#Hi. Here is the FINAL chapter for #Miracle. I appreciate everyone's messages helping me push through this last installment. Your support and confidence in my abilities in completing this was more than I could have hoped for. #Blessed #Grateful to have you at my side.

This chapter took me forever because I found myself crying after completing certain sections. SO TISSUE ALERT. YOU WILL NEED THEM.

When I began this, I never imagined it would touch a special chord with so many. I chose this version of OP because no one had written it prior. We come into contact with different people every day never knowing their problems they keep hidden from the World.

I wanted to shine light even though she is in a wheelchair, has suffered such a great loss, when the love of the right person comes along, it no longer matters what you can or cannot do. Fitz LOVES her for who is because like he's told her, "I ONLY SEE YOU."

That is how everyone should be seen in this world.

Fitz IS the MIRACLE and HOPE not only for her but for all who have problems struggling for a way into their own light. To my readers who this fic gave you "hope" to push through, I salute you. #YouAreMyHero's

This final installment dedicated to you. Happy reading and keep those tissues handy…



Chapter 31: Miracle On Hope Street…

"She didn't want to be loved for her petals. She wanted to be loved for her thorns. She knew if someone loved her flaws, they would love her whole." – J. Iron Word

January 20th (Inauguration Day - Vt)

Another Life, Another Reality…

Olivia had woken up bright and early to see the sunrise into the sky on her perhaps last morning waking up in Vermont. She stirred fifteen minutes before the sun rose into the sky guaranteeing she was ready for Fitz's phone call.

A short time later she was not surprised when he couldn't call her. He was too busy. She scolded herself wanting to hear his voice. As she glanced over at the side of her bed, a tearful "handwritten" letter that was there waiting for her.

"How did this get here," she wondered as she opened the letter. "Fitz," she cooed recognizing his beautiful penmanship.

"Good morning MY Sunshine. I am sorry I cannot speak to you this morning. Trust me Sweetheart if I could be on the phone with you right now I would but I have no free time. There is so much to do before my swearing in ceremony. My new staff is driving me crazy, along with Abby. And really Liv, all this blue in this suit.

My Mother and Father are beyond proud of my accomplishment. I become President of the United States today. I should be the happiest man on this earth, with all my dreams within m reach but it's not how I feel at all. I cannot keep myself from wondering about another life, in another reality of us together.

I'm the Mayor of Hope, Vermont.

We have four kids. Two boys, two girls I think, but knowing our luck it would be either all girls or ALL boys. (Smiling face.)

Of course Quincy would be there, and you my Livy…would make Jam.

"Make jam," she laughs stirring Quincy. She cannot help but giggle. Then she realizes he wants four kids. Her hands fly over her stomach imagining herself being pregnant not once but four times. The mere idea already gives her butterflies. Her face becomes heated thinking as Noni puts it "Hot Baby Making" sugars.

"I also want you to understand Sweetheart I DO feel you with me – even now. I did not want to admit it but you are right. All of my five senses search for you from where I am right now sitting in this HUGE bed in Blair House.

I look for you coming out the bathroom. I see the water droplets on your face. Your hair is in its natural curls, fluffy and utterly beautiful. Not frizzy. Just saying. ;-)

If I close my eyes I smell your lavender shampoo and conditioner, and the body wash as you wheel closer.

I feel your fingers in my hair combing through my curls scratching my scalp, causing me to pull you closer. You locate the bump from the snowball. You caress it gently feeling awful for hurting my head.

I can hear your sweet voice saying "Fitz, open your eyes Mr. President. Today is the day OUR life begins. The World will be watching you take the oath of office. I could not be more proud. I love you Fitz, so very much."

Then just before I wake up, I swear I taste the hint of your morning coffee or tea on my lips as you kiss me to finally get me to open my eyes meeting yours. The longer I feel your lips covering mine, I hunger for more. When ALL of me is ready, I pounce, flip us over, sliding you underneath me. I kiss you until both of us must come up for air. You FEEL and SENSE all of me Livy.

She moves the sheet from her body reacting to his words. This man is turning her on through his letter. It has been a long time, since Max. Fitz causes new, fresh, almost virgin-like sensations to course through her body like a wild fire. She switches her ceiling fan on to a high setting.

Olivia never imagined she could want a man this way – ever, nor be inclined to have sex because of her legs. But with Fitz's dominance, she doubts she will have anything to worry about. He thrives being in charge. She'll gladly give up control when they are ready.

"Dammit I'm hot," she scolds herself. She uses his letter to fan herself just before she reads again.

Every hair on my head is drawn to you. My skin cells ache for your touch. I snake my arms around your back, pushing us deep into the mattress. My hands caress all the bare areas of your soft skin as means to prove you are truly mine. My lips trail kisses from your soft plushy lips, to that sensitive spot just under your ear.

I whisper how IN LOVE I am with you over and over again, begging you through soft kisses to stay with me forever. You will never have to worry about any tiny or large thing for the rest of your life because I swear I'm yours. All my thoughts, feelings are controlled by the look on your face.

If YOU are happy, then so am I. You Olivia Pope are the source of my happiness.

You have made me the most content man on earth. I do know you'll be watching. I promise to be not only the President this country deserves but the man YOU deserve when you are ready to be ALL IN this with me. We have done a lot of work separately. And when you are ready, together to prepare our hearts for the kind of love we found in each other.

I promise my love will not waver nor diminish because of distance. Absent makes the heart grow fonder Sweetheart. Trust me, my heart ONLY misses you more. You are my beating heart Olivia and I am honored to be YOURS. I cannot wait to show you off to the entire WORLD as Miss Rose puts it when the timing is perfect.

Now she's crying. Quincy's head is on her chest as the depth of his words affect her. His tail begins to wag sensing she misses and needs Fitz.

All this time I've been waiting for you, so our life with each other could begin. Now I understand. I get it. Some of this new life is what you don't want. The Secret Service, the Press, the "Prison" I am about to enter. To be watched all the time, who would want that?

Every aspect of my life will be archived starting today at noon. I finally comprehend what you'll be giving up. I get it. It is all right. If you are not ready Livy, I don't want you to throw you entire life in Vermont away JUST for me. NOT YET.

I love you too much for that.

"Oh Fitz," she gulps. She covers her mouth to prevent herself from sobbing. Quincy is now nuzzling her neck, whimpering. "I'm okay Quincy. I just miss Fitz."

Quincy head nestles beside hers missing Fitz also. He begins licking her cheeks. The mention of his name in the beginning would send him running for the kitchen or front door looking. Quincy is aware he is gone, but he also waits for his return.

"We'll see him later today boy. You and I both will," Olivia squeezes him around his body. "Let's finish this letter before Noni comes in to get us."

"I will continue to wait and watch for you UNTIL you are willing because you are the - MY MIRACLE I found on HOPE Street Livy. I love you with all my heart.

In my eyes you DO NOT entail, or involve any amount of repair; OR as Miss Rose perfectly puts it "Fixing." You, Olivia Carolyn Pope are PERFECT in every way which includes the "blasted" wheelchair. Your legs, even though you cannot feel them, are incredible. (Trust me I know, I touch them all the time.)

She blushes hard.

