Hello, Readers, first off I would like to apologize to those who thought that this was a new story. Unfortunately this is merely a poll on an upcoming Fanfic I am writing. It is a Warcraft/Mass Effect Crossover that was inspired by Freedom Guard's Mass effect: Reborn Alliance. While Freedom Guard only used the Alliance races, I have decided to add the Horde as well as three others, two of which are non-playable in-game.

Here are the races that will be included:

Name/Race/Council of Azeroth representative


Terran Commonwealth/Human/Varian Wrynn

Night Eldar Nation/Night Elf/Tyrande Whisperwind

Dwarven Kingdoms/Dwarf/Muradin Bronzebeard

Gnomish Combine/Gnome/Gelbin Mekkatorque

Draenei Frederation/Draenei/Velen

Worgen Clans/Worgen/Genn Greymane


United Orcish Clans/Orc/Thrall

Troll Tribes/Troll/Vol'jin

Tauren Protectorate/Tauren/Cairne Bloodhoof

United Eldar Empire/Blood-High Elf/Lor'themar Theron

Goblin Cartels/Goblin/Jastor Gallywix


Pandaren Republic/Pandaren/Taran Zhu

Naga Empire/Naga/Queen Azshara

Unfortunately there are two races who don't have name for their groups and they would be the Forsaken and a group of renegade demons that have left the Burning Legion led by Serena a female Eredar who has become discouraged with the Legion. So she gathered up a sizable amount of like-minded demons who tire of the Legion's mad lust for power and its genocides. While the Forsaken have been transformed into an actual species complete with the ability to procreate, they no longer kept alive with necromancy and no more decaying. They are still under the leadership of Sylvanas Windrunner. I came up with two possible name for the changed race. Although I still don't know what type of government the Forsaken should use, it was suggested to me to use either Confederacy or a Cabal.

And here is the possible candidates.

1 Necrontyr

The name comes from the original humanoid species that would become the Necrons in the Warhammer 40k universe. So I thought I would use this to describe the new forsaken species.

2 Forsaken

Keeping it canon. Even with the obvious changes to their biology, the Forsaken still cling to the title that they gave themselves. This is because it has been a part of them and their culture for a long time.

Please vote for one and no PMing me your vote unless it is on the type of government for the Forsaken, a name for the demon rebels or if you have any concerns about the Horde-Alliance. Results will be posted on December 12th. As Always Read & Review.