the cul-de-sac kids, Eddward is finally returning to Peach Creek High School. He's been home schooling himself since the incident with the jocks at the end of ninth grade. A new and mysterious Double D is returning, calmer, tougher and exceptionally more attractive. This story portrays the change in Eddward's demeanor.

Pairing: This is mostly a KevxEdd pairing, regular Kevin and a somewhat Reverse Eddward. A side story of MariexEdd will be presented at some point. The brilliant Nat and Rave will make appearance, both belong to their respectful owners.

WARNNING: This story contains harsh language, use of alcohol, drug use, violence, abuse, self-abuse, mental issues and sexual content. If any of these may be triggering for you, please, do not read.

Acknowledgment: Ed, Edd and Eddy do not belong to me by any means. Rev!Edd belongs to Asphyxion. Nat belongs to C2ndy2c1d. Rave belongs to KiraKurry.

A/N: Beware, this is my first creation and English is not my first language. Nonetheless I really do hope you will enjoy this story. Feel free to suggest any corrections, modifications, improvements and so on.






Whilst the annoying ring tone playing, Eddward stared at the screen of his charging device, contemplating whether to click the 'Ok' button, or the 'Snooze' one. Deciding that the best thing to do is actually getting up and getting ready for school, he pressed the 'Ok' button and set at the edge of the bed. Legs limp, toes barely touching the floor, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, soar and tinted of purplish grey all around, caused by the chronic lack of continuous sleep.

For the last few months, since the students returned to school from spring break, Eddward had fallen to this routine of sleepless nights and lonesome days. Spring break started per usual, Ed and Eddy spending the night, reading comics and watching movies. Towards the end of it, they barely even texted each other. Since the ninth grade had started, Ed, Edd and Eddy started to drift apart.

Ed, the light headed of the three, was accepted to Peach Creek High School football team with ease, being the freakishly strong teen he was. Now, schedule filled with football and school band practices, life couldn't be better for the lovable oaf. Between practices, schooling was ok, keeping his C average was a bit of a task, but with extra help classes and putting his mind in to it, it was possible.

Being 5'10" (1.78 m) at fifteen, Ed definitely stood out in the school crowd, wearing his too baggy of a clothes that had been passed down to him by his uncle, the unibrowed Ed-boy looked a bit intimidating. Being in the football team, he made new friends and old friends closer.

Now, by the end of the ninth grade, Ed became best friends with Rolf, the foreigner that moved to the cul-de-sac when they were kids, spending much time in his company at the farm his family owned, helping him for the most part, in order to play with their chickens when done.

Eddy, on the contrary, had decided that participating in any school activities, beyond those he was obliged to, was beneath him and will ruin his reputation and nonexistent popularity. At some point, his attendance at school became less and less frequent. Eventually, his appearance reduced to about five times a month.

The scams that consumed his existence as a child had subsided, and been replaced by attempts to sell random creations on the internet in order to get rich, and creating random videos. Ed was still a really close friend to him, spending almost all the free time Ed had, in between school activities and him helping Rolf, in Eddy's basement playing video games or watching low budget horror movies.

Looking pretty much exactly how he looked as a child, at fifteen years, still the shortest in the bunch of the cul-de-sac, wearing the same polo shirts and baggy jeans.

Edd, dived head first in to studying hard to achieve the best of grades, and to get accepted to the best of universities, preferably within a scholarship of the science departments. His week schedule consisted of school and learning activities and attending the house and himself, living basically all alone in that big house. Eddward's weekends consisted of cleaning, preparing a week worth of food and occasionally a hang out with the two other Ed boys.

At a certain point, Eddy even managed to convince Double D to throw a house party. To say that the aftermath of the party was a mess, will be an understatement, to say the least. After that incident, thing were never the same between the two. Eddward resented Eddy's behavior that night to no end, getting high and allowing his city friends to trash Edd's house, and then leaving the mess for Edd to clean afterwards.

In order to fit all of his studying within a tight time frame, he learned at the beginning of the previous school year how to skate, in order to arrive at school as soon as possible in the mornings. Eddward had taken it upon himself to be the librarian's assistant, helping Mrs. Sharpener in the early mornings.

This was like any other morning, Eddward dragged himself out of bed to take a quick shower. When he came back to his room to clothe himself, looking at the clock, he noticed it's already 06:41.

Before putting his phone away, he dragged a slim finger over the text notification from his mother, to read his chores of the day. When he was a kid, his parents used to leave him sticky notes on the fridge, explaining his daily/weekly schedule and the chores he must complete within a certain time frame. When they bought him his iPhone for his fourteen birthday, they started to text him instead. For about a year now, they rarely mentioned any chores to be done, just asked for his recent achievements at school, if he was eating properly, if the house is in good shape and whether he needs something. Having his unlimited credit card to purchase everything he needed, there was basically nothing left for him to ask.

Their visits to home became less frequent substantially, coming home in holidays when possible. His parents worked around the clock, staying in different parts of the world, making contacting them a though task to achieve, they mostly communicated by text messaging, sometimes not receiving a reply from them for days. All that and more caused Edd to develop a cynical point of view on life. Which he kept to himself, most of the time, he never was one for attention and conflict.

The text read:

'Dear son,

Your father and I are really pleased with you recent achievement,

Keep up the good work.

We will see you at the beginning of summer, hopefully.

Have a wonderful week.'

Sighing and nodding his head 'no', he thought 'hopefully'… I can assure you, dear parents, there is no hope left in me for you. He put down the phone and walked to the closet.

