Killian briskly walked across a road, putting as much distance between Emma's house and himself as possible. His heart raced and he found it hard to breathe.

With a yell, he sank his hook into a nearby tree, chipping the bark.

"Why didn't you tell me, Emma, after everything we shared," he said, his shoulders shaking and his body slid down the tree's trunk.

Killian waited so long to see Emma. He lost track of the many suns and moons he had to face alone, waiting for the day they were reunited.

He didn't know what hurt worse Emma keeping their son away from him or waiting to tell him? Killian's reflection stared back up at him from the lake. Had he changed that much?

Throughout the years, he committed many sins, but he told himself they were necessary to get back to her. Emma caught up in age while he stayed in Neverland. If only she didn't see the worst in him. He didn't even know if she believed him about Milah. Damn Milah and Rumpelstiltskin.


Killian picked himself up from the ground, remembering the Dark One's name. The Dark One was responsible for everything ill happening in Killian's life. The monster killed Liam, took Emma away from him, and cheated him out of Henry's childhood.

The Dark One will pay, Killian thought, reaching into his coat pocket. He held out a vial into the light. The bottom was covered black. He picked the vial up after Emma dropped it after her encounter with the witch. The ink was a failsafe to end the Dark One for good.

Killian made his way to Granny's. He had to fetch the Dreamshade and deal with the Devil.

Emma groaned and hissed as pain shot across her chest.

I thought dying wasn't painful, she thought, her eyes wincing. Her eyes shot open when her hand rubbed against a grainy surface. She shivered, hugging her arms across her chest. Where the hell was she?

"Welcome to Hell," a man said, with too much excitement as though he won the lottery.

Emma got up from the ground. Was she in hell? The walls around her were supported by rock. Stalactites hung from the ceiling. The ground below her was of rock, but ahead of her, the floor was a polished marble. A man sat on a leather chair, smiling at her with a Cheshire grin. He regarded her with his propped head supported by his hand, elbow resting on his chair. An eerie, green glow projected on the wall behind him.

This hell differed from the fire and brimstone hell taught in the Bible.

Emma frowned, remembering the man's words. "Really? It doesn't look like much." Emma deadpanned before turning her gaze to the man before her. "Who the hell are you?"

The man laughed at her as though she told a private joke.

The man wiped a tear from his eye. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. Ah, well, as you bluntly put it. I'm Hades." He said, mock bowing.

Great, since Emma was part of the storybook club. She got the storybook Underworld. Just flipping fantastic.

"As in god of the Underworld Hades?" She asked.

Whoa, Emma thought, almost falling backward.

Hades stood in front of her holding two filled wine glasses.

"Ah, I see my reputation proceeds me." He said, holding a wine glass out to Emma. "I'm glad I'm even known to the Savior." He smiled when Emma took the wine glass with a shaky hand. "Now, I have a Savior's soul after being cheated for so long. Let's discuss the course of your stay here."

Emma stared at the wine glass in her hand. The red wine glared at her, reminding her of her fate. Was she reduced to such a state? Hades smiled at her, nodding at her in encouragement. Oh, he expected her to speak. What could she say to a god?

Screw this, Emma thought before breaking out into a run.

Emma ran forward, dropping the wine glass. Her footsteps crunched the gravel as she put distance between herself and the throne area. Her wine glass shattered. Emma bought two seconds of time. Sweat broke from her brow, trying to find an exit. She let out a relieved breath, seeing a large opening hidden between a protruding wall.

"Why do they always run?" Hades said as she ran through the open corridor.

Killian's shoulders shook, holding Emma's comatose body. How could it go wrong? The plan was perfect. He almost killed the Dark One if it wasn't for Emma.

"I'm so, so, sorry, Emma." His head bowed, and his cheeks turned cold as his shirt dampened.

"Move over."

Before Killian had a chance to respond, he was knocked over by magic. As Killian scrambled to get up, he opened his mouth to yell at the intruder, separating himself from Emma, but decided against it. The Dark One was Emma's last chance.

The Dark one huffed, hovering over Emma. He stared at the wound, making a few hand gestures. His face grew concentrated, growing more irritated as the seconds passed.

Killian's heart fell when Emma's wound refused to close. He ran a hand through his hair. He had hoped Pan's words about Dreamshade were wrong, but of course, the little demon was always right. Why did it have to be Emma?

"What was on the hook?" The Dark One growled.

Killian swallowed, thinking about the current situation. "It was meant for you," he said, his tone defeated.

Saying those words did nothing to bring Emma back. Killian's shoulders sagged. What was the point of living anymore?

Killian cried out when his body slammed against the wall with magic. Killian would never beg, but he prayed the Dark One ended him.

"You can try to kill me later. I need to know what was on the hook?"

"Dreamshade…a poison from Neverland." Killian said meeting the Dark One's angry gaze.

The Dark One lost his composure for a moment before quickly recovering. Lifting a hand, a vial materialized out of thin air.

He poured a drop over the wound. Emma's complexion paled to almost a ghost. Killian pushed the Dark One away and rushed to her side. His hand flinched at her cold skin.

"You killed her!"

Killian lunged at the Dark One but got thrown to the floor by magic.

Rumpelstiltskin matched Killian's glare. "There you go again, letting your anger dictate your emotions," he said, taking a few breaths to control his composure. "As much as I want to kill you, I'm trying to rectify this situation you put us in."

Emma's lifeless body remained on the ground. Was the Dark One resorting to necromancy?

