And it's finally done! Thank you everyone who stuck through this fic and I hope to see you all in the sequel!
Super fluff warning ahead! You have been warned.



Snow crunched under Roxas's feet as he steadied his footing, waiting for the next blow aimed at him. Vanitas stood in front of the blond, holding his sword low with his arms pointed straight at the ground. Puffs of air rapidly came out of the older prince's mouth as he tried to catch his breathe. The temperature had dropped since they had started their training, ushering all the bystanders into the castle, leaving the two princes alone in the field.

"Tired already?" Roxas goaded as he rocked back and forth on his feet, trying to get some tension out of his body, "Never thought I'd see the day." Roxas was about to let out a laugh, but was interrupted as he yelped and jumped out of the way of Vanitas's blade, "Okay, not tired." And the two broke out into an intense fight. Swords clashed together as the pair skidded around the field. After a few minutes of the fight, Roxas lost his footing on the slippery ground. The bond landed on the snow-covered ground with a painted grunt.

A pointed edge came to rest on the teen's clavicle, "Not in the slightest." Vanitas said with a smirk. Roxas had noticed over the last few weeks that Vanitas had gotten more aggressive in their training. Roxas noticed that Vanitas would talk to his father in the king's office, only to storm out and drag Roxas out for some impromptu sparing.

"So, any word on Queen Naminé's condition?" Roxas cautiously asked as he stood from the cold ground. As of now, Vanitas was officially a possibility candidate for the Tacet heir, but the new-found knowledge of the queen and prince's affair had been kept under wraps between the two countries until the babe's birth. Until the paternity could be determined everything was going to be hidden away. And it was driving Vanitas mad.

Vanitas grumbled to himself and slashed at the air, "Nothing. I keep asking Father for any updates, but he refuses." His slashes got closer to Roxas, forcing the blond to doge and block the attacks, "it's like he thinks I'm a child and this is my punishment for misbehaving." Another swing arched over Roxas's head, aimed for his left shoulder.

Roxas hesitated a moment too long before stepping out of the way. Sharp steel ripped through flimsy fabric. Roxas hissed as he inspected the rip, "Fuck, almost got me." The blond laughed. There was no blood, not even a nick. Roxas had truly gotten lucky, "just think if I hadn't moved fast enough, you would have ripped right through me." The younger prince laughed.

Vanitas let him self chuckle at that, "Ugh and can you just imagine how Axel would react if he came home and you were missing an arm? God he'd tear me to pieces."

The laugher died. Roxas looked away from Vanitas. The past couple of months had put a strain on Roxas. It was understandable, no word had come from Axel or Saïx, and it was starting to wear on the young prince's nerves. He couldn't shake a feeling that something wrong was going to happen, if it already didn't, "He'd turn you into a pile of ash." Roxas managed to weakly laugh out. With a tired sigh Roxas weakly toyed with his sword, "I…I think I'm going to go back inside." Vanitas agreed that it was getting late and the two made their way back to the armory to put up their weapons and light armor.

"I was thinking tomorrow we can work on my close range- Ah!" Roxas yelped as his feet slid out from underneath him. The blond groaned in pain as he tried to push himself up off the hidden patch of ice, only to cry out when he put pressure on his hand.

"Fuck! Are you okay?" Vanitas knelt next to Roxas to inspect for any injury. He gingerly grabbed Roxas's wrist and played around with the fragile bones, making the blond hiss, "This doesn't feel right. Come on, lets get you to the infirmary." The older prince went to help the younger up but stopped when a faint glow caught his attention. The small pin Roxas had dutifully kept on display since the execution began to shimmer. The amethyst in the middle of the tiny dragon's forehead began to glow along with the eyes. Vanitas would later say it was a trick of the overcast sun, but he could have sworn Carbuncle had come alive in the pin.

A comforting light traveled from Roxas's chest and down his arm, until it was able to circle around the boy's injured wrist. Roxas gasped in surprise at the warmth that numbed his wrist and mended his bones. Once done the light traveled back to the pin, the light coming from the amethyst dying down back to its original color.

"What kind of magic was that?" Vanitas's golden eyes were glued to the pin, "Did it...?"

