Hey y'all, so here we are the Last chapter of Frostlight, It has been interesting writing this story, I didn't think I would be able to tell this story well enough and I hope that I did make this enjoyable and something that could inspire other writers to write about because this isn't something written about in the fandom.

Anyway I hope y'all had great time reading this story and I hope y'all enjoyed the ending, if not I'm sorry but I did the best I could. Now on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in relation to Dreamworks Rise of the Guardians or William Joyce's Guardians of Childhood.

After Emily Jane left Sanderson's island she went straight to her home and ordered Wind to let her know when Jack left Toothiana's Palace. She knew that if his memories were going to leave him vulnerable, he was going to fly to Antarctica so that if his emotions summoned a blizzard no one would be harmed. So she made sure to keep her senses open for a blizzard in Antarctica. As the days when by she became more worried which Wind only added to as they talked about how silent and still Jack was as well as how Toothiana was beginning to become worried. Then on the third day, Wind told her what had happened at the Palace and how Jack had apparently relieved his drowning, then he had asked them to take him a way because he was scared of talking to Toothiana. At that same moment, Emily's senses let her know that a massive blizzard was underway in Antarctica.

"Oh Jackson." She murmured before she vanished in a swirl of snowflakes. Once she arrived in Antarctica, she stretched her senses out, trying to pinpoint where her child was in the whiteout. After a few minutes, she was finally able pinpoint Jack, and it appeared that he was within an ice cave and so she headed over to the cave. Once she entered the cave and went deeper, she finally saw Jack and felt her heart break at the sight that met her. Her child was slumped on the floor and screaming out his pain while tears streamed down his face. She wanted to move to her child and comfort him but, she couldn't. She loved her child but she didn't know how to comfort him, she didn't know what was wrong and she didn't know how she could help. So she sat down on a flat boulder of ice and waited until Jack had screamed out his pain, once he did she will learn what he learned and do her best to help him, because that was all she knew.

Hours went by before Jack became quiet and the storm outside settled. Emily quickly pulled her awareness from the rest of the world and focused on the young spirit that needed her. Just as she was about to stand and approach Jack; he twirled around, sensing another presence, with his staff ready to shot a blast of ice at the intruder but stopped short at who he saw.

"Mom?" He cried out hoarsely. Emily winced at hearing how hoarse he was and so she crafted a glass out of ice and filled it with some water from a rain cloud she created, once that was done she she handed it to Jack. He gave her a small smile and took a sip, grateful for the water.

"Why are you here?" He asked once he had finished the water, his voice already sounding better.

"I was worried about you Jack, Wind told me you were at Toothiana's and then you came here and by the ferocity it meant you were very upset. So whats wrong little frost." She answered making sure to leave out that she was keeping tabs on him. Jack tilted his head down, hesitant to tell her why he was so upset and not sure how she would take it. Yet, she was truly the only being that he knew and trusted enough to talk to about this, without her judging him. She was the perfect third party.

Emily Jane watched as Jack thought about telling her what was bothering her and as she saw him debating to tell her. She suddenly felt like she shouldn't know. It seems that what ever Jack learned is a big deal and suddenly she was scared that she was going to lose her child fully to the accursed Moon and his Guardians. A small piece of her hoped that he wouldn't tell her but she knew that that was selfish and really Jack needed her to be there for him.

"Mom, I guess you already know that Pitch came back and MiM choose me to be the new Guardian." Jack began sitting cross legged in front of the boulder where Emily sat.

"Yes, Wind let me know. I'm proud you handled my father well." She replied with a soft smile.

"Father?" Jack cried out shocked.

"I'll tell you later. Once you've told me what has been bothered you, I'll tell you about how I meet Sanderson and how I was once a star." She told him stroking his hair.

"You were a star?! Wait who's Sanderson?" Jack asked intrigued by his mother's past.

"Yes, and you'll find out after you tell me your tale and Sanderson is the Sandman. Now tell me what happened, Wind told me you got your memory box. By the way remind me to have a talk with that idiotic rabbit about what happened at Easter, also a talk to father about hurting my child, if I could stand to be in the same room without hurling him against a wall. Now on with your story little frost." She told him flicking him on the forehead for trying to distract her.

"Fine, so yeah I got my box and I learned that I had a, sister, and I died to save her, So that's why I was chosen as a Guardian. But that's all I learned, so I went to Tooth's so that she could unlock my memories. She put me under and I got my memories back."He said before he went quiet, hesitant to tell the rest.

"Go on little frost, I wont judge. No matter what you learned, I will always be here for you." She told him cupping his face. He nodded and pulled back letting out a a breathe.

