Summary: (AU) Scientist Garfield Logan has been asked to come to an 9000 year old catacombs. He, Victor and Richard goes down there and finds something… Or someone...

Chapter 1: Raven

Garfield was proud to be in on this job, he and a big team of people were digging up a dark chamber that had never been discovered. Nobody had noticed it since it was even deeper than the sewer. Almost to the point of no air.

Garfield had been working as a biological scientist and was asked to help with some stuff they found, maybe uncover what they were.

Richard his detective friend had been invited by Gar on the day there, the reason why was mostly because Gar didn't want to be alone.

Sadly, their last male friend wasn't with them. Victor, he was educated as a doctor and a mechanic. He wanted to come but, he was needed at the hospital.

Kori Richard's girlfriend wasn't here either, she was working as a preschool teacher. She was too scared to come, it wasn't that she was afraid of the dark it just made her feel vulnerable.

"So, what is going on?" Garfield asked the headmaster, they were just about to open a new room.

"That door, we're opening it in ten." He said, not looking up from his papers. The man, known as Rorek pointed to a covered door. It was a stone door covered with more stone, bars and chains. Rorek was a tall white haired man with bright blue eyes.

"You sure that's a good idea, I mean look at it!" Richard said pointing to it.

"Look, mister Grayson. This is our job, we have to open it. The biggest treasure in America could be inside that room." The Rorek said, still not looking up.

They didn't answer, instead they waited for the opening to happen.

And ten minutes later people started to rip on the door, taking down the bars and chains. Once that was down, they started to remove the stone. This time they were careful.

When the opening was clear the headmaster nodded for Garfield and Richard to move in. They grabbed their flashlight and walked into the dark room.

when they flashed the lights around they noticed that the place was completely untouched and was almost marble looking.

"Dude this place looks new." Garfield said.

"Looks good for 9000 years old." Richard said as he moved to one side, that's when he was meet with iron bars again. "Hey Gar." Richard called.

Gar came over and flashed the light on the bars, or it seem more like a… cage? "What's this?" He asked.

"Well it's a cage, but what's it holding?" They moved the flashlights down to the cage. It fell on a form.

Garfield went over to the cage. The cage had strange bars, going all around on the frame crossing each other, making small room for anything bigger than a mouse to fit in. They pointed the lights downwards until it hit a body. The body was laying on it's side with their back to them. The person had long purple hair, the hair went from her head to her toes when she was laying down.

"Ghu… Gross." Garfield said, almost choking. He was about to cover his mouth and nose when he noticed there wasn't any smell of a dead person. "Where's the smell?" He asked.

Richard bent down next to the cage and looked closer. "Garfield look." He pointed at the side of the person… err… Girl.

"What?" He bent down on the same level, his eyes widened. This girl was breathing. "Do you think she found another way in?" He asked.

"Don't think so, there's no other way in." Richard pointed around the room.

"Hello?" Garfield gently poked the body, a light groan was heard it made both males jump.

"Nolo Moriturus excitare" The girl said Garfield looked at Richard in confusion. (I don't want to wake up dad)

"It's latin. I'm a bit rusty but 'I don't want to wake up… dad?'" He said. "I think…"

The girl stirred and started to move. "Quid est hoc lumen?" She asked. (What is this light)

"Light, something about light." Richard said.

"Hello?" Garfield asked, the girl let out a slight gasp and turned. They didn't quite see her eyes, but one was poking out of her purple hair. A deep purple colour shone in the light. when she saw them they shrunk to the size of a pin, she backed up to the back of the cage and started to gasp for breath.

"Quis es!" She screamed. (Who are you?)

"We're not here to hurt you." Garfield lifted his hands in defence, he noticed her clothes, torn cream coloured dress. The dress he could see was ancient, looking like a roman dress.

"I think she asks who we are." Richard said as he got off his phone.

"Who did you call?" Gar asked.

"Victor, he's a doctor and he knows more latin than I do." They looked at the girl and saw that she also had scars and a golden collar on her neck.

"Do you know where you are?" He asked like asking a child something.

"Etiam catacumbis patris mei. Hic propheta erat clausus in bello." She said. (yes, the catacombs of my father. I was locked down here under the war.)

