Sealing Art: Naruto Uzumaki!

Chapter 1


"You're just a demon brat…" "Shh we can't say that around him….."

"Didn't you find it weird that everyone treated you like dirt? Naruto you are the nine tailed fox! That's why everyone hates you..."

"Even your own sensei hates you..."

"Only a monster could eat ramen that fast…."

"Naruto Uzumaki…, for your crimes against ramen and this village you will be punished with a life of eating vegetables for every meal…. forever…."

"AHHHHHH!" A blonde haired blue eyed youth shouted out in horror as he sat up in his bed.

The youth looked around as if trying to find his bearings before slowly laying back down to fall asleep. Ten minutes later the boy rolled over to look at his alarm clock,"Guh 4:30, no more almost spoiled milk before bed for me."

The boy slowly rolled out of bed and began to pull on his clothes. 'I have team assignments later… I hope that I get an awesome sensei!' he thought to himself before tying his new shiny headband around his forehead.

The boy then proceeded to the bathroom to ready himself for the coming day. 'Smack!' "Alright Naruto Uzumaki today you're going to go show the whole village just how great a shinobi you truly are!" Naruto told himself as he studied his reflection in the mirror. Naruto then placed a hand on one of his whiskered cheeks, 'I wonder if this is because of Kyubi?' Naruto then shook his head before speaking aloud, "It doesn't matter anyway!" Naruto proceeded to his kitchen where he opened his fridge and grabbed his open carton of milk and sat it on the counter before reaching up in a cabinet and grabbing a box of cereal. Naruto paused before pouring his cereal into a bowl and looked at his milk. 'I had that bad dream after drinking the milk last night maybe I shouldn't drink anymore.' Naruto sighed before tossing the rotten milk in the trash and fixed an instant ramen instead.

30 Minutes later

Naruto walked down the dark streets of his home village Konoha or The Village Hidden in the Leaves. He liked it when it was this early because there weren't many people on the streets which meant there weren't that many hate filled glares. However he hates waking up before 6:30 and even then would prefer to sleep an hour or two longer but classes started at 7 AM.

The only reason he was awake right now was because of that bad dream last night. If it weren't for that he would still be sleeping right now damn it!

Naruto sighed before looking around at his surroundings. He was in the mostly deserted market district. 'Well since I'm here I might as well go see if I need any ninja supplies.' Naruto thought to himself before heading to one of the few stores that would sell to him.

On his way to his usual shop Naruto noticed a man standing in front of a store waving at him. Waving at him, not someone else because the only other people on the street were a few shopkeepers a ways down but the man had his back to them so he couldn't be waving at them.

Naruto looked around one last time before cautiously walking over to the man. "Hi Mr. Ninja I just opened this shop and if you'd like to look around I have some good supplies for your profession!" the man said to Naruto with a cheery smile.

Naruto weighed his choices he could go to the store where he was tolerated or he could try here. "Sure mister my names Naruto Uzumaki and I'll see what you've got!" Naruto smiled at the man before heading inside.

Naruto however missed the widening of the shop keepers eyes as he heard the youths name. "Uzumaki" he breathed out slowly. The man then hurriedly entered his shop after the boy.

"Naruto! Hey kid! Did you say your last name was Uzumaki?"

Naruto looked over his shoulder at the guy nodding enthusiastically before turning around to look at the different types of kunai he could buy.

"Kid if you're an Uzumaki then I have just the thing for you." The shopkeeper said with a smile before jogging into a back room.

Naruto looked at the door the man had just passed through curiously, what did his last name have to do with anything? He wasn't a clan member like the bastard Sasuke or his friend Shikamaru. His last name was just what Hokage jiji had told him it was. Nothing more.

The man rushed back out of the back room with a few scrolls and books that he sat on the shelf next to Naruto. "Here have a look at this and see what you think of it."

Naruto scratched his head before reaching out and taking the scroll the shopkeeper was holding out to him. After unrolling the scroll Naruto started to read, Fuinjutsu advanced level: Advanced Barrier seals and reverse gravity seals.

