Yep, I'm back again. I'm sorry for being so flighty, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The lobby of the District 13 building had always been a source of pride for its designers and owners. With its imposing marble pillars, warm lighting and top of the range security, it gave the impression of wealth, security and in some ways anonymity. It was the kind of place that you would expect to bump into someone rich and famous, and it wasn't just because there usually was someone rich and famous coming or going. Along the walls were signed blown up album covers, complete with various LP records in varying shades of gold and platinum. There were photos of stages that had long since been forgotten, the performers captured in mid-note, all smiles and glitter. In the centre of the room a supersized guitar stood encased in a glass case. Couches and chairs were scattered around the room for people to wait, along with pens in case the urge overcame an artist to pen a new hit while they waited. It was a quiet space, a place that welcomed artists without putting any pressure on being the celebrity that the outside world required them to be.

Of course, it all changed once they got into the recording studios and the board rooms as that's where the real work started. Whilst still tastefully decorated, it lost the illusion a little, but the lobby was the made-up face of the building, the one that the public got to see, hiding the business side of the music industry.

So when Haymitch walked through the lobby doors, not really paying attention to where he was going as he knew the place so well, and walked head first into a stressed out sound tech, it really wasn't his fault. The sound tech muttered a hurried apology, before grabbing a coil of wires ad carrying on his way. Haymitch watched him go with raised eyebrows. He didn't always like being famous, but it was rare that someone would treat him as part of the decor. Once the sound tech had vanished from view, Haymitch took the opportunity to take in his surroundings, which were now vastly different to their usually peaceful serenity.

There were people everywhere- a plethora of sound technicians, wardrobe, and lighting guys. A photographer had marked off a spot for himself in the corner and was methodically checking his equipment, while what looked like a TV crew were having a loud argument over different angles. There was equipment shoved haphazardly into corners, cables running across the floor, and the larger than life guitar was hidden from view by several backdrops that had been leant up against it. At the back of the room Haymitch could see a make-up team setting up, a makeshift dressing room being quickly erected while a woman with orange hair dictated where a mirror should be placed. The elevator doors were working over time, no sooner had one opened and spat out yet more people, it was quickly filled and on its way again. A never ending stream of people were moving, all talking as they went creating a din that Haymitch was surprised he'd missed as he walked through the door. As he watched, a large box fell off the top of a trolley and several people let out a dismayed cry.

In the centre of the chaos was Effie Trinket who stood beside what used to be the reception desk, but now seemed to have been transformed into her personal office. Her obnoxious pink pen was in her hands, and her laptop was open on the desk with several pieces of paper scattered around it. She was dressed in a skin tight black dress, with bright red heels, and appeared to be shrieking at someone over the phone. Haymitch distinctly heard the words 'Unacceptable' and 'this won't be the last you hear of this' and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It was unlike Effie to be so disorganized, and the last thing he wanted was to be dragged into the mess so he quickly made his way to the elevators, hoping to escape to the recording studios without being spotted.

He told himself that he wasn't avoiding her, even though that was exactly what he was doing. They hadn't spoken since she had come to his concert almost a month ago, mainly due to the fact that their schedules just didn't seem to align. He was spending most of his time in the recording studios with Plutarch, working on bonus tracks for the special edition of his album, or at the bars with Chaff who was having a career crisis. He assumed she was busy with Johanna's tour as he never saw her in or around the District 13 building, and when he had spotted her a few weeks back in a club downtown he had promptly turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to her, its just that he didn't know how. Something had changed between them, and he didn't know when or how, but he especially noticed it at the concert. There had been hundreds of people there, yet somehow his eyes had managed to find her in the crowd just a few minutes after stepping out on stage. It wasn't that she had been dressed in her usual loud colours or had tried to get his attention. Somehow he had just known, and when their eyes met during the last song he had felt something that he hadn't felt in a very long time, and it was something that he hoped to never feel again. Haymitch didn't like to put a label on his feelings. He did the basics, happy or sad and that was about it. He had been aware, even if he didn't admit it to himself, that he was attracted to her. But this ran deeper, and Haymitch couldn't be bothered trying to unravel what was going on inside his head.

The problem was though, that if they'd spoken just after the concert he could have made a joke about it, and be done with it. But after this amount of time any joke would fall flat, and make him seem a little desperate. But somehow he felt that it wasn't right to not mention it at all, but he didn't know what to say, so instead he avoided her entirely. Katniss would have laughed and muttered about how very typical of him it was, so he was avoiding her too.

He made his way safely to the elevator bank and pushed the call button viciously, praying that he could slip inside and disappear to another part of the building away from all the madness.


"Shit" he muttered hearing her shrill voice and stabbed the button again. There was no way it should take this long for an elevator to come. He was wondering if he could escape to the stairs when she spoke again, this time from right behind him. How she moved so fast in those impractical heels she favoured, he would never know.

"I know you heard me, so do not even think of getting on that elevator" she told him sternly, catching him on the arm just as the doors slid open. People spilled out, and Effie pulled him back, away from the crowd. They ended up standing half hidden behind a potted plant, much closer than Haymitch would have liked.

"It may have escaped your notice Princess," he huffed, taking a step back from her trying to put some distance between them "but I have things to do."

"No you don't." She replied, arching an eyebrow at his tone "Antoinette already told me that this is your off day."

He scowled. Of course she would know his schedule, and if she didn't she would make a plan to find out. She was nosy that one, and Haymitch tried not to think about what it meant that she still knew where he was at all times. He gestured dramatically at her, which earned him a hard stare

"Exactly! Off day!" he exclaimed "Means I don't have to do a thing you or this label tells me to do." He turned his back on her and swore under his breath when he realized that the elevator door had already closed. It would probably be another five minutes before it became available again. Trust it to go wrong when he wanted to make a dramatic exit. He should have known better. She was the Queen at those, there was no way he could upstage her. He jammed his finger into the button nevertheless, hoping that one of the others would open sooner. He heard Effie huff as she neatly stepped around him, getting right in his face.

"Please Haymitch, will you just listen to me for five minutes?" she asked, exasperation filling her voice. "You're not able to go anywhere until the elevator comes so you might as well hear me out." Gone was the tired woman of a few months back; instead Effie Trinket the legend stood in front of him. She