"We need to get Victor." Garfield tried to open the cage. "It's locked, something has locked her in there." He went outside and grabbed a tool, walking back inside he snapped the lock attached to the side. The entire side of the cage opened

Bending down to her level still on the edge of the cage he asked. "Do you have a name?" He asked.

"Yes…" She paused. "R-Raven…" She muttered. "Nomen tibi?" She asked turning back to her own language. (Your name?)

"Our names." Richard translated.

"I am Garfield, this is Richard." He said loud and clear.

G-Gafiel… Ric-char…" She tried, it wasn't completely wrong, Garfield smiled.

"Close enough, you'll get it soon." He reached a hand to her.

She looked at it for a while before she slowly she reached for it, she hesitated a little before their hands meet. When it landed he felt how dry her skin was gently rising, he pulled Raven with him.

She shook before falling to the ground on her knees, her legs seem to be useless at the moment. Sighing, Garfield went over to her side and picked her up, bridal style. But before he could pick her up, she threw herself to the side and cursed something latin at him.

"I won't hurt you, but you can't stand." He said, he started to wonder how she managed to throw herself like that. "We're getting you to a doctor." He said before he tried to pick her up again. This time she allowed it.

She looked at him, still hesitant, but she seem to know that she couldn't walk at the moment."gratias tibi." She said. Garfield smiled. For some reason he knew what that meant. (Thank you)

The team gasped when Garfield came out with Raven in his hands. The headmaster stomped over to him. "What is this? Where did she come from?" He asked angrily.

"She was found in a cage in the room, there's no way she could have gotten in there without the front door." He said. "I'm taking her to Victor, maybe he could help her." With that he was about to walk off.

"No! If there was no way she could have gotten inside that means…" He trailed.

"What?" Garfield asked.

"Someone had put her there, this is crime." He said.

"Pater meus posuit me" She said. (My father put me here)

"What did she say?" Rorek asked.

"I don't know, Victor might know." Garfield looked at Raven, who was looked at the scene around her. "She barely speak english, Listen. Raven can you say something in english?" He asked.

"Y-Yes…" She muttered. "I- faciam!" She said but quickly turned back to latin.(I do)

"Fine, take her to the doctor." Rorek watched Garfield leave, and as Richard was about to go out, he stopped him. "Find out as much as you can about that girl."

"I was planning too, she must have some family around." Richard said before leaving.


Raven almost jumped out of his arms when the light hit her she hissed, Garfield looked at her before grabbing his coat that had been laying on a chair by the entrence. He wrapped it over Raven and watched her hide from the light.

He still carried her, and when he got to the car Richard came up to him. "I'm driving, she seem to trust you at the moment." He said before getting into the driver's seat. Garfield got in next to Raven.

She pulled down the coat so her eyes could get used to the light. She gasped when she looked out the window, this is not how she remembered her home. But how long had she been in the chamber?

"Aqua?" She asked after a few minutes of driving. (Water?)

"Richard, give me the bottle in the door." Garfield said, Richard looked down for a second before giving the half full water bottle to Garfield. "Here." Garfield opened the bottle for her and gave it to her, but she only stared at it confused.

"Don't she know how to use a bottle?" Richard asked as he glanced back at them.

"Maybe not." Garfield took the bottle back and said. "Okay, look at me." He tilted the bottle to his lips, he didn't drink anything than he gave it to Raven.

She did the same and drank down the whole bottle. She gave him back the bottle. "Gratias." She said. (Thanks)

"We're almost there, Vic is waiting for us at the hospital." Richard said as he pulled over to the side of a huge building with a huge red cross on it. Raven looked out the window at the building.

"Quid est?" She asked. (What's that?)

Garfield didn't understand, but instead took her hand and helped her out. It seems like she was able to stand again, but stumbled and needed Garfield's help to walk straight.

"Hey guy-" Victor yelled from the door, but stopped when he saw the girl's struggle to walk. He ran up to them and helped them.

When they had gotten Raven a room, Victor asked. "So, who's she?" He asked.

"Her name is Raven, she doesn't speak english, but she speak latin." Garfield said, Raven was looking out the window like child in a tall building.

"You just found her in the chamber?" Victor asked.

"Yes, but the thing is, there's no other way to get inside. Which means, she must have been put there a long time ago."