Naruto looked at the rest of the scroll blankly before staring up at the man questioningly, "What's fuinjutsu?"

The shopkeeper blinked once and then blinked again and then once more for good measure before answering, "Fuinjutsu or the sealing arts is a type of jutsu that your clan was well known for. Has your parents never told you before?"

Naruto's eyes widened to the size of small saucers "I don't have parents I'm an orphan" then as if the man's earlier statement had just registered Naruto's eyes widened to proportional sizes. "I have a clan…" he whispered before jumping up and shouting in excitement. "Where is my clan at? Why haven't I ever known I have a clan? Are my parents with my clan?" Naruto gushed the questions at the man in a rush of excitement and emotion.

The shopkeeper looked at Naruto owlishly for a second before walking over to the front door and flipping the open sign to closed and then motioned for Naruto to fallow him into the back. Naruto nodded excitedly and followed.

15 minutes later

"So let me get this straight my clan was wiped out during the second shinobi war by a joint attack by mist, cloud, and stone because they were powerful and people feared them? And my family was amazing at this sealing thing and that's why they were so powerful?" Naruto asked questioningly.

"Yep that's pretty much the gist of it" the shopkeeper or as Naruto now knew Daisetsu replied.

Naruto sighed and scratched his cheek absentmindedly, 'I wonder why the old man never told me about this.' "So Daisetsu how do I learn fuinjutsu? I want to make my clan proud!"

Daisetsu closed his eyes in thought before replying "Naruto, I'm no seal master in fact I've barely even tried to do a seal but a fundamental for sealing is calligraphy. So how is your calligraphy?"

Naruto thought for a second, "Pretty good Daisetsu! When I paint the Hokage's faces I want my writing to be really good!"

Daisetsu sweat dropped at that before standing and going to find paper a brush and ink.

Once he returned he sat the materials in front of Naruto, "Naruto I want you to show me how your skills are."

Naruto nodded before writing out a list of Kanji for Daisetsu's inspection.

"Hmm pretty good. If you work on this a little I think you should be able to try a few beginner level seals. I have just the thing for you right here."

Out of the earlier pile of books Daisetsu handed Naruto another book. Fuinjutsu Beginner level: Basic seals from small storage scrolls to minor explosive tags and everything in between

"Wow…" Naruto breathed before a large grin came over his face and he lunged forward toward Daisetsu enveloping him in as big a hug as he could. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Daisetsu smiled before ruffling the adolescent blonde's hair. "Alright kid that's enough of that now. I have some books that I acquired as a traveling merchant before coming here to establish this little place, a few books on Uzu and a few scrolls on sealing that I think you'd like."

Naruto backed off sheepishly before nodding and reaching in his pocket to grab Gama chan. "How much is it going to cost Daisetsu?"

"12,218 Ryo for the whole lot of books and tell you what I'll even through in some fuinjutsu supplies for free."

Naruto sighed and looked at Gama Chan, 'There goes my Ichiraku Ramen for the rest of the month.' "Thanks Daisetsu!"

Naruto paid before gathering his newly purchased things and headed out of the shop giving Daisetsu one last wave before closing the door. 'I have a clan! Holy Shit I have a clan! I can't wait to tell Sakura and Shikamaru! And ask gramps why he never told me" Naruto opened the beginner fuinjutsu scroll and began to read as he continued down the street toward the academy, completely oblivious to the hate filled stares he was receiving from the villagers around him.

1 hour and 30 minutes later

Naruto stood in front of his academy classroom door as he rolled his scroll on fuinjutsu up and stuck it in his pocket. He threw open the door and walked in the room, "Naruto what are you doing here? Only shinobi who passed can be here today." Came the drone from there lazy Nara as he eyed Naruto's entrance.

"Look at my Headband Shikamaru I am a shinobi now damn it!"

"Troublesome" was the only reply that Naruto received for his statement. With a huff Naruto went to one of the only available seats, right next to the bastard Sasuke. Naruto pulled out his scroll and started to read from where he left off before.

