A/N: I figured I'd post a little Malec fic that takes place over summer. It's a mortal AU that takes place in Idris but it's modern and I hope you guys like it. I of course don't own the characters. Enjoy

I'm so super glad you guys liked this story. ^.^ Epilogue is short for a reason. Sadly no sequel to this one but feel free to check out my other stories :)


Epilogue: One Year Later

"So, I did something stupid," Alec said as he sat down.

"What'd you do this time?" Magnus asked.

"I made another bet with Jace…"

"That is stupid."

"Yeah I know but see…I bet him a trip to Spain that you'd say no to something and he bet yes and so basically the loser has to pay for the whole trip. The plane fair the hotel, and all that extra stuff."

"What'd you think I'd say no to?"

Alec slid a small box across the table and smiled. "That'd you'd say no to marrying me."

"No stupid at all," Magnus shook his head. "Very smart."

"You said no on purpose didn't you?" Jace asked watching Magnus show off the engagement ring.

"Why on earth would you say that?" Alec asked feighing innocence.

Magnus walked over and wrapped his arm around Alec. "Hey Jace. I bet you five hundred dollars Alec and I manage to leave the hotel room for at least one day while we're in Spain."

"I think I'm going to lay off betting for awhile…" Jace answered.

"Pity. He would've won," Magnus shrugged as the blond walked away.

"I know right?" Alec smiled giving him a kiss.