"I don't see how killing Emma would help her."

The Dark One scoffed. "I didn't kill her. I took a sleeping curse out of Regina's vault. The Dreamshade was spreading at a constant rate so I had to stop it."

"How would that help?"

Killian ran a hand through his hair. They added another problem to their existing one. Killian dared not hope at the Dark One's words, but he was desperate to almost put his faith in the evil being before him.

"I need that poison so I can make an antidote. Her untimely death would destroy all that I've worked for." He said closing the distance between them. The Dark One's breath was hot on his face. "You better hope you both are true loves. Otherwise, I will kill you where you stand."

Killian didn't know how much time passed since he turned in the Dreamshade to Rumple. The ocean always gave him time to think. Killian stood on the docks watching the water. Looking down at his hooked hand, he remembered the ruthless captain he became and how revenge drove him. Well, no longer, he thought pulling on his brace. After it was removed, he threw the object into the ocean. I will become a better man, he said as the metal disappeared beneath the ocean.

Killian turned away from the docks, his hands in his coat pockets, making his way to Rumpelstiltskin's shop. Sleep eluded him. Tiredness attacked his body, yet his will refused to falter until Emma was cured. Killian was grateful he didn't run into any of the Storybrooke residents. He didn't trust himself to maintain his composure.

The bell chimed as soon as he entered Gold's shop. The Dark One didn't greet him. He was still busy working on the potion. Killian would let him be to work in peace. He had to check on Emma.

His steps faltered at the sight before him.

A boy hovered beside Emma, who got moved to a couch.

The boy…Henry, turned around. Killian's heart almost stopped. Henry looked so much like himself but had Emma's eyes. A perfect blend between himself and Emma. Ten years he lost. Did the boy even need him anymore?

Henry took one glance at Emma before looking at him. "Mom didn't return after disappearing. What happened?"

Henry eyes glistened with unshed tears. Killian fought the urge to embrace him. The boy would hate him after his story.

"Emma…" Killian looked at Emma, finding it hard to stare at Henry any longer. "got between the Dark One and myself after our confrontation turned south. She's under the sleeping curse right now. I'm sorry, lad. I put her in this position. You must think ill of me."

"My mom always spoke fondly of you, if I asked about you." Henry said, looking down at Emma again.

Was that disbelief in Henry's tone? Killian's hands clenched at his sides at Henry's words. He lost all chances at a relationship with his son.

"I just want to know." Henry looked away from his mom before staring at Killian with determination. "Did you truly love my mom?"

"Aye, I still do with all my heart and soul," Killian said with conviction.

"Good, just remember that and everything will turn out okay, " Henry said.

Killian's words failed him. Henry just forgave him after everything he did? If so, Killian wasn't deserving of such affection.

"As touching as this reunion is, I need you to move out of the way so I can administer the antidote." The Dark One interrupted with a scowl.

His hand held a vial, it gleamed gold when it caught the light.

"You have a cure…already?" Killian rasped.

He dared not hope, but his heart raced at the news.

Rumpelstiltskin nodded before speaking, "We were fortunate the incident happened under a full moon. Antidotes such as this one need such conditions to brew."

"Turn away, Henry." The Dark One instructed as he kneeled beside Emma.

As soon as Henry turned around, Rumpelstiltskin lifted Emma's shirt. Summoning a pair of shears out of thin air, he cut the bandages around her breast area. An angry black wound with blue tendrils surfaced near her heart. After the Dark One applied a drop of the antidote on the wound, the blue tendrils disappeared. The wound knitted perfectly with a wave of Rumpelstiltskin's hand.

Rumpelstiltskin pulled Emma's shirt back down. "I say we cut it close. If the poison reached her heart, she would've died."

For once, Killian was grateful for the Dark One presence. Killian didn't know how he would have survived, if Emma died by his hand.

"Thank you."

The Dark One raised his hand, dismissing Killian's gratitude. "I didn't do it for you. Well, wake her up. I've an appointment to keep, " he said, crossing his arms.

Killian walked forward, his heart racing as he closed the distance between himself and Emma. What if the kiss didn't work? He let out a humorless chuckle. Well, the Dark One would make sure he ended his miserable life. Killian rubbed his face with his free hand.

"You can wake her up. True love is the greatest magic of all."

Killian looked at H- no his son. Killian's existence now had a meaning-a purpose without revenge. He smiled at his son before looking at Emma.

Killian took a deep breath. "Well, here goes nothing." He leaned down, his lips hovering above Emma's. "Please, wake up, Emma. Your family needs you" he whispered before meeting her lips.

Next: Reunions

Merry Christmas, everyone! Wow, I can't believe it has been a little over a year since I posted this story. I just wanted to say that I am grateful for all of you. You had made my return to fanfiction a more enjoyable experience. I'm thankful for all the friends that I have made and the conversations through the pms. This story wouldn't have made it this far without you guys. I wanted to give an update before the Holidays. I had to scrap the previously titled chapter. It gave me a headache because there was no plot and I didn't want to seem like I was review baiting. I hate leaving just authors notes so I decided to just throw out what I had to move the plot along. Believe me the next chapter is the last we will see of the underworld in this entire series. But foreshadowing cough, cough… I need a cough drop apparently. Sorry, this one is a little short but I think the scenes turned out nicely. I think we are like a few (maybe three chapters) from the second part of this book. Hehe, can't wait for it because it will be another roller coaster. Safe travels and eat lots of turkey! Until, next time dearies!