Keep Holding On Ch.7

(Carlisle's POV)

Once we get to the diner Alice immediately pulls on my pants to be picked up. I pick her up and walk into the diner.

"Hello welcome to Forks Family Diner. My name is Sue and I will be your waitress this morning." An older woman greets us and leads us to a table.

Thankfully she puts us at a booth so Alice could lean against me. She hands us all menus before asking for our drink order.

Both emmett and Esme order orange juice, I order coffee for myself and a chocolate milk for alice. Alice lets her menu sit on the table and she just leans against me.

After looking over the menu and finding something I wanted I pick up her kids menu and look through it.

"How about pancakes?" I ask alice and she shakes her head no.

After suggesting a few other items and getting no's I sigh.

"Ali baby you need to eat something" i say as I rub her back.

"Scrambled eggs" she says and I nod seeing a meal that has scrambled eggs, toast and bacon for kids.

Sue comes back and we place our orders. While we wait I rub alice's back as she tries to climb on my lap.

"Ali you need to sit on the bench like a good girl" I say and she shakes her head no and tears cascade down her cheeks.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask and she shakes her head and pulls back from me and sits there with her arms crossed and pouts. Esme stands up and holds her hand out to alice.

Alice takes it and esme and alice disappear towards the restrooms. I sigh and rub my face.

"I'm sure esme will find out what's wrong with lit bit" em says.

"I hope she does." I say and I look out the window we were sat next to.

A few minutes later I'm attacked by a little body. I turn my head and Alice is next to me hugging me. Esme is seated next to Emmett again and I look at her.

"Alice is overwhelmed right now, she didn't want to tell you because you sometimes over react and she just wants cuddles and hugs right now" Esme says and I nod and pick up alice.

She leans into me and I hold her and rub her back until our food comes. When our food comes she willingly sits by herself and eats.

After I pay the bill we go to leave and Alice surprisingly walks to the car herself. We all get in and I drive to the house.

When we get home Esme goes to her room to draw, Em goes to play video games and Alice goes to her room to play. I head to my office to do some paperwork.

Mid way through my third chart there's a knock at my door.

"Come in " I call and the door opens and Alice peaks in.

"what's up baby?" I ask.

"I'm bored" she says as she comes into my office.

"What do you want to do?" I ask as I put my work away.

"I want to play outside on the jungle gym" She says as she walks over to me.

"Ok sweetie we can go out but if you even show one sign of being tired were coming in baby" I say and she nods and takes off to get her shoes and coat on.

I slip my shoes on and go downstairs to get my sweater. I meet alice by the door and open the door for us to go outside.

Alice runs out and towards the jungle gym.

I notice Emmett out playing on the basketball court and Esme is by the green house. I sit down in the hammock and watch Alice play.

After a while she jumps on the hammock and lays next to me. I hold her to me and we softly swing on the hammock.

"Dad do you want me to start dinner? Esme asks.

"Sure sweetie" I say as I notice Alice is softly sleeping on my chest.

I lay there with Alice and drift off to sleep. The next thing I know I'm being nudged awake by Emmett.

"What?" I ask as I blink.

"Dinners done" he says as he picks up a sleeping Alice.

I nod and get up and we walk inside. Em places Alice on the couch in the front room. We make our way to the dining room where Esme is setting the food on the table.

We say grace before we eat. Later on while I was doing dishes Alice woke up.

I quickly make her a plate and set her at the table to eat. After she is done I wash her dishes and we go into the living room where Esme is setting up for our family game night.

"What game do you want to play baby?" I ask Alice as I sit next to her on the couch.

"Uno" she says and esme grabs the stack of cards.

We play two games of uno before we switch to monopoly. After two games of monopoly its emmets turn.

"How about twister?" He asks.

"You and esme could but alice cant. She could be hurt by any fall that happens not to mention all the bruises she'll get if she falls" I say and emmett nods and alice looks down being that twister was one of her favorites.

"How about we play on the wii?" He asks and I nod.

Esme puts all the board games in the basket that goes in the closet. Emmett pulls the wii out and hooks it to the tv. He starts the game and grabs the two controllers.

Esme grabs the basket of game to put away. Em hands alice one controller and alice gets up to go stand by em. Em starts up the game and they choose to play tennis.

I sit back and grab my book to read while the three of them take turns to play.

"Daddy play with me" alice says and i look up and esme and em our sitting next to each other.

I smile and stand up and grab the controller.

"What should we play?" I ask as I stand next to her.

"Bowling" she says and I click on the sport.

After a few rounds alice yawns and i chuckle.

"Time for bed sweetie" I say and shut the system off.

I pick her up and she giggles so I tickle her all the way upstairs. Once in her room I set her down to get dressed. I turn my back so she can get dressed in her pjs.

After shes done I tuck her in before shutting the lights off and turning her little fairy night light. I walk down the hall and say goodnight to emmett and esme before making my way to my room.