- Kaz's POV -

In the two days Oliver had been at the hospital I'd tried to spend as much time with him as possible.

Obviously I still had to go to school or it would look suspicious, but as soon as the bell rang at the end of the day I shot out of the classroom and ran over to the hospital as fast as I could. For all the long, boring hours I had to spend sitting in class, I was just zoning out the whole time. I barely listened to anything the teachers said and was just staring into space, ignoring all the concerned and weird looks I got from Jordan and Gus. I couldn't focus on anything but Oliver and thinking of possible ways out of this.

The hospital were doing everything they could to save him, but time was running out. We'd told his mom he'd gone on a school trip for a few days. We knew we'd have to tell her the truth soon. We couldn't avoid it forever. But for now, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. I don't even want to imagine telling her that... that he's dead.

Staring down at his pale face as he lay in the hospital bed, I tried to swallow back the lump forming in my throat.

Don't cry, Kaz, I told myself.

I ran my thumb over his cold hand, just watching him breathe. It seemed like it was taking his body a lot of effort. I brushed away some of the hair that had fallen in front of his face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder suddenly. I turned to see Skylar looking down at me with a sad smile.

"How are you holding up?" She asked me.

"My best friend is dying." I muttered. "How do you think?"

She winced a little bit at my words, and I immediately felt bad for snapping at her.

"He said your name today." She said. "I heard him."

I sat up a little bit, hope filling my heart. "Really?!"

Skylar sighed. "He's still not fully conscious though. His body is shutting down from the cold."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

I hadn't really been myself since all of this happened, not made any jokes or sarcastic comments about everything. I was just numb and quiet and sad all the time.

Oliver's absence had affected everyone. I never really realized just how important he was, not just to me but the whole of Mighty Med. There was a sombre mood spreading throughout the hospital - the atmosphere had been extremely quiet and serious since Oliver had been admitted here. Skylar stayed shut up in her room all the time, only coming out when I came over. Even Alan didn't have the heart to make fun of me or make some obnoxious comment like he usually does.

All of a sudden, Horace came walking towards us holding a flask of something in his hands.

"Guys, I have good news." he exclaimed. "There might be a way to save him."

"What?! What is it?!" I yelled, jumping out of the hospital chair.

"I've called an old friend of mine and told him what happened, and he says he has healing powers that might be able to save Oliver. The only problem is that he lives far away from here, in a small apartment hidden in the middle of town."

"So when can he get here?" Skylar asked.

"No, you two have to go and visit him. He can't go outside - he can't be seen in the Normo world."

"OK. If there's any chance I can save him, any at all, I'll take it." I said determinedly.

"And you have to take Oliver with you." he stated.

"But how can we do that?! He can't move." Skylar pointed out.

"That's what this is for." Horace held up the flask. "It took me a long time, but I've created a special drink that can warm him up. It won't stop him freezing to death, but it will slow down the process. Enough for him to wake up."

I almost cried with happiness. "Well then, let's give it to him already!"

I took the flask from Horace's hands, taking the lid off and pouring out the drink into a cup.

I moved closer to Oliver and crouched by his side, lifting the cup to his lips.

"Come on, Oliver. Drink." I murmured to him, holding the cup in one hand and brushing my thumb over his cheek with the other.

Slowly but surely, his body obeyed and swallowed the warm drink. Some color immediately returned to his face, and he gave a few coughs as his blue eyes blinked and fluttered open.

"Oli." I smiled, breathing out heavily with relief.

"Ka- Kaz." he mumbled out.

I moved forward and scooped him up into a tight hug, clinging onto him as if he'd slip away if I let go. I buried my face in his shoulder and breathed heavily again.

"I missed you." I said, my voice thick. "I missed you so much."