Sealing is about your own creativity, you have to decide what you want to make. Everything you read in this scroll and any subsequent scroll is not to be taken as unwavering facts, you can alter anything in a seal to fit any need or to make devastating moves on a battlefield. First however you need a basic understanding of what sealing is.

When you make a basic storage sealing matrix you have to understand that the item being sealed is literally sealed within the object your matrix is on - be that parchment, clothing, or skin - any damage done to the sealing matrix while something is sealed within it may result in two possible outcomes, the first is that the sealed object will appear from the matrix at the time it is damaged while the second is that it may never be recoverable from the sealed space again. This may lead to you having to use a linked recovery seal on the original seal that you would have linked together with the appropriate kanji from the original matrix. In short that would mean you're making two seals. However if you need to you can link multiple storage seals to the backup recovery seal so that all your storage seals are recoverable through the recovery seal. This is useful for small and unimportant objects such as kunai and shuriken, however if you are sealing something of importance it is recommended to use a separate recovery seal and to have its activation method be different than any other recovery seal.

To make a basic storage seal you have to use the seal kanji with a 4 star line limiter and the appropriate kanji at each point of-

"Move Naruto I want to sit next to Sasuke!"

Naruto looked up at the interruption to see Sakura glaring at him. Naruto grinned in excitement "Hey Sakura guess what! I have a-" Naruto was cut off by Sakura's fist knocking him out of his seat. Naruto was then crushed under Ino Yamanaka's feet as she rushed to fill his now empty seat.

"Ow ow ow ow" Naruto moaned as he crawled to safety, 'why does he have to be so popular the bastard' thought Naruto as he sent Sasuke a glare. Sasuke just scoffed at Naruto before going back to ignoring him.

"Alright class settle down its time for team assignments!" came a shout from the front of the room from one Iruka. "The team assignment will be as follows, team 7 consisting of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno"

At this Naruto jumped up in excitement fist pumping the air while Sakura slumped forward in her seat

"And Sasuke Uchiha under Kakashi Hatake"

With that Naruto slumped forward while Sakura jumped up in excitement, Sasuke just sent his two new teammates a glare before returning his attention back up front.

As the rest of the teams were called out Naruto was glowering at Sasuke, 'Why is he on the same team as me? I'm way more awesome than him! Oh well I guess I'll just read more of this scroll until my new sensei gets here'

2 hours 30 minutes later

"Gah! Where is he? It's been hours!" complained one Sakura Haruno.

"Hn" came the reply of Sasuke.

"What do you think Naruto? Where do you think he is?" asked Sakura.



"Huh what did you say Sakura?" Naruto asked as he looked up at his pink haired teammate.

Instead of repeating her question sakura was openly staring at the books and scrolls Naruto had been reading as if she had just noticed them, which she had. "What are you reading Naruto?"

"Well this is a scroll over fuinjutsu and these books are over my clan's history!"

That caught both Sakura and Sasuke's attention. 'Since when does Naruto have a clan?'

"When did you get a clan Naruto?" sakura asked curiously

"I found out today actually! Did you know they were so powerful that it took three hidden villages working together to wipe out our village and even then they lasted for three weeks of almost constant battle?"

Sakura blinked owlishly at the excitement that the blonde before her was talking about his own clan being wiped out. "Why were they so powerful?"

"Fuinjutsu" came Naruto's reply before he picked up his scroll and started to read again.

Sakura just stared at Naruto for a few more moments before shrugging and laying her head down. Sasuke on the other hand was staring at Naruto out of the corner of his eye with curiosity. 'He said he was learning fuinjutsu as well… I wonder how strong hell get and if I can use that strength.'

25 minutes later

The door to the room slid open as a silver haired shinobi entered the room 'Naruto's reading a book? That wasn't what his personality reports said he would do in free time. The other two are acting pretty typical of their reports. Sasuke Uchiha broody and Sakura Haruno staring affectionately at the broody Uchiha. Yep those two match there reports exactly'

"You're late!" came a yell from Sakura as her head wiped around to face the Jonin.