"It fixed my wrist." Roxas blandly said, "And took some of my energy." He observed. What little energy Roxas had had prior to the fall was now gone. He twisted his writs around to check the mobility. No pain. He quickly undid the pin and brought it close to his face to inspect it, "Magic?" The blond furrowed his brows. It was nothing but a family heirloom, passed down from king to king. If there was any kind of magic in it, it would have been known, "That's impossible. It's nothing more but a pin."

"Well…put it back on." Vanitas said. Roxas did as he was told, "Okay now hold still." The older prince leveled his sword.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Seeing if it works." And Vanitas swung down.

Roxas managed to roll out of the way in time to miss the attack, "What the fuck!?" The younger prince cried as he rubbed snow out of his hair, "You were really going to chop me up!" Roxas pushed himself off the ground, giving Vanitas a betrayed look.

"Well, yeah." Vanitas ruffled the hair on the back of his head, "I mean, how else are we going to test it?"

"Maybe by not taking my arm clean off?" Roxas scoffed as he finished brushing the powdered snow off him. He grabbed his own sword off the ground, "Maybe we can just," And Roxas slit his palm. They waited…and waited, "Nothing? So, not the pin?"

"Maybe it's only if it's a severe injury? I mean, you've hurt yourself a few times during training while wearing it." The raven prince eyed his sword again, "Worth a try?"

"How about no. I'm not suicide enough for that. Lets just wait and see, I guess?"

"If you're sure."

"I am." Roxas glared at Vanitas, "Unless you want to wear it and I chop you up."

Vanitas held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, point taken. I promise to not attack and mortally injure you."

"That's what I thought." Roxas laughed as they made their way to the armory to put their things away. On their way back into the castle they heard a commotion near the entrance. Weary eyes met before they silently agreed to run and see what was going on.

Horses and solders crowded the courtyard. As the princes got closer Roxas could make out an excited looking Kairi and a familiar white horse. Zephyr! Roxas ran away from Vanitas and rushed into the crowd. He could feel his heart start to pound as he searched through the throng of people. There in the middle of the busy courtyard was a tall man with flaming red hair with his back facing the prince.

"Axel!" Roxas ran up to the main and hugged him from behind. The harsh impact made the taller man grunt. Axel turned, careful to not break Roxas's hold on him and wrapping his arms around the smaller prince, "You're back!" Roxas couldn't hide his smile as he looked up at the man.

"I'm home." The redhead smiled back. The two lost themselves in their own little world. Roxas's fists balled into the taller man's shirt. Almost like if he let go Axel would disappear.

"Sure that's a good idea?" A feminine voice whispered near the two, making them break apart. Kairi swooped in and pulled Axel into a bone crushing hold, "How dare you just up and leave us like that!" The young girl curled into her brother, "Woke up and you were just gone. And no word for four months!" She pulled away to wipe away some fallen tears, "You're a jerk. You know that?"

Axle couldn't suppress his laugh as he patted the young girl's head, successfully messing her hair up, "Father just wanted it that way. He thought it would be best if I didn't have any kind of distraction." He gave Roxas a sideways glance, "Or else I would have written you. Did you behave while I was gone?" The crowd around the trio started to dissipate once all of Axel's belongings were emptied and brought back into the castle.

Kairi pouted up at her older brother, "For the most part. Xion's been keeping a good eye on me and wouldn't let me 'do anything that's unlady-like.'" Roxas felt his stomach turn at the mention of the ex-concubine. Xion was the main reasons Roxas didn't spend any time with Kairi over the past few months. The blond's guilt-ridden expression was caught by the two siblings, "It was hard to ditch her and get some time to myself, but I guess that's what she's there for, huh."

"But it must be nice to have someone waiting on you hand and foot. My parents didn't want me and my brothers to have that kind of luxury. They said the current servants were enough." Roxas smiled at the thought of home. He had been sending and receiving letters from Ventus, who had reported to absolutely nothing of importance going on back in Lamina. Sora was officially trained up enough to be in the army and was learning a lot from studying under his father, while Ventus's own studies under Merlin seemed to be paying off. His parents were healthy and happy.

