AN: The last chapter to this story, more at the end.

Janae has been crying for a while, according to earth time, nearly a whole day, with no sleep.

"I'm sorry."

She had been saying this ever since she got in her room like he could hear….or cared at this point.

Janae had to take a shower, she may be sad but she didn't want to stink so she willed herself to grab a pair of panties, no bra small breasts and tight spacesuit, and go to get in the shower. Walking out of the door and through the pool room she saw Shaundi.

"Hey Nae."

"Hey, look. Can I talk to you after my shower?"

"Sure, I'll be right here."

Janae went into the bathroom to shower, getting into a daze before realizing Shaundi was waiting for her.

"damnit." Janae got out after washing up

She dried off as fast as humanly possible doing the same to get dressed, when she got out of the bathroom and walked through the pool room Shaundi was still there joined by the other two females

"Nae, You okay?" Asha asked as Nae threw her used underwear into the general hamper and sitting down

"I'm not the one you need to ask that."

"I would ask him but I value my face."

Janae giggled "You guys think I'm horrible, Don't you?"

"No, we all have that moment of weakness. How you think of anyone else but that sexy ass guy you were going out with I don't even know, that was stupid but we all have our moments."

"Shaundi, I don't know if you just comforted me or insulted me."

"Sounded like a little of both." Pierce commented walking by with Ben behind him

"Well, if it isn't the man who cheated death." Shaundi retorted

"How is he Ben?"

"He's pretty upset, girly. I know it's probably personal but why?"

"A false spark."

"Ah, I know those too well, you think you want it but usually it's because of sumthin' else."

"Yeah, I thought it was gonna happen again but….he really just wanted a kiss. I didn't want to but at the same time I was happy he was telling the truth."

"You know he didn't want to end it, right?"


"Girly, the way he was yesterday after you stopped his rampage, I'd say you're still together. He's just in pain right now."

"But Johnny means what he says."

"Not when it comes to you, he told me his self and I quote "I love her so much, King. I just didn't know what to do, man. I miss her already but I'm pissed at the same time." He said that through tears."

Janae's eyes widened, looking up into Ben's


"Yeah, the only how I knew though is when pinched the bridge of his nose, that's his way of whipping the tears without notice but I saw them before he did."

"I don't know if I should go talk to him."

"Go ahead, if he tells you leave him alone or sumthin' it just means in his language "I miss you but I'm mad and I want a reason." Not just apologies, girly."

Janae smiled and stood up

"He's in his usual spot."

"Thanks Shaundi." Janae walked away

"Go get 'em."

"Shut up, Kinzie."

Janae went down the stairs to the cargo area and saw Johnny on the bench playing with his knife

'here goes.' Janae went to him and stopped right beside him

"What the fuck you want?" Johnny asked without looking

"I want to tell you why. Please."

Johnny looked into Janae's pleading eyes, sighing he nodded once, she sat next to him

"I really didn't want to-"

"You expect me to-"

"Let me finish, I didn't want to but before that the moment was lookin' to familiar for me so I got a little scared after he told me he wanted a kiss."

"So you gave it to him?"

"I said no, so he apologized and I told a little joke and thought that was that but he yanked me to him and kissed me."

"You ain't fight, Nae." Johnny now looking at her

"It was because I was shocked but when I saw that's all he really wanted my trust made me react. I was happy he didn't do more than that, the trust made me think it was love but I realized it won't, that's why we stopped before he saw you."

Janae looked at Johnny, he didn't look pissed anymore but he didn't look forgiving then either

"Short explanation?"

"My mind played a trick on me."

Johnny looked away

"You think it's stupid?"


Janae sat up from her slouched position


"I thought that's what was happening when I fell for you, because it actually happened with Lin before, I didn't do nuthin' but, the next day after that I didn't feel nuthin intimate for her."

"This was during one of the break-ups?"


"How you know it was real with me?"

"I always thought about you…..always."