"In my eyes whether you walk or wheel by my side till it's my time to leave this earth, I will ONLY and ALWAYS see you – the woman I love. I plan on showing you for the rest of OUR lives."

Now she's shedding tears and weeping. Quincy can no longer sooth her. He begins to bark as she finishes the letter.

"I love you JUST HOW YOU ARE. Through my eyes, everyone we meet whether it's a member of my Executive staff, or a World Leader will see it too. I cannot wait to show the World who you are to me. Olivia you are NOT just my girlfriend. You ARE my everything - the greatest joy and light of my life. You deserve it Sweetheart and so much more.

Forever YOUR President and at your side,

I love you.


At 6:30 Miss Rose enters the room to find Quincy in Olivia's arms wailing into his fur. "Sunshine what is it," she coos rushing to her side. She slides onto the bed engulfing her against her chest. Miss Rose immediately finds Fitz's letter. Miss Rose reads the letter quickly.

"Oh my girl. That man of yours loves you to the moon and beyond. For Christ sakes I hope you know it by now," She nods into Miss Rose's chest.

"How did this get here," Olivia questions glancing at the letter. "It's handwritten." Miss Rose always required him to write her this way.

"Tom gave it to me early this morning. You'll have to ask Blue Eyes when you see him how it got here." She smirks. "Do you have inclining how much Fitz is in love with you?"

"Yes," she sighs granting herself permission to truly feel it. Miss Rose smiles. "Did Papa love you and Daddy love Momma this way?"

"This way," her Grandmother questions as Olivia lifts her face to meet her eyes.

"This all-encompassing, life-changing, extraordinary love, that I guess can render a person unable to breathe, sleep or exist when they are not around. It's how I feel when he's not with me. I love Fitz more than I ever thought I could love a man. When I am with him I feel as if…,"

"You were born to only dance with him and no other," she completes her thought. "And what you feel now is ONLY the beginning. The longer you both are together, the stronger, more powerful it will become. And trust me when you finally let go..."

"Let go," Olivia inquires.

Miss Rose cups both her cheeks. "When you both finally hit the sheets my LORD Sunshine is it going to be some HOT Great-Grand baby making."

"NONI," Olivia bellows as her face heats up.

"How do you think I had so many children," Olivia's mouth falls open. "I told you he wants ALL your sugar. Baby making hot-loving's is some of the hottest SEX."

"CHRIST CAN YOU STOP," Olivia pleads even more flustered.

"From what I seen, LORD all mighty they'll be twins the first time you two begin to try." A gleam appears as she eyes Olivia as her own excitement rises. Olivia buries her head into Quincy. "Give me lots of babies to love my child before I leave this earth," she utters differently.

Olivia lifts her head. "If it happens Noni. That is why you haven't left us isn't it – to be with Papa?" Miss Rose eyes widen. There is no doubt this is her flesh and blood. She uses Olivia's hand to cover her own heart. "Are you all right…and don't tell me your fine when I believe otherwise."


"Fitz nor I are dumb." Miss Rose chuckles.

"I will be right as rain when you are with Fitz where you belong," she holds Olivia's hand over her heart. "It is not my time to pass onto the next life. When the Good Lord sees it's time, it will happen. Plus you know Him and I speak every night and morning. He is well aware I won't leave this place until I am good and ready."

"Grand-Ma-Mama," Olivia warns not believing her completely.

"I'm stubborn just like my Momma and my Noni before me. My Noni made it to 90 and my Momma made it 95. I have plans to still be kicking it, driving you all crazy till I'm 100 years young," Olivia smiles. "Plus I am determined to see my Blue Eyes win another Presidential Election."

"Oh so that is the real reason then. We can wait till his second term to have babies…," Olivia teases.

"YOU TWO LOVE BIRDS WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" Olivia now laughs. "If I have to poke holes in all of Fitz's condoms for you to get pregnant – I will. Do not play with me."

"NONI! What would my parents think? And by the way, don't I have to be his wife to get pregnant? I know you are old fashioned."

Miss Rose agrees. "Very old fashion and my Blue Eyes is aware. Also your Mother and Father would give me holy hell, then agree. They want grandchildren too."

"I am so screwed," Olivia blushes.

"Not yet but tonight after the balls I am sure Fitz will more than willing to handle it. They will be less blue in his balls," Miss Rose hints.

"Okay this conversation is over," Olivia lightly inches Miss Rose away while she holds in the tears threatening to come out of her eyes. Her Grandmother laughs. Quincy and Miss Rose assist her in getting out of bed. They enter the kitchen to find that Tom has made breakfast.

"You made pancakes," Miss Rose eyes raise. "And didn't burn them Thomas. I'm impressed."

"I did Ma'am. I have learned a few things from you," he responds helping the ladies sit down before giving them their schedule. "One of the Marine One choppers is in route to pick us up. I'm the President's lead agent. The Head of the Secret Service is aware of our unique situation. We must be at Rose Point by 8:30 for lift-off to land in DC by 11:00 am. On the helicopter you'll be able to watch him arrive at the White House for tea. We'll see him hidden at the Capital."

"We'll see him arrive and come into the building. No one will see us," Olivia inquires. Tom nods. "All cylinders Noni. This is one ride we cannot be late for."

Miss Rose chuckles as they finish breakfast. All of Olivia's dresses for tonight are already hidden from Fitz in a secure location. Her outfit for the day's event is in her room. Olivia has a quick shower, before Lyn, Jackson and Dr. Shepard arrive.

At Rose Point the green helicopter lands and they board for their trip to DC. Olivia is a nervous wreck but she cannot wait to see the look on Fitz's face. All this planning is worth it knowing in the end she will be him.


11:00 A.M. (1 hour till Inauguration)

Olivia, Miss Rose, Dr. Shepard, Jackson, and Lyn all arrived in DC ahead of schedule - 5-10 minutes early. Tom sat next to her with his phone, showing her news footage of Fitz arriving at the White House for tea with the outgoing President and First Lady.

"That tie," she sneers watching him pose for pictures. "Why in the world?"

"He felt he was wearing too much blue Ma'am," Tom snickers as Olivia's face transforms into a full blown scowl. "But if it helps I heard from his agents he's not sure if you'll approve either. He kept thinking it wasn't right on the way to the White House."

"Well he was an idiot to change it," she rolls her eyes. She shares a glance with Tom, Miss Rose, and finally Lyn. She does not need to speak. Lyn smirks continues to check over Olivia's outfits for the day. She is also on the phone attending to other matters for her.

As Olivia sits aboard Marine One, she cannot not believe this city will become her home. Her heart races with excitement noting all the city's wonderful places they could experience together. Her brows then furrow because he'll be President and just going out on a date will require planning with Agents, his Staff, etc.

"Lots of private dates first," she speaks to herself. "I really do not want to share. Who am kidding he's the President, I'll have share."

"Sunshine look at all those people," Noni points out before Marine One lands.

"Tom are they all here to watch Fitz become President," Olivia questions.

"Yes. According to the State Department over 1 million people are here. And this doesn't count who's watching from home. The President – Elect is very popular," he explains.

"So you're saying like probably over 5 million people will watch Fitz take the Oath of Office World Wide," she creaks as panic begins to creep into her veins.