"It's pretty suffocating actually." Kairi laughed, "Can't go flirt with the soldiers anymore, or sneak out and explore the town."

Axel grunted in irritation, "Both of which you shouldn't be doing. It's disrespectful to Prince Terra, and dangerous." The man glared at his sister, "Maybe giving Xion to you was a good idea. We should also consider a personal guard or something to keep you in line."

"Hey!" Roxas elbowed his husband in the ribs, getting a satisfactory grunt of pain in return, "Don't make it sound like you wanted to keep Xion and willingly gave her up. You might make me jealous." It was meant to sound like a joke, but everyone knew it was true. Axel and Xion had a bond that Roxas would never be able to replace.

A warm hand rubbed up and down the blond's back in apology, "Sorry. But I'm serous, Kairi you better start acting with some dignity, or I'll tell Reno what you've been up to. And you know how he'll react." He scolded, making the girl look away ashamed.

"Sorry." Kairi apologized, "But can you blame me? I only flirt, nothing more. It helps cope with the fact that in a year I'll be tied down to a man I know I'll never love." She looked close to tears at the thought of her betrothed, "I don't like feeling so trapped."

Both men frowned and exchanged a look. With a heavy sigh the smaller prince spoke up, "I feel the same way." He ignored the shocked and hurt look he got from Axel, "It's hard to be uprooted from everything you know and placed in the mercy of someone you barely know. But you're a strong woman. It's not fair, but you'll make it work somehow."

Kairi looked between the two men, a small, sad smile, "Like how you two did?" Her smile grew at the blush that formed on both men's faces, "If only I could be so lucky."

"It's a lot of hard work. Not just luck." Axel put his opinion in, "And you're not a quitter."

"Yeah…I guess." The princess sighed in defeat. No sense in fighting against her fate, "I'm going to go find Xion. Poor girl is probably going hysterical not knowing where I am. Welcome back Axel! And happy birthday!" And Kairi disappeared into the dwindling crowd and back into the castle.

"It's your birthday?" Roxas looked up to the redhead with a raised brow, "When were you going to tell me that?"

Axel started to lead the two out of the cold and into the warm indoors, "You mean you didn't already know? Geez worst husband of the year." The redhead poked Roxas in the side, making the blond wiggle away from the assault.

"Get real! Like you even know my birthday."

Axel folded his arms across his chest in thought as the two walked down the halls, "Hmm…well you were eighteen when we got married, still eighteen, right?" Green eyes drifted to the side to see the confirmed nod, "So that means your birthday is in the spring."

"Yes. But what month and day." Roxas teased as they stopped in front of their bedroom door, "I know yours is December eleventh. Come on, you're in running for worst husband of the year now."

Axel leaned against the door, blocking Roxas from entering, "But you only found out because of Kairi. That doesn't seem fair to me."

"Well, if you'd like, we can always move to Lamina and you can ask one of my brothers. Fair is fair." Roxas looked around to make sure that no one was around before heavily leaning on the taller man and stealing a long-awaited kiss. He expected to be kissed and held back, but what he got was Axel freezing under his touch and slightly pulling away, "Axel?"

"About last time." The man gently pushed Roxas off him, "I'm sorry. There's no excuse about how I acted."

"You were drunk and distressed." The younger prince tried to defend the actions, even if he knew how wrong it really was.

Axel just shook his head and opened the bedroom door, "And it still shouldn't have happened. I just wanted to tell you I would be leaving, but when I saw you there." He hesitated, "I don't know. I just couldn't control myself. Maybe it would be best if you just went back to your room. I'll see you later. Promise." And the older prince closed the door.

Roxas's face scrunched up in frustration. He wanted to spend time with Axel and straighten things out. Just like Axel had told Kairi, making their marriage work took a lot of hard effort. So he knocked on the door and waited. When no answer came he knocked again. Then again. When he was continuously ignored the blond started to bang on the door, making sure Axel could hear and was hopefully getting annoyed with the loud noises.

The door swung open to reveal an angry looking Axel, "Go to your room Roxas." He growled.