Janae looked down

"There you go feelin' bad again."

She looked at him to see his face had softened

"You forgive me?"

"I gotta think on that but we cool right now." Johnny got up to go to his room

'Well that's a good thing…I guess.' Janae got up herself to go get something to eat everyone else was gone. 'I guess it's bed time."

Janae got a banana to snack on, she felt lonely without anyone being in there with her but she wasn't sleepy, she walked down the a dimly lit hall.

"Man, what can I do to get sleepy?" Janae thought out loud

"I can help." A voice offered

Janae turned right before getting pinned to the wall, another pair of lips entangled with her own a pair of strong hands on her hips pulling her. She pulled back when she needed air.

"I thought you-"

"Didn't take long." Johnny answered before she could finish and kissing her again

He picked her up and started walking, she wrapped her legs around him, her lips everywhere, probably leaving marks.

"I missed you too." Johnny said before stepping into his rom the door closing behind him.

When Nae woke up she was in Johnny's bed but he wasn't there, she got out of bed and put her suit on, walking into the pool room she saw everyone up and about.

"Hey." Shaundi greeted first hugging her


"You seem happy." Asha joined Nae and Shaundi

"Yep." Was Nae's only response before walking to where Johnny was at the pool table

She was about to ask if he was with her again before he grabbed her waist, pulling her closer as he talked to Ben.

'I guess that's a yes.'

"Nae, I need to talk to you." Johnny guided her by where his hand was already at

"What's up?"

Johnny looked at the ring he gave her then took it off her opposite ring finger and switched it to the actual ring finger.

"Is there a reason you did that?" Janae asked looking at the newly placed ring

"Yeah, because I need something there until I can replace it."

Janae looked at Johnny as he switched his middle finger ring to his ring finger


"I want to get on one knee with a proper ring."

Janae looked up at Johnny, tears of joy in her eyes

"You sure you wanna be tied down by me?"

"I don't want anyone else."

Janae hugged him, giving him a kiss that he smiled into.

-medium Time Skip-

"Shaundi, I feel like shit." Janae complained laying on her friend's legs while on the chair

The men were in the sim having some fun, Janae was too sick to go.

"You been like this for a while now. You sure you okay?"

"It's only like this when I wake up, fuckin' sucks."

"Are you on your period?"


"You look a little bloated too."

"No, as a matter of fact been a couple months since I have."

Shaunid jumped up so fast she accidently pushed Nae on the floor

"Shaundi, what the hell?"

"Nae, is that normal?"

"I sometimes do skip a month but it comes back."

"Okay, this month isn't out yet." Shaundi sat back down relieved

"What the hell you thought was wrong?"


"You scare me, I'm gonna hang with Kinzie." Janae walked away

"Yo, what's up fellas?"

The men were finally back

"Hey girly."

"Sup'?" Pierce has made it his business to not make any contact with Nae

"Hey, how ya feelin'?" Johnny asked stopping in front of Nae

"Better, as a matter of fact I was just about to go in."

"Want me to come?"

"Nah, I wanna play by myself. I'll call you if so though." Janae walked by, giving his ass a little smack

"Really?" Johnny turned to her

"It's a nice view, had to touch."

Johnny smiled and walked out, Janae was in one of the pods, Asha closing it for her so she could go into the simulation.

"Kinzie, gimme some sunshine." Janae requested and strangly got what she wanted right on the spot

"You're being nice."

"It's not for you."

"Then who is it for?"

"I'll tell you when you get out."

"What? Does Johnny have a gun pointed to you?"

"No, he knows better."

"Wait, does this mean I get everything I want from you right now?"

"Don't push it."

Janae ran around, unlocking stores that she wanted to go inside just to wear whatever she wanted but not too long she got bored.

"Get Johnny."

"Of course."

About ten minutes later Johnny zoomed up on Nae


"Hell yeah."

"Let me grab a car."

