For a moment, Ragnor was entirely caught off guard. It suddenly hit him that Magnus had been trying to tell him this for years, that Magnus had been trying to get him to understand that Raphael was just as in love with him as he was in love with Raphael. This revelation hit Ragnor so hard that for a moment, he couldn't bear to so much as look at Raphael.

He knew he should say something, anything, to show Raphael how much he loved him as well. He wanted to say the absolute perfect thing to make up for all their lost time, but it felt as though the breath had been sucked out of him completely.

Unfortunately, Raphael seemed to take this as a bad sign, and before Ragnor could form any sort of word at all, Raphael began to speak again. "Look, Ragnor, I'm sorry. This was obviously unwanted, so let's just both forget I said anything at all." As Raphael moved to stand up, Ragnor finally found it in himself to so much as move, and he reached for Raphael's hand.

"Wait. Please. I'm the one who's sorry." His voice was a bit harsher than he had wanted it to be, but he suddenly found himself nervous, despite the fact that he knew he shouldn't be. He stood up, keeping hold of Raphael's hand. "You just surprised me, that's all. I just never expected what I'd been dreaming of for years to finally happen. You left me speechless, that's all."

Raphael's face was unreadable, but when he spoke, Ragnor could hear the surprise and edge to his tone. "Don't toy with me, Ragnor. I don't appreciate being mocked."

At first, Ragnor was unsure that he was going to be able to respond. But then the words simply began pouring out of him, and he didn't know where they had come from. "Raphael, I wouldn't ever joke about anything like this. I've loved you for years, and I'm sorry I hid it. I shouldn't have, and I know that now. But I would never dare make a mockery of your emotions. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be telling you that I did." Ragnor paused, but Raphael didn't make a move to speak, so Ragnor decided to continue.

"I can see it in your eyes, Raphael. You've hid it yourself because you thought I would think of you as a monster if I knew. But let me tell you one thing, I have never thought of you that way, and I never will." Ragnor held up his hand as Raphael opened his mouth to protest. "No, I know you too well, I can tell it. But I need you to understand that I think the exact opposite of you. Raphael is an angel's name, after all."

He had been expecting Raphael to smile or to say something witty in return. Instead, he suddenly found Raphael's lips against his, and for a moment he was frozen, unable to move or even so much as process what was going on.

Then, he found himself relaxing into Raphael's touch. He found himself closing his eyes, and Ragnor was vaguely aware that he was having the thought that he and Raphael seemed to fit together perfectly. He found himself smiling at the thought that this must have been what Magnus had meant when he said the same thing about himself and Alec. Raphael pulled away when Ragnor was smiling so much that it was making their kissing impossible.

"Why are you smiling like that?" There was a hint of suspicion in Raphael's voice, but it was mostly masked over with amusement. At first, Ragnor simply shook his head, but then another thought popped into his head.

Almost having to keep himself from laughing, Ragnor relished in the look on Raphael's face at what he said next. "What are we going to say to Ryder?"

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight." Ryder's voice was so full of excitement that Ragnor couldn't have kept a smile off his face to save his life. "You mean I'm going to have two daddies?" The emphasis he put on the word "two" made Ragnor's heart fill with joy.

Ragnor and Raphael nodded simultaneously as Ryder looked back and forth between the two of them. "Is that a problem, Ryder?" As Raphael asked this, Ragnor could tell that there was no anger in it, there was no harshness to any of his words, they were all light and full of a joy of his own.

Ryder vigorously shook his head. "What? No! Of course not." Ryder looked worried that he had hurt them, and Ragnor wanted to comfort him, but he remained silent as he could tell the boy was about to speak again. "It's just that I never really had one daddy. Not one that cared anyway. And now I have two!"

Looking over at Raphael, Ragnor saw the same bliss he felt mirrored in Raphael's eyes. At first, Ragnor didn't have any idea of what he should say. But then Ryder's arms were stretched around him as far as they could go, and then he found himself encompassed by Raphael as well, and he knew that anything he could possibly say would never be adequate enough to express to his new little family exactly how happy he felt.

They stayed like this for several moments, and Ragnor found himself not wanting the moment to end. But when they pulled apart from one another, Ryder looked up at them, and Ragnor could tell another question was coming. "What about our last names? What's going to happen with those?"

Ragnor was brought up short by this. He hadn't been prepared in the slightest to think about what they might do about names, it hadn't even crossed his mind in all that had been going on. Raphael, apparently, had thought of this, and he let out a slight chuckle.

"Well, Ryder. I was thinking about this myself. And I would actually like to ask yours and Ragnor's permission to take the name Fell." At that, Ragnor could no longer register what was going on around him. Ryder was saying something to Raphael, but Ragnor had no idea what that could possibly be. He could tell that Raphael was looking at him, saying something, most likely asking him to say something, but he couldn't begin to say anything at all.

He sensed that there were tears in his eyes, but he couldn't possibly manage to form any words. "Ragnor, are you okay?" Ragnor finally processed what Raphael was saying, and he swallowed the lump in his throat before attempting to respond.

"Everything is perfect, Raphael. I'm sorry. You just caught me off guard," he smiled before finishing. "Not for the first time tonight." Ragnor's smile widened as Raphael reached up to wipe away the first tear that had begun to stream down his face.

In an effort to make things light again, in an effort to restore the sort of relationship he and Raphael had always had, Ragnor forced himself to speak once more before the tears began in earnest and he was unable to form any more words.

"I hope you're prepared to fend off Magnus's string of 'I told you so's.'"