"The first memory I saw was me looking down at a young baby in a type of crib. I looked the same except my eyes were green and I wore armor. I was a protector, I've always been a protector. Except I left my charge to fight a deadly foe. And I never saw him again and I was alone for years until I was released." Jack said pulling his knees to his chest.

"Jack, what are you talking about, you were human before you died correct?" She asked confused by what Jack was talking about, he wasn't making much sense.

"I wasn't always human."He whispered.

"What?" She asked.

"The person that I protected was named Tsar Lunar or as I called him The Man in The Moon. And the foe that I fought was Pitch Black. My name was Nightlight, later it was Jackson Overland, and finally Jack Frost." He told her with a quiet voice not sure how she will react now. Emily Jane was in shock. Jack had just told her that he was Nightlight, the beloved immortal child of the Guardians and especially the Man in The Moon. She didn't really know how to react, Nightlight was the one that trapped her father on Earth and the one that protected the children of Earth. Yet as her thoughts started to slow down, all she could think about is how afraid Jack must be right now, scared of how the Guardians would react, how she would react as well as who he really is. Is he Nightlight, Jackson or Jack? Is he all three equally? She dropped to her knees in front of him and tugged him into a fierce hug.

She held him close, stroking his hair and murmuring that she was here and that she would always be here for him. After a few minutes, they slowly pulled back and Emily wiped away the tears that he had shed from his cheeks. Once he was clear of tears, she held his face between her palms and made eye-contact with him.

"Now you listen to me little frost, I do not care who you once were and neither should you. You may have once been Nightlight but you then became Jackson Overland ,a human boy who saved his sister, for no other reason than to want her to be safe and then you were chosen to become Jack Frost the Winter Spirit and future Guardian of Fun and Joy. No matter what name or appearance you took, there was always a single similarity. Your ability to care for someone other than yourself. Throughout each life you gave your life for the ones you cared about, you gave up being a nightlight to save Katherine from my father's nightmares, you gave up your second chance at life to save your sister, and you were willing to fight my father on your own, when you knew you would most likely lose, to protect the children that had just started to see you and to protect the Guardians who had just turned their backs on you just a few hours ago. That quality of yours has not changed no matter what form you take. I need you to remember that Jack and never let anyone tell you different. Do you understand?" She told him never once breaking eye-contact with Jack.

Jack looked at her shocked. He had kept thinking about how everything had changed and how each person that he was, was so different, but really he should have looked at the similarities. His base personality of wanting to have fun, making sure others were safe, and caring about those close to him has always been there through each life. He looked different and had different experiences but underneath it all he was the same person. He shouldn't be afraid of what the others would think when he told them he was Nightlight, because if they were truly his friends they wouldn't care about who he once was. They would care for him no matter what form he took. And yet...

"I know your right mom but, how do I tell the others. How do I tell Katherine? Hell how are they going to react to this news?"Jack replied still wondering how he'll tell the girl that blamed herself for his disappearance that he was really alive, sort off.

"I don't know sweetie. I really don't know them as well as you. I basically only meet them once. Though I have a feeling Sanderson, Sandy, will take it very well. As for Katherine... I believe that she will be happy that her friend was not destroyed and I believe that she will have some questions for MiM, I'm sure they all will have questions." She answered running a hand through his hair.

"I have some questions for him too. Luckily though I think I could talk to him directly." Jack replied thinking about the abilities he had as Nightlight.

"Hm, how so little frost?" She asked letting him settle next to her so that she could place him under her chin.

"Well when I was Nightlight, I could talk to the Moonbeams and the Moonbeams always reported back to MiM, so maybe if I talk to one of the moonbeams they could relay a message for me. At least I hope so." Jack answered .

"I think that's a good idea little frost. I also believe that before you do that you need to go find something and then make a choose." Emily told him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well when you were Nightlight, you had a staff that had a diamond dagger on it made from MiM's and Children's tears. That seems like a pretty important artifact and I think you need to find it once more and try to add it to your current staff. Do you know where it could be?" She explained as he pulled away to look up at her. Jack thought for a moment, trying to think of where the diamond staff was. Then he suddenly remembered, just as he fell through the ice, he saw his mother, Brenda, holding the staff; she had been the only one to know where it was.

"I'm not sure where it is. My mother hid the staff and buried my old armor. The last time I saw the staff was when I fell through the ice, my mother for some reason brought it to the lake. I think she knew something was going to happen and that the staff may be needed. After that I don't know where she hid it." Jack replied.

"She seems to have had good instincts. You really don't know where she hid it? Maybe she told you and you just never realized it. Think of a time you two were alone, she may had given you some advice and within that advice she may have told you where it was. So close your eyes and think back." She told him. He did as she said and tried to focus on the memories from his human life and then he thought about when him and his mother had gone out to harvest some herbs and berries near his pond.

