This is the sequel to my oneshot You're The One

Several Months Later

Merry Christmas Hotstuff-Ch 1

Penelope Garcia Morgan was smiling as she looked down at the positive pregnancy results in her hand, the doctor put her hand on Penelopes shoulder and said, "I am so happy for you and Derek". Penelope looked up and said, "thank you, thank you, thank you, this is going to be the best Christmas ever", the doctor laughed and said, "what are your plans for Christmas"?, Penelope said, "our family is heading up to Daves cabin".

Jamie said, "that sounds like a lot of fun", Penelope said, "ohhh it is, we are going to go sleding, build snowmen, have hot cocoa, get our own tree and decorate it and sing carols and not to mention an amazing Christmas dinner". Jamie laughed and said, "you have a great time and I'll see you after you get back okay"?, Penelope nodded her head and said, "okay Jamie".

She stood up and walked over and hugged Jamie and said, "thank you for making this the best Christmas ever", Jamie laughed and said, "you are very welcome but I didn't do anything but give your results". Penelope slid her hand down to her stomach and said, "I can't wait to tell Derek", she looked at Jamie and said, "I think I'm going to wrap the results up and give them to Derek on Christmas morning".

Jamie said, "I bet he is going to love that gift when he opens it", Penelope said, "me to" as she turned and headed toward the door", she stopped and turned around and said, "Merry Christmas Jamie". Jamie said, "thanks and have fun", Penelope said, "don't worry I will" before she disappered out of the room, Jamie laughed and shook her head before closing Penelopes chart and going to her next patient.

Derek was just finishing with the last of his paperwork, he closed the file and said, "alright who's ready to get out of here and head up to the cabin"?, Emily laughed and said, "I am, I am" causing Derek to laugh. Reid said, "I think Dave and your mom are already there he left a couple of hours ago", Emily said, "I know that Jack and Henry are definitely ready to go, they can't wait for the fun to start".

Reid said, "Jack is so excited, he wants to go sleeding with everybody like he did last year", Hotch walked out of his office and closed his door and said, "is everybody ready to head out"?, Derek said, "yep, just waiting on Penelope". Hotch said, "Jack is already packed he got finished right before we came to work this morning, he is so excited to get to make another snow man and play in the snow with Henry".

Derek smiled and then pulled his buzzing cell off of his side, he grinned as he read the message from Penelope, Hotch said, "Penelope I take it"?, he said, "yeah she left early she had a few last minute things to pick up but she told me that she is ready to get this vacation started". Hotch chuckled and said, "well then let's get this show on the road" as everybody headed toward the elevators.

JJ walked up and wrapped her arms around Reid and said, "hello Spence", he said, "are you ready for some fun in the snow"?, she said, "yes please" as she kissed him on the cheek. A few minutes later they were heading toward their cars, Derek said, "baby girl and me will be there as soon as we can and be careful everybody because traffic is going to be a bear" and everybody agreed as they hopped into their cars and pulled away from the BAU.

When Derek walked into their house about half an hour later he saw Penelope putting a bow on top of a gift and putting it in her purse, he walked over and kissed her on the lips and said, "who's gift is that"?, she said, "it's yours and trust me when I say you are going to loveeeee it". He said, "I love you Mrs. Morgan", she winked at him and said, "and I love you to Mr. Morgan".

Penelope said, "are you ready to head out"?, Derek said, "let me grab a few things and then we can be on our way", she said, "alright sugar shack", he laughed and said,
"what am I going to do with you"?, she said, "play your cards right and we'll see later". He said, "I'll hold you to that" as he disappeared into their bedroom only to come out a few minutes later with several bags of wrapped gifts.

Penelope said, "wow hotstuff, where did you have those hidden"?, he said, "ohhhhh I had them put away where you couldn't find them because most of them are yours my beautiful but snoopy wife". She said, "well you have a lot in that pile over there to" and then she stuck out her tongue causing him to laugh, he walked over and kissed her gently on the lips and said, "are you ready to get this vacation started"?, she sighed happily and said, "more than ready" as they headed out to get the things packed into the car.

A few minutes later they were pulling away from their house and Penelope couldn't help but smile knowing that things were going to change this Christmas and she couldn't wait to hold the little bundle of joy in her arms. She intertwined fingers with Derek and grinned as they started singing with the radio, she threw her head back and said, "this is going to be a great Christmas", Derek said, "that it is sweetness, that it is" as they hit the highway heading toward Daves cabin.