Tom kneels. "Could be but don't worry when you are with The President, it won't matter because ALL HE WILL SEE IS YOU." Olivia blushes. "Trust me no one will care about anything else. I think the World has been waiting for him to find someone like you for a very long time. You are one incredible woman Ma'am. I'm honored to be part of your journey."

She sighs. "Thank you."

"You are welcome," Tom answers sitting beside her as Marine One lands. He squeezes her hand just as the doors open. Jackson, Dr. Shepard disembark first then are escorted to a waiting SUV. Tom assists Miss Rose then comes back for Olivia and Quincy.

The SUV leaves Andrews Air Force Base with an escort. No one suspects it's Olivia. Olivia is on pins and needles.

"We'll make it before him right," she inquires.

"Yes," Lyn assures her. "The President-Elect will be leaving the White House shortly. You'll be able to watch the live stream."

"No. It will just make me more nervous, and want to see him sooner," Olivia explains growing impatient. "Noni?"

"My Sweet Girl everything is going to be just fine," Miss Rose assures her bringing Olivia to her side.

"And if it's not," Olivia squeaks. "All these people…?"

"Will love you because HE loves you. The very instant he realizes it's you on the stage bringing him the bible it will as if you are a breath of fresh air saving him from drowning. Fitz is scared too Sunshine." Her eyes widen. "Oh yes trust me on that stage today his heart will be racing just as fast as yours. Maybe faster."

Olivia glances to Lyn. "Oh yes Miss Pope. I heard from those close he's is a nervous wreck. All he wants is to make you and your Grandmother proud. He's been rehearsing his speech all week, pacing in circles."

Olivia smiles as the Capitol Building appears. "All week? But he's hasn't done it for me," she whines.

"I heard from Stephen if it wasn't just right, he wouldn't," Lyn winks. "He is going to be so happy to see you." She gestures for Olivia to open her jacket in order to give the outfit a quick once over. "Perfect. You look beautiful."

"Thank you," Olivia blushes just as the SUV stops at the back entrance to the building. Once they all out of the car Tom hears that Fitz is being placed in the motorcade to leave the White House. "Tom?"

Tom quickly gets behind her to rush her inside. "The President-Elect will be here in fifteen minutes. I must get you all inside. No one can see you all if this is going to work."

Quickly Miss Rose, Jackson, Dr. Shepard and Quincy are aided into the Capitol Building. Olivia would have loved to have time to admire it, but there was none.

As they enter a door, another group of Capital employees arrives to escort Jackson and Dr. Shepard to their seats. Jackson whispers in her ear briefly along with Dr. Shepard before leaving. Where they are sitting, Fitz will not see them in the massive crowd.

Olivia is then rushed into a room just as Fitz arrives outside. She glances at the TV and watches him emerge from the motorcade with the Outgoing President and First Lady. "He looks so handsome Noni."

Miss Rose holds her hand. "Yes he does. Abby and Miss Lillian look beautiful too." Abby is in a red coat, with a red dress, blue scarf, white boots, hat, gloves and scarf. Lillian is wearing a dark blue pant suit, scarf with the colors of the American flag, and a dark red coat. She is also wearing an off white hat, and gloves.

They walk behind Fitz as he saunters up the stairs to enter the building. "Noni," Olivia calls out to her. "The bible."

"Is right here," Miss Rose chuckles placing it in her lap. "Take care of that book Livy. It's priceless." Olivia grins. Her heart begins to race in her chest hearing Tom speak into his headpiece. "He's going to walk right past us isn't he? The doors he will walk out are right out there."

"Yes Miss Pope. Do not worry. He will not see you," Tom assures her. "But you can try to see him walk by if you want."

"Really," she squeals. He opens the door just enough for Olivia to peek out. Lots of footsteps are heard coming in their direction. Her hand flings behind her reaching for Miss Rose seeing the Secret Service, then the Outgoing President and First Lady. Miss Rose holds her hand just as Abby, and her husband walk by.

In mere seconds a swarm of agents along with Big Jerry, Lillian and finally Fitz.

"Shit," she mouths seeing him. He looks incredible. Observing Fitz on TV becoming President is one thing. Seeing him in person, in his Presidential Brooks Brothers suit, jacket and tie, literally takes her breath away.

He's incredibly nervous. Fitz hands were out of his pockets until he stopped. He is moments away from being announced. Now speaking to his parents, his hands are in his pockets. He's fidgeting.

"Will you stop twitching," Abby saunters over to her brother. He almost runs his hand through his hair. "So help me if you mess up your perfect head of hair, I'll hurt you myself. It took me all morning to get it perfect, including this stupid stray curl of yours. How in the hell does Liv do it," she chides.

"Because she's my girl Abigail," he teases. Olivia covers her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. "Plus she uses special stuff Miss Rose has. I don't know what it is Abby but it works." Fitz sighs.

Abby grabs his hand and kisses him. "They are both proud of you today Big Brother. As am I. I know I don't say it often but I love you very much."

Fitz opens his arms to hug her. "And I love you Abby. I would not be who I am without you either."

She has always kept her deepest emotions hidden even from him. Abby begins to sniffle into his chest before pulling away. "Dammit Fitz I swear if you make me cry and ruin my make-up." Her eyes widen checking his shirt. "Phew no make-up. Liv would kill me for sure if I got you dirty."

The Secret Service motions for Abby to head outside. Fitz winks but she stops just before heading out. "They are with you Fitz. Trust me."

Olivia watches Fitz place his hand over his heart missing her more than ever. She glances to her Grandmother. She mouths "He needs me." It won't be long now before she turns his World Upside down.

"She's watching you Fitz. Don't you worry," Lillian speaks holding his hand.

Fitz sighs deeply. "I know Mom," Fitz kisses her cheek. "Everyone keeps pointing out Miss Rose and Livy are but I can't help but wish things could have been different. I should have flew up there yesterday and dragged them both down here."

"Oh Fitz they are," Lillian explains flattening his tie then stopping over his heart. "Both are in your heart. Take them with you when you walk out onto the stage. Plus if you did, Miss Rose would have maimed you. Olivia would have…,"

"Thrown a rock at my head giving me a concussion," Fitz quips. He does know her well. Lillian eyes him closely. "I know. Don't mess up or I will be in a load of trouble from ALL the women in my life," Fitz kisses his mother's cheek just before she stands next to Big Jerry.

"I'll see you soon Mr. President," Big Jerry utters with a huge smile on his face.

"Thanks Pop," Fitz smirks listening to his parents name announced.

"I miss and love you Livy so much," he utters glancing at his phone now in his hand. Their picture is on his screen. It is a selfie they snapped at the Bed and Breakfast swing. She is in his lap. Fitz stretched his arms up high to get an adorable picture. His face is nuzzled on her shoulder. Their smiles are infectious.

"I'd give anything to hold you in my arms as I take the Oath of Office. It's all I've been dreaming about Sweetheart," he voice breaks. "I did not think being without you would be THIS hard."

Olivia squeezes Miss Rose's hand willing herself not to run blowing her cover. "Not yet," Miss Roses whispers.

Susan Ross and her daughter are announced.

The moment Olivia hears "And finally President – Elect Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III," Fitz transforms before her eyes into the leader he was always meant to become. He walks proudly to the door stopping briefly.

