RinnyRobin: Hey, guys, it's RinnyRobin! Now, you are wondering, what happened if you mix Fairy Tail and Undertale? Well, here's the-

Natsu: Yo! Welcome to the 'A Fairy-Undertale Journey'!

RR: What the?

Sans: yeh, a crossover with Fairy Tail and Undertale.

RR: Wha- Natsu?! Sans?! The hell are you two doing here?! Get out of my narration!

Natsu: No way! I'm all fired up!

Sans: nah, i'm bored, so i decided to do something for the fans.

RR: Wait, where did Miku and Poyo go?!

Sans: ah, they left a while ago.


Sans: so yeh, guess that means we're taking the roll of being assistants.

Natsu: Oi, Sans, when this is over, how 'bout we have a match?

Sans: eh, sorry, kinda lazy right now.

Natsu: Huh!? Oh come on, I know you're strong! Let's have a battle!

Sans: mmmh, nah.

Natsu: Oh come on!

RR: *face to the reader* Anyways, this is the Fairy-Undertale Journey. I don't own Fairy Tail or Undertale. Enjoy... T_T

It was a normal day, after a year since Frisk freed the monsters from the underground. Frisk returned Home, from school, to his friends and family. Undyne and Alphys were chatting, Toriel was telling jokes to Sans, Asgore was offering some tea, Papyrus was in the kitchen, and Flowey, who was in a pot, was watching TV.

Even though it was a normal day, it was boring. Sans was enjoying telling jokes to Toriel, Papyrus was making spaghetti but he gotten a bit bored, Alphys discussed about anime with Undyne, while Asgore served and offered tea to everyone. Flowey was just getting bored as he find a movie he would enjoy.

Frisk then greeted hello to everyone as they drink their tea. Toriel greeted Frisk, "Hello, my child, did you have fun at school?" she asked warmly, and Frisk replied with a nod.

Papyrus waved at Frisk, "Hello there Frisk, want some tea?" He then came to Frisk, covered his mouth for people to not noticed, whispered, "Cuz I don't really like tea and I don't wanna offend Asgore..."

Frisk smiled and nodded. Papyrus quickly gave his tea to Frisk for him to finish it for him. Frisk soon then drank the tea and handed it back to Papyrus. He quickly grabbed the empty tea cup back and made his usual smile, "It sure was delicious!"

"Ugh, it feels so boring today..." Undyne said in boredom, as she took a sip of her tea.

Papyrus popped out an idea, "Hey, why don't we go on a mini adventure to the park? Something may happen!"

"Yeah? Like what?"

"I don't know... We may see a kitty!" he said, which made Undyne rolled her eyes, "Or we can maybe find some puzzles!"

"Say, a walk in a park together might not be that bad. It might be interesting to get some fresh air and see some flowers," Asgore suggested.

"Agreed...But..." Sans tried to get up but faceplanted "Too lazy."

"And you might get lost again like the last time you first went to the surface," Toriel countered coldly, as she sipped her tea.

"Yeah... You got lost and it took you a month to us," Sans added, which made Asgore lowered his head in shame, 'Eh... No wonder Tori broke up with him,' Sans thought.

"A-Anyway," Alphys spoke, "Um, w-why don't we let Frisk decide, um, what we should do?"

"Alrighty! Frisk, whatcha think?" Papyrus asked. Frisk thought about it, and decided to go to the park, "WOWEE!"

"Then it's decided!" Undyne grinned as she gulped down her tea, finished drinking it, and got up on her feet, and she lifted Alphys up, which made her blushed and accepted it.

Sans still had his face on the ground, "You guys go ahead... I'll just...zzzzz," he fake slept. Soon, Undyne then approached him, with her arms on her hips, "Oh no, this is a friends and family travel! And YOU are coming along!" she growled, with a threatening grin.

"Yes Sans, we have no time for your laziness!" Papyrus agreed. "Uuuugh... Fiiine..." Soon, Sans slowly got up.

Toriel smiled to everyone, but not to Asgore, "All right, everyone, let's all head out now," she then gave a disapproved look at Asgore, "Make sure you're not way behind, Dreemurr." Asgore let out crocodile tears, "Yes, Tori..."

Papyrus whispered to Toriel, "Hey...Remember...Asgore is not a human killer anymore... You need to forget the past, Your Majesty, and be nice to him, I'm not telling you to come back with him tho." The goat mother sighed, "All right."