Jackson had been with Brenda and her family for a year and a half and he saw them as his true family. He still hadn't gotten his memory back but it was no real lose to him, he had a family now and that was all that mattered. Right now his mom and him were by the pond near their home harvesting some berries. Jackson was humming a little tune under his breathe when his mother called out to him.

"Jackson! 'ome here lad!" She cried out. Jackson stood up and ran to where his mother had called out to him leaving his basket in case something happened.

"What is it ma? Is something wrong?" Jackson asked once he reached where his mother was, which was near a large tree next to the pond.

"Nothing lad, I just wanted ye to come." She answered with a grin, knowing she had worried him.

"Well thank you for the fright ma." He told her crossing his arms.

"Sorry Jackson, but I did have a good reason. I wanted to tell ye something." She told him putting an arm around his shoulders and walking to the front of the tree.

"What?" He asked confused as they came to a stop.

"I wanted to show ye something."

"A tree?"

"Not just a tree lad. What do you see when you look at this tree?" She asked with a mysterious glint in her eyes.

"Leaves, bark." Jack answered with a deadpan voice which earned him a smack to the back of the head.

"I'm serious Jackson! 'hat do ye see?"

"Fine. I see branches that are covered in reddish brown leaves and some birds nests, I see bark that has some ants crawling up it and I see roots going deep into the ground, as well as a deep hole at the base where some animal lives. Other than that nothing." He answered rubbing the back of his head.

"Its not nothing Jackson, what ye are looking at is life. This tree carries life on it, within it, and beneath it. This tree is an example of life and death."

"How does it show death?"

"Its leaves dry up and fall off, dead. Some eggs don't make it and some animals don't make it. But their bodies or leaves don't go to waste, it is used to support the tree so that it can provide safety to the animals that call it home."

"Why are you telling me this mom." He asked after thinking about it for a moment, knowing his mother wouldn't tell him something like this for no reason.

"I want ye to see that everything has a purpose and that something as simple as a tree can have a higher purpose as well as hold something precious." She answered stroking his cheek. Jackson was very confused by what she had told him and didn't fully understand but he did understand that everything has a purpose.

"Okay, I get it ma."

"Good, now come on, we've got to get the last of the berries." She said with a smile moving to another area. Jackson went to follow her but suddenly remembered that he had left his basket in the other clearing.

"I'll be right back." He told her before racing off to find his basket letting his mother's laugh wash over him.

Jack opened his eyes realizing that when his mother had been talking about the tree having its own purpose and holding something precious, she was telling him that the tree held his staff. In fact that tree was a favorite of his and he even slept there.

"I think I know where it is." He told her with a smile.

"Then you should go get it and then make your choose of either telling the Guardians about your past and trusting them with that knowledge or keeping this from them which while you would not have to deal with their reactions to learning of your past. You will always have something hidden from them." She said standing up.

"I'm guessing you want me to go with the first one." He said with a bemused smile.

"Perhaps I do. But its your choose Jack and I will support either one. Now go on, you have a staff to find, an old friend to talk to, and a choose to make." She replied with a chuckle ruffling his hair.

"Okay mom, but before I go. How do I unite my old staff with my new staff?" He asked.

"You'll know. Now go, I'm sure Toothiana already has the other Guardians together and they're worried about you." She answered smiling.

"Really? Alright I guess I better hurry. Thanks mom. For everything. Love you bye." He told her with a bright smile flying out of the cave to his pond.

"Good-bye my little frost. I love you too." She said knowing Wind would care his message to her pseudo son. She left the cave and looked up at the shinning moon above her.

"I hope you know what your doing Tsar. I don't want my boy to be hurt and no matter his past, I am not giving him up. He's my son and he always will be. You best hope your Guardians do not hurt him or else they will have to deal with me despite my neutrality." She told him before vanishing in a swirl of leaves to her home.


Jack made it to his pond in record time. He landed right in front of the tree that his mother had most likely hidden his staff 300 some years ago. He looked at the tree trying to figure out where she may had hidden it, he doubt that she hid it up in the branches, he would have found it a long time ago. So he tried to picture the tree how his mother would have looked at it. The tree basically looks the same even the hole at the base was the same, most likely a burrow now. That when it hit Jack. The hole, his mother must have hidden it inside the hole knowing it would be safe from curios people since no one would explore a burrow of an animal. Jack dropped to his knees and looked inside checking for any animals, but it was completely empty and it seems to have been empty for years. Jack crawled in, since it burrow was large enough for him to fit, and once his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he noticed a long sack pressed against the back of the tree. He grabbed a edge and slowly backed out being careful with the worn material.

Once it was out of the hole and in the moonlight, Jack saw that it was a dark brown sack made of leather that was as long as his staff and was a bit wide. He carefully opened the sack and looked inside.