"I love you Olivia," he utters loud enough for her to hear. "Here we go," he mutters just before stepping outside where the crowd goes crazy. She pushes herself away in order for Tom move them to the holding area waiting for the right moment to appear on the stage.

The opening benediction is given as Olivia, and Miss Rose are waiting area just outside the doors where she will emerge. Her heart begins to race in her chest hearing Susan Ross take the Oath of Office and become the first female Vice-President of the United States.


"The Family Bible…,"

Then it is Fitz's turn…

"Mr. President- Elect would you step forward please," the Chief Justice instructs. Fitz complies. He waves to the adoring crowd and millions watching him on television.

"Noni," she gasps. "Fitz is going up?"

Miss Rose grips the back of her chair. "I know Sunshine. Are you ready?"

"Yes," Olivia utters with as much confidence as she can muster. She is terrified, but seeing Fitz out there unknowingly waiting and watching for her, will make all of hard work worth it. With one hand on the bible in her lap, and the other holding Quincy they wait for the signal.

As he raises his hand, the justice stops him. "I'm sorry Sir it appears we have the wrong bible." Fitz squints. He glares at Quinn wondering how in the world they have the wrong bible. He spoke to Miss Rose. It was settled before he left. How in the heck can the wrong bible be in front of him now?

The Chief Justice motions for an exchange. It is nearly noon.

"Here we go," the Chief Justice utters. The crowd is quite watching the huge monitors.

As Olivia watches the judge move to the side. It's time. "It's all cylinders Noni," she utters as her heart rate increases. Just as Miss Rose begins to push her, her chair stops.

"I got her Miss Rose," Tom utters appearing out of thin air. "It would be my honor."

Olivia squeezes his hand hard. Tom motions for the guards to open the doors. As the Chief Justice steps to the side, and Fitz's eyes focus on what it coming towards him. It is then that he nearly stumbles. His eyes widen unsure of what he's seeing is real.

"What," he mouths as his heart begins to race in his chest.

His mother and father catch the monitor and their smiles widen. They turn just as Olivia is nearly by their side with Miss Rose and Tom. Her chair stops for a few seconds allowing both Lillian and Big Jerry to kiss each of them.

Lillian whispers, "Thank you Olivia for being here. We love you very much."

Jerry squeezes Miss Rose then as their eyes meet no other words are needed. He is beyond emotional they are here. "Yes I made it Senator. I brought some Jam and Apple Pie too." Jerry chuckles permitting Tom continue his path to his son.

Fitz stands there completely motionless as the butterflies in his stomach begin to flutter fully. His throat is dry. Only one thing can quench his need for thirst. His adoring blue eyes blink rapidly attempting to keep his tears at bay instead of rolling down his cheeks.

Every part of his body stiffens as the bible, Olivia and Miss Rose becomes closer. His hand covers his chest as he pleads with himself to move forward but he cannot. He is "paralyzed" in a waking dream. His mind is willing his feet to move but they will not. They are stuck to the ground.

He is completely frozen waiting and watching all his dreams move in his direction. He mouths "Livy?" She nods. His eyes begin to shake. His eyes comprehend she's here but his MIND WILL NOT accept it.

Livy said she wasn't ready. How is she here? She can't be. How is this real? I'm dreaming.

He feels disorientated, lightheaded as everything stops a foot away from where he is standing.

His eyes never waver from the target until he feels someone grasp his hand. His head snaps towards the touch. "Hello Blue Eyes."

"Miss Rose," he creaks. "You're here," he speaks grabbing her hands for dear life. Both his hands encase hers. She nods with a huge smile. The microphones are on but he does not care. "But how…,"

"Shh…I am. It's all about faith, miracles and hope. As is the bible you requested. I did tell you it would be when the time was right. Not a moment before. All you had to do is believe," she sighs cupping his face. Using her hand she connects it to the bible interlocking his shaking hand with it.

He steps forward before kneeling down. His shaking hands reach up to ensure his mind is NOT playing tricks. When they connect with the softest texture imaginable it is at that precise moment - he's not dreaming. His eyes widen as tears begin cascade down his face.

"Hi," Olivia's murmurs as her face nuzzles into his hands on her face. Quincy sits perfectly still by her side waiting patiently to greet Fitz. The happy tears are streaming down his face mirroring her own. Then as her own nimble shaky hands connect with his cold cheeks he finally utters...

"Hi. You're real." She giggles at his bewilderment. He is eyes are transfixed on her as if she appeared out of thin air. "You are really here – with me."

"Yes. I'm here – with you," she utters as quietly chuckles. The crowd is completely silent. It is five minutes till noon. She pushes forward in her chair in order for their foreheads to touch. Fitz's large hands cover her ears, allowing his fingers to thread into her hair. They close their eyes taking each other's essence.

"How I have missed you so," he murmurs unable to pull himself away. He can't. She nods. Olivia's heart has missed him just as much maybe more.

They are given a moment, to gather themselves. "Mr. President-Elect are you ready," the Chief Justice interrupts. "It's time."

Fitz lifts his forehead from Olivia staring into her beautiful shimmering brown eyes. He cannot answer. He's lost in HER. It's been too long since he's been lost in her depths. Every nerve ending, cell in his body is pleading with him to hold, hug and kiss her. Olivia sighs wanting him just as much.

However it cannot happen yet, or now.

"Almost Mr. Chief Justice," Olivia utters with a gleam and pride in her eyes.

Fitz squints. "Liv?"

"Sh…" she insists placing her fingers over his lips. He has HER, the bible is there. There is nothing else he needs to become President. "One minute," she speaks not only to Fitz, but behind him. She nods and as Fitz turns around he's watches Jackson Avery walk towards him. Fitz squints unsure of what is happening.

Jackson and Fitz shake hands. Jackson faces Olivia blocking Fitz's view. Jackson speaks a few words to Olivia then he steps off to her side. Fitz squints watching her movements in bewilderment unsure of her motives.

"Liv I don't," he utters just as she RAISES HERSELF UP to STAND. His hand flies over his heart then in the air pleading with the crowd not to make a sound. They lock eyes as she straightens her body. She uses her arms as leverage on the wheelchair. When she's stable she transfers her grip to the walker which Jackson brought over.

Olivia's arms are shaking as she steadies her posture. The sheer will power and determination this is on her upper body causes Fitz and all those who know her to beam with pride. Miss Rose, Big Jerry, and Lillian have happy tears streaming down their faces. Tom is holding Miss Rose as she takes in Olivia standing for the VERY FIRST TIME, since the accident.

Olivia's eyes meet Miss Rose's as tears stream down her cheeks. "I did it Noni," she mouths. Miss Rose can only nod. She is beyond amazed and proud. Her Grandchild is STANDING on her own two feet at Fitz's Inauguration – the most important day of his life- thus far.

Miss Rose hoped and prayed this day would come. It took her Blue Eyes for it to happen. Fitz IS the Miracle she prayed for so long for Olivia to gain the strength within herself to do this. Olivia is STANDING UP not only for herself but FOR FITZ.

Olivia's eyes meet Fitz's as he sluggishly closes the distance between them. He's terrified she'll fall if he moves to quickly. "LIVY YOU'RE STANDING," Fitz murmurs as he stops just in front of the walker. His shaking hands cover hers holding onto railings. Their fingers connect and intertwine.