Hastily, he put on black wide shorts, securing them to his scrawny hips by a black belt. He covered his torso with a white quarter sleeve snug baseball shirt with dark purple sleeves. Putting on white ankle socks and lastly, the Sockhead put on his black beanie, tucking in all strands of hair.

Heading down stairs to eat cereal, Edd glanced at his biology project, a small open box containing a soft model of a working heart, pumping red fluid through clear rubbery tubes.

After eating, he put on his black Slip-On Vans and slung his messenger bag on his shoulder. Contemplating whether to walk or ride the skateboard, which will not be an easy task with his biology project, he thought, it's 07:05, taking the skateboard will mean I'll arrive to school at 07:25, five minutes before I'm supposed to meet up with the librarian, allowing me to leave my project in my locker. Deciding not to spend any more precious time, he determined that skating to school is the only choice not be late. He put on his helmet over his beanie and grabbed the skateboarded and his project.

Locking the door behind him, Edd lay down the board and got up on it. Balancing his biology model between both hands and his torso, he rode on his skateboard down the street to school.

About five minutes to the ride, he noticed he is fast approaching a few guys that's looking like they are heading to football practice. He tried to slow down, yet he was too late. He collided with the dirty blond jock, sending the latter head first onto the pavement.

As rapidly as possible, Edd rose from the jock's back, only to be pushed back onto the ground.

"What the fuck, dork?" the angry teen hollered at the stunned geek.

Looking up, Edd moved his beanie out of his eyes to look at the jock. Immediately his blue eyes went wide, he froze in fright. The jock he collided with was no other than the bully that has been tormenting his life since the start of the year, Chad.

Chad was a wide, 5'8" (1.73 m) high sophomore. Ever since Edd can remember this year, Chad had hated him for no apparent reason, throwing him in to walls at school, the occasional punch in the gut, or if less lucky, in the face.

Edd was in no mood for a beating this morning, he slept only two hours the night prior, and the fact that it has been three months exactly since he last saw his parents, and about a month since they last talked.

"Greetings, dear Chad" he spat. The jock became as quite as a fish.

Realizing he's still on the ground, he thought filthy, filthy, filthy. While getting up, his eyes started immediately looking for his project.

"Looking for this, Dipshit?" Edd had turned to face Chad, he was nowhere near being eye to eye with him, towering at 5'5" (1.65 m). Looking down to Chad's hand, he realized he's been holding the missing project.

Not looking up to his face, he said, "I will dearly appreciate if you'll return me my biology project at once, for must I am not be tardy to assist Mrs. Sharpener, the librarian, with her duties this morning." Trying to sound as polite as possible, thinking it may appeal to the jock.

"Hey Chad, you hear that? That's the dork's precious science project." said the tallest jock with a sly grin.

"Oh, really." Chad said with a smirk.

Opening the box, all four jocks glanced at the heart model, one of them saying "Is that a balloon brain or something?", "That's a heart, you moron" Chad answered.

Picking up the soft heart, Eddward's eyes widened in horror, Chad is holding on his, indeed, precious model. It took Edd two and a half tedious weeks to complete the model entirely. "Can you… p-please, Chad, i-it's due today, I worked really ha…"

Before Edd had a chance to finish the stuttered sentence, Chad had stretched his arm, holding the heart still, to Edd, squeezing it powerfully. The heart exploded all over Eddward's white shirt, staining the fabric and the skin beneath it with a crimson shade. His facial expression changed to one of disbelief, wide eyes, and mouth hanging a bit. Everything went quiet. "Is the little dork gonna cry now?" an overweight jock said.

A minute had passed, the jocks still laughing, realization catching on with Edd, his expression changing to one of pure rage. Wide eyes changing in to slits, a few wrinkles becoming apparent on his forehead and nose, lips pursed to a sharp line. Edd's heart, unlike the one that had been thrown limply on the pavement, was beating hard and fast with fury. Through gritting teeth, he said, quietly: "I loathe you".

Jocks holding their bellies in laughter, didn't hear the nerd not did they notice when he took a few steps back to his skateboard, picking it up, and with a 'swoosh' sound, smacking Chad's face with it.

"Holy fuck", "Jesus", "Oh my god" and such could be heard. Everyone looked at the ground at Chad, lying there, blood pouring rapidly out of his nose and the side of his hanging mouth. Nose crooked to the left, right cheek all scratched from the rough board.

Sitting up, disoriented, Chad looked to his stunned friends, in moments he felt a sharp ache running through his face, a distinct warm feeling under his nose and a coppery taste filled his mouth. Raising his hand to his face, touching the slippery substance, what just happened hit him like a ton of bricks.

Bewildering, he said "You bashed my face with your skate." Facial expression changing to a distinctly angry one, "I am going to fucking kill you".

While the four jocks shifting their looks to the dork, he tried to run from them, unsuccessfully. Before he managed to make over eight steps, he's been caught by his shirt by a jock. Quickly forced to spin and fall to the ground by the sheer force of the tug, almost ripping his shirt, his left side gets a pound meeting the ground.

Hissing with the pain and closing his eyes shut, he right away felt a kick to his abdomen that sent him a few feet back. Clenching his gut with his arms, he felt a second kick to his lower back, followed by one to his chin.

After sometime, what may in reality be three minutes, but felt like hours, the kicking had subsided, they must be done, Eddward thought to himself, only to open his watery eyes a bit to see a blurry image of Chad with his skateboard in hands. Horrified, Edd covered his head with one arm and his gut with the other one, lying in a fetus position on the pavement, he prepared for the worst.

With a loud 'thud', the skate hit his leg. All pain he felt thus far was nothing compared to this. A second stroke was felt, thrashing his ribs violently in to his chest cavity, his lungs losing all wind, a sharp pain was felt and he blacked out.