"Yeah, I am." Roxas pushed Axel aside and let himself into the room, "Are you going to close the door?" He called over his shoulder as he sat down in a plush reading chair.

"What?" Axel shook his head in confusion, but closed the door anyway. He slowly walked towards the blond, who had a mischievous smile on his face, "What did you do?"

"Hmm…nothing much. Just pointed out to your father that my father wouldn't like to hear about my current living situation." The blond said with a shrug. In his confusion Axel had wondered a bit too close to Roxas, allowing the blond to snatch his arm and pull him close. With a grunt of surprise Axel almost toppled on top of Roxas, just barely managing to catch himself on the armrests. Leaving their faces inches apart.

"Roxas." Axel said in a warning tone as he tried to pull away, only to be stopped by his shirt collar being grabbed and pulled down until his lips met Roxas's.

"Just shut up and stop overthinking and let me enjoy having you home." The blond muttered against his husband's lips, "Now are you going to kiss me or are you going to keep stewing in your angst." Instead of answering, Axel did just what Roxas asked. To temporarily forget everything bad that has happened to them and enjoy the warmth of his blond, "Happy birthday, Axel. And welcome home."


The two managed to break apart long enough for Axel to take a quick shower and for them to grab a bite to eat, the two princes found themselves walking around out on the palace grounds. The only sound around them was the crunch of snow as they walked through the dead garden and towards a thicket of evergreens.

"So," Roxas said, breaking the silence, "What do you want for your birthday? Its getting late, so I don't think I can go out and buy you something today, but maybe tomorrow. Or I can go and see if I can talk the chefs into making you your favorite dinner."

"I've never been one for gifts." Axel admitted. The stopped on the edge of the forest, "After Mom died," The redhead hesitated, but was egged on by Roxas grabbing his hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze, "I don't know. She was more involved with us that Father was. After her death, birthdays just never seemed to be a big deal. We would throw huge feasts and give presents for Kairi, but for the rest of us? Maybe a small gift here or there from maybe Reno or a nanny. Hell, the only reason my training ended, and I got home on the same day as my birthday is a complete coincidence."

Roxas frowned at that. He heavily leaned on Axel and rested his head on the man's shoulder, "Well I plan on changing that." Birthdays were something to be celebrated. Back in Lamina, Queen Terra would spend months planning a grand celebration for her sons. Not doing anything just felt wrong to the blond, "Give me two hours. Meet me back here. 'Kay?"

"Okay?" Axel gave Roxas an unsure look, but allowed the blond to pull away from him and run back to the castle.

Roxas rushed through the halls, looking for the one person who could help him. The blond found himself standing outside of Kairi's room. His hand rose and ready to knock, but he couldn't. His pride wouldn't let him do this one thing.

"Can I help you?" A quiet voice said, startling Roxas. The blond quickly turned around to face the girl he was too prideful to talk to.

"Xion." His had to clear his throat to push down how nervous he was, "I…I have a favor to ask you." The words were said through clenched teeth as Roxas tried to push down his pride.

The girl tilted her head to the side and regarded the uncomfortable prince with a kind smile, "What about m'lord?"

Roxas walked away from the door and rubbed the back of his head, "I…" He had to take in a deep breath in and slowly released it, "I want to do something for Axel for his birthday."

"Like what?"

This was going to be the hardest part for Roxas to admit, "I'm not sure what to do." His face turned scarlet with embarrassment, "I was thinking about getting the cooks to make him his favorite food for dinner, but I don't know what his favorite food is. And I want to get him something, but he can already have anything he wants."

Xion couldn't help but giggle at the young prince, earning her a harsh glare, "I'm sorry, but you have nothing to feel embarrassed or threatened about. I'd be happy to help you out." The girl led Roxas away from Kairi's door and down the hall so they could talk in a more private manor, "Axel likes roast beef. Maybe with a side of fluffy biscuits and some veggies would be good. I don't think having it cooked for dinner would be a promising idea though. Maybe go somewhere private. I know he'd prefer to spend some time with you instead of his family." The young girl smiled up at Roxas, "I'm sure he missed you the most while he was away."

