A Bit of a warning here not M rated but heavy T merry Christmas and Read and Review

A month had passed and now Christmas Eve was upon them they all bustled about except for Nya whom was pissed but knew why she was not being allowed to help at 8 months she had to take it easy especially now that they knew that she was carrying twins, Kai did not have his usual spark which concerned Lloyd Kai kept saying that unfortunately it was that time of month and it was causing him a great deal of pain so Lloyd kept bringing him medicine to try and help quell the pain

"How is he " Nya questioned as Lloyd wheeled out

"He's hurting but should go down in a few " Lloyd was cut off by a scream Lloyd immediately wheeled back in Nya close by they Kai standing there shaking looking down Lloyd saw something bloody on the ground Nya immediately took action

"Lloyd get Zane immediately Kai keep calm but you just had a child" Nya carefully picked up the child rubbing its back the baby suddenly gave a great wail and started crying

Lloyd came wheeling back in Zane and even Pixal close behind they stared in shock before kicking into action

"Pixal I need something to clamp the cord and cut it then some towels to wrap it in "

Pixal nodded and took off to the bathroom and soon came back with the needed supplies

"I have contacted the emergency services and told them where we are and what has transpired " Pixal said

Zane nodded

"The baby is alright full term 7 pounds 3 ounces born from what I can tell December the 24th at 9:34 " Zane comforted Kai who still stood there in complete shock

"Zane have Kai sit down and hold his child it's vital to the bonding process"

Zane watched as Kai sat down holding out his arms Zane gently placed the newborn in his arms Kai to their complete surprise smiled

"Well aren't you a bit of a surprise"

This made Lloyd smile

The paramedics arrived soon and Kai and his new born child were loaded up into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital everyone was in complete shock

"Umm everyone can vouch that we were just joking on the whole pregnancy thing on Thanksgiving right" Cole said

"Yes we can but what I want to know is how he was 9 months pregnant and not showing" Nya exclaimed

"The child was sitting further back in the womb and he did not display normal signs of pregnancy so there was no way we could've known " Zane explained as they all loaded up into the van

As soon as they arrived at the hospital Rachel met them

"What is it with you guys and hospitals lately hm?" she questioned

"Don't ask we don't know all we know is that Kai my boyfriend delivered a baby girl and we didn't even know he was pregnant to begin with " Lloyd sighed exasperated

Rachel nodded

"Follow me I know where he is I came here to show you"

Rachel lead them through many corridors and areas till finally they arrived at a room she knocked then opened it

"Kai your families here to see you"

Lloyd wheeled in Kai smiled he was holding something in his arms Lloyd rolled and locked his breaks next to the bed

" Lloyd meet your daughter our little surprise " Kai gently said lifting her up to show her to him

She had the emerald green eyes of her father Lloyd though the shape was purely that of Kai

" Showing me up " Nya laughed as she stood on the other side

"Whoops " Kai laughed

Nya just smiled

" born on Christmas Eve guess she's your surprise gift before Christmas" Jay said making everyone laugh

" Lloyd what should her name be?" Kai looked to Lloyd

" Pamela Holly Pamela after Grandma and Holly because she was born on Christmas Eve " Lloyd answered

Kai loved it

"Pamela Holly Garmadon perfect " Kai smiled this Christmas could not get any better