Hello, everyone! I've been bored recently, and I decided to write a Bleach fanfiction given the new arc being out for a while. I wanted to make an OC story with Kensei, since he's pretty awesome, not that I don't appreciate the KenseixHisagi pairings.

Please enjoy!

Sakahone Naoko (honest child)

*I do not own Bleach nor any of its characters*


It was a normal day in Soul Society, balmy weather, clear sky with a light breeze. Sakahone Naoko was training as she heard steps behind her. She turned around, wisps of long black hair falling out of her braid and around her thin face. Her tanned cheeks were pink with exertion from training as she faced her lieutenant.

"Sakahone-san, you've been assigned to monitor a place called Karakura town with Kuchiki Rukia," Hisagi Shuhei called out. "Though why you volunteered to go with her is a mystery, she seems capable enough on her own."

Naoko smiled gently, "It's a favor to Kuchiki-taichou, he's always so worried about Rukia-chan, though he'd never admit it." She giggled as her lieutenant shot her a look that bordered between shock and confusion. Shuhei knew the 3rd seat of his division always had a terrifying knack for reading emotions, but to describe the 6th division's captain as "worried" seemed almost unbelievable. He cleared his throat, shaking himself out of his thoughts. "You leave with Kuchiki-san as soon as possible," he said, glancing at the older woman.

"Hai, hai, Hisagi-fukutaichou", she said, stressing his title. "Watch over the division for me while I'm gone!" Naoko reached over and patted Shuhei's tattooed cheek, her warm amber eyes twinkling with laughter.

Shuuhei batted her hand away stubbornly, "I'm not a kid anymore Sakahone-san."

"Ah Hisagi-san, don't pout so much! What could possibly go wrong?"

~later that night~


Not even half the night passed and a few lowly hollows later that Naoko sensed something was terribly wrong. She felt Rukia's reiatsu suddenly disappear, and a foreign reiatsu suddenly flare up. "Shit," Naoko cursed "what in the name of the Soul King did that kid do?"

She started to sprint in the direction of the before another familiar reiatsu appeared behind her. Naoko stopped, looking back to find a man in a green cloak and striped hat standing behind her. "Urahara-san," she spoke, nodding her head cordially.

"Naoko-chan!" Urahara exclaimed, a large, goofy smile was visible from under the hat. "What a coincidence to see you here on this wonderful even…"

"Not now Urahara-san," Naoko cut in. "If you haven't noticed, something very bad is going on."

"Not to worry, Nao-chan! I'm sure she's fine." Urahara's voice lost its lightness as he switched to a more serious tone, "What I'm more worried about is the news you were supposed to be reporting to me over the last century."

Naoko glared at the man. "YOU told me to keep a low profile," she growled. "But you never gave me a MEANS to communicate to you. Constantly volunteering to watch over this town would've looked suspicious to them. Now if you'll excuse me, my partner seems to be in trouble." Naoko turned and used shunpo to reach Rukia faster, only to find her not in her traditional Shinigami shihakusho, but rather a plain white shitagi. What was more disturbing was that Naoko could not sense the smallest trace of Rukia's reiatsu.

"Kuchiki, explain yourself," Naoko demanded angrily. Rukia looked up at her with her wide, violet eyes, then to a figure on the ground. An unconscious, orange haired boy lay before them, wearing a shihakusho. Naoko noticed an immense reiatsu seeping out the boy as she surveyed the ruins of the fight that had taken place. She sighed heavily, this was going to make more problems for her.

"Let's get him inside and fix this mess up," she said, pulling Rukia to her feet. When they finished altering the family members' memories, Naoko put her hand on Rukia's back.

"Sakahone-san," Rukia whispered. "What do I do now?"

"Follow me," Naoko replied. "I know someone who can help." The two Shinigami then disappeared, travelling towards a small candy store called 'Urahara Shoten'.


"Nao-chaaaaan," a loud voice squeals through the 9th division's barracks. "Nao-chan I have something important to tell you!" Kuna Mashiro bounds into her kouhai's room.

"What is it fukutaichou?" Naoko asked. It was her first week at the 9th division, coming straight out of the academy. She had already placed at the 7th seat, where as her senpais from school, Muguruma Kensei and Kuna Mashiro, had become the captain and vice-captain of the division only a few years after their graduation.

"Kensei-baka needs to see you, says it's important for newcomers or something," Mashiro said. With that, she disappeared to who knows where.

"If taichou says so, I better go," Naoko thought. She fixed her hair into a simple ponytail and left. As she approached Kensei's office, Naoko became flustered and fidgeted with her hair. She did not know Kensei as well as she had known Mashiro from the academy, and the fact that there was such a large gap of authority between them made her feel smaller than normal. Gathering her confidence, she knocked on the door.

"WHAT?" came a voice from inside. Kensei was obviously not having a good day.

"T-taichou?" Naoko stuttered, as she peeked her head in. "Kuna-fukutaichou came to tell me you needed to see me?" She looked around the office, shocked to see stacks of papers everywhere. Naoko clearly remembered that Kensei was pretty particular when it came to organization, which only meant one thing: Mashiro was skipping out on paperwork.

"Ah? Sakahone, right?" Kensei asked, looking up from his stacks of papers. "I never told Mashiro to call anyone."

"I got played, didn't I, taichou?" Naoko asked, looking around the room again.

"Aah, probably," Kensei murmured. He looked at Naoko with an eerie grin. "But now that you're here…"

-3 hours later-

"Taichou please, can we stop?" Naoko pleaded.

"We aren't even half way through," Kensei growled, "keep going!"

"But my hand hurts, taichou!"

"Use your other hand, then!"

Naoko puffed her cheeks out in frustration as she switched the calligraphy brush to her right hand. "No wonder fukutaichou calls you Kensei-baka," Naoko muttered under her breath.

"MASHIRO CALLS ME WHAT," Kensei yelled. Naoko could see veins sticking out of his head and neck.

Naoko smiled sweetly, "Nothing sir! No need to be annoyed with her, that's just how fukutaichou is."

She noticed Kensei's brow furrow as he looked back down at his papers. "If you're just stressed taichou, take a break or something," Naoko said. "Like a nap, or a snack, anything, really."

"I'm not…" Kensei started. Naoko stood up from her desk and stood in front of his, leaning over so that they were eyelevel.

"Forgive me for saying, but you're very easy to read, taichou," she said "Like a book."

"You're brutally honest for a 7th seat," Kensei grunted begrudgingly.

"That's why I'm called Naoko!"

Before he could reply, Naoko darted out of the office and returned a few minutes later with hot tea.

"I'm more of a sake person, myself," Kensei said, eyeing the tea.

"Me too, taichou, but I don't think drinking alcohol on the job is an option."

"Fair enough."

I hope you enjoyed this! Please be gentle with me when reviewing, I just write for funsies.