There he saw the long black staff that he once wielded, he dragged it out, standing as soon as it was completely uncovered. The staff was simple and really Jack preferred his new one better but he knew the most important part to this staff was the tip which held the diamond. Currently it was tied with some kind of string and so Jack began to unwind it. Once the diamond was separated, he put down the old staff and studied the diamond. It looked like a spear point and it seemed to sparkle every which way even with the low light of the moon above. He thought about how he could unite his current staff with this diamond and other than tying the diamond to the staff, he was at a lost. He sat back down and stared at the diamond as well as at his current staff.

After a few minutes of staring he gave out a groan and just dropped the diamond on the staff, getting frustrated. He covered his eyes, hoping he could come up with an idea but then a bright light creep through his fingers. He dropped his hands and gaped at what was happening in front of him. The diamond which had been somewhat wide had now transformed into a thin rod next to his staff. Jack slowly grabbed the diamond rod and pushed it closer to his staff and as he did, it began to glow with a white light, tinted with some rainbow colors, and his staff also glowed with a bright blue light. He pushed a bit harder and suddenly the rod was sinking into his staff. Soon enough the rod was gone and the lights vanished. Jack carefully picked up his staff, wondering what effect the diamond would have on his staff and his power. But after putting his staff through the motions that he usually does, he didn't notice anything different other than feeling calmer at having the diamond within his staff.

Just as he finished studying his staff, a small moonbeam moved in front of his eyes. Jack jumped a bit before he focused on the little moonbeam, which he realized was talking to him.

"Light? Light back? So happy! Very worried about little Light. Little Light looks different. Where was little Light?" The moonbeam asked anxiously. Jack was in awe at being able to talk to the moonbeam and he remembered that when he was Nightlight, he had a moonbeam as his friend and he never knew what happened to them. Now he could see that it had looked for him while it watched over the children.

"I went through some changes little moonbeam and I'm not the same person I once was." Jack told them, a bit worried about how they'll react.

"Changes? Yes, not same but still same. Still friend." They replied flying around him in glee, not caring that he had changed.

"Thank you little one, I'm glad you feel that way. But can I ask something of you?" Jack asked with a laugh at the gleeful moonbeam.

"Of course!" They answered ready to help they're friend.

"Can you get a message to the Man In the Moon?"

"Yes. I can."

Jack grinned and quickly tried to come up with what he wants to say. After a few minutes of thinking he told the little moonbeam his message and after making sure the message was received the little moonbeam flew around him once before leaving to return to The Man In the Moon. Jack watched as the moonbeam disappeared before he headed to the North Pole, carrying the leather sack with him because it held something that would prove his case if the Guardians didn't believe him. He had made up his mind when he had talked to the little moonbeam. He would tell the Guardians the truth because they deserved it and because he didn't want to lie to them for the rest of his existence. He didn't want to exist with the guilt of hiding something from them and he didn't want to Guardians to still carry that sadness within them as well as the guilt for losing him. He especially didn't want Katherine to still feel like that.


While Jack was in Antarctica, Tooth had arrived at North's workshop and asked a nearby yeti where North was. He told her that he was in his office and he had asked to not be disturbed but Tooth ignored him and flew off to his office, not caring if he got angry. She finally got to his office and she yanked open the door not caring if something broke.

"Nicholas! Something happened with Jack and I'm worried that-" She stopped taking in the office as she noticed that North was not alone. North was seated in front of the fireplace looking at Tooth in surprise while his guest also looked on in surprise. Especially considering she didn't look how he remembered her.

"Oh, Ombric your here! Its been centuries since I last saw you, how have you been?" She asked moving closer to give him a hug.

"Hello Queen Toothiana. You seem well. Though different from how I remembered you." He replied giving her a light hug still in shock over how she looked.

"Please call me Tooth, and you can blame my new look on how the children now see me." She said with a light blush at her formal name.

"Ah, so that seems to be it. Well I do like the look Quee- I mean- Tooth." He told her with a light smile.

"Tooth, vhat vas this about Jack that had you come in like madwoman?" North asked still surprised by how haggard Tooth had looked bursting into his office.

"Oh goodness, yes, Jack. He flew away from my Palace after he got his memories back and I'm worried about him." Tooth answered wringing her hands nervously.

"Why don't you sit down my dear an tell us everything, Jack was with you for three days." Ombric told her guiding her to a seat. She took the seat gracefully and once they were seated, began to tell them everything that happened from the beginning.

"Then he just flew off. So I came straight here to see if you can help Nic-North." Tooth said finishing her tale looking down at the cup of tea that North had given her halfway through her story.

"Hmm, perhaps he saw something in memories that he did not want you to know Tooth. Maybe he needs some time alone." North suggested, not really knowing the young Guardian enough to know why he flew off.

