Happy Holidays everyone! Kingstriker here bringing you the return of the SOAH series! AND I'M HAPPY ABOUT IT! JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! AND I NEED TO STOP TYPING IN CAPS!

*Gets smacked by Springtrap*

Me: Thanks Springtrap I needed that.

Springtrap: No problem.

Me: Anyways, I hope you all are having a grand time as, in my opinion, the best holiday ever is about to arrive! But back to this, the only new characters will be Springtrap's parents. The OCs Thunder the panther and Frank the cat belong to me.


Also in a later chapter there will be the lyrics from "Believe" that belong to Josh Groban and featured in my all-time favorite Christmas movie, The Polar Express.


Struggles on a Hook: Merry Fazbear

Chapter 1: Jingle All The Way To Hell

Christmas Eve night 1998...in Springtrap's original city...

Snow falls down all over the town covering everything in sight, almost burying the roads. At one location, a large bunny snowman stands in front of the house complete with a hat, buttons, carrot nose and mittens over sticks. Behind it is a two-story brick house where 5 year old Springtrap sleeps in his room. The yellow bunny sleeps with a smile on his face and he breathes slowly and silently. He's always wanted to be asleep especially when Santa Claus, also known by Springtrap as "Sandy Claws", arrives to deliver presents. He was usually too eager to wonder when he would show up.

Springtrap lived only with his mother, his father lived far away so he never saw him after his parent's divorce two years ago, Springtrap didn't mind this however. His mother had a fantastic job as a nurse and was payed very well so she was able to take care of Springtrap on her own. This night, Springtrap hoped he would get what he really wanted...the latest electric guitar. He remembered how golden it was, the strings were silver and the tuning knobs were bronze. He always pictured himself playing it...maybe Santa could give it to him this time! That was the only thing he put on his list this year.

"You'll be mine soon." Springtrap whispered.

Since he was more excited than tired, he looked over at his clock, 11:50 PM. He sat up rubbing his eyes and yawned. Knowing he had to be quiet, he slowly got out of bed and walked over to his window. He looked down at the snowy road, then up at the sky...no sign of Santa...yet. He sighed and went to open the drawer at his desk and pulled out a picture of the guitar. He smiled and traced the outline of it with a finger.


Springtrap's ears sprung up hearing a jingle...was that bells? He went over to his door and opened it slowly, a low creak was heard. Looking out into the hallway, he saw nothing. But becoming too curious, he ventured downstairs and looked at the large Christmas tree they had in a corner of the living room...no presents. He looked on the table in the middle of the room...cookies uneaten...milk glass still full. Springtrap's ears fell in disappointment.

"I guess I'm too early." Springtrap sighed.

"I guess you are."

Springtrap jumped and turned around to see his mother smirking at him.

"Hey mom, what are you doing up?"

"I was about to head into the bathroom when I heard you heading over here. Don't worry, Santa will be here very soon." She winked.

Springtrap smiled and headed back to bed. He jumped into his bed turning towards his window and just stared out until his eyes closed shut for the night. The next morning around 8:00, he was awoken by his mother who smiled.

"I thought for sure you'd be up earlier than this." She said.

Springtrap saw the daylight outside and clapped happily.


Springtrap dragged his mother downstairs where he was surprised to see more gifts than he expected, he only asked for one thing, but it looked like he got over 10, his mother also had a few. Springtrap turned to see the cookies eaten and the milk gone. As the two tore into their gifts, the guitar was what mainly was stuck in Springtrap's mind, the more presents he got through, the more worried he got. But it wasn't until the last gift at the bottom which was shaped like something he knew all too well.

"Is it? It can't be!" Springtrap gasped.

Ripping the paper off, he immediately began to cry with tears of joy. There in his hands was the guitar he craved for so long...it was finally his. He looked at his mother who was beaming at the guitar.

"I have it mom, I finally have it." Springtrap ran to hug her.

"I'm so glad you do, could you play it a bit?" She asked.


He tuned the guitar and started to play a few songs for his mother, this had to be the best Christmas he ever had. As the years went by, he always kept that guitar close to him and even played songs for his friends...they all loved to hear him play. But then after that one fateful night involving Fredrick, any memory about his friends, mother...and even the guitar were all forgotten to this day...


Long after the destruction of Striker City and the final confrontation with Fredrick which ended in saving time and space, the town was at least 80% restored now and construction had been halted after snow had covered the entire town. After Freddy had spared Fredrick's life and his injuries were healed, Fredrick moved away again to start fresh and begin some new inventions...though he planned to visit this holiday. Life was normal with the Fazbear Gang, though currently at Freddy's house...Foxy and Bon Bon were getting on Bonnie's nerves with songs from a certain Disney movie. Bonnie was sitting in the living room when Foxy and Bon Bon popped up from behind.