"I'm standing." She speaks gazing into his blue eyes. "I did it."

"Yah," Fitz croaks as more tears stream down his cheeks. "I'm so proud of you Sweetheart." He cannot help but lean in pressing a chaste kiss for her forehead. He lingers his lips for a long as possible.

As his forehead touches hers their eyes connect. He swears he fell in love with her ALL OVER AGAIN at his first glimpse of her entrance on this stage, and just now as she is standing before him.

Olivia is his heroin, hallelujah and reason to breathe. He can stomach anything now that she's returned to his side. He is curious how this happened but there is something he must speak to her first.

"I…," Fitz begins to murmurs but she halts him. He does not have to say it. She is the love of his life. The woman he was always supposed to call his own. He belongs to her just as much as she him.

"I know," she murmurs squeezing his hands. Her chair is moved off to the side, allowing Fitz to stand behind her for support. One arm is draped across her stomach pressing her securely into his chest. The Bible is held in front of her, resting on her walker by Miss Rose.

Olivia's hand holds the bible while Fitz's LEFT hand is placed on top with hers covering it. After some reassurance from Olivia, Fitz right hand raises into the air while Miss Rose is there for support. The Chief Justice holds his own emotions in.

He heard Fitz was seeing someone but had no idea this woman was Olivia Pope. Her bravery, courage and stamina to do this will be news for decades to come. The Nation and World NOW is keenly aware their new President is NOT a single man. From where the Chief Justice is standing, she is perfect.

She turns to the Chief Justice. "Now He's ready Mr. Chief Justice."


The Oath….

He smiles. "Please repeat after me," Fitz is instructed.

Chief Justice: Speaks the Oath of Office and Fitz repeats word for word after pauses between each section.

"I Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God."

As the clocks hit noon, Fitz becomes President.

Chief Justice: Places his hand out for Fitz to shake. "Congratulations Mr. President."

"Thank You," Fitz beams. As the cheering from the crowd increases in volume, he turns to Miss Rose first. "Miss Rose," he creaks overcome with emotion.

She lifts her hand to his cheek then rises to her tip toes. "I'm so very proud of you Mr. President," she stresses just before kissing his cheek. Fitz cannot help but blush. Just as he begins to thank her, she stops him. "There's no need. It's was an honor."

With only a glance he knows what he must do. It is HIS turn.

Miss Rose removes the bible from Olivia's walker, then steps aside to take her seat next to Big Jerry and Lillian. There is no longer a need for her to be with Olivia because Fitz IS THERE. Olivia lifts her arm allowing Fitz to step in front of her. He removes the walker off to the side but still close.

She wobbles on her feet but Fitz is there to ensure she does not fall. Her hands snake under his winter suit coat and over the jacket then rest just above the belt of his pants. He steps forward as his own hands run down her arms, move to her back, then rest just over her tailbone.

With eyes filled with happy tears she meets his eyes. He is so elated she is here, in his arms and STANDING. He NEVER would have expected this. She truly made this day the happiest of his life. His forehead touches hers needing to close the distance between their two faces. The tension is his body is now gone.

Fitz is more relaxed, happy at peace then he's ever been in his life. Olivia is here. WITH HIM. She is in his arms in front of the entire world. They are standing in the LIGHT – the breaking dawn of his Administration. He is starting his Presidency with the woman HE LOVES by his side. He could not be happier.

It is time for the world to see HOW happy she has made him on this day.

His face lifts from hers. The entire audience at home, to here in DC is watching their every move. He MUST give his speech but it can wait. Nothing else matters but HER – the woman in his arms. She is pleading with him with only her eyes, he NOW has a job to do but of course he's HER Fitz, and has other plans.

The crowd begins to chant, "Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her," then "Kiss. Kiss. Kiss," over and over again hoping Fitz will comply. Of course he wants to, but he must be sure it is what SHE wants.

As their eyes meets he murmurs, "I only see…," but he stops his in words as her lips FINALLY meet his. He steps back momentarily stunned. She tentatively kisses him only pecking his lips over and over again. He's holding back.

It's not until their eyes connect, with their lips millimeters apart does he mutter, "Cameras. The World is…,"

"Watching," she challenges. "I don't care," she boldly states proud to be his. The smile on his face widens just before his lips touch hers. Her upper torso jolts backwards as Fitz kisses her deeply in front of the World. Her arms leave from under his jacket and wrap around his shoulders. Her gloved hands laced into the back of his hair.

Moans, sighs, deep exhales are exchanged as Fitz longing for this moment and her affect his body, mind and heart. He loves her so much. He's proving it not only to her, but to the entire world watching. "Livy," he coos just before his tongue pushes its way into her mouth searching, then finding hers.

He lifts her OFF the ground and up into the air as his body reacts as if a thousand fireworks explode inside of him. He senses them within her too. Olivia has given him a precious present, wrapped, ONLY meant for him. She is ONLY meant for him. And she's here.

Fitz kisses her again and again until the beating of her heart matched his, a song it's singing within her meant for him alone. Olivia's body pulsed with a sweetness, a sugar confection you'd find only at Willy Wonka's factory. Fitz's arms tightened around her as he dips her backwards.

He IS NOT letting her go. EVER. She is here with him now. STUCK with him forever.

"Fitz," she breathes into his mouth as it covers her own. She's reeling, falling backwards so that even the clouds and birds in the sky are spinning. His lips are warm, HOT, unrelenting as he continues to kiss her on the stage. This is the first KISS they are sharing just after he became President. HE IS guaranteeing ALL will remember.

"Blue Eyes," he hears in a light whisper just off to his side. Then a tap on his shoulder. It breaks HIM – them out of the passionate lip lock. He locks eyes with Olivia as he places her feet firmly on the ground. She is completely frazzled, lost in him. Miss Rose whispers, "You can kiss her more later on. You have work to do."

He nods but his eyes NEVER leaves his Livy's. But she briefly meets her Grandmother's eyes needing her chair. Miss Rose brings it to her, then situates it behind her. Fitz sees her but he still WILL NOT release Olivia. He is not ready. His body won't permit it. Not yet. Olivia brings his forehead to hers sensing his needs.

He sighs as they touch. "You have a speech to give," she scolds as her hands cup his face.

"I know," he smirks.

"I'll be right here – with you," she reminds him really needing to sit down. Even though he's holding her, her body is weakening. Her arms especially. The concern in his eyes is unmistakable. "Chair."

Slowly he sits her in the wheelchair. Fitz kneels before her as she unlocks her braces permitting her legs to bend. Then she moves back in her chair. He is already in her space. "Go..," her eyes glance to the podium.

"Livy," he pleads as his hands touch the top of her legs. He can already see how tired she is in her eyes. She cannot hide it. The World is waiting for his speech but all he sees is her. She is his first priority. He's may be the President but she will ALWAYS be and come before anything else.

"I'm fine. I'll be right here waiting and watching. All right," bringing his face to hers she kisses him. It is light, sweet - just right to ensure him that he has nothing to worry about. He kisses her again before standing up to meet to cheering crowd. Tom moves her only a few feet away as Fitz readies himself to begin his Inaugural Address;

"My fellow Americans and citizens from around the Globe watching. I stand here today truly honored and humbled with the task before us, grateful for the trust you have placed on me. I would like to thank The President and First Lady for their service to our Great Nation and for leaving this country in my hands.

