Chapter 1: Christmas and an Engagement

Disclaimer: I only own any OCs that may or may not appear throughout the story. All canon characters are the property of DreamWorks. (Unfortunately…)

The first Christmas she could remember was also her best Christmas ever. Kitty Softpaws has let her boyfriend, Puss in Boots, convince her into coming with him to the kingdom of Far, Far Away for Christmas. He tells her he has really good friends there that he wants her to meet. Kitty still has a lingering suspicion that he's up to something.

"Puss, how much longer?" she asks as they walk through a long stretch of woods.

"We're nearly there, mi amor," Puss promises, taking one of her black and white paws in his orange one.

"I hope you're right, Ginger. My paws are killing me!" Kitty responds to her boyfriend.

Puss lightly laughs at Kitty's last statement. He knows the snow is probably what's making his girlfriend's paws hurt. There never is much, if any, snow in Spain, which makes the cold sensation against her paws a new experience for Kitty. Now, truth be told, it has taken years for Puss to get used to the cold, thick, white powder that is snow. He still remembers the first snowball fight he had with Donkey and Shrek a few years ago.

A house appears in the distance, the lake and swamp outside of it completely frozen and covered in snow. Puss releases his grip on Kitty's paw before starting to head for the front door.

"We're here, Kitty. Welcome to my home away from home," Puss announces as he starts to push open the door.

Almost instantly, five heads turn around and smile upon seeing the Spanish feline.

"Puss! What a great surprise! Come on in," Shrek happily tells his friend while he stands to greet his feline companion.

"Hola, mi amigo. Fiona, children, pleasure to see you again," Puss in Boots smiles, watching the ogre triplets play with blocks on the floor.

"We're always glad to see you, Puss. Did you get our letter?" Fiona asks, giving the ginger cat a hug in the process.

"Sí, señora. I couldn't miss a fiesta, much less one for Christmas," Puss smiles as he returns the hug.

"Just wait until Donkey knows you're here. He's been begging us all to go to Spain and see you, but we just haven't had the time," Shrek says with a slight smirk.

"Well, then I must see Donkey as soon as I can. We wouldn't want him annoying us any more than usual," Puss laughs, which alerts Fergus, Felicia, and Farkle of his presence.

"Uncle Puss!" they all happily shout, getting up and running over to hug him.

"Hello, children. I have missed you three. Look how big you've gotten!" Puss in Boots smiles, looking at his two-year-old niece and nephews.

"Uncle Puss, who is that?" Felicia questions, turning her attention to Kitty.

Kitty has remained in the doorway the entire time watching Puss' interaction with the children, a smile on her face. Now that attention has been drawn to her, the tuxedo she-cat waves at Shrek and his family, feeling a little bit nervous. After all, this is the first time Kitty's meeting the people that Puss considers to be family. She does not want to make a bad first impression.

"This is my girlfriend, Kitty Softpaws. She is the most important cat and woman in my life. Come and join us, Kitty," Puss answers the triplets, reaching for Kitty's paw.

Kitty takes his paw and comes closer to everyone, a smile on her face.

"Hola. My name is Kitty Softpaws. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Mucho gusto," she says, walking over to the ogre family, noticing the smile on Puss' face.

This gesture, no matter how trivial it may seem to others, encourages Kitty. She knows Puss in Boots is pleased with her first impression on his family.

"Well, Kitty, it's an honor to finally meet you," Fiona makes known to the tuxedo cat, leaning down to pick Felicia and Farkle up as she talks.

"Aye. It's nice to know the girl Puss talks about non-stop," Shrek says, which makes Puss in Boots uncomfortable.

"Shrek, mi amigo, cállate, por favor. Shut up, please," the legendary outlaw speaks up, baring his teeth slightly.

This action makes Shrek laugh, as he knows just how deeply Puss' love is for Kitty. One night during one of his visits to Far, Far Away, the ginger tabby slept at the ogre's house for the night, not wanting to go to the Poison Apple that late at night. Shrek found Puss asleep in the armchair the next morning, murmuring Kitty's name in his sleep. Ever since that morning, Shrek has not let up on teasing Puss about the gato's love for Kitty Softpaws.

"Oh, you didn't want her to know that? Sorry, Puss," Shrek smirks.

"And why not, Mr. Frisky Two Times? Are you ashamed of your love for me, mi amor?" Kitty inquires, a serious expression on her face, but a teasing look in her eyes.