"Maa I passed a black cat on the way here and had to do three laps around the Hokage's office to fix my bad luck." Came Kakashi's impassive reply."Anyway…. meet me on the roof in five minutes" and with that he disappeared in a puff of smoke

5 minutes later

"Okay why don't you introduce yourselves" Kakashi said in a bored voice.

"Introduce ourselves? What do you mean sensei?" Sakura asked questioningly.

"Hmm how about your; name, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams for the future that kind of thing"

"Well why don't you tell us about yourself." Naruto chimed in

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate… I don't feel like sharing that. My dreams for the future, well I've never really thought about it. As for my hobbies, well, I have lots of hobbies." Kakashi told his potential new genin, eliciting a dark glare from each of them. "Alright I want blondie on my right to start."

Naruto gave Kakashi an evil glare before speaking, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen and Ichiraku Ramen and my friends. Oh and I'm starting to like fuinjutsu as well. I hate the 3 minutes you have to wait for the instant ramen to cook and my hobbies are trying new ramen. My dream for the future is to become Hokage and make all the villagers accept me! Another dream I'm going to work on is to become a master of fuinjutsu like my clan was feared for! And maybe even try to restore my clan!"

Kakashi's one visible eye widened slightly at what he was just told. 'Since when does he know about the Uzumaki and fuinjutsu?'

"Alright pinkie go" Kakashi drawled out as he regained his composure.

"My name is Sakura Haruno and my likes are…" she trailed off as she sent Sasuke a sly look and giggled. "My hobbies are…." She again looked at Sasuke and giggled. "My dreams for the future…." Once more she looked at Sasuke and squealed.

"And what do you hate?" Kakashi prompted.

"NARUTO!" came the quick reply, much to Naruto's dismay.

Kakashi eyed the pink haired youth for a moment 'All girls her age think about is boys and they don't even care about training' "Alright, broody you're up next"

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain man." Was Sasuke's answer.

Naruto looked at Sasuke apprehensively while Sakura stared openly at the brooding boy. Kakashi appraised the raven haired Uchiha 'Just as I thought' "Good your all unique and have your own ideas. We will have our first mission tomorrow."

Naruto perked up at that, "What mission are we going to have?"

"It's a task for us 4, it's a survival exercise."

"A survival exercise?" came Naruto's question.

"Didn't we finish those in the academy? That's why we're here!" Sakura chimed in.

Kakashi started to laugh evilly before finally being able to talk, "Well you see, hehehe, there's a 66% chance you'll fail and have to go back to the academy."

Everyone stared at Kakashi in horror before Naruto yelled out, "But that's impossible, what was all that crap we did in the academy for?"

Kakashi's giggling finally subsided, "well you see, that's just to make sure you're ready for my test. I decide if you pass or fail, and never once has any genin hopefuls EVER passed my exam."

Naruto and sakura looked horrified and Sasuke had on an impassive face.

"Be at the designated training ground tomorrow at 7:00, oh and don't eat breakfast in the morning if you don't want to get sick" Kakashi then vanished in a puff of smoke.

"That bastard! Why does he get to decide if we pass or not?" ranted Sakura.

"Yea, why does he get to decide?" Naruto agreed easily, "It's not like we didn't work our butts off getting here."

"Hn. I'm leaving" Sasuke informed the duo as he stood up.

"Hey Sasuke! Do you want to go eat some lunch for some one on one team bonding?" sakura asked hopefully.

Sasuke only scoffed before walking down the stairs.

"Sakura, if you want we can go-"

"Shut up you idiot! I would never want to go eat with you!"


Alright I know I know I haven't posted anything on either of my other stories and here I am posting another. I'm an awful person I know and for that I beg forgiveness. I've had a really hard semester of college and I've just been swamped with life issues as well. On top of that I've lost interest in Fairy Tail for the moment. So I'm planning on working on this for a few chapters since Christmas break is coming up and I'll have more free time. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!