I will treasure our long conversations, advice, and most of all your friendship you leave behind. Your journey as our countries leaders will not be forgotten. Our Nation I have inherited from you both is strong and ready to take on the tasks before us. I will do my best not to tarnish the legacy you have entrusted upon me.

Fitz stops his speech walking to the outgoing President and First Lady. He embracing them both warmly in front of the World. He whispers, "Thank you for everything."

"It was an honor," his predecessor replies.

He winks at Olivia, Miss Rose and his family before returning to the podium.

There have been forty-three American's before me to take the Oath of Office. These words have been spoken at times of crisis and prosperity for the United States. As I stand before you as your new President, I can tell you all that the obstacles we face are real. Our challenges we have as a Nation will be met big or small.

I am not wary of what we face in our future. Everything around us changes daily, as it should be. Day changes into night just as the four seasons pass through each other gracefully. We will tackle any crisis that arises in the honorable, respectable way. We will think with our heads and hearts, because at a young age that is how I was taught.

He turns to his parents and Miss Rose. He acknowledges with a head nod. His mother covers her heart.

On this day, January 20th, all watching at home, or here at the National Mall, have chosen to be with us today because you choose HOPE over fear wanting very much to be a part of the peaceful transition of power.

He stops becoming emotional. His eyes close needing a moment. Olivia did this very thing. She chose HOPE in DC with him instead of FEAR in VERMONT. Olivia senses she is needed. She wheels to him gripping his hand. It startles Fitz but he knows her calming touch anywhere.

He turns to see her shimmering brown eyes RIGHT at his side. She touches his hand to her face giving him the perseverance to continue.

Today we have come together has ONE NATION as ONE PEOPLE UNITED in a common goal – the swearing of your new President and the hope it brings to one and all. This time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit, to better our history for our children, so our future generations see that ALL our equal, free, and deserve a chance to purse their own happiness.

Yet, so often this oath is taken amidst storm clouds raging above. This was in my case until just recently. I very rarely speak of my personal life in the press. To all those who have respected my wishes I am truly grateful.

However as you ARE now keenly aware I am a HAPPY and changed man. In the midst of what you all witnessed moments ago, I would like to remind you all that I am a MAN and human first. Just like you all here at the National Mall and from watching at home.

I too have hopes and dreams not only for this Great Nation you have entrusted in my care but for myself. This country has my heart, but the woman by my side who risked it all to come here is the life force that drives my heart.

Olivia hand covers her heart quickly. "Holy shit he's doing what I think he's doing," she speaks to herself. With only one arm, Fitz brings her chair to be right beside the podium so the entire world can see HIS love for her shine.

This beautiful – courageous woman to my right, is my heart's rhythm - the reason I am finally at a place in my life where I am complete. I know there has been rumors in the press about the status of my personal life, which obviously has changed a great deal. However I would like to remind all watching, you cannot capture the status of a relationship in a photo op or packaged news footage.

I know what you have perceived over the years. I have heard all your whispers – even those just before I became President only moments ago. However the most honest thing I can tell you about myself right now, he pauses glancing at Olivia. He continues to gaze into her eyes as he speaks the next words, "is I am a man in love with an incredible woman and her name is Olivia Pope."

"Fitz," she mouths. He just told the ENTIRE WORLD he loves her. Not just him as a man but as President of the United States. He leans over her chair and places a soft lingering kiss on her forehead.

"I love you Olivia – so much," he mutters. The mic picks it up. He hears the crowd respond in cheer, Aw's and Oh's. As he stands up many in the crowd have tears in their eyes happy for him.

"As I am your beacon of HOPE America, Olivia Carolyn Pope is mine." Now she's crying. In the time I have known her, she has changed my life. I went home to a place I was sent to as a smart mouth teenager with no direct path in life. At this place I was taught how to be a man of honor, dignity; a man who thinks with his heart and brain.

If it was not for Olivia's grandmother Mrs. Rose Pope, I would not be the man worthy of your votes, to lead you into a prosperous future. I owe my future to Miss Rose and I thank her for believing in me all these years." Fitz leaves the podium to kiss Miss Rose in front of the world.

Her heart flutters dramatically. "I love you too Mr. President," she sighs kissing his cheek. Big Jerry and Lillian hold onto her. Quickly she shoos him to the podium to finish his speech.

"Even now America she still has my best interests at heart," the crowd chuckles. "I went home to Miss Rose searching for something. At the time I did not know what it was until Olivia came into my life. Olivia is the Miracle I Found On Hope Street. I promise her, Miss Rose, my family, friends and you all to be the best President I can be and the leader you all deserve.

This TIME IT WILL BE Different.

Thank you and God Bless America


Show THEM Who You Are...

As the last word leaves Fitz's lips he turns to see a very teary eyed Miss Rose walking to him. Olivia wheeled herself to his parents. She opens her arms for her Blue Eyes - the boy she helped turn into a man to come into her arms. He goes to her readily. The moment she is in his embrace, tears stream down her face.

"I've got you Miss Rose," Fitz coos as the crowd applauses his speech. They embrace for a long time before she releases him. She's nestled into his side as Fitz utters loud enough for the mic to hear, "Miss Rose America," he shows her to the crowd proudly.

"Fitzgerald," she chastises.

"Actually Miss Rose it's Mr. President," he corrects her with a chaste kiss on her cheek.

She cups his face in her gloved hands. "Semantics." He smiles. She brings him to his parents where he kisses Lillian, Abby, then his father. Then when his eyes find Olivia waiting.

He kneels before her. He kisses her in front of the world again. She moans but stops him before the world sees how great of a kisser he is.

"Mr. President," Tom announces. "It's time to head in for your next event."

"Thank you," Fitz answers. Tom offers to push Olivia but Fitz will not permit it. "I got her," he speaks. Without another word, he along with Olivia escort the previous President and First Lady to Marine One. Olivia begins to inwardly panic about the steps but as she's pushed to see Marine One, there is a ramp.

Her hand covers her heart. "I told you I have EVERYTHING covered," Fitz whispers as he moves her down the ramp. She grasps his hands in hers. She kisses the top of his hand as he stops her on the steps. They stand with the former President and First Lady for pictures.

Fitz speaks to them both as they say their goodbyes. Olivia cannot hear a word but she can only imagine with the gleam in his eyes. Fitz thanks his predecessor for his help on a matter and both come to speak to Olivia. She is slightly taken back at their praise of her for coming.

"I had to come," Olivia explains. "This is where I belong." She is hugged and kissed and in short order they are on Marine One. Fitz stands on the steps with Olivia watching the helicopter lift off. He holds her hand with Quincy by her side.

Once its leaves the area Fitz kneels to gaze into her eyes. She notes the concern shinning in his blues. It's cold, and after she JUST stood up he does not want her worn out before tonight. He leans into her face as he cups her cheeks. "Stop worrying. Get me inside, feed me lunch Mister before your staff has a heart attack and you get behind schedule."

"Yes First Girlfriend," he mutters close to her ear. She shivers from his warm breath.