Frisk smiled as he took Flowey along, which caused his a surprise, "What the-! Hey! I never agree to this!" he argued, but Frisk gave him a smile as he bring him along.

They all left Home, and walked to the park. They chatted and walked as they soon arrived. The park was quite empty, but had a few monsters and humans around.

"It's so nice today!" Papyrus said, looking at the clear blue sky in amaze and cheerfully, "Yeah! I can be here for a few stretches!" Undyne stretched herself, straightening her body and muscles, which made Alphys blushed and eyes twinkled.

Sans said nothing as he fell down by tripping and instantly fell asleep. Papyrus groaned, "Ugh... I don't know why, but Sans has been acting like if he didn't sleep at all, all week! He's not usually like this.

"Maybe a bump in a head would do!" Undyne tightened and raised her fist, which made Sans quickly got up with a panicked look, "OKAY! OKAY! I'M UP!" he sweated. Frisk giggled and Flowey rolled his eyes, as Undyne lowered her fist and grinned, "Good!" Sans sighed and yawned a bit, looked a bit tired.

"So, my child, is there anything you would like to do?" Toriel asked Frisk, smiling, "We could buy some ice cream or some nice cream!" Papyrus suggested, "Nah, let's have some scavenger hunt! It'll be fun!" Undyne said, full of excitement and confident.

"Um...It's a protected area," Papyrus objected, "Tsk, it looked fun in my head," Undyne thought out loud.

"Sorry, but even if you're a royal guard...or was one...you would go to prison!"

"It wouldn't be that bad."


Asgore sweatdropped, "A-Anyway, small one, would you like to see the flowers over there?" He asked the little human, pointed at the field of colourful flowers. Frisk smiled and nodded as he, with Flowey, and Asgore went to the flowers and looked at them. Flowey groaned in annoyance that he gets dragged along with them.

In another world, Earth Land, at Fiore, where our heroes, Team Natsu, were in a mission, a mission to retrieve an ancient puzzle and solve it for the owner of it. However, it was hidden in the ruins which was filled with beasts.

Soon, they quickly defeated all the beasts in a snap, as they were inside the tunnel of ruins, "Is that all?! I was expecting more!" Natsu said, flames coming on his fists, "Well, it's not like it's going to be difficult, Flame Brain," Gray said, "What'cha say, Ice Princess?!" Natsu growled, as the two glared, ready to fight.

"Hey, if you two are having a fight, there's going to be a major situation here," Erza threatened, who was in front of the team, turned her head around, her face darkened as she gave them a terrifying glare.

The two quickly stopped glaring each other and faced to Erza with a nervous smile, "W-What? No! We're just joking around, right Natsu?" Gray stuttered, his face were sweating rapidly, "Y-Yeah! Joking around! Haha!" Natsu fake laughed, as Erza's face lost darkened and gave them a smirk, "Good, I want to see you two get along for a while," she said as she turned her head back to the front.

Behind them were Lucy, Happy, Wendy and Carla, sweatdropped at the scene, "Natsu and Gray are in a pinch again," Happy nervously said, he seemed to be relief that he's not involving to Erza, "Yeah..." Lucy replied, unsettled on what was going to happen to those two, with Wendy nervously tried to laugh it off, and Carla just sighed and facepalmed.

When they all walked further in the ruins, they then stumbled upon two passages before them. "Oh no, do we have to split up now?" Lucy said worriedly, "It seems so," Erza answered.

"Natsu, Lucy, Happy, the three of you will go to the left one, Gray, Wendy, Carla, and I will go to the right one. Understood?" Erza discussed the decision, as they all nodded and went to their separated passages.

As Natsu, Lucy and Happy, who was flying, walked through the tunnel, Lucy then spoke up, "I wonder if the ancient puzzle is really here..." she started to doubt about the mission. "I hope so, because this is such a boring mission!" Natsu started to think the mission was too easy, "Where the hell is a goddamn tough monster?! This is totally pathetic!" He yelled, getting irritated and ready to punch the air.

"Maybe there might be strong monsters deep down in there! Maybe they could be guarding the puzzle!" Happy flew beside Natsu, pointed at the direction they were heading. Natsu then grinned, "You may be right, Happy! Race ya to there!" He then dashed forward confidently. "Wait for me, Natsu!" Happy followed, speeding up.

Lucy, who was behind them, sweatdropped as she made a blank face, and sighed, "Those two, they always rushed in without thinking," she said as she fastened her pace, keeping her track behind them.

