Chapter 8

The next days where filled in rehearsal for the Queens wedding and helping our replacements. The dances we were learning for the wedding where so different than what we weren't used to that at first it was a complete disaster. We were getting there by now. We still had fun with the stiffness of some of the dances. Not that we weren't going to switch it up, but well it still was the queens wedding.

Right now, I was doing some last minute packing. We had to leave in thirty minutes in order to make to plane from Digby-Annapolis to Halifax Stand field. From there we would go to Erie international, and then to Tidioute. Due to our mutual tendencies of doing everything last minute and running late on a lot of things, we made it to the airport with minutes to spare and a pissed off, unfriendly baggage check lady as the result.

Two lay-over, no problems with our baggage and a day later, we landed in near the Alleghany International Forest. Also knows as Courts hideout. Two guardians where waiting holding up a sign that read: Red door crew Maddie walked in front as she saw them and went to introduce herself. She was like our mama in situations like this. They simply looked us over and nodded, then started walking expecting us to follow. Let me guess. They where disgusted that fit Dhampirs with no obvious feeding addiction could not become a guardian. Well yeah been there done that.

We grabbed our baggage and indeed followed them, I mean what else where we suppose to do? They directed everybody was split up into two different SUV's and we took off. The guardian driving put the radio's between the two cars on and started to lecture us on the do' and don't in court. After almost half an hour of jabedijaing it was starting to get offensive and I felt the need to stop him. So instead of punching him in the and possibly causing an accident like my former self would do, I simply asked him to shut his face. Well not literary

"Guardian." I snapped at him and sat back up right in his face. "Three of us are promised guardian and yes we all spend time at court, why do think we left. The other three where trained by me and trust me they can take you. Meaning we know very well that the people chosen to pick up a random entertainment crew are the ones that normally do paperwork and fence duty. So do us all a favor and turn back around, shut that hole in your face and let us in piece."

Silence, utter silence. Finally

Well until Maddie started to sweettalk me behavior, but I let her be. We could probably use all the help we could get in that department.

I felt the moment we passed the wards, silent calmness returned to my head. I sat up and we all showed our ID at the gate to register us. They looked appalled when typing in jakes name and the same went for Fred. When my name came up he drew his gun, pointed it at me and ordered me to get out. Well things went south quickly.

"Who are you really? Giving false identification is felony!" He shouted

"My name is Rosemarie Hathaway as said on the ID. Daughter of Janine Hathaway, graduated at Saint Vladimir's with the highest score on an alternated parkour." I answered calmly. The fact that I was so calm might have something to do that it wasn't the first time I had a gun shoved in my face. Perhaps that wasn't something to be proud of...

"It says here you are dead. " The guardian stated." I need to verify you are who you say you are, before I can let you trough." He stated

"Fine call the queen, she can verify". That threw him of enough for me the remove the gun out his hand, removing the chamber and handing it out towards him before he could even register what happened. "I don't like having a gun pressed in my face." I said as explanation.

In the end they had Eddie coming down to tell I was who I was saying I was in order to let me through. As he left again he shook his head and shouted. "Only you Hathaway not even in and already causing trouble."

If that set tone of our court visit, we weren't of to a good start.

When we parked and started to unpack the cars, our arrival couldn't be not noticed as everybody and I do mean everybody shopped and starred as Alexa was the first to get out.

Let's face it, It's not every day they see a damphir in daisy duke short, stripper heels, a cut ou shirt with molenia and wapons on her. And that was just Alexa. Maddie and me where a little less controversial, but not much in comparison to the usual guardian uniform.

"Take a picture, It lasts longer!" She shouted; Bitch just stole my line.

That earned the expected reactions, but what the hell. I was temped to add something but thought it would be for the best not to draw to much attention to myself during our first five minutes here. I had a feeling I was going to get enough of that already come the following days.

We were appointed rooms before they took us the large courtroom where our performance would happen. After that the showed us a gym we could us to prepare is.

"It is one of the least used because of the size and dated equipment but it should cover your needs." Our guide explained.

"It will do indeed." Maddie answered. I was secretly happy the we weren't have to train in a overcrowded gym full of judgmental guardians.

This week was going to long enough as it was.

AN, Yes I know this is a small chapter, but I wanted update this story so that whoever is still following this knows I haven't forgotten about it.