Hello there, fangirls and fanboys! I am Miraculous Ladybug trash, and this was long overdue, so here you go!

Sickness Part Two:

Marinette's POV

Everything hurts. I want to go back to sleep. But I can't, because I have school. So I opened my eyes to- definitely not my room. This room was more spacious, with a huge computer screen and- OH GOD.

I sat straight up, silently freaking out. Because Adrien. I was in his. Adrien. (My brain stopped working and I was forced to clutch the covers to my chest and silently scream.) His room. ADRIEN.

My face jerked to my right, and to my (Horror? Joy? Surprise?) I saw Adrien curled up and facing away. My hands shook as they came up to check if I was dreaming. Pinch.

"Ow," I muttered, and he shifted in his sleep. We must've been sleeping with our backs together, I thought and turned a bright fire engine red. In the same bed, next to each other.

(Cue the brain hamster protest. 'We demand a reasonable thought workload.' 'More fangirl workers.')

"Tikki?" I whisper-yelled.

"I'm over here, Marinette," I heard from below me. Lowering my head to the side of the bed, I peered underneath it to see the red kwami.

"What are you doing under the bed?" I asked her, still whispering, Adrien momentarily forgotten. "Isn't there dust under there or something?"

"Um," Tikki looked confused. "No."

"Oh, okay then," I pulled my head back up and laid it against the uber soft pillows. "This is definitely a dream, right?"

"No, it's real Marinette!" Tikki whisper-yelled excitedly. "Just be thankful no one came in to check on him!"

"Well, he said all the people normally here are away," I answered. And then panic struck me, and I bolted upright. "Oh my god, what time is it?!"

"Don't worry, it's only been about half an hour," Tikki soothed. "Your mom hasn't called or texted in that time."

"Oh," I blushed and laid back down. And then I cautiously glanced over my shoulder. Adrien was still asleep. He snored ever so slightly,it sounded almost like purring, and he curled in on himself like a cat taking a nap. His eyes were closed, but I could see his eyes moving under them, and a small smile graced his face. It was like looking at a sleeping angel. Or, I thought, a sleeping cat.

He did act a lot like a cat, almost as much as Chat Noir. In fact, the sleeping boy in front of me did act a lot like Chat, though more subdued. I leaned forward a bit to look at his face better. They do look similar, I reasoned, and then mentally slapped myself. What am I doing? My silly kitty could never be Adrien!

For one, Adrien was a gentleman, he was quiet and sweet. Chat Noir was… sweet, but more aggressive about it. Chat always offered his opinion and was never afraid to voice his own thoughts. They were so different, and yet…

"Marinette? Are you okay?" I felt Tikki perch on my shoulder and realized I had been frowning.

"I'm fine," I shook my head slightly as if to ward off my thoughts. "Just thinking."

"Okay," the kwami flew off my shoulder to land on the bed. "What're you going to do when Adrien wakes up?"

I pictured it. Adrien's eyes would open, he would see me sitting next to him in the bed, would smile and hold me in his arms… My face got really red, needless to say. Just the thought of waking up in the morning to Adrien… it made me shiver with delight. Then my mind drifted into reality.

Being careful, I slid out of my crush's bed and grabbed my purse. Digging through the small bag, I found a pen. My head swiveled, looking for something I could write on when I noticed a notebook lying on his desk. I ripped off a page and scribbled a note to him.

"I'm not going to be here when he wakes up," I finally answered my red kwami. This was the right thing to do, Adrien was going to be uncomfortable, heck, I was going to be uncomfortable if we woke up in the same bed. It was better this way.


Adrien's POV

Light shone through the cracks in his eyelids as they slowly opened. The boy's head was foggy, but there was no trace of the earlier headache. Adrien uncoiled and stretched like a cat, fully opening his eyes and peering around the room. The Saturday morning sun shone through his windows, illuminating the entire room. His laptop was lying open on his bed, though it was turned off. And there was a scrap of notebook paper taped to the screen.

Moving slowly, the tired boy wormed his way to the other side of his bed to grab the slip. Reaching over to his laptop, Adrien extended his arm to peel it off the screen and pulled it to his face.

Adrien, I had to leave, but I hope you're feeling better. It was fun to watch the movie with you, but I really did have to leave, my mom wanted me home. Feel better, okay?


Adrien sat up and slid a hand down his face. Marinette was a wonderful friend, he realised. He shouldn't make her do things she didn't want to. He was about to put the note down when he saw something on the back that caught his eye.

It was a cartoon drawing of himself wrapped in a cocoon of blankets with an icepack on his head and a thermometer in his mouth. Marinette was there too, holding out a cup of tea and saying, "Feel better!"

It warmed his heart. She really did care.

That was cute. As a new tradition for myself, I'm gonna name all the users who followed this story in hopes of more:


Aist MoonSun

Akkira Nala

Alaiana Potter



Bee Writes






Jessica Jayme Bell


Krazy Ky-Sta Hatter


Little Barn Owl

Mexico the Almighty Nation




Strong Like Donkey Kong














o realisticFantasy o





So yeah, there you go, and arigato!