"No, mi amor. Soy orgulloso. I am proud. Our love means the world to me, Kitty Softpaws," Puss responds, holding Kitty's paw and giving it a light squeeze.

"Of course you are. I know that!" she laughs.

"You- -You do?" the Spanish swordfighter asks with a gasp.

"Sí, Ginger. You've believed in me all along. And, we went our separate ways together, just like you wanted," Kitty grins.

Donkey chooses that moment to appear in the doorway of Shrek's house, talking loudly, as usual.

"Shrek, did I leave my onion dip over- Hey, hey! It's Puss in Boots! Where have you been?" the loud-mouth Donkey all but shouts, startling Kitty.

"Sí, Donkey. I've returned. As for where I've been, you know me. Mostly settling scores in Spain, mi amigo," Puss answers, taking this moment to readjust his feathered hat on his head.

There is never any warning as to when Kitty may swipe it off his head.

"Sounds cool! Now, who is this lady you've brought with you? Another temporary flame?" Donkey continues, making Puss' face scrunch up in anger and his green eyes blaze dangerously.

"Donkey, you are just digging a grave for yourself. Kitty Softpaws is the love of my life. I would never leave her!" Puss remarks in order to defend both his honor and Kitty's.

"Kitty Softpaws? What kind of a name is that?" Donkey inquires before Shrek clamps his hand over the grey quadruped's mouth.

"I am called Kitty Softpaws because I'll rob you blind and you'll never even know I was there," Kitty explains to Donkey, holding up a small bag of gold coins as proof.

Puss takes off his left boot, and, sure enough, there is no bag of gold to be seen.

"How did-? That's impossible!" he stutters, swiping the bag back from his girlfriend.

"Ginger, you should know me by now. Nothing is impossible for Kitty Softpaws," she smirks.

Kitty reaches for Puss' hat, but the orange feline places his paw on hers before she can take it off of his head. Puss clicks his tongue against his cheek.

"Now, señorita, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me," Puss in Boots laughs, softly pulling Kitty forward into his arms.

"Oh, is someone pouting? Puss, whatever will I do with you?" Kitty grins, moving her lips closer to Puss' mouth.

"Well, Kitty…." Puss starts before Shrek cuts him off.

"Puss, there are children present," Shrek reminds, covering Fegus' eyes with one hand.

"Lo siento. I'm sorry, Shrek. Do forgive us, amigo," Puss apologizes, feeling slightly ashamed by his actions.

A slight red blush appears on his face, and he can't seem to make his emerald eyes meet those of his friend.

"It's fine, Puss. Just don't do it again," the ogre chuckles with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, señor. It won't happen again," Kitty assures.

Later on in the night, after the ogre triplets are asleep, Shrek decides the cottage needs more firewood. He slips on a coat before heading out since it's still snowing rather heavily.

"I'm going to go gather some more wood. Puss, Kitty, you two are welcome to stay the night if you wish," Shrek quietly announces where he doesn't wake his children.

"Thank you for the offer, Shrek, but we already booked a room at the Poison Apple," Kitty answers the ogre.

"Shrek, mi amigo, would you like help with the firewood?" Puss inquires, looking at his friend in a way he hopes conveys urgency to the ogre.

"Well, actually, Puss, I….." Shrek starts before receiving an icy look from the tabby.

"Shrek, you need help with the firewood, yes?" Puss stresses through gritted teeth.

The ogre finally realizes the urgency in the feline's voice ad understands the Spanish hero would like to talk in private.

"Now that you mention it, Puss, I could always use a bit of help," Shrek slyly grins at the boot-wearing cat.

"Ooh, can I come, too?" Donkey inquires, not noticing what is going on.

"Sure, Donkey. The more the merrier," Puss responds in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Once the three males get outside, Puss is soon bombarded with questions.

"So, Puss, are you gonna marry her?" Shrek asks with a smirk.

"Do you really love her?" comes from Donkey.

"Are the two of you going to live in Spain or here in Far, Far Away?" Shrek asks.

"Have you talked about having kittens yet?"

The last question from Donkey stops Puss in Boots dead in his tracks. He's used to being taken aback and shocked by Donkey, but nothing has hit him this hard. Sure, he's a lover, but he does stand on ceremony. He and Kitty wouldn't talk about kittens until after they're married. If they even get married….