"Who would lock someone in a dark chamber in this ages?" Victor asked and looked at Raven, who was still looking wide eyed at the streets.

"Don't know…" And a second later Richard walked in with a thick yet small in size brown leather book in his hands. "Dude, where you been?" Gar asked.

"Library, I picked up a book about the ancient times in the city." He said and looked at the book. "It's written like a diary, that's the funny part."

Raven looked at the book and gasped. "Azar scriptor lacticiniis! quomodo vos adepto is?" She yelled. (Azar's dairy! how did you get it?)

"What?" Garfield asked and looked at Victor.

"I don't know what Azar means, but that is someone's diary and how did you get it." Victor translated.

"Azar fuit magister meus." She said. (Azar was my teacher.)

"Azar was her teacher." Victor said. "Maybe we should try to teach her some english." Victor came up to Raven and sat down in front of her. "How much english can you speak?" He asked.

"Enough to under-understand…" She said, she wasn't the best but she could speak.

"Okay, in english; what happened?" Victor asked and Raven nodded.

"M-My father put me in the cham-chambers when the war broke out." She said. "He said I would be safe."

"Why were you in a cage?" Garfield asked.

"M-My powers wouldn't be d-detected…" She whispered and curled up in a ball. That's when Victor noticed so many scars and burn marks.

"Wait here." He went out of the room and came back soon with a first aid kit, he carefully unfolded bandages to wrap around her wounds. "This is going to sting a little." He said and placed the bandage over a bleeding wound on her ankle.

She hissed and yelled. "sanguinum infernum!" (Bloody hell!)

Victor let it pass and carefully placed another on a different wound. "Sorry." He said.

"What'd she say?" Garfield asked.

"You don't wanna know." Victor said and wrapped a bigger scar up. She cursed all the way to the finish. "Okay, I'm done." victor said and backed away a little.

"What day is it?" She asked.

Richard looked over at the calendar. "9 March 2015." He said.

"15?" She asked.

The boys looked at each other. "Yeah, why?" Garfield asked.

"Ideo omnia tam diuersa." She said to herself. (So that's why everything is so different.)

"Yeah, what's new to you here?" Victor asked.

"Everything…" She said. "The colosseum is gone, the temple, the castle, the villages." She said. "The empire…"

Richard pulled a blue book out of his pocket. It read "History". He walked up to Raven and opened the book on a marked page. "You said Empire, like this one?" He pointed at a picture. The picture was drawn but showed a huge colosseum with tall temple-like building around.

She pointed at it. "That's it!" She yelled and pointed. She almost looked like a child.

Richard started to read some of the text out loud. "It says that; Azarath Empire was one of the biggest and most powerful empires in the world biggest empires, it is so ancient that it's over 9000 years old. But if you were from that age shouldn't you be dead?" Richard asked.

Raven shrugged. "I do not know. My father said I was powerful." She said. "Power is important, my power of shadows…" Her eyes started to glow in a black colour and things around them started to float. "Power is important…." Her voice grew darker.

The boys looked at her. "Raven?" Garfield asked as he dodged a flying plant.

Raven gasped and her eyes snapped back to the purple they had found her in. She looked around and everything dropped. "I- I'm so… Ego sum ita paenitet" She said. (I'm so sorry)

She dropped her head in her hands and began to sob. Victor and Richard had started to pick things up while Garfield tried to comfort Raven.

"What happened?" He asked carefully.

"M-My powers are out of control…" She whimpered. "Dangerous powers. Monks called me bad. My father saved me. Wings… Killed… Blood." She started before she started to mutter things that didn't add up. "My fault… Azarath's death… Arella… Malchior… corvos… mortem… clamoribus... clamoribus mortis…" (ravens, death, screams, screams of death)

"Victor?" Garfield said.

He turned to them after dropping a broken plant into the trash. "She is remembering things, what I can tell is that; ravens, death, screams, screams of death." He said. "I can't tell if there's supposed to mean something. I mean, they mean something I just don't know what."

Raven looked at him with teary eyes. "I remember them…" She said.

"Like it was yesterday?" Garfield thought out loud.

"To me, it was yesterday." She said.


Tell me if you want this to be a romance or not… Thought it would be creepy considering she is 9017 years old, but looks like a normal 17 year old girl.