"Hey Bonnie, do you wanna build a snowman?" Foxy sung.

Bonnie rolled his eyes while Chica and Mangle chuckled from the kitchen.

"No Foxy, just go away. You're pissing me off, like you do every second of my life." Bonnie growled.

"It's basically my job." Foxy shrugged.

"Come on Bonnie just...let it go!" Bon Bon said.

"Bon Bon, don't you dare!" Bonnie glared at her.

"It's too cold out there anyways...even Chica's feathers would freeze." Foxy said.

"Eh, the cold never bothered me anyway." Chica called from the kitchen.

"CHICA!" Bonnie growled.

"You are such a downer Bonnie, grow up!" Mangle snarled.

"Pfft, whatever!" Bonnie waved her off.

"If you keep being an ass we'll send Marshmallow to whoop your ass!" Foxy sneered.

"You mean that big snow monster from Frozen? TELL HIM I SAID BRING IT!" Bonnie raised his arms up.

Bon Bon took out her phone and texted something.

"Who are you texting?" Mangle asked.

"Marshmallow, telling him Bonnie's challenging him." Bon Bon said.

"Somebody's gonna get their purple ass kicked!" Foxy teased.


Bonnie turned around, leaps over the couch and tackles Foxy.

"GET OFF MY MAN BUNNY BOY!" Chica grabbed Bonnie's ears.

"RIP HIS EARS OFF!" Mangle yelled.


"Excuse me?" Mangle turned to her.

"Yeah I said it." Bon Bon smirked.

"Oh you're gonna regret that."

"Oh yeah?"

Upstairs, Freddy awoke to the sounds of a brawl downstairs and his furniture being turned over. He face-palmed and groaned in annoyance.

"I swear these guys get crazier every single year and it's only been 3!" Freddy sighed.

Freddy was used to dealing with his gang's antics at home, though he'd rather ignore them. He came towards the cursed stairs and fell.





Freddy picked himself up and found himself looking at Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, Mangle and Bon Bon all brawling inside a cartoon fightcloud in the middle of the living room. Deciding to stay out of it, he went into the kitchen to make some coffee. Meanwhile, over at the apartment complex on the other side of town, Springtrap had finally awoke with a yawn and looked at the clock...10:00 AM. He sighed and remembered it was Christmas Eve...only problem was that with his memory loss...he couldn't remember the last Christmas he ever had. He got up and looked out his window, snow was everywhere and still falling.

"Hmm...maybe Golden or Chi Chi could give me some advice." Springtrap thought.

After he gets a shower, eats some breakfast and cleans up his room, he walks out and knocks on Golden's door. Golden was already up and gets off his couch to answer the door.

"Ah morning Springtrap, how are ya?" Golden asked.

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22." Springtrap smirked.



"Anyways, the snow is really coming down isn't it?" Golden said.

"Yes it is, but...I'm having a little bit of trouble." Springtrap asked.

"What kind of trouble?" Golden asked.

"Well...due to my memory loss, I needed to be reminded with what exactly I should do around this holiday." Springtrap said.

"Well you came to the right place dude, listen, around Christmas, we all spend time with our family and friends. We also have trees decorated and surely you remember good ol' Sandy Claws."

"You mean Santa Claus?"

"Same difference, anyways he'll be coming by overnight to deliver gifts to all the good boys and girls...us anthropomorphic animals too of course. Has your memory really been that corrupted so much that you forgot what Christmas was?" Golden asked.

"Just a bit, but I think I'm remembering now. It's been pretty hard to get into the spirit all month...and after tomorrow there will be no point." Springtrap sighed.

"Well then make the most of it, go eat some candy, play in the snow, or go see what the others are doing." Golden suggested.

"Yeah...those sound like good ideas...except that last one but I'll do it anyways. Thanks!"

"No problem, oh and one more thing, just believe."


"Just believe."

Springtrap figured it was some kind of lesson he would learn, so he only nodded and left back to his apartment. Just then he saw Jeremy delivering some mail to his door and was curious.

"Huh? I usually don't get mail." Spring shrugged.

"Morning Springtrap, you enjoying the holidays?"

"Yeah it's been pretty good I guess...I bet you and Mike are gonna be living it up tonight!" Spring joked.

"Most likely, are family is here so we'll be busy. Well I should be going, see ya around."