Roxas nodded his head, considering Xion's opinion. A private fest with Axel sounded nice. But where could they go that no one would be able to see or find them? Especially Xehanort. If the old king found out Roxas and Axel were unofficially courting one another he would no be pleased, "Yeah. I like that. But what about a present? I don't feel comfortable going to town alone, and to find an escort and keep my reasons for why I'd like to go hidden would take too long."

Xion gave Roxas a kind smile and patted him on the shoulder, "Oh, Roxas, you're the present." The blond flattered at that. His blush growing more as he thought about the girl's words, making her laugh again, "Not like that. Just, being with you would be enough or him. Axel's not really a materialistic man. Sure, if he has something, he'd like the finest quality, but ownership of things isn't what's important. Axel has always wanted a meaningful relationship. Give him that and it would be the greatest gift anyone could ever give him."

"But he had you for that. I can't give him anything new." Roxas glared at a painting on the wall like it had spat on him and insulted his mother. He didn't want this conversation to happen, but he had already asked the lady-in-waiting for her help, so it had to happen.

"Axel and I didn't have a relationship. It was an unconventional for sure, but we've been nothing more than friends. I've known him my whole life and he's like a brother to me."

"Girls don't sleep with their brothers." Roxas bitterly spat out, earning an annoyed glare from Xion.

With a heavy sigh the girl bit out, "Is that what this about? Are you jealous I used to have sex with Axel?" She didn't wait for an answer and kept talking, "Because that was before your marriage, before you ever met and only knew each other by name alone. We haven't done anything in almost seven months for crying out loud!" Xion side-stepped so she was standing in front of Roxas, forcing the blond to stop walking and look at her, "When he left, Axel didn't stop to see anyone, but I'd bet what's in the royal vault that he made sure to see you. He only has eyes for you, Roxas. When are you going to stop being so insecure about his past relationships and see that?"

Roxas bit his tongue. He didn't want to admit what had happened between him and Axel on the last night they saw each other, "So dinner somewhere secluded. But how will we keep people from looking for us?"

An almost dark smile crossed the girl's face, "Leave that to me. I'll make sure you two are left completely alone." Roxas didn't want to know what kind of excuses the girl had up her sleeve, and frankly, he didn't care. All that mattered was he knew what to do now.


Shadows stretched across the yard. Axel diligently stood where he and Roxas had arranged to meet, eagerly waiting for his husband to return. He kicked a pile of snow and pulled his scarf closer to his nose to block out the winter air. He was never a huge fan of the cold.

"Axel!" Roxas ran up to the redhead, large basket hanging from the crook of his elbow and bouncing off his hip with every step. He stopped in front of the taller man with an excited look on his face, "Ready?"

"For what?" The redhead wrapped his arm around Roxas, sneaking some warmth from the boy as he was lead deeper into the woods. He eyed the swaying basket and couldn't help the curiosity. What could have Roxas prepared for him? The lanky arm wrapped around Roxas's waist reached a bit, his fingers just barely able to flip the lid open enough so he could peek behind the blond's back.

Roxas swayed to the side a bit, putting the basket out of the man's reach, "And what do you think you're doing?"

Axel hid his pout behind his scarf, "Nothing." His words muffled from under the scarf.

The two continued on their walk. Getting farther and farther away from the palace and any kind of civilization. As they walked Roxas kept a keen eye open for any prime spots for them to settle. Axel on the other hand kept himself busy with telling the blond of his time in Tenebris and his strange encounters with the priestess, Rikku. During their conversations the two found a nice clearing where Roxas finally showed Axel what he had hidden in his basket.

"You didn't have to do all of this." Axel said in aw as he looked at the spread. The fact that his favorite foods were included did not go unnoticed and was greatly appreciated.

Roxas hummed as he straightened out the blanket, fidgeting under the man's gaze, "It was nothing. I wanted to do something for you." He looked up, catching those green eyes with his, "I know you don't care about your birthday, so how about it's a welcome home present?" Roxas stood up and smiled at the redhead and hugged him around the waist. Content in the privacy they had found, "I really did miss you."