"Yes, I believe young Jack will come back once he had processed what he had seen. It must be a bit much to get all his memories back after not having them for so long." Ombric told them taking a sip of tea.

"I know he needs to process his memories and that's why I was there so that I can help him through that. I couldn't even interact with his memories." Tooth replied.

"You really couldn't see any of his memories?" Ombric asked a bit surprised, usually Toothiana could see anyone's memories because of the moon relic that she had.

"No, but it might have to do with the fact that he died to become immortal." She answered.

"Perhaps, but Ombric and I were discussing Jack possibly having been a demigod." North told her remembering all of the discussions they had had during the three days waiting for Jack.

"That may be possible he was born during a time that his family could have been in contact with some fae, but it doesn't matter I just want our Sweet Tooth to be okay." Tooth said putting down her cup of tea.

"Very well Tooth, if you are worried I will call other Guardians here and we can discussing what to do next." He told her placing a soothing hand on her arm.

"Okay, thank you Nicholas." She said with a smile. North gave her a returning smile before he left bellowing orders to send out a message to the other Guardians.

"You truly care for him, don't you Tooth." Ombric said with a smile.

"Jack? Of course I do, we left him alone and I don't want that to happen again." She replied looking at Ombric who chuckled at her answer.

"That's not who I meant Toothiana."

"Well who could you mean?" She asked confused until she realized just who Ombric was talking about. Her face exploded in a brilliant blush and she averted her eyes not wanting to look into Ombric's eyes.

"I'm guessing I'm correct in my assumption." Ombric said with a smug smile. Tooth gave a small huff crossing her ankles and crossing her arms.

"I have no idea what your talking about." She responded still not looking him in the eye. Before Ombric could tease her more, the office door opened revealing the other Guardians. Ombric studied each Guardian as they entered the room and he was most surprised at how Bunnymund looked. Gone was the robe and glass and even his very posh sophisticated body language was gone. He looked, wild was the best word he could come up with, especially considering that he no longer looked around the room with a calculating look and was now a bluish gray. He basically looked like an old grumpy rabbit.

"Bunnymund, my have you changed." Ombric stated standing to go greet the other two Guardians. Bunnymund looked away from North and took in the sight of Ombric.

"Call me Bunny mate. You haven't change, 'ave ya Ombric?" Bunnymund replied letting Ombric hear the new accent he had adapted.

"No, I suppose not. Though I do like this look much better than how you were before." Ombric said with a smile.

"I got to admit that I also like this look too, but how about ye let me know why your here. Haven't seen you for years, still messing with the past?" He replied crossing his arms while Sandy went over to find out why they were all here, though he had an idea.

"North called for me a few days ago, to talk about your new Guardian Jack Frost." Ombric answered.

"What about Jack?" He asked his eyes narrowing.

"Just some questions he had, but now I believe something more important is pressing." Ombric answered moving to join the others by the fireplace.

"Why are we here North, and wheres Frostbite, shouldn't he be here?" Bunny asked taking a seat.

"We are here because of Jack. Tooth is worried I will allow her to explain. Tooth?" North answered allowing Tooth the floor. Tooth once again told what had happened at her Palace. Once she was done they began to discuss what they should do.

"Why haven't we gone out to find the kid yet?" Bunny asked.

"Because Bunny, he may just run away from us, we need to approach this carefully." Tooth answered.

"He can't run if we catch him with a sack." Bunny mumbled making Tooth shoot a glare at him.

"What was that?" She asked with a slight growl in her tone. But before Tooth could scold him, there was a knock at the door. Everyone looked at the door, wondering who would be knocking.

"Do you know who it is Nicholas?" Ombric asked.

"Nyet, no one knocks, all burst in. Don't know who it is." North answered curious to who would be knocking. Not wanting to leave their mysterious guest waiting any longer, he moved to the door and opened it. But who he saw made him gasp, unable to respond to others questions.

"Nicholas? Who is it?" Tooth asked flying over to look over his shoulder. Once she saw who it was, she gasped.

"Its you."


As Jack flew to the North Pole, the little moonbeam flew back to the Man In the Moon in record time, anxious to deliver the message his old friend told him to give to the Man In the Moon. Soon enough he made it to the main observatory of MiM who was sitting looking through some telescopes, surrounded by a bunch of balloons.

"Hello little one, I understand you have a message for me?" MiM stated moving away from the telescopes to give the moonbeam a smile. The moonbeam gave a little trill before they gave out a bright light, showing a hologram of Jack.