Fitz, Olivia, along with Miss Rose and his family are escorted inside for the Inaugural Luncheon held in the restored Old Senate Chamber. They arrive into the Chamber with the esteemed guests waiting for the New President, Olivia, his family, and Miss Rose.

Abby and her husband are escorted inside with Susan Ross and her daughter. Then Senator and Mrs. Grant walk inside with Miss Rose. Tom waits with Fitz and Olivia.

"You okay," Fitz whispers into her ear just before they enter the room for lunch. She turns to see him staring intently into her eyes.

"I'm perfect," she cups his face next to hers. He kisses her quickly.

"I'm so happy you're here Sweetheart," he coos aching to hold her.

"Yes I can see that," she teases. He chuckles. Quincy nudges Fitz wanting some attention. He scratches him as Tom signals it's time. Fitz along with Olivia are announced. Olivia is a tad bit overwhelmed by the warm welcome she is receiving. They are escorted to their seats. A perfect space is waiting for Olivia.

Upon her insistence, she pleads with Fitz to sit in a regular chair with arms. He does not question her and a chair is brought. She settles herself on her own with Fitz there if he's needed. Opening remarks are made and the meal is served. Many of the invited guests speak to Olivia during the meal.

Miss Rose also holds her own while speaking to some of the Senators, House Majority Leader, and of course others. Many in the room have heard of the Bed and Breakfast from Big Jerry and are thrilled to meet Miss Rose.

Olivia is surprised of the beauty of the room. Its dark marble checkered pillars, red curtains, oat trimming, plaster ceiling with intricate details, and mahogany furniture take her breath away. Fitz whispers into her ear it's the oldest room in the Capitol Building. This room has held other Presidential Inauguration luncheons besides his own.

"I know. I did some reading in case I was asked." He brings her hand to his mouth for a kiss. Her eyes widen. "Stop. Eyes are on us," she blushes. She is keenly aware THEY are being talked about. And of course the Press is taking pictures.

"Good let them watch. This is what LOVE looks like Livy," he mutters into her ear as he kisses her brow. She hides behind her napkin as camera sounds are heard clearly flustered by his attention. "And did I tell you how incredibly beautiful you look in this suit."

"No." She removes the napkin. "Why thank you kind Sir," she flutters her lashes. Lyn had helped Olivia chose a royal blue formal elegant pant suit with trousers made especially to accommodate her braces. Paired with the jacket, a silk white top and a red scarf. For her jewelry she is wearing a simple silver necklace and hoop earrings with hints of red.

He leans over to her ear. "I can't wait for you to see what's next," he kisses her cheek. She eyes him skeptically. The meal is finished, Fitz speaks to as many of the guests as possible leaving Olivia with his parents. Before he realizes it is time for the parade.

Tom speaks into his headpiece then hurries to Fitz. "Sir it's time to move," whispering into his ear.

Fitz nods searching for Olivia who is in holding a conversation with the Senate Minority Leader Edison Davis. She has an "interested" smile on her face as the well-known Senator speaks casually to her. Quincy is between them however, due to the fact he's sitting in a chair "to close" for his liking.

"Smart dog," Tom mutters to Fitz as they walk to Olivia and Senator Davis.

"Yes very," Fitz winks as he saunters in their direction.

The Senator stands instantly noting Fitz's presence. "Mr. President."

"Senator Davis," Fitz greets him warmly. Olivia reaches for his hand noting a hint of jealousy in his eyes. "I was just speaking to Miss Pope about going to the ballet and seeing her perform. She was extraordinary."

"Yes. I saw Olivia perform The Nutcracker. Right Sweetheart," he stresses gazing into her eyes. Both of Olivia's hands are now covering Fitz's. She bashfully smiles as Fitz's eyes take her in.

Olivia motions for Fitz to come to her level. The moment he's close enough, she presses her lips to his for a sweet, but meaningful kiss ensuring the Senator grasps she is spoken for. Fitz falters in his feet not expecting it. She breaks their lips apart. There is no regret in her eyes.

She holds Fitz's face but glances up to Senator Davis. "That was a long time ago Senator Davis. But maybe one day you'll see me dance again. I can only hope my legs return to me. But as you can imagine we have a busy schedule to keep. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around the Capital. Thank you for welcoming me here."

"My pleasure Miss Pope," Senator Davis shakes her hand as Fitz stands. "President Grant."

"Senator thank you for coming. Enjoy yourself today," Fitz smiles as they shake hands. Senator Davis walks away leaving Fitz by her side. He cradles her face in his open palm briefly before lifting her out of her chair to sit with her. His arms wrap around her torso possessively as his face nuzzles hers.

The Press is going crazy snapping photos of their intimate moment. He presses short kisses to her face catching her gaze. "Fitz," she pleads. "Stand up and walk."

"No." His answer is short, sweet, to the point. "This is who I am if you are here Livy. We did this in Vermont. It is not going to stop because we are here and I am now The President of the United States. Please let me hold you while we head out of this building. Let 'them' see WHO we are – truly."

Olivia is about to object but notices the Secret Service ready to escort them to his motorcade with Miss Rose. "Let it go Sunshine," she whispers allowing Olivia to clearly hear her words. "Let The President show them who you are."

"Yes Ma'am," Olivia sighs.

"Thank you Miss Rose," Fitz coos kissing the top of her hand.

"Behave Blue Eyes," she snickers stepping back so the agents can bring them outside to his brand new Motorcade. As Fitz, Olivia with Quincy, Miss Rose, his parents, Abby, and her husband meet the chilling January air outside the Capitol building, the crowd erupts seeing their new President and his Girlfriend.

"Holy cow," she utters as Fitz now pushes them on his own to his waiting car. He places her chair just behind the motorcade in order to wave at the crowd. A few seconds pass he wheels them to his car. He lifts her inside first, Quincy jumps in, than he slides in beside her on the seat. Quincy is laying on the floor.

Olivia watches Miss Rose, and his parents enter another car behind them with Abby and her husband.

"They are not riding with us" she questions as his arm wraps around her.

He turns her face to meet his as his escort begins to move down the parade route. "No Livy. This car is ONLY meant for The President and HIS First Lady."

"But I'm not…,"

"To me you are. Now the WORLD knows it. It is all that matters," he coos eyeing her lips. As he readies himself to kiss her, she stops him. "Liv?"

"You see all these people. They want to see YOU. Me. Not us making out in the back of this new motorcade. This back seat can have all the action it wants later," she suggests walking her fingers down and inside his suit coat. They wave to the crowd periodically.


"Definitely," she coyly opens his jacket then caresses his belt buckle.

He is ready to kiss her but the motorcade slows down then comes to a stop. "Mr. President," Tom speaks from the front of the car. "You ready? Everything is in place."

"Yes we're ready," Fitz answers with a gleam in his eyes. Olivia begins to question him but stops as his finger covers her lips. "Just wait." She sighs deeply. "Look Sweetheart this is for you."

Out from two barricades, Olivia's eyes widen realizing what is coming in their direction. Her hand flies over her heart. "Fitz how are we…am I?"

"You'll see," he snickers kissing her cheek. He bangs on the motorcade's door as it stops just outside. Tom opens Fitz's side first. He steps out to the cheering crowd. He waves then heads to Olivia's side. An agent opens her door, then he lifts her out. They wave to the screaming crowd.

