
Loki and Natasha are to be married.


Sorry for the delay. Christmas was crazy! Plus I wanted to add some stuff.
Beta: mischieffuckinmanaged

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Loki stared off out the window, his book forgotten and laying on his chest. His wedding was tomorrow and had grown bigger than either he or Natasha wanted. Jotunheim decided to board the treaty train and the union between him and Natasha was suddenly looked at as a sign of peace between three realms that had fought against each other for years.

In some ways, Loki was happy that he was able to help Asgard's royal family in this way. Certainly Odin and Frigga had nothing to gain in taking in a small, abused, sick child but now, through this one action, he was assisting Odin in making peace so that Thor's reign would be easier than his own. It also helped his home realm. His younger brother was now ruling and luckily he didn't take after Laufey.

In other ways, he hated knowing he was being used. Loki knew that his family was using his marriage to unite three nations and it was times like that he wish he wasn't a prince of any nation. Additionally, after hearing that Thor would inherit the crown and he would be taking an advisor/ambassador role, he felt like maybe he was being handled. It was as if they were securing that Loki would stay home and birth children like a good little omega.

The sound of his door opening brought him out of his thoughts and he watched as Odin came in looking nervous. "Loki, do you have a moment?"

"Of course. What's happened?" Loki asked sitting up straight and putting his book down.

"Nothing. Nothing happened." Odin responded as he sat on Loki's bed and looked around nervously. "I just wanted to see if you were alright. Tomorrow is a big day."

Loki could see Odin's uneasiness and wondered why his father felt so shaky in talking to him. "I'm not nervous, father. It's just weird thinking about being someone's husband."

"Oh yes, she is in for it indeed." Odin smiled for a moment before clearing his throat. "Listen, I wanted to tell you that this union will do well for the realm."

"Yes, I know." Loki said slowly trying to figure out where Odin was going with it. After all, they had discussed all of this earlier that morning.

"But, that shouldn't be the only reason why marry." Odin continued. "When I married Frigga, though it was for the good of the realm, I loved her before I married her."

Loki blinked as he figured out why Odin was so uneasy about this. They were talking about feelings and that was not Odin's forte. "We love each other."

"Good, good. You know… um… I am not your father. And Frigga is not your mother."

Loki frowned trying to figure out where that came from. Should he be insulted that Odin chose the night before his wedding to remind him he was not an Odinson? "Yes, I know." He said slowly.

"But um…" Odin continued quickly. "We consider you our child and we are so very proud of you."

Loki blinked surprised to hear those words from a man who was never satisfied with anything.

"I um… I wanted to give you something." Odin pulled a small box out his pocket and handed it to him.

Loki took the box and opened it to reveal a slender blade covered in jewels.

"It was my father's, your grandfather's." Odin explained. "He gave it to me the night before I married Frigga."

Realizing that this was a family heirloom Loki looked at him confused. "Why would you give this to me? Wouldn't you want Thor to have it?"

Odin swallowed. "Thor knows we love him and that he has a family. I think sometimes you need a reminder."

That was actually kind of sweet and Odin's obvious discomfort made it all the more touching. "Aww, father loves me." He teased.

Odin stood up huffing. "Shut up. Clean your room!" Odin said trying to get back on familiar ground. "And no shenanigans tomorrow."

Loki smiled as he watched his father walk away.


Giant weddings were very much different than Aesir weddings. There was no walking down a long aisle or exchanging of rings. It was the sign that a dominant was claiming a submissive and though Loki appeared male in Aesir form and Natasha a female, in their natural form, Loki was the child bearer and so the submissive.

Despite that, both Natasha and Loki appeared in Aesir form as Loki promised to live under the rule of Natasha and Natasha promised not to kill Loki, which made everyone laugh.

The feast after was very Midgardian though with lots of food and wine to go around. There were people from all over the Nine Realms that came to celebrate and it became apparent that despite Loki's tendency to annoy people, he was at least well liked.

There was a surprising amount of Midgardians there, many law enforcement who had encountered the alien on occasions and locked him up in jail for his antics. It was true that Loki had spent time in every prison on all Nine Realms but for some reason, Loki seemed to always get himself in trouble on Midgard.