"Are you listening? Okay, this is what I want you to say. Hello Man In the Moon, I think by now you know that I unlocked my memories and discovered that I was once Nightlight. Your protector and friend. I am sorry I left you alone with just the Moonbots, Moonmice, glowworms, and Lunar Moths as company. But I'm sure you grew up well if perhaps a bit isolated from other beings. Now is the time to get a bit serious I guess. I want to know why you left me alone. Why did you bring me back and give me my name but never speak to me again? I would have thought you would be happy to have me be immortal again, but it seems I was wrong. When I finally discovered I was Nightlight, I went through a lot of different emotions. Anger and fear being the major emotions. But then I calmed down and realized that you had a good reason for what you did, which is why I wanted to speak to you.

To learn your reason as well as ask a favor. Now you can either send the moonbeam back down with your answer or you could send your message through another. I'm on my way to tell the others who I once was and I want all the Guardians to be there not just the main four all of them. Ombric and especially Katherine. I don't know if you ever told her who I once was. But I think that if you did she would have told the others. So that means you didn't. She deserves to know so please tell her to go to the Workshop either with your message or without. Its your choose but you must get her to the Workshop. I wont tell the others who I was without her there. I hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye little Man in The Moon. Okay that's all, you got it little moonbeam?" At that last question the hologram vanished leaving the moonbeam to wait for what MiM wanted.

"You can go, I'll have a message delivered." Lunar told them with a quiet voice. The moonbeam bobbed in place for a moment before they left the chamber leaving Lunar to his thoughts. Lunar never really thought that Jack would feel like this, he had done this for his protection. He knew that Pitch would take revenge if he knew who Jack really was, and he knew that if he talked to him that would only pique Pitch's interest. Leaving him alone was the best thing he could have done no matter how much it hurt when he would yell up at him asking why he wouldn't talk to him. Then Pitch resurfaced and so he made him a Guardian because he could defeat Pitch and no longer become hunted. And now he knew the truth and soon the other Guardians would know. And he didn't know how they would take it.

Lunar left his main observatory and headed to the main living room area where Katherine was most likely to be. And like clockwork there she was. She was talking to some of the Moonmice as well as the Lunar Moths, regaling them with stories. She was smiling and laughing as she wove her tales and Lunar almost couldn't go through with it but he had to let her learn the truth, no matter how angry she may get.

"Hello Katherine, how has your day been?" Lunar asked as he moved to sit next to her. She paused in her story telling, letting them know she'll finish the story later. She turned with a smile to Lunar, giving him a chance to study her, still stunned by the woman that she had become. She had grown out her hair to the waist and it had a gentle wave to it, it had also changed from brown to auburn. She had grown to be pretty tall, around 6 feet slightly towering over Lunar who was 5'8. She had the appearance of a woman in her late 30's, she was very beautiful but no one saw her but Lunar. Hopefully that would change soon.

"Its been good Lunar, I was just telling them some stories. How have you been? I saw a moonbeam rushing to come up here, is everything okay? I mean Pitch was just defeated and theirs a new Guardian, nothing bad should be happening." She answered crossing her arms.

"Everything is fine, the moonbeam just had a message for me, and lets just say the message was very important." He told her calming her down.

"Oh okay, well who was it from? One of the Guardians? I didn't know they knew how to speak to the moonbeams." She asked.

"It was from Jack Frost." Katherine went quiet at the mention of his name. She know it wasn't Jack's fault but it hurt to look at him because he looked so much like Nightlight. She even hated Lunar a bit for making him look like Nightlight.

"Really? What did he say?" She asked curious since Lunar had gotten many messages from Jack but he never responded, which was very strange.

"I will tell you later but for now I have a favor to ask of you."

"Oh of course. What do you need?" She asked curious. Lunar rarely asked for favors.

"I need you to go to North's Workshop to deliver a letter to someone very special." He answered a bit apprehensive. Katherine was surprised by the request and she wanted to say no but she wanted to know why.

"Why do you need the letter delivered? And to who?" She asked.

"This person deserves a direct letter from me and you will know when you get there. So will you please take the letter to North's Workshop? I know its painful for you to be there but they miss you and I believe that you should talk to them so that you all can heal. I believe that you all will be better healed by the end of the day." He answered pleading with her. She looked at him conflicted. She missed the others but she also felt guilt, but he was right. They all needed to heal and have some closure.

"Okay Lunar, I'll go. Your right. So where is the letter?" She told him holding a hand out to receive the letter.

"Um, I'll be right back." He replied rushing out of the room to write the letter for Jack. Katherine laughed and in a few minutes Lunar returned with a sealed letter which he handed to her as they walked to a portal that would send her directly into North's workshop.

"Well, wish me luck." She said before she vanished into the portal. Lunar smiled at the portal before he turned and left to his main observatory to watch what would occur below.

"I wish you all luck." He murmured as he looked through his telescope to watch North's Workshop.