Soon, Lucy then made it to Natsu and Happy, who were already arrived at the end of the tunnel, where they were now in some kind of a wide area, where there was nothing. Natsu and Happy were looking around, and all they saw was stones, rocks and pillars.

Lucy sighed in disappointment, "Eh? A dead end?"

"Then that means Erza and the others might have found it!" Happy said, "Maybe they might be fighting some monsters that are guarding it!"

"I think I'll just stay here, or we'll just go back and wait for the others to come back," Lucy suggested, sweating a bit. "Lucy, you just want to avoid from being chased again, do you?" Happy held his laugher, "Like when one of them tried to-"

Lucy suddenly fiercely grabbed Happy, prevented him from finishing that sentence, as she pinched and pulled the cat's cheeks, "Mention that again, and I won't feed you another fish for a whole day," she threatened angrily, with an cranky smile and a anger vein on her cheek, while Happy was struggling in pain, "A-Aye!"

While Lucy and Happy were busy, Natsu noticed and found something at the end of the area. On the wall, was another gateway passage, but it was sealed, and doesn't seemed to lead to anything. There were also weird, yet readable message above the gateway.

Natsu got curious as he started reading it, "Oi, guys! Look what I found!" He called out to the two. Lucy stopped pulling Happy's cheeks as they faced to Natsu, who was looking at the mysterious wall. Lucy let go of Happy, which freed him and flew up, rubbing his cheek, "You're so scary, Lucy..."

They both walked towards it, "What is it, Natsu?" the petite blonde asked curiously, "There's something weird about this wall here," Natsu replied, examining the sealed gateway, "There's a gate on it, but it seems to be leading nothing."

Then an idea came in his head as he grinned, "Maybe I can break it down! It may be hiding something!" His fist then engulfed into flames as he punched onto the wall, hard.

But there was no effect on the wall; it didn't leave a crack, instead, as the flames slowly died down, Natsu's fist was still on wall, remaining silent. Until he then yelled in pain, holding his fist, which turned red, as he rolled around the ground, "AAAHHH! That hurts!"

Lucy and Happy sweatdropped as they watched Natsu rolled around and around, "That must have been a tough wall..." Lucy commented, "Aye..." Happy said.

After Natsu stopped rolling, and Happy tried to fix his hand, Lucy examined the wall with the gate and the writing above, "It does look suspicious. Why would a gate be on a wall?" She wondered, "Maybe it has something to do with the puzzle."

Natsu came beside her, who somehow quickly recovered, looking at the writing, "Maybe it is! Let's try and solve it," he examined, "But, this words are weird. It doesn't make sense, it sounds random." He then started reading the writing, word by word, trying to pronounce them correctly.

"Um, noisnemid siht ot detcelloc eb dna, esrevinu rehto eht fo gnirehtag eht otno sgnirb hcihw, srats ot srats, dlrow ot dlrow, snwod dna spu... I don't really get it." After Natsu read that, the gate suddenly glow. As it glowed, it started to shake and rumbled violently, and the pathway started to shine brightly. Everyone jumped in surprise and panicked, "Natsu, what did you do?!" Lucy yelled at him, eyes darting at him, panicking at the situation.

"I, uh, did something happened?!"


Meanwhile with the other group, with Erza, Gray, Wendy and Carla, who found the puzzle they were looking for and solved it already.

"Well, that was pretty easy," Carla commented, her arms crossed, "Now that we solved the puzzle, it's best if we get back to Lucy and the others," Erza said, holding the solved puzzle, "Can't wait to see the look on that Sourpuss' face when we get there," Gray chuckled at those words.

Before they were about to move, they heard a loud rumble not far from them, "What was that?!" Wendy gasped, "I think it's coming from the other side where Natsu ans the others are!" Gray replied, "Let's go!" Erza commanded as they dashed out of their tunnel to where Natsu and the others.

While they were heading there, the three were panicking, Happy was flying everywhere, shouting, "What do we do?! What do we do?!" many times, while Lucy was sorta trying to fix the situation and panicking at the same time, and Natsu doesn't know what to do, scared that he might screwed up.

Soon, the other group arrived and their eyes' widened, witnessed the crazy situation they were in, "What on earth is going on here?!" Erza yelled at the panicked three, and they all froze in shock and fear, noticed Erza with a scary glare and aura around her.