"Are you out of your cabeza, Donkey?! I'm a gentleman and respect Kitty's boundaries. Besides, we aren't even married yet!" Puss yells at his friend, wanting to run and hide.

"So? A lot of couples I know had kids before they were married," Donkey tells the Spaniard.

"Well, this gato won't! I rather wish to not talk about this!"

"So, Puss, what was it you did want to talk about?" Shrek interrupts, stopping the feud between his friends.

"I'm going to propose to Kitty," Puss whispers with a smile.

"You're going to what?!" Shrek and Donkey ask in unison.

"I'm going to ask Kitty to marry me," Puss grins.

"That's great, Puss! I'm so happy for you! Uh, just a question, though. How are you going to propose?" Shrek directs towards the orange gato, pride in his brown eyes.

"Well, I was thinking of making a cake or something for Christmas and placing the ring inside. Then, I'll have Kitty cut the first piece and she'll get the ring. By the time she turns around, I'll be down on one knee," Puss reveals his plan.

"Nice plan, buddy!" Donkey smiles, the feud that happened only moments ago placed out of his mind.

"But, Puss, you can't cook," Shrek reminds him.

"What?" Puss in Boots asks in disbelief, not believing Shrek doubts his skills. "There is nothing I cannot do! My culinary skills are impeccable!" Puss continues.

"Puss, you nearly burnt down my kitchen making breakfast," Shrek smirks.

"That bacon was defective!" Puss exclaims in defense.

"Well, then, I think it's a good plan," the ogre tells Puss.

"Puss," a feminine voice calls, almost making Puss jump.


"Kitty! What can I do for you, mi amor?" Puss smiles at his love.

"It's getting late, Ginger. I'm ready to go to the Poison Apple now," Kitty says with a yawn as she grabs Puss' paw.

"As you wish. Adios mi amigos. See you tomorrow at the castle," Puss remarks.

Christmas Day arrives early the next morning in the kingdom of Far, Far Away. Kitty and Puss rise with the sun since both of them are early risers. They head for the castle where King Arthur and Lillian, Fiona's mother, are holding Christmas for their rather unique family. Five ogres, two cats, one donkey, one dragon, five donkey-dragon hybrids, and two humans are in attendance for this particular feast. As soon as they arrive, Puss gets to work in the kitchen to prepare his special surprise. It takes him about three hours, but the Spanish swordfighter finally gets it perfect, just in time for dinner. He brings it into the dining room on a golden platter and sets it in the middle of the table.

"Puss, this looks lovely," Lillian remarks as the orange tabby takes his place at the table beside Kitty.

"Gracias, señora. I thought I would make something special for our first family Christmas," Puss smiles as he passes the shrimp.

When it is time for dessert, Puss puts his master plan into action.

"Kitty, why don't you cut the first slice?" he suggests with a grin, turning a particular part of the cake towards her.

"If you say so, Puss," Kitty smiles back, taking the knife in one paw.

As Kitty starts to cut into the cake, Puss silently slips out of his chair and onto the floor beside Kitty. The tuxedo she-cat notices a shiny metal circle in her piece of cake. She turns to Puss, her blue eyes shining.

"Puss, what is-?" Kitty starts off before seeing a sight that takes her breath away.

Puss in Boots is kneeled down on one knee, a goofy grin on his face. His green eyes sparkle out of love for Kitty.

"Kitty, I haven't known you for very long, but I feel that doesn't matter very much when a man is in love. Kitty Softpaws, I love you with all my heart and soul and will love you all my life. Mi amor, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Puss sweetly reveals to his girlfriend.

"Sí, Ginger! Of course I'll marry you!" Kitty happily answers as she stands up from her chair.

Puss scoops her up in his arms and spins her around. He holds his hat in front of them for some privacy.

"You've made me the happiest gato alive. Gracias," Puss whispers.

"Best Christmas ever," Kitty softly says in Puss' ear.

The two lovers share a passionate Christmas kiss behind Puss' hat.

Author's Note: And there's the first chapter of Love Is Worth More Than Gold! I hope everyone enjoyed; please leave a comment with what you thought. Don't worry, there will be plenty more of Puss X Kitty in later chapters. Now, Shrek in the gang might pop in the story every so often, but it won't be for much of the story. That's why I chose not to mark it as a crossover. (Besides, people do that all the time in other fandoms. Hope no one minds.) Until the next chapter, my amazing readers! Hope to hear from you guys and girls soon!