"See ya!"

Springtrap picked up his mail which contained a letter and a postcard. He saw that on the postcard it was from "Fredbear City". Why did that name sound so familiar? On the back of the postcard, it read "It's been fun living here in this peaceful city...hopefully I'll get to see you soon, maybe even before Christmas...son."

Spring gasped at the last word. Son? Meaning most likely his mother wrote this? Turning to the letter, he stepped inside his apartment and sat on the couch eager to read it.

"Hello Springtrap, it's your mother! It's been so long, since I last saw you. I've heard about everything that happened earlier this year...and I'm so proud that you were able to help save the town. I miss you so much, and I've really wanted to come down there, but they've been blocking access to the city for awhile, plus I don't know the directions or how far away it is. Maybe there is a way for you to come to me, it would be very nice for us to reunite for Christmas. I know you don't like to talk about him, but just letting you know that I haven't heard from your father...ever...but I'm still here for you and I love you. Even if you can't make it, just know that I'm proud of you and wish you the best of luck."

Spring looked down and saw his mother's signature and even her city and address. He was hit with both shock and fear, then he began to cry. He sat the note down, pressed his legs against his chest and wrapped his arms around them.

"Mom...mommy...I miss you...I miss you mom..." Spring cried.

He rocked back and forth and continued to cry. He really wanted to see her again...yet...did she know exactly how he looked now? What if she didn't recognize him? No...she had to! She just had to. Then he remembered what Golden told him. Just Believe. To Spring, he figured he should believe that he could somehow get to her...but he would need help. Just then he receives a knock at the door. He wiped his tears and opened it to see Chi Chi.

"Morning Springtrap? You okay?" Chi Chi asked.

She had noticed how red Spring's eyes were and he smiled.

"Well, my mom sent me a letter. And I'm thinking about leaving to see her again...it's been so long." Springtrap sighed.


"I don't think you guys would want to go!"

"Oh...I can make them go if I really have to! You deserve to go see her. Come on, let's go get Golden."

After talking with Golden, he thought it was an excellent idea, and so they journeyed through the snow and through downtown. People were walking around carrying boxes or speedwalking to get to warmth. Not many cars were out and some were just buried.

"Heh, sucks to be them. We don't need a car." Golden smirked.

"Yeah, though it's times like these I wish I had fur." Chi Chi shivered.

Springtrap wrapped an arm around her to keep her warm, he hoped Bonnie would never see this. Speaking of that purple ill-tempered asshole, he and the others had stopped brawling and were laying on the ground exhausted while Freddy was reading a newspaper in the kitchen.

"So...I guess we have nothing to do today. Especially since we're basically snowed in." Foxy shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm more concerned about tonight." Bon Bon said.

"Oh please we're all gonna get coal, we've done some pretty stupid stuff." Mangle scoffed.

"But we saved space and time." Freddy said.

"True...but still, we've done things we've regret." Bonnie said.

"Hey Freddy, don't get a big red nose again. Rudolph will kick your ass!" Chica teased.

"If Bonnie got one, Rudolph would be the second person to beat you up." Bon Bon wrote it down.

"What?" Bonnie was confused.

"Like I said earlier, Marshmallow, that big ice monster from Frozen, is coming to kick your ass." Bon Bon said.

"Oh yeah...pfft, I can take him." Bonnie smirked.

"You're an idiot Bonnie. The only person who can take him down would be Marion." Foxy sneered.

"...Did he hear that?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't-"

Suddenly a black blur rushes into Foxy and he gets put in a full nelson by Nette.


"OW! OW! LET ME GO!" Foxy yelled.

"THAT'S ENOUGH MARION!" Mangle snarled.

Nette turned to her angrily.

"YOU WANT SOME OF THIS TOO?" Nette snarled.

Mangle response was to lunge at him. A few minutes later, Springtrap, Golden and Chi Chi had arrived at Freddy's house to hear a bunch of chaos.

"Um, what's going on in there?" Springtrap asked.

Golden opened the door to see another dust-cloud fight involving everyone except Freddy. Chi Chi and Golden looked at each other and smirked.

"BONZAI!" The two scream.

Springtrap finds himself alone as the other two jump right inside the cloud. Spring turned to Freddy who ushered him over to the kitchen.

"What happened now?" Spring asked.

"Being dim-wits as usual. Want some coffee?" Freddy asked.


As Freddy went to make some more, Spring glanced back over to the fightcloud in the living room, he watches as Bonnie gets flung out of the cloud and gets up to crack his knuckles and lunge back inside. Then he sees Golden's hat get launched out of the cloud and Golden reaches an arm out to grab it and pull it back in.