"Oh my god," she exhales. He whispers how much he loves her just before placing her on PURE white mustang with its handler at the horse's side. Fitz secures her to the saddle with safety straps around her waist and legs being mindful of her braces. She strokes HER mane as the crowd cheers.

"Now you can walk the parade with me by my side Sweetheart," he whimpers kissing her open palms.

"Fitz you really are my Miracle," she whimpers as happy tears stream down her face. This man did all this for her. Miss Rose, his parents and Abby are out of their car cheering before Fitz moves her. They had no idea he planned this.

"And you are my hope," he mutters as the trainer steps aside. He takes the reins in his hands and leads her down the parade route with Quincy trotting proudly by the horse. The crowd yells, claps and screams for Fitz and Olivia. Fitz walks her over to sections for the crowd so they can shake hands and speak to the crowd.

Soon they begin to hear "O-LITZ. O-LITZ. O-LITZ." It does not take long to figure out it's both their names meshed together.

Fitz steers the horse to the center of the road then stops. He walks to Olivia then HOPS on with her. "FITZ," she chastises as he wraps an arm around her waist from behind. The horse begins to move with Fitz at the reins – literally. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Riding a horse with my smoking hot girlfriend," he coyly responds with agents flanking their sides. "And probably pissing off the Secret Service," he grins.


"Olivia I want to hold and ride with my Girlfriend in front of all these people. This is…,"

"Who we are," she utters turning her face to his. "I don't know whether to kill you or kiss you right now. You are too much. I cannot believe you did all this for me."

"I'll take a ki-," he barely manages to speak before she kisses him. The horse stops as Fitz drops the reins. The trainer is there for this reason. The sensual kiss leaves him in a daze. His eyes flutter open. "I love you," he coos moving them forward.

"I know," she snickers.

They continue to ride on the horse for the remainder of the parade route despite the Secret Service protests. Tom assured him it would be handled if any problems should arise. The horse stops at the booth where they will watch the remainder of the parade. Fitz jumps down off the Mustang then retrieves Olivia.

Her chair, Quincy, are waiting. She's pushed up the ramp where their family is waiting. They watch the parade until the very last band walks by. Once it's over, they are placed back into the motorcade and brought through the White House gates – home.

Her breath catches. "Fitz," it hits her where they are.

"Welcome home Sweetheart," he whimpers with her in his arms. She faces him with tears in her eyes. "Livy," he sighs. "You're really here. You're mine," he murmurs cupping face in his hands. His thumbs grace over her lips.


"For real," he questions afraid she'll leave him tomorrow morning. "I'm not going to wake up from this dream and you'll vanish right? I don't have to let you go?"

"No Blue Eyes," she cradles his face in her hands. "I am here for a long as you need me. I love you too much Fitz to leave EVER." The devotion in her voice causes Fitz's unleashed tears to fall. She lifts herself into his lap permitting Fitz to wrap himself around her frame. He will have the life he always dreamed about with the woman he loves.

"I love you so much Olivia," he mutters into her neck as the Motorcade stops underneath the portico.

"And I love you. Always," she creaks. The doors are open and they are escorted into the Residence. He promises her special tour will come later. His Parents, Miss Rose, Abby and her husband are in separate sections of the Residence. The first place he brings her is to the Truman Balcony where they can relax before preparing for the Inaugural Balls.

He wheels her out then stops next to the couch. He lifts her out of her chair, then sits with her in his lap. Her arm lays across his shoulder while the other on his chest over his heart. Neither utter a word as they snuggle under a blanket together thinking of the new life they will begin.

They stare out into the horizon noting the Lincoln Memorial in the distance. Her eyes glance to an envelope on the glass coffee table.



"What's this?"

"Open it," he suggests knowing what it is. He kisses her cheek as the contents are revealed. "Well," he inquires watching her nose scrunch.

"Hope on Rose Terrace? What's this?" There is nothing on the paper but those words and the Seal of the President of the United States.

"Hope on Rose Terrace Livy is something incredibly special I did for your Grandmother and you. My Predecessor helped me getting it ready. However you cannot see it until after the Inaugural Balls," he coos just inches from her cheek. She eyes him skeptically. "You are going to love it."

She places the envelope on the coffee table reading the words again wondering what it could be. "Is Noni going to whoop you for this Rose Terrace Hope thingy?"

He laughs at her rephrasing. "Probably but it will be worth it," he winks as his arms coil around her drawing her closer. His eyes soften with new happy tears. She nestles her head into his neck as they relax. It's slightly chilly but neither are cold. "Livy?"


"You stood up today," he affirms wistfully caressing her legs. The metal from the braces can be seen on her pants.

"I did."

"I'm so proud of you. But why now," he questions becoming emotional.

"Because I had to. For you but mainly for me. It was time. But I couldn't have done it without you. You are the MIRACLE I was waiting for all this time. You love pushed me UP off my chair and into the light, she sniffles kissing him.

His hand is on her legs feeling her braces. "Will I need to help you?"

"Yes. Jackson and Dr. Shepard will come up when you are ready. They show you how to take the braces off and help me put them on when I want to use them."

"Okay," he sighs cupping her face bringing it inches from his own. His eyes shimmer with his love ONLY for her.

"What happens now?"

"Whatever we want," she sighs kissing him softly. He presses his forehead to hers needing to be closer. "Fitz you really won't tell me what Hope on Rose Terrace is about," she pleads.

"No. After the Inaugural Balls I promise." His eyes shimmer of their night ahead and the promise of what is to come of it. He cannot wait to see how beautiful she'll be in her gown. Then it hits him. He touches her all over making she's real. She came to his Inauguration for him – them.

He has no words but…

"Livy. This," he stammers. "Afternoon was an honor," he mutters as his tears fall.

She presses her lips to his for one soft kiss before murmuring for the first time WHO he became at noon. "The honor was all mine Mr. President."

The End…

YES THIS FIC is NOW COMPLETE. UGLY CRIES! I chose to wait till the closing moment for her to call him "Mr. President."

Wait no INAUGURAL BALLS…COME ON! She's leaving us with BLUE BALLS! Literally! ;-)

Yes I am serious that was it. There will be no more chapters to "Miracle on Hope Street." However if have not figured it out by my clues in the very last section YES there is a SEQUEL.

Hope on Rose Terrace

(Yes that is the title I wrote it in there for you to find.) The rest of Fitz's Inauguration Day festivities will be in the new story. Now please do not get too excited because #HopeOnRoseTerrace will not post for a while. I wish I could tell you when but I can't.

I have other fics to complete first. I don't want to promise a date then not deliver. But watch my twitter and tumblr for info when I will premiere the sequel. Also I will be writing a new Olitz Xmas Fic this holiday season so I hope that helps.

On a personal note, I want to thank all my loyal fans who have read this story from the very beginning and who may have found it late. Without you, the reviews, your love, encouragement THIS FIC would not have been written. I truly would be nothing without you all. #Humbled #Honored

Also to anyone suffering from any illness or ailment which prevents them from going out and enjoying life. Please take it from Olivia and Fitz, go out – find your dream, don't permit anything or anyone to stop you. You've got one life to live so enjoy it. (Channeling my inner Miss Rose.)

As always thank you for reading this final chapter.

Have a great weekend.

All my love – always…