"Natsu! What is the meaning of this?!" Erza's eyes focused on the pink-hair boy, who was shivering in fear, and sweating rapidly, while the gateway glowed even brighter and wind was blowing out of it.

"I-It was an accident!"

"No excuses!"

As everyone was enjoying themselves at the park, Frisk and Asgore were looking at the flowers, except for Flowey who was bored out of his mind, Undyne and Papyrus were still arguing about the things they should do first, while Alphys was watching them, unsure what to do, and Toriel and Sans were sitting on a bench, chatting.

"So Tori..." Sans spoke up, "Um...What do you like to do? We didn't had much occasion to talk much..." Toriel answered while watching Frisk with Asgore, "Well, I don't know, maybe we should talk about Frisk. You know, when he told me about his power..."

"Yes...The power to start it all from when he came to the Underground..."

Toriel sighed, "Whenever he told me about it, he gets upset and couldn't tell me about the other timelines..."

"Trust me...He has a good reason not to..."

"I guess you're right..." Toriel smiled warmly at Sans, and Sans smiled back.

The peaceful moment soon break when they felt the wind blowing roughly, "Huh? Why is it suddenly like that? The sky is clear tho!" Sans said, both covering themselves from the wind blowing on their face.

"I-I don't know! The news did say it was going to be a warm day!" Toriel replied, preventing the wind hitting her with her arms.

The skeleton sighed "I think it's time to head home." Toriel nodded as she called everyone they should go home now.

They soon stopped when the when the wind began to blew tougher and rougher. It was so strong that it almost made Frisk blew away, luckily, Asgore got him and held him tight. Flowly sighed in relief, felt relived that he doesn't get blown away with Frisk.

"Okay! Let's go home now!" They were trying to leave, but one step would make them lose balance, due to the strong pressure of the wind. Soon, something appeared on the sky.

"NYEH! WHAT IS THAT?!" Papyrus yelled, pointing at the thing in the sky. It looked colourful, purple portal on the sky, and it seemed to be sucking in the wind.

"I-It looks like i-it's a wormhole!" Alphys answered, looking at the wormhole.


"A-A wormhole is a p-passage through space and time t-t-that could, um, c-create shortcuts across the u-universe!"

"Oh! I see!...WHAT?!" Papyrus looked at Alphys in shock.

"A-And if we get s-sucked in there, w-we might not be able to come back!"

"NYEEEH! THIS IS VERY BAD!" Papyrus suddenly floated as he was closest to it "OH NO! HAAALP"

Undyne quickly grabbed him by the leg, "Crap! It's getting stronger!" She then felt herself floated.

Sans tried to use his powers but they were disabled "W-WHAT THE?!" He then launched to grab Undyne's feet. He grabbed Undyne, but his strength and weight wasn't strong enough to get them down, thus making him floated as well. "O-Oh no! H-Hold on everyone!" Alphys then grabbed onto Sans, tried her best to keep them down, but no used.

Mettaton came out of nowhere, since Alphys beeped him "HOLD ON DARLINGS!" He extended his arms to catch them...but sadly...he wasn't far enough and floated as well.

Toriel quickly grabbed onto Alphys, using her strength to get them down as well, but she wasn't strong enough as well, and soon was floated as well.

"ASGORE! FRISK! HAAALP" Papyrus screamed as he approached the wormhole. Asgore, with Frisk on his arm, quickly dashed to them and quickly grabbed Toriel, "Don't worry! I've got you!" he shouted so they can hear him, due to the wormhole making a loud noise.

"HAAAAAAAALP" Papyrus' head was getting into the wormhole, "Shit!" Undyne felt her gripped getting loose, as well as the others. Asgore felt him getting pulled into the wormhole as well, and tried his best to stand his ground, but alas, the pressure was too strong for him, resulting him, with Frisk and Flowey, to come along with the others as they get sucked into the wormhole.

"WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEEEE?!" Flowey yelled, as everyone screamed as they all entered the wormhole and it disappeared.

RinnyRobin: Well, that was a ride!

Miku: Yes, it is!

RR: Miku! Poyo! You're back!

Poyo: Hya~

RR: Where did Natsu and Sans go?

Miku: Who?

RR: Nevermind, anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this fanfic! Feel free to review on how you enjoy this fanfic. Also a big help from a friend of mine who helped me sort out how the beginning will go! And by the mean time, I'm going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow! See ya guys!