"Idiots." Spring muttered.

Freddy came over with a cup of coffee for Spring who gladly accepted it.

"So Spring, you care to tell me what's that letter and postcard for, or is it personal?" Freddy asked.

"Well, turns out my mom sent these saying she wants to see me after all this time for Christmas. And I thought about leaving to go find her." Spring explained.

Freddy was rather surprised but happy for the bunny, it would probably be the best Christmas present she would ever receive. He nodded at him with a smile.

"That's something you should definitely do. It's better than hanging around...them." Freddy sneered towards the brawl.

"You act like you hate them now."

"No, they're just extremely annoying now. A bear can take but only so much, at least with you I can have a decent conversation."

"Indeed, good thing I'm on your side now. You know, I've seen how you've had to struggle with leading a much larger group than you originally planned."

"Yeah it seems that way, but I've been used to it."

"You could use a vacation, maybe disband the gang for awhile. You just need a break, I've noticed the circles around your eyes."

"You really think so?"

"I'm sure Freddy, if you ever decide you should let me know."

"I'll think about it. Hey I wonder if Fredrick is really coming to town." Freddy said.

"Is Fredrick alright? Ever since he got his memory erased, he seems to feel down. Are his new inventions failing?" Spring asked.

"No they've been doing well actually...but...even I don't know about the depression." Freddy shook his head.

"I think I know, despite Nette's ability to erase his memories, I think part of his brain is still thinking that something wrong had happened...but he doesn't know what it is." Spring explained.

"I see...oh dear." Freddy sighed.

"Speaking of Fredrick, isn't that him now?" Springtrap asked.

Spring opened the door just before Fredrick could ring the doorbell. Since the summer, the others had warmed up to the new Fredrick and were able to forgive him.

"Hello Fredrick!"

"Greetings Springtrap, may I come in?"


Fredrick was of course surprised to see the brawl still going on.

"Uh...let's just go into the kitchen." Spring said.

Heading there, Fredrick and Freddy bear-hugged before sitting down.

"Good to see you again cousin." Freddy said.

"Likewise, was I interrupting something?" Fredrick asked.

"No, we were just going over a little plan tonight. Spring is heading to Fredbear City so he can meet his mom." Freddy said.

"Really? That's amazing!" Fredrick turned to Spring.

"Yeah...this will probably be the best night of my life. So...when exactly could I tell the others?" Spring asked.


Freddy, Fredrick and Spring wince when the brawl is abruptly halted from everyone knocking out each other. The three turn back to each other ignoring all the unconscious bodies on the ground like a crime scene. Spring pointed to Freddy's Wii U by the TV.

"Smash Bros?" Spring suggested.

"Smash Bros!" Freddy and Fredrick agreed.

An hour later everyone came to and saw Freddy, Fredrick and Spring giving them annoyed looks.

"Are you done now?" Freddy asked bored.

"Yep." They all sighed.

Finally, Springtrap managed to deliver the news to everyone and they thought it was a good idea to go and they wanted to join him.

"So where does she live again?" Chica asked.

"In Fredbear City, wherever that is." Springtrap shrugged.

Nette gasped and smiled.

"I know where that is, it's pretty far...but if you want...I think I know a way to get there. My teleporter gun is currently being modified so it's unusable right now...so I have a new way of travel." Nette said.

"How? Most of the roads are closed off." Bon Bon said.

"Not by roads...by rails. I know the subway is still closed down, but with my magic I can create my own train and tracks...and we can all leave here tonight and get there even before midnight!" Nette said.

Freddy stood up agreeing with the idea.

"That's sounds like a good plan, look everyone, we're too old to be worrying about being asleep in time for Santa to come to our houses and deliver presents, even he will know we're helping a friend reunite with his family. Therefor, we should all go and show our support. Any objections?"

Surprisingly, no one objected. They all thought it was a very good idea...and Spring was amazed.

"You'd all do this for me?" Spring asked.

"Of course, you deserve to see her." Mangle said.

"Then it's settled, tonight we will go along with the plan. I'll make sure everything is set up, no need to pack anything...except money of course. I've heard about this town, it's very peaceful, never heard anything bad about it." Nette said.

"Can I uh...break the fourth wall for a moment?" Foxy asked.

"Yeah sure."


"Alright enough of that."

To be continued...

For the record, these chapters were originally gonna be even longer but I decided to split them up. What can I say, my attempts at humor take up most of the story. Anyways, the adventure is about to begin, STAY TUNED!