But there were also those that Loki assisted with scientific and medical improvements. One such woman was Jane Foster, an Astrophysicist who couldn't take her eyes off Thor despite the fact that Sif tried everything she could to drape herself over the elder prince.

Normally, things like that would make the Valkyrie unite and extinguish the threat but she could no longer adhere to those rules. Though Loki was now her omega, she was always a princess and soon to be leader of the royal army, so she had to adhere to the rules set in the palace. Unfortunately, killing a rival female was most frowned upon.

So instead, Natasha focused on her husband who was already getting on the nerves of the other Valkyries at the table. It made her smile as he said foul things and made obscene gestures while her sisters in arms tried not to laugh at his antics.

She was proud to call him her mate.

And she could barely wait to mate.

Her giant instincts to lay claim was getting stronger by the minute and she felt like the party was dragging. Though she knew it to be rude, she dragged Loki away from the party when no one was looking and dragged him to their bedroom, her hands roaming to rid him of his clothes.

He could feel her changing, her hands getting hotter and her eyes turning that yellowish color. "Wait." He gasped as he could feel his Aesir glamour fading in response to the heat. "Nat, wait."

"I've been waiting." She responded. "I'm not waiting any more, Loki." She looked at him for a moment and realized, this was his first time being taken in his natural form and she didn't want his first to be rushed.

She took a steadying breath to calm herself down. She took that moment to look at his natural face. He looked almost ashamed.

On her realm, she'd take him in public where everyone could see her claim him. As far as she knew, that's what they'd do on his world too but there was no way Loki would allow himself to be seen in his blue form.

That was alright, it made taking him all the more arousing. No one else would ever lay with him like this or make him feel so good in his own skin.

Loki laid on his back trying to gain some kind of control of the situation. It should have felt unnatural to have someone settle between his legs instead of him settling into someone else's but it felt right. Even her rough kisses and hot touches felt welcomed to his body.

When she reached between his legs, to be sure he was ready for penetration, she could feel cool moisture wetting his passage. She loved that he was self-lubricating, it was another sign that he was as into this as she was6. His usual green eyes were now red and his skin that beautiful blue color but forever would she remember the moment that she first breeched him and his eyes rolled shut and his back arched.

Frost Giants breeders weren't all that different from the few Fire Giant breeders she had been with. He retained his phallus still hard and leaking on his stomach, but instead of having two openings, as Fire Giant breeders did, he had one and on his stomach was thin line where she assumed he'd birth the child.

She would have to inspect his body later, at that moment, all she wanted was for him to enjoy being in his true form taking pleasure as he was born to do.

The first few thrusts were slow to allow him time to adjust. But soon he started to move with her, his body opening as his arms tightening around her to keep her close. "That's it." She encouraged. "Melt for me my ice prince."

The groan those words earned made her shiver as he tightened around her and soon she treated Loki to his first orgasm in his Jotun form.

His back arched, his eyes closed tight as liquid rushed out of him both from his passage as his phallus. He gasped in his pleasure and gripped at her shoulders. She rode out his pleasure before taking her own and filling him with her seed, marking him as her own.

After he changed back to his Aesir form immediately before falling asleep next to her. She understood his hatred for his true form. It was hard not to hate it after hearing so many horrible stories about what their kind was capable of. But she knew soon he'd appreciate it if not love it. After all, if she could love it, why couldn't he?


Thor pulled on his shirt as looked down at Sif laying in his bed. "Did you see Natasha pull Loki out the party? I must tease him about it tomorrow, remind me alright?"

Sif smiled slightly. "She is a Valkyrie. It's what we do."

"Is it?" He asked. "And is that what tonight was?"

"I will leave my warrior way behind me and take up your mother's responsibilities to be queen. I will… attempt not to… go against Loki as long as he gives sound advice." She said. "But I will marry you Thor and I will bare you children."

Thor smiled. "As touching as that is, I want you to be sure Sif. I want you to be happy."

"As long as I'm with you Thor." She said sitting up on the bed and kissing his temple. "I will be happy."


The next part of the series will start soon.
Tell me what you think.

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