For the reviewer who asked, here are the scenes from the season I dub the Doom Tree Arc. Remember, I don't plan on writing a sequel. I tried that a long time ago and the end result was awful. I hope you enjoy what I came up with and perhaps you can imagine this arc in your imaginations.

Pieces of scenes from season two of Sailor Moon

The Day Before Sailor Moon's Return

Nephlite and Jedite stared at Serena's retreating back in shock. "Luna was right," Nephlite said softly. "They don't remember us or being Sailor Scouts."

"They remember us," Jedite corrected. "But as Maxfield and Jed."


"That was a name I used when I posed as a worker at Raye's temple."


The next afternoon after seeing Serena, the phone at Nephlite's home rang and he picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hi, Nephlite," said a familiar, cheerful voice.

"Serena!? You remember?"

"Yup. A part of the Negaverse escaped the destruction and landed on Earth. They were stealing energy and Luna revived my memories so I could stop them."

"So it's just you against them."

"Unless I can count on you and Jedite to help."

"Of course we'll help."

The Day after the Scouts were revived

"Nephlite, I want to go to Cherry Hill Temple. I want to see Raye and perhaps get to know her," Jedite said two days later.

"I understand and afterwards, we'll go to Lita's so I can get to know her again."

Several minutes later, both men were climbing the temple stairs. Jedite looked nervous, yet anxious to see Raye. Nephlite was thinking about what he would say when he saw Lita again.

When they reached the top and passed under the arch, they saw all five girls sitting together on the steps just like in the old days. Lita looked up at hearing their footsteps. Her eyes lit up and a smile came to her face. She jumped to her feet and ran toward them.

"Nephlite!" she cried, nearly knocking the brunette down in her excitement.

Nephlite couldn't help laughing slightly as he hugged her. "It's good to see you too, Lita. You obviously remember again."

"We all remembered," Lita said before planting a kiss on his lips.

Jedite looked nervously at Serena, Amy, and Raye. He didn't really know Lita and Mina because they showed up after he was put in eternal sleep. Even though he wasn't connected to the Negaverse anymore and was fully human, he had been the enemy the last time they met.

Serena and Amy smiled warmly at him, but Raye seemed to eyeing him warily. He couldn't blame her. Honestly, he expected this reaction. Nephlite had said it took Raye awhile to trust him.

Then Raye's wary look changed into a friendly, almost loving, look. "Welcome, Jedite. We would be grateful for any help you can offer against our new enemy."

"I can offer a lot and I would love to get to know all of you."

"I especially would like to know you," Raye said. "Perhaps, even re-kindle our relationship from the Moon."

Jedite smiled. "I would like that."