Katherine arrived at the workshop and moved directly to North's office ignoring all the curious looks she was getting. She knocked on the door and after a few moments it opened revealing a very shocked North, he has really grown old, and then Toothiana was revealed curious about what North was seeing.

"Its you." She stated shocked that she was there, which she completely understood, she hadn't seen them since that day Nightlight vanished.

"Hello Toothiana, North. Its a pleasure to see you all. May I come in?" She replied with a small smile. They wordlessly moved aside and as she walked in more gasps were heard. The door closed behind her and as soon as it did it was completely silent.

"Well, not quite the welcome I was expecting." She said shifting a bit uncomfortably.

"Well sheila, what do you expect? You left us to live with Manny after the last battle with Pitch. We never saw nor heard from you for more than 300 years. How should we react?" Aster replied.

"I know, I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry for it. I just felt guilty and I was sure that you would all blame me. So I left before you could. I'm sorry." She told them feeling her eyes to tear up. Then suddenly she was being held in a hug. She blinked and looked to see who was giving her a hug. It turned out to be Tooth and soon she was surrounded by the other Guardians. She felt tears slid down her face as she heard the others say they forgive her and how much they missed her. But it soon came to a stop at the sound of a voice.

"This is awesome!"


Jack flew around the Workshop looking for the others Guardians and what he saw in North's office made him smile gleefully. He opened one of the windows and sat on the sill swinging one of his feet.

"This is awesome!" He told them with a laugh. They all looked at him and hurried over bombarding him with questions.

"Where were ya Frostbite?!"

"Sweet Tooth are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

"Jack, vhere have you been?"

"Hello I'm Ombric, nice to meet you."

"Hello Jack."

Jack was soon overwhelmed by the questions and slammed his staff down blowing the other Guardians back a bit as frost spread from his feet.

"Okay, now that I have some space, I can answer your questions But one at a time please." Jack told them still sitting on the windowsill but with both feet inside.

"Sweet Tooth, are you okay? You left so suddenly I was worried you saw something terrible." Tooth said hovering anxiously.

"I'm okay Tooth. I just learned something that took some time to understand and then I had to make a choose which I hope was the right one." He replied with a small smile.

"Vhat did you learn Jack?" North asked seeing Jack flinch a bit at the question.

"Something very important but first I want to see Katherine." He answered standing from the windowsill. Katherine was shocked that he wanted to see her first but she complied and moved forward to face Jack.

"Hi Katherine. How are you?" Jack asked with a smile.

"I'm well."

"No your not. Your filled with guilt, guilt over what happened with Nightlight. You blame yourself and so you left your friends which was one of the worst things you can do. You should have stayed with your friends, they would have helped you and none of you would feel guilty or sad. And Nightlight would not want you to feel like this. Any of you. That's why I asked MiM to send you here, so you can all be together again." He told her never breaking eye-contact with her. Suddenly in a flurry of movement Katherine gripped Jack by his sweatshirt and lifted him up.

"Who the hell do you think you are to say this? Your just a winter spirit that looks like an old friend of ours. You have no right to say those things." She growled ignoring the others protests. Though Sandy just sat in the back ready to intervene should things escalate.

"Katherine, put him down. He didn't mean it." Bunny told her ready to snatch Jack from the angry woman.

"Its okay Bunny, she needs this." Jack reassured him. She glared at him before she dropped him and backed away.

"Now I think you should all take a seat before I tell you what I learned." Jack told them straightening his sweatshirt. The others looked at him confused but complied and sat down. Jack took a deep breathe, suddenly very nervous to tell the others about his past.

"Go ahead Jack, its okay." North urged, anxious to learn about the young spirit.

"Okay, just don't freak out okay?" Jack said still very nervous.

"Just get on with it Frostbite, we haven't got all day." Bunny cried out annoyed.

"Okay, okay. Kangaroo. So I learned that my human name was Jackson Overland. I was found at the age of 13 by a small family who took me in because I had no memory and before that I was a protector for a family's baby. I watched over him until there was a battle and I left him to help his parents and hopefully defeat our enemy. I never saw him again but I did make some friends." He began now nervous to tell the rest.

"Where are you going with this, Frostbite?" Bunny asked, a bit impressed he was a protector.

"I'm getting there Cottontail, I'm just nervous."

"Jack no matter what, we all care about you. Your past doesn't matter, all that matters is who you are now." Tooth told him with a comforting tone.

"Please remember you said that. My new friends were incredible and I hope they still care about me even if I'm different. Before I was Jack Frost, I was Jackson Overland, and before that I was Nightlight. Tsar Lunar's Guardian and friend. The day I vanished I was transformed human and my family found me unconscious on the floor of the forest. I'm sorry for everything I have caused you all. I never knew that this would happen." Jack told them putting his head down, not wanting to look at the others expressions.

