Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight or any recognisable characters or places.

Warnings: OOC's , Zero x Kaname, if you know the facts of life we should be good to go. Any significant warnings will be added as the story goes on.

Well I'm back *nervous laugh*, the length of time it has taken me to update this story isn't even funny to be honest but I'm still continuing with the story and have the next few chapters planned out so its just a matter of getting it done. This is a smaller chapter than I would have liked it to be but I figured it's better than nothing.

A huge thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story you guys are amazing and must have the patience of a Saint :)

A shout out and a thank you to 'yuzukikuran476' whose PM gave me the prompting to actually sit and finish writing this chapter and get it uploaded!

Other than that please R&R and enjoy!

~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~

"So this is your room?" Zero questioned with a raised brow. The hunter was taken aback at the expensive furnishings. Sure Kuran Kaname was a prince but still this was only Cross Academy. Suddenly self-conscious Zero fixed his shirt and smoothed the invisible lint of his trousers whilst the pureblood closed the door. The silverette smiled, picking up a framed photograph from the bedside table, running his thumb gently over the glass.

"Is this your family?" Zero asked looking over his shoulder. The captured image showed a couple swinging a child between them with their hands. The young boys eyes sparkled with glee as he laughed heartedly in a way only a child could. It was hard to believe that Kaname had ever been a young innocent boy. The pureblood seemed like an eternal being who would survive anything thrown at him.

"Yes Juri and Haruka- my parents. I think they'd like you." Kaname said after a moment, coming to stand behind the ex-prefect.

Zero sighed in fond exasperation but was secretly flattered, "I'm just a level D hunter," he said modestly.

Kaname shook his head. His parents had taught him that everyone had a place and a purpose and lately he had been forgetting that. "You're kind, loyal and strong-willed, they admire that. I've also heard from Yuuki that you are rather talented in the kitchen," he said slyly.

"She likes to exaggerate," he said eventually, wondering what else Yuuki had told the other male about him. Turning his head, a soft frown marred his features. "One bed?" He asked, a blush staining his cheeks. He heard the pureblood laugh as his pale fingers tilted Zero's chin.

"That's not a problem is it?" Zero stayed in shocked silence. The last time he properly bunked with someone was with Ichiru and look how well their relationship turned out.

"Uh well..." he started but was cut off by the other male.

"I'm kidding. You can have the guest bed through that door." Nodding his acceptance, Zero felt a little hot under the collar. There was no denying that Kaname was attractive and that quality alone gave the dorm leader a fair few ravenous followers. Zero wasn't sure that he was willing to beat of the fan-girls that would riot if there was even talk of him sharing a bed with the pureblood.

"How are you Zero?" Kaname asked suddenly serious. The ex-human was surprised. The brunette seemed to really genuinely care about him and was giving him his 100% attention. It made him feel slightly ashamed at how he used to talk to him like he was a lesser being.

"I," he started unsure of himself. "I'm unsure," he said at last, his head drawn to his chest. "On one hand I'm glad to be here. I know this is where I belong and yet on the other," he exhaled. "I'm scared." He said simply, figuring that it was best to just be honest. Now that the was here it had definitely sunk in. He was in the Night Class now, with a student body that hated him. He wasn't sure what the unspoken rules were or how he should act. Would that night be forgotten or would it only add fuel to the fire? A toned arm winding around his waist brought him out of his musings, making him relax naturally. Being near Kaname was like taking a breath of fresh air.

"Try not to worry about it so much. I'm sure that once they get to know you things will settle down. Until then, know that I am here for you." Zero soaked in his reassurances. It wasn't so long ago that his intolerance for vampires was at an all time high. This was just another hurdle he'd have to face. Luckily he wouldn't be alone this time.

~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~Cross Academy~~

Dinner in the Cross household was strange but it was something Zero had almost grown used to. 'This was going to take a bit of time though' he thought as he took a seat at the long oak table diagonally across from Kaname. He figured that he should stop being surprised at the lavish décor considering the class was mainly made up of aristocrats. Everyone seemed to happily converse with each other giving it that family feel that Kaname had spoke of earlier. Zero suddenly felt homesick. The ex-prefect kept to himself, hoping that no attention was good attention so to speak. The chatter died down all of a sudden, drawing Zero's focus up from his plate and straight to the source of the silent fuss. Static energy surrounded Aido as he sent subtle glares in the hunters direction. As soon as the moment started it ended as the ice wielder took his seat and began to converse with his cousin. Releasing a breath that he didn't release that he was holding, his gaze caught that of Kaname's. Giving the prince a reassuring smile, Zero watched as he turned back to resume his conversation with Takuma.

As everyone finished their starter of vegetable soup (Zero's favourite) the silverette sat in uncomfortable fascination as the staff came to collect their plates and replaced them with the main course. He noted with sad acceptance how his server carefully avoided touching him as if he were a dog with fleas. He couldn't help but wonder if any of the vampires in the dorm made their own food and cleaned up after themselves as they seemed entirely to comfortable being waited on. Clutching his cutlery (not the he was entirely sure it was the right set) Zero felt his stomach drop. As if his day couldn't get any worse, dinner had to be the one food he was allergic to- shellfish. This usually wouldn't be a problem but the nervous boy didn't want to cause any more problems in the dorm than he already had, even if it was just with the staff.

Watching Zero out the corner of his eye, Senri Shiki barely held in his sigh of annoyance as he watched the transfer student pick at his food. "If you want to feel included make an effort D', " he muttered none to discreetly.

Zero paused, his head cocked to the side as he listened to the half-blood. Flushing slightly, he realised the other vampire had picked up on his longing to fit in without any effort. 'Damn,' he thought, 'I used to be good at being unreadable.' Not wanting to seem rude he gave a weak "thanks" before setting down his fork.

"Is everything alright Zero?" Kaname's concerned voice asked, "you've barely eaten."

Zero looked up, noticing they had the attention of the entire table. He gave a slight shrug of his shoulders not wanting to seem fazed by the classes scrutiny. "Everything is fine Kuran senpai," he said hoping that the blatant show of respect would keep the Night Class happy. At Kaname's raised eyebrow, he continued. "I'm sure it tastes lovely, its just that I cant eat it."

Understanding came over the prince's features but he still didn't seem satisfied. "Don't worry about formalities Zero, just Kaname is fine," he said, his smile growing at Zero's acceptance. Rising to his feet, he excused himself and guided Zero to the kitchen, determinedly ignoring the stares of the other students. The intense glare he felt could belong to no one else but Aido. 'Will he ever learn?' He thought with a roll of his wine coloured eyes.

"Now lets get you fed before desert arrives." His long fingers ruffled Zero's silver locks, getting a small laugh from Zero as his reward. A content smile graced his face. Kaname-2. Aido-0, he thought with a smirk.