Kara, Kaz and Kazra; HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Guess what....

IT'S MY BABY'S B-DAY TODAY!!! No I don't have children, I meant that it's Orlando Bloom's birthday! Is 27!!! Yeah..........is 11 yrs that far apart?? I mean there is still a possibility for him and I you know! Well I'd better just get into the acting business then!!!! Hehehehe, if I do I will demand he be in the movie I am as my co-star!

I'd better get on writing aye! I hope you people I having wonderful holidays and a good time reading my fic! I'm having a lot of fun writing it. PLZ PEOPLE, DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW AT THE END!! You give me my inspiration to keep writing. Well it is for your pleasure (and MINE!)

I'll get writing and you get R+Ring!! Cya's!!!!!

Disclaimer; I do not own any form of cartoon, amine, or company that involves stealing story lines from any other business. Actually I don't have a job yet but when I do I plan to buy the Hello Kitty company...shit I shouldn't have said I planned to buy it...shit I shouldn't of said that I was buying the Hello Kitty company! Forget everything said in the Disclaimer but know that I do not own Cardcaptors or Cardcaptor Sakura.

~ Yuumei Kage~
(Dark Shadow)
(This Chapter is kinda intense, like the first one, maybe I should rate it R for the violence!hehe)
***Chapter 3.

For the next week Syaoran had the same dream of Sakura dying. Each time it would be more painful and he'd cough up more and more blood.

"I'll just stay awake tonight, then it can't get me!" he whispered as he started to get paranoid. From 10 o'clock on wards he sat on his bed watching his clock when suddenly at about 11:49 he felt a surge of energy and magic from within his room. He slipped off his bed and looked around and noticed something moving in the shadows behind his door. He prepared himself and pounced slamming his door shut revealing a person with glasses and navy blue hair.

"ERIOL?????" he cried in surprise.

"Uh, hello..." he replied grinning.

"What are you doing here?? How did you get here????" Syaoran questioned as Eriol came out from the corner of his room. He posed himself again and spoke calmly to Syaoran.

"Sanori called saying she was worried about you. She asked whether I could transport here and watch you sleep. Obviously I can't because you aren't asleep." Eriol said. Syaoran growled furiously. This time she'd done it!

Syaoran stormed out of his room with anger in his eyes. Eriol followed close behind.

"YOU!" he roared pushing his mothers door in. She jumped out of her chair startled and saw Eriol come in after Syaoran with his eyes to the floor.

"Syaoran, I can explain!!!" she whimpered. Syaoran placed his hand up and Sanori started to glow a black colour. She suddenly was lifted by an invisible force and hit into the wall.

"I TOLD YOU THAT I DIDN'T WANT TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY DREAMS!!! I TOLD YOU BUT YOU HAD TO GO AND INVOLVE HIM IN IT AND USE HIM AS YOUR SPY!!!" Syaoran bellowed pointing to Eriol who watched in shock. Sanori couldn't move or get down but felt as if her body was being compressed against the wall. She choked as it felt like a hand was tightening around her neck. Syaoran started to recoil his fingers.

"YOU JUST HAD TO STICK YOUR NOSE INTO MY BUISNESS!!!" he cried. A hand fell upon his shoulder and his eyes darted to Eriol.

"Syaoran stop this!!" he cried looking frightened. He'd never seen Syaoran, his little quiet cousin, like this before.

"GET OFF ME!!" Syaoran yelled. He stretched his other hand out into Eriol's direction and he flew back and hit the dresser on the other side of the room.

"S-S-S-Syaoran!" Sanori croaked trying to breathe. Syaoran walked closer and tightened his fingers.

"WHY??? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING???? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO INTERFEAR???" Syaoran bellowed angrily. His whole body was shaking with fury and his eyes dashed around the room as if watching everything. Eriol quietly snuck behind him as Syaoran's aura grew darker and with a ting of red.

"Pl-ple-please!!" Sanori stuttered between gasping breathes.

"PLEADING WON'T HELP! IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK MORE PATHETIC!" Syaoran said. Suddenly Sanori fell from the wall clutching her throat as she breathed in fresh air again. Syaoran cried out in surprise as he was struck down by a Ki blast from Eriol. He posed himself again and helped Sanori from the ground.

Syaoran, trembling in resentment, got up as a glowing ball of what looked like fire formed in his hands. He was about to throw it towards his mother and Eriol but stopped dead as he heard the ringing signalling 12:00am. The bells of the clocks rang through the house in unison.

Syaoran looked around in fright and heard the last couple of strikes expecting anything. Eriol and his mother watched in shock and horror as his eyes turned ghostly white and he fell to the ground screaming unnaturally.

He fell to the ground and once again the same vision of Sakura dying flashed through his mind causing much pain.

"Syaoran...!" Sanori croaked fearfully.

The white in his eyes faded away and he shook fiercely clutching his stomach as he kneeled on the ground. He couldn't breathe, he was choking on something swelling in his throat. He coughed violently and fell forwards unconscious, barely breathing.

Eriol and Sanori couldn't move, petrified, frozen on the spot. Eriol slowly rose from the ground and walked silently, mouth open, eyes terrified, to Syaoran unconscious body. He kneeled down and felt his neck for a pulse.

"He's still alive...what happened???" he asked looking at Sanori. She sniffled and crawled towards her son.

"I...I don't...know!" she said looking at the large amount of blood on the white carpet floor.


"Syaoran...Syaoran...Syaoran!" a voice whispered.

Syaoran couldn't see anything but darkness.

"Follow the light Syaoran." Another voice said. He looked up and bright light flooded his eyes and he shut them. Suddenly he was jolted out of darkness back into light. He sat up straight and covered his eyes with his hands in desperation to go back to the dark.

"Don't worry Syaoran, your ok." A soothing voice said as a hand fell upon his shoulder. He looked up to see his mother, sisters, Meilin, Eriol and the matron.

"What happened? Where am I???" he cried dazed. Syaoran looked around stunned. He couldn't remember why he was there and how he got there.

"Last night...don't you remember??" his mother asked quietly. She wasn't looking at him and instead she stood away from the group crowding him.

Syaoran tried to recall what might have happened the night before.

"No...what happened??????" he cried trying to get up but the matron wouldn't let him leave, "Let me go!!!"

"You, lay back down and rest!" she said pushing him back down on the bed he had been situated on.

"No, I need to go, let me go!!" he cried trying to get free of her grip.

"Master Syaoran you need your rest!" the matron yelled.

"I DON'T, I'M PERFECTLY FINE NOW LET ME GET UP!!!!!!!!! I MUST GO!!!!!!" he yelled struggling. Eriol now had to hold him down as the matron grabbed a needle.

"NOOOOO DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed trying to break free of Eriol's strong grip.

As soon as he felt the needle piece his flesh he let out a howl of pain. Suddenly, Eriol had no more grip on him and he fell forward to the bed. Syaoran had completely disappeared. He'd been there one second and then as if he could walk through solid objects, he'd kind of vanished into the bed.

Everyone looked around the room.

"Where'd he go??" cried a distressed Fanren.


There came a cry of pain from behind them and everyone turned towards the door of the room. Slowly Syaoran appeared again. He reached down to his arm and wrenched the needle out.

"What is...this...stuff...................???" He said weakly as he fell to the ground unconscious.

The matron rushed to the boys side, grabbed the needle and whispered.

"Just something to make you sleepy!"


"I'm kinda worried...we normally received mail from Touya everyday! He's missed a whole week and he hasn't called!!" Sakura said as Tomoyo played with her hair.

"Maybe he's really caught up in sight seeing." Tomoyo explained.

"Yeah I guess, but it's not like him to miss calling or sending any mail." Sakura said.

"What if they don't have mailbox's where Touya is. What if his cell phone ran out of batteries?" Tomoyo questioned to try and reassure that her brother was fine.

"Hey, it's my old phone book!" Sakura cried in excited as she picked up a little pink book.

"What's so good about a phone book?" Kero grunted scoffing down a small bun.

"Well we can call some of our old friends!" Tomoyo said grinning, "Here, lemme see it!"

"Nani?? Oh...yeah of course!" Sakura cried handing her book back to Tomoyo. She started to flip through the little pages looking at all the names and numbers.

"Who can we call? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tomoyo cooed.

"Nani, nani??? Who can we call?" Sakura cried looking at her friends sinister face.

"Remember this?" Tomoyo asked putting the book in front of Sakura's face so she could see.

There on the page was a photograph of her and who else but Syaoran. They were laughing, arms around each other in their battle costumes! Syaoran had a beautiful smile and Sakura sighed looking at it.

"Ohhhhhh I remember that!" Sakura cried with red cheeks, "We'd just finished capturing the Create card..................that was sooo long ago! I wonder...what he's doing now..."

"His numbers at the bottom! Let's call him!!!!!" Tomoyo cried excited. Sakura blushed.

"No...he's probably forgotten us by now!"

"Come on Sakura lets call."

"No Tomoyo, please he probably won't want to talk to us!"

"Why are you so reluctant?" Tomoyo asked.

"I'm...I'm just a bit embarrassed!" Sakura cried folding her arms.

"Why???" Tomoyo cried.

"Well......I never told you...but...well he'll be embarrassed too!"

"Nani Sakura-Chan!" Tomoyo cried, "Tell me!"

"Before he left......he uh...told me something..." she said blushing madly.

"Nani???" Tomoyo questioned giggling.

"He uh..." Sakura giggled madly thinking of how sweet it was, "He...told me that...he...loved me!"

There was a big pause until Tomoyo and Kero could compose themselves again. Kero laughed madly and Tomoyo squealed.

"DON'T YOU LAUGH KERO! It was very sweet!!!" Sakura cried hitting Kero.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kawaii!!!!!!" Tomoyo squealed with delight. Sakura blushed madly again.

"Yes!!" Sakura cried.

For about half an hour they giggled with excitement like a girl does when she hears a guy likes her.

"Let's ring him!!! Right now." Tomoyo cried grabbing the phone.

"Ok..." Sakura had now mustered the courage to call Syaoran, "But wait, he wrote his number in Chinese, how are we supposed to call now?"

"Your father knows Chinese doesn't he?" Tomoyo said. Sakura squealed.

"Yeah! He's downstairs, come on!" Sakura cried.

"Oh boy!" Kero sighed rolling his eyes as the crazy pair ran downstairs.

"Chichi!?" Sakura cooed sweetly as they wandered down to her dads study.

"Yes Sakura?" he replied.

"You know Chinese don't you?"

"Yes, why?"

"We need you to translate this number!" Sakura cried placing the phone book under his nose.

"Oh, shi, shi, ichi, ni, go, shichi, hatchi!" her father read.

"Thanks!" she cried kissing his head running off.

Sakura picked up her phone and slowly dialled the numbers.



The phone on the other end rang...................................................until there was a small click and someone picked the phone up.


"What are you going on about Hailey?" a girl asked. One with golden hair was looking around the room with a frightened expression.

"Something's coming closer! I can sense it...!" she said looking out a window.

"What is it??" another girl with black hair asked.

"I don't know, but it's evil! It's aura is deadly night black!" the girl cried.

"Evil?? Why is it coming to us?" another girl with black and white hair asked.

"I don't know...maybe it can sense our magic!" the girl named Hailey said sitting back down in a circle.

"Come, sit, we will create a circle if you are so worried!" the girl with brown hair said giggling.

The blonde sat back down in a circle and the four joined hands.

"I call upon Goddess North."

"I call upon God East."

"I call upon Goddess South."

"I call upon God West."

In unison they each chanted.

"To this circle we create, may it protect us from unwanted enemies and shield us from evil, shall we call upon this circle when we need protection."





With the girl's last word the window to their room blew open and a shadow hit the wall. They all screamed and the blonde stood up as something started to emerge from the darkness.

It was a hooded figure, cloaked in darkness. The girl's watched on in terror. It removed it's hood and looked upon the frightened witch's.

"I knew you were coming, creature of Satan!!!" the blonde cried keeping a posed figure.

The creature laughed, cackled devilishly.

"Satan! Ha, he would be strong enough to keep me under his grasp and I would never take orders from that pathetic excuse form a demon!" the creature cried. The girls shuddered in fear and he began to drift closer to them. The blonde spread her arms out in front of her quivering friends.

"You cannot hurt us in this circle of good!" she cried as an invisible force surrounded them with light.

The creature chuckled again.

"You think you silly magic will save you from me??!! Think again!" he cried and struck the girl, his hand reaching inside of her chest.

The girl screamed in pain. The creature pulled it's hand out retrieving the poor girl's soul. It was sucked into a ring that sat on his finger and the girl standing fell, lifeless but still alive, a mind without emotion or feeling, stuck inside a body, unable to know anything or do anything happy again.

Her friends screamed in terror.

"HAYLEY!!! YOUR GOING TO PAY!!!!" the girl with black and white hair screamed. She put her hand out and summoned her inner spirit.

"Spirit of wolf, fire of falcon, courage and strength of mother earth! Heed my call and help me destroy this evil force!" she yelled. A force hit the creature and he was pushed back a bit.

He cackled again and disappeared. One by one the two other girl's screamed in pain and fell towards the ground. The girl with black and white hair was still standing posed and ready to take on the evil creature. She then felt an arm around her stomach and she was being pulled off the ground. She was spun around the face the creature and she realised it was human.

"You are strong, beautiful...I shall keep you! We will make powerful children!" the creature said with a cackle.

The girl started to scream and kick him as hard as she could.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" she screamed loudly but her screams were muffled by a pair or black lips upon hers. The girl's head fell forward onto his chest as she fell unconscious. There was a shudder of the windows, they opened and a shadow flew out of the room.


Okies, my friend Teren (holly_prebb) is a CCS person and has a good stories so check em out, review them! Cya's

Kara, Kazra and Kaz; Okies everyone, I bet your all dieing to see who picks up, well you must wait for the next chp! Kaz is going crazy because she's listening to lots of GOTHIC ROCK so she's kind psycho at the moment so it will be a good idea to get writing cause she's in an angsty mood! KEEP CHECKING BACK FOR MORE AND PLZ REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!