Strong, warm arms circled around the young prince and pulled him close, "It felt like forever. Saïx makes crappy company." Axel rubbed his nose into blond spikes, inhaling the familiar scent, "Did everyone treat you okay while I was gone? Weren't bullied too bad, were you?" Axel pulled away, holding Roxas at arm's length, almost like he was looking for any signs of abuse. When none were found Axel released to boy.

Roxas shivered at the thought of being pinned down by Xehanort, how he was treated less than his title, and letters addressed to him being taken from him, "I've been hanging out with Vanitas mostly. He's been training me." The blond looked up and caught Axel's questioning gaze. The youngest Ignis prince was not known for offering his help to others, or reaching out to make a friend, "I was mad when you left. He offered to train me, so I can properly kick your ass once you came back."

Axel crossed his arms over his chest and gave his husband a cocky grin, "You think you can best me?"

Roxas bit his lower lip to hide a smile and shook his head, "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

A laugh escaped Roxas as he was pulled towards Axel, then silenced with a deep kiss. Warm hands held his hips and pulled him closer, "Well that was easy." The redhead muttered in the shorter teen's ear, "Your reflexes are still too slow." He nipped at Roxas's lobe, earning a gasp from the blond.

"No fair!" Roxas whined as he tried to squirm away from Axel's lips and exploring fingers. His coat had been pushed open and surprisingly warm fingers started to trace the skin that was exposed between the hems of Roxas's shirt and pants, "And will you stop?" He grabbed the redhead by the face and pushed him away, "The food's going to get cold. Let's eat." The two managed to separate long enough for Roxas to make them plates of food, while Axel gathered some wood to start a comfortable fire. As they ate, Axel and Roxas made some small talk, but neither could ignore the radiating tension between them. Xion's words echoed in Roxas's head. Axel has always wanted a meaningful relationship. Give him that and it would be the greatest gift anyone could ever give him.

It wasn't what she had meant, but Roxas knew to give Axel that, he would have to show the redhead that he trusts him.

The sun was almost down, and Roxas couldn't help but study his husband in the low fire's glow. The shadows emphasized the Axel's sharp, strong chin. The mischievous glint in those deep, green eyes. And those mysterious tattoos darkened, highlighting his already pale skin. Roxas could feel his heart violently thump in his chest as he watched the man eat. He didn't even realize he had stopped eating his own food until Axel gave him a questioning look.

"I'm not that hungry." Roxas admitted as he put his plate down, "But please, continue. The journey back must have been tiering." The blond faltered at that. Had he overlooked Axel's exhaustion? What if the man didn't want to come out to the middle of nowhere in the freezing cold? "I'm sorry."

Axel cocked an eyebrow at that. Roxas looked miserable, "For what?" He asked around a mouth full of meat. He frowned as Roxas avoided looking at him. Quickly, Axel placed his food to the side and slid over to Roxas. He pulled the blond to his side, nuzzling into the teen's neck, making Roxas scream and try to squirm away from the sudden cold touch, "Quit looking so glum."

"Just over thinking." Roxas admitted. He heavily leaned into Axel's side, "Are you fine out here? Or do you want to go back? I feel like I dragged you out here when you really wanted to just go to bed and relax."

"I am relaxed." And to prove his point, Axel wrapped his arms around Roxas and forced the blond to lay down with him on the blanket, making sure to move their food and drinks out of the way, "See? This is just where I'd like to be." He handled Roxas so the teen was laying comfortably on him. Snow fell from the trees, landing softly on top of them. Roxas groaned and tried to burrow into Axel's sternum to hide from the cold, "Hey, warm enough in there?"

"Mmhmm." Roxas hummed. His cold fingers slipped under Axel's jacket and shirt, carefully rubbing the smooth skin underneath. He had missed how warm Axel's skin could get. He could also appreciate the fact that the redhead didn't shiver or try to pull away from the cold touches. Roxas could tell Axel didn't like the cold, going off all the layers he was wearing, "Just need you to stay like this." He managed to wiggle his hands farther up the shirt, feeling Axel's strong chest.

"What are you trying to do?" Axel asked. Not that he minded Roxas pushing his clothing half way up his torso, but he would like to know why. Not to mention the cold biting into his exposed sides. He retaliated in his own way by sneaking up the back of Roxas's shirt and warmed the cool skin he found. He could feel Roxas relax under his touch and start to leave feather light kisses across his clavicle.

