Disclaimer: I own none of those characters.

Alec was sitting on a bench in the park, staring off into the distance, lost in thought, when he heard a soft voice.


He raised his head slowly to face the one who spoke to him and his eyes widened a little in surprise when he saw a boy around his age, which looked a bit like him. He also had blue eyes and dark hair, but was dressed more stylish. He was also quite beautiful. 'But not as beautiful as Magnus...' He thought. 'No one is like him...' He sighed, thinking of his beloved Warlock, that was not longer his."Hello." He answered plainly, in no mood to speak, but not wanting to be rude. Absently he wondered what the stranger might want.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine…" he lied. 'No. Of course not. How could I be okay?' He thought, biting his lower lip 'Will I ever be okay again?'

The stranger sat beside him on the bench. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

The eldest Lightwood looked at him raising an eyebrow. "Talk about what? I said I'm-"

"You don't have to lie." The stranger cut him off. "I can clearly see you're not okay…"

"What does it matter?" Alec muttered, dropping his eyes on his hands.

"Talking about it may help…" he offered instead of an answer. "And it's easier talking to a stranger than to someone you know…"

"It won't help… I can't do anything about it."

"But what is it? Did someone hurt you?"

"No." He shook his head looking lost. "I brought this upon myself…"

"Did you? There are two sides to everything… You can't be the only one at fault."

"Maybe not… But my faults far outweigh his'. And I can't expect anyone to save me anymore… I have to save myself… However… I don't feel like doing that… I don't deserve to be saved."

"That's not true. Everyone deserves to be saved." Said the stranger seriously.

"No." he said, a tone of finality on his voice. "What I did was unforgivable. I hurt the one I love… Even if I never meant to… How can I begin to ask for forgiveness when even I, can't forgive myself for it?"

"Even if you can't forgive yourself, maybe he will…"

"I doubt that… In the end… I wasn't important enough. I was just a footnote all along. I'm not something to fight for…" he whispered, his voice cracking at the last part, as he fought to hold back tears.

"That can't be true…" the boy said looking at him sadly.

Alec just shook his head "If I wasn't, he would have tried to listen to me… instead he just cast me away like I was nothing to him all along…"


"Don't get me wrong. I don't blame him. But knowing he never loved me as much as I still do, is killing me…" 'Even if you said you loved me… How can I believe it?'

"Don't say that… I'm sure there is a reason for what he did. Maybe if you try talking to him…"

"He won't listen. For him, I am as bad as the rest of them… Maybe he thinks I'm even worse than her." He spat the last word gritting his teeth and balling his shaking hands into fists.

The boy seemed at a loss for words and Alec sighed getting up. "It doesn't matter…" 'Nothing matters anymore…' "Thank you. And I'm sorry for burdening you with my problems… Goodbye." He turned his back, not waiting for an answer, his shoulders hunched and he walked away, not noticing the boy's thoughtful stare following him.

What did you think? Who do you think the stranger was?
[This was originally an oneshot that was ending here, but of course I couldn't leave it like that, so there will be more!]