The room was silent. There wasn't a sound as everyone absorbed what they were just told. Their old friend who they thought had vanished was right there in front of them and thought they didn't think that Jack would lie, they couldn't believe it.

"No, your not him, Lunar would have told me. You cant be him!" Katherine cried out advancing toward him. Jack looked up and saw how conflicted her emotions were.

"Katherine, I'm sure MiM had a reason for not telling you but I can prove that I'm Nightlight. Look in the sack by the window." He told her moving to the side.

She moved to the window and picked up the sack, quickly looking in and dropping it in shock. Within the sack was Nightlights armor.

"Where did you get this?" She whispered unable to believe that Jack was Nightlight.

"My family found it on me when I was found, they hid it along with my old staff to make sure no one saw me as a traitor or spy. They came up with a story for how I was found and why I had no memory and they gave me the name Jackson Overland. Once I found out who I was I ran to Antarctica terrified of what I had learned but then Mom showed up and calmed me down and told me I had to make a choose of whether or not I was going to tell you who I once was. Once I found my old staff, I asked a moonbeam to send a message to Lunar to answer a few questions and to have you sent here with a letter answering my questions. I knew as I gave the moonbeam my message that I had to tell all of you because you deserve the truth. I was Nightlight but I'm Jack Frost now. I'm not the same but the bases of what made me Nightlight and Jackson are the same and that's still the case of what makes my Jack, Its my center." Jack explained now fully looking at everyone. Everyone had tears in their eyes, minus Sandy, and for a minute Jack thought that they were crying because he wasn't their Nightlight. Yet just as Jack was going to fly out the window, he was crushed into someone's chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know your not Nightlight anymore but I don't care because your right. I want to get to know you Jack and not hang on to someone that left years ago. Its time to let go of the past and I will as soon as I have a serious conversation with Lunar about not telling me somethings." Katherine told him through her tears and laughter. Jack stared at her in shock before he gave out a laugh and tentatively hugging back. Soon everyone was joining the hug all of them telling Jack that they like him for him and while they were glad to learn what had become of their friend, Katherine was right about letting go of the past and they were looking forward to getting to know Jack better.

The next few hours passed with everyone telling stories from their life never having told the tales with as much lightness as they did. The darkness of Nightlight's disappearance was gone replaced with the Joy of having a new family member that while he had lived as an old friend of theirs, they welcomed his new form and life with open arms. Ready to learn who Jack Frost was and how he would change their lives for the better.


Dear Jack,

I know you never understood why I left you alone, especially considering how you were such a good friend of my mine and though I only truly knew you when you were my protector as a baby. You always cared for me and made sure I was happy. I left you alone because I wanted to return the favor. I wanted to be your protector.

Pitch was sure to look for you if he knew you were alive once more and I did not want him to get to you. So I gave you a new name and different powers that while they were associated with death, I knew you would use them to bring fun and peace. Then I left you alone because I feared that if Pitch saw he speaking with you, he would become interested and take you to get to me. But when he resurfaced, I knew that was the time to bring you into the Guardians because I knew you would defeat him and once you did you would get your memories back and never have to fear Pitch Black again. I hope I'm right and if not, well you have some new protectors who will make sure you are not harmed.

I am very sorry for what happened to you throughout your 300 year existence and I'm glad Emily Jane was there for you as a friend, confidant, and mother. Please give her my thanks. I hope to speak to you again Jack because you are truly special and not just because you were once Nightlight, but because no matter what you go through you still care and still forgive. You may never forget but you always forgive and that is a gift.


Tsar Lunar, aka The Man In the Moon.

Okay there it is the last chapter of Frostlight, finished at 3:00 am since I spent the past day in the snow, and this is the end result. I hope y'all like it and if not very sorry.

Also if y'all are interested in reading more of my work I do have another story called Rise of the Lost Empire and its an Atlantis AU, you can check it out it was my first story and it is Jackrabbit, so if that isnt your thing sorry maybe you can pretend one of them is someone else.

Anyway be on the look out for the sequel to that and some one shots from that story or one shots because who knows when inspiration will hit. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have questions, ideas or requests.

Now on to reviews!


Adventuregirltwi1: Thank you so much for reviewing and I'm glad that you liked how I made Nightlight human and his sister's name and I hope you liked this last chapter.

Yukomin: Thank you for reviewing and thank you for the compliments and I hope you had a merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. I also hope you liked this chapter.

Serami Nefera: Thank you for reviewing and I did take some of your suggestions and I hope you liked this chapter.

bluefrosty27: Thank you for reviewing and I hope you liked this chapter.

Well that's it, again don't hesitate to PM me or review.

I hope y'all had some happy Holidays and a Happy New Years!