"Trying to warm up." The blond pushed up on his forearms, making it easier to kiss Axel. The hands that were rubbing up his back moved back down and grabbed his hips, holding him in place. Roxas could feel his heart speed up as the kiss deepened. He had brought an extra surprise with him in case things went smoothly between them. He was nervous about it. But for their relationship to progress and for them to be able to fully trust each other it had to happen. He pulled on Axel's coat, signaling that he wanted it off.

Axel groaned as he was forced out of the warm clothing, "Is part of you warming up means stealing my clothes?" The man quietly said when he managed to break away from the teen's tempting lips.

Roxas blushed and had to look away out of embarrassment. He didn't know how to express what he wanted from Axel, "No. Me warming up would require both of us naked." He managed to quickly get out. Roxas took advantage of Axel's shocked state and started to tear away the redhead's scarf and jacket. He felt the hands on his hips start to warm up as Axel started to understand what was going on, but it wasn't so bad. Roxas noticed the warmth, but it wasn't burning. He doubted it would leave a mark on him. Maybe Axel leaving for training was a good idea after all.

"Not even home for a day and you're already trying to get me out of my clothes." Axel joked, but that didn't stop him from hindering Roxas from removing his shirt and start working on his pants. The fire next to them intensified as the redhead's chest was exposed and his pants were eagerly getting tugged down, "Don't you think this is kind of unfair?"

"What do you me-ah!" Roxas was flipped onto his back and his clothing was pulled off, but he wasn't cold. Pressed between the soft blanket and Axel's warm body protected him from the winter air. "Jerk. Roxas poked Axel's arm to get the redhead's attention, "You better make sure I don't catch a cold out here. If I end up sick you better nurse me back to health."

Axel shut the threat up with a quick kiss, "Do I have to wear a nurse uniform?" A brief image of Axel wearing a short white dress with a small hat trying to restrain those wild red spikes made a loud, gasping laugh escape Roxas. His hands wondered down Axel's toned chest and abs until his fingers found Axel's pants that were barely clinging to his bony hips. A warm hand found its way inside of his own pants, playing with him and distracting him from undressing Axel.

"Mmm…it'd be a crime if you didn't. In fact, screw being sick, I want you dressed like that all the time. When we get back to the castle let's go find Olette and have her give you one." Roxas managed to pant out. He didn't know how long he could last. Between Axel's firm strokes and the long dry spell, Roxas felt like he would explode at any moment, "S-stop. Not ready yet." Roxas pushed Axel slightly away from him, sighing in relief once the man's hold was off of him, "I have…ummm." He paused and looked over towards the abandoned basket, "I wanted to. Here just let me." Roxas crawled out from under Axel and grabbed a bottle of oil he had hidden in the basket.

Green eyes widened, "Are you sure?" His voice was quiet, almost hesitant. Like he didn't want to scare Roxas off, "Don't do something you're not sure about."

Roxas shut the man up with a kiss, "I'm sure." He quietly breathed out, "I trust you." He went to kiss Axel again, but was stopped.

"We can switch the roles up." Axel offered. His eyes darted around, refusing to look at Roxas after the offer. When no reply came the redhead continued talking, "It's only fair. After our wedding what I did, I don't want to put you through that again."

Roxas grabbed Axel by the face and shut him up with a quick kiss, "Then show me that you can treat me right. Then maybe next time I can have my turn." He nipped at Axel's lower lip. He pressed the oil into Axel's shake hands, "You won't hurt me." He reassured the redhead as he went back to work on taking off the man's pants and underwear, along with his. Axel didn't seem to notice, his attention fully on the little bottle, he looked like he was having a battle inside himself with what to do, and it made Roxas's heart ache for the man. But he couldn't have the man dwell on his past action too long. With a heave, Roxas managed to get Axel onto his back, where he straddled the taller man's hips, "But I want to be on top." The blond bore his hips down, smirking when he felt Axel harden underneath him.

