Hi! And welcome by my new Descendants story.

Suggestions for pairings are very welcome, but Mal/Ben/OC is already certain.

Everything is welcome!

Characters - Actors

King Adam Beast - Dan Payne

Queen Belle - Keegan Connor Tracey

Prince Benjamin Beast - Mitchell Hope

Queen Auraline Rose - Victoria Justice

Princess Audrey Rose - Sarah Jefferey

Prince Chad Charming - Jedidiah Goodacre

Fairy Godmother - Melanie Paxson

Jane Fairy - Brenna D'Amico

Doug Dwarfson - Zachary Gibson

Lonnie Shang - Dianna Doan

Maleficent - Kristen Chenoweth

Mal Mauvais - Dove Cameron

Evil Queen - Kathy Najimy

Evie Royall - Sofia Carson

Jafar - Maz Jobrani

Jay Farr - Booboo Steward

Cruella de Vil - Wendy Raquel Robinson

Carlos de Vil - Cameron Boyce

The Kindness Within

Chapter 13: The Last Agreements

Once upon a time in a country named Auradon, in the district of Ulstead, far far away from here, there was a beautiful Princess.

This Princess was named Auraline, born to King Philip and Queen Aurora.

Auraline was certainly a very beautiful girl, with a slight tan on her skin, chocolate brown hair and her deep brown eyes.

Yes, Princess Auraline possessed a beauty that rivalled that of her mother.

The whole subkingdom of Ulstead loved Auraline.

Everyone but one person: her sister Audrey.

Audrey was jealous. Just because Auraline was a bit prettier than she was.

Auraline had everything: a good future, good-looking Princes fighting for her hand and all the support she would need to rule.

But Auraline wasn't truly happy.

Every time she'd look out of her bedroom window, she saw the Isle of the Lost, and felt guilty about the children who had to live there, just because their parent was evil.

Auraline wanted a change, but she felt like she was the only one.



Third Person POV:

Aura woke the next day with only Ben and Mal on the left side of the hospital bed she was on.

Ben was staring at her with wide eyes, clearly haven't slept all night with those black lines underneath his eyes.

"You should sleep." Aura commented as she reached to touch his face.

"I said the same, but he wouldn't listen." Mal said.

Aura chuckled. "Yeah, Ben can be stubborn after all."

"I had to know if you were truly to be okay." Ben said, true worry in his voice.

Aura smiled as she touched his cheek with her fingers. "You don't have to be worried about me, I can surely save myself."

Ben laid his right hand on her stomach. "You can, but what's ours can't."

"Yet it saved my soul from getting claimed." Aura pointed out.

"What anyway happened in that dimension?" Ben asked.

Aura sighed and looked down. "There was a possessed version of me inside a mirror, trying to take away my soul. What's ours saved me with flames of love, it's how I found I was pregnant. My evil counterpart got torn apart by white light after I spoke to the baby, it's how I could come back."

Ben took her right hand. "I've always loved you more than anything in this world, and I'll love our child just as much."

"We'll raise it all together." Mal commented.

"We'll be sisters, true sisters." Aura said, looking at Mal.

Mal smiled. "Yes, we will."

"Son, are you sure you want to do this?" Adam asked.

Ben had gone to talk to his parents about the baby Aura was carrying.

"Dad, it's only natural that I do it. In my people's eyes I made a huge mistake, but I think I've done the right thing. It saved all of our lives and the Kingdom already by protecting Aura in that dimension." Ben replied. He wasn't going to back down, and he would let his parents know that.

Belle sighed. "Ben, you both are so young! We don't want you to make the wrong decision."

"Mom, I have loved Aura for more than eight years without you two even knowing. We were young when we loved, this is only natural." Ben said.

"A child is huge responsibility!" Adam warned. "So is marrying a woman, or in your case, women."

Ben glared at his father. "Dad, I know that. I've heard it about a thousand times already."

"I know son, but I never thought this would come so soon! If no one had told us about you and Aura, we would have started to wonder if you even liked girls!" Adam told. "And now you can't help it but love two!"

"As for my people, I know they may not agree with our decision to keep our child but we're both quite against killing what's already alive there inside of Aura. It already loves us, and we'll love it back forever." Ben stated. "As for Mal, she's actually easy to love, the people can grow to love her."

Belle touched her son's cheeks before hugging him. "We'll stand behind you, but if the people dismiss you, what will you do?"

"Don't worry mom, we have already planned everything just fine if that happens." Ben replied.

Aura and Mal were waiting for Ben to return from his speech.

"Aura, will everything be fine?" Mal asked, concerned about the whole thing Ben was declaring now to his people.

"Mal, don't you worry. I know Auradon's people well, through they might be a little biased, they'll grow to be fine with it." Aura replied, staying calm the whole time.

"How can you be this calm?" Mal asked.

"Mal, freaking out doesn't help. Plus, I have a child to think about now." Aura replied.

Mal sat down on a blue armchair with a deep sigh. "What will happen if the people dismiss us?"

"We'll move to the Isle of the Lost and built our own Kingdom there. We are not to be said what to do, we are our own." Aura replied, smiling kindly as she took Mal's hand.

The door opened up, revealing Ben with shining eyes.

"I take it that it went well." Mal said.

Ben smiled brightly. "Better than expected. There was resistance, but it was minimal. From now, I am allowed to make you both my Queens." and he walked up to Aura. "Aura, you are already carrying my child, by law you are to be my first wife and Mal my second."

"We can live with that hon, truly. We are already as close as sisters, this would even make us closer." Aura told, kissing Ben's left cheek.

Mal stood up as well, kissing Ben's other cheek. "I wouldn't care, as long as we both can be with you, I'm fine with anything."

"Girls, you've made me the happiest man in the world. I thank you both for your love." Ben said before giving both his girls a passionate kiss.

Well, do you like it?

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Don't make your review too flamy or vague.

Don't only say: it's crap. Please tell me WHY then.

~ Artemis Hunter 441