"Why?" Johnny asked confused

"Because one you look too damn good in that suit and I don't want none of these simulated bitches lookin' at you and two to be like the good ol' days."

"Like when you lies about being scared to drive without your license?"

"Yeah." Janae got a car.

She drove while Jonny shot at the sim Zin, getting a whole army on them after a while.

"Janae, don't over do it." Kinzie warned

"This isn't even my normal, Kinzie."

"I know but something's changed so don't."

"What's she talkin' about?" Johnny asked getting fully in the car

"I don't know."

"Might got sumthin' to do with that glow ya got goin' on."

"I always glow because of you."

"Nae, Don't do that, it makes me love you more than possible and this a different kind of glow."

"That's weird, I'm gonna get out so I can ask her. Let's race." They jumped out of the car and started sprinting to the nearest door

Janae pulled out a gun as she sprinted and pointed it back to Gat who was catching up

"Aw, babe, you wouldn't."

"See ya outside." Janae shot him in the chest

She made it to the door, when she got out of the pod she went to Kinzie

"What's changed?"


"That was dirty." Johnny commented giving Nae's ass a hard smack


"You shot me." Johnny smirked walking out


"Nae, there's a heat signature inside of you."

"That's normal, right?"

"Yeah….for a pregnant woman."

Janae's heart stopped

"A what?"

"Nae, I think you're pr-"

"Stop, I know what you said I just can't believe it."

"You want a test?"


Kinzie opened a drawer and gave her one


"Please don't ask, now go."

Janae walked out of the room

'Maybe I should have told Shaundi a couple of months was 3 and a half months.'

She went into the bathroom, luckily she had to pee anyway, when she was finished she held the test eyes closed her eyes opened to look at the results.

Hearing a scream come from the bathroom everyone in earshot rushed to the door

"Nae, you alright?" Pierce asked knocking

"Please get Shaundi."

The panic in Nae's voice was clear as a bell so he ran to Shaundi

"Nae, What's wrong?" Shaundi asked closing the door

Nae just handed her the test

"Oh my kami. Janae, how?"

"Well, when to psychos love each other-"

"Janae, no need to get snarky."

"Shaundi, what am I gonna do? We're in space, we can't have a child."

"Yes you can."


"Come with me."

Janae made sure to hide the test was hidden as they walked together back to where Kinzie was


"What am I gonna do?"

"I was right but Nae look at this."

Kinzie has been working on the ship and noticed a couple of things.

"Is that-"

"Yeah, Zinyak tricked us with a projector."

"Earth is still there. I can't believe this!"

"That's where we've been heading all this time, we'll be there in a couple more weeks."

Janae hugged Kinzie, she was too happy.

"So, when you gonna tell him?" Shaundi asked Nae

"Right now." Janae went to Johnny's room and knocked on his door which opened right on cue

"Hey, I was just about to get you."

"Yeah, you see it too."

"Yeah, come in." Johnny moved to let Nae in

"Johnny, you love me right?"


"Okay, sorry. I, um, I just took a certain test."

"Did you pass?" Johnny asked folding his arms

"Depends if you think me being pregnant is good or bad."

Johnny's arms fell to his sides, shock was written all over his face.

"I mean, I think-"

She was stopped with an embrace, Nae didn't expect this reaction. Johnny let her go

"So, did I pass?" Janae looked at him

"Yeah." Johnny took her hand and sat in a couch that was in his surprisingly big room, putting Janae on his lap.

They looked at earth through a window, a big one.

"I hope it's not like you." Janae joked turning so that she was sideways

"Nah, I hope it's like you though."


"You're perfect."

"I'm not though."

"To me you are, short ass."

"You're perfect to me too."

"Nae, I'm insane."

"You're my insane teddy bear."

"Fuck you."

"I love you too."

They looked back at their home, happy about the new addition to the saint's family.

AN: That's it for this story, thank you all for sticking around to the end of my first fanfic, thank you for the support and I'm even thinking about doing a little short on their family life.