Something wet touched Roxas's backside, making him shiver, "You sure about this?" Axel asked. His finger gliding towards Roxas's entrance. He felt the blond push back against him, eager to start.

Roxas moaned his response. His hand reached down and he started to stroke himself and Axel at the same time. How could the redhead be so hard but still resist him so much? The younger prince was touched. Axel must really not want to hurt him, "Please Axel." Roxas moaned, "I'm sure." He wanted to add that he's been ready since the night Axel had left the kingdom, but he knew that would kill the mood. To prove his point he started to pump them faster, earning a groan from the redhead.

With Roxas's permission, Axel slowly fingered the teen open. Using the other times he had done this to make Roxas feel nothing but pleasure. Roxas panted above him. His face pressed into the redhead's neck. He shuttered and gasped as he was slowly stretched open. Long fingers gently pushed against his walls and poking at his prostate. Plenty of oil was used, to make things easier.

Roxas rocked between his hand and Axel's fingers. His gasps and moans echoed throughout the forest, witch Axel's grunts of pleasure answering back, "Ahh…Axel…that's enough." Roxas pushed his face out of the man's neck. He released their hard members so he could maneuver himself into a more comfortable position. He sat up with one hand planted on Axel's chest, and the other lining Axel up with him. With a shaky breath Roxas started to lower himself down.

"Fuck-Ah!" The stretch was more intense than just Axel's fingers. But his body willingly accommodate the length.

Axel's grip on Roxas tightened at the feeling of that tight heat. He helped guide Roxas down, "Roxas." He managed to grunt out once said blond was completely sitting on him, "You okay?" He massaged small circles into porcelain skin.

Roxas could only nod. The feeling of being filled to his limits left him speechless. Placing both hands on the redhead's strong chest and started to rock up and down. The head of Axel's cock brushing against his prostate with each movement.

Axel couldn't help but marvel at the sight. His angelic blond seemed to glow in the faint moon light and firelight. His skin covered in a sheen of sweat from their activities, but the cold didn't seem to bother him as he gracefully moved. Blue eyes fluttered closed. His head tilted forward as sweet moans spilt from his lips. Wanting to hear more of Roxas's moans and cries for him, Axel gripped Roxas's dripping length and started to pump him in time with the movement of the teen's hips.

They kept the pace slow, enjoying the feel of being connected. But they could only go so slow before it became too much. Roxas lowered himself, not only to be able to move his lower half faster, but to be able to kiss Axel. A strong hand wove into his hair to hold him in place.

Blue eyes were about to slip closed, but the fire caught his attention. Slightly pulling away Roxas watched as the flames grew brighter and brighter. It didn't take long for the blond to realize that he couldn't feel any burns on him. Axel must have been transferring his power to the fire. A handy trick that Roxas greatly appreciated. As his and Axel's thrusts grew faster and more powerful, the flames got brighter.

"So close." Roxas muttered in between gasps and swears. He was losing his mind.

"Me to." Axel answered back. He planted his feet on the ground, giving him more power with his thrusts, which almost bucked Roxas off him. But the blond stayed put and moved against he man. Axel's hand pumping his cock sped up too.

With a final cry Roxas released over Axel's chest and abs. The tightness inside Roxas intensified. The fire brightened up to the point it made the clearing look like it was day time as Axel came inside his husband.

The two lay in the afterglow, panting and leaving innocent kisses. Axel rubbed his hands up and down Roxas's body, trying to keep the younger prince from getting cold.

"Thank you." Axel kissed Roxas's forehead and hugged him close, "Best birthday ever."

Roxas grinned as he inhaled the sent of tea and smoke, "Yeah." He quietly agreed. Sleep slowly sinking in. Roxas was not looking forward to the walk back to he palace.

"Roxas," Axel breathed out, "I think I-"

"Yeah, me too Axel." Roxas felt his eyes slowly start to close as the feeling of peace washed over him, "Me too.

Sometimes words weren't always necessary.

I was going to add another chapter, but I felt like this wrapped it up nicely. Axel and Roxas have been at odds with each other this whole fic, so them finally coming to terms with each other just seemed like a good end. What do you think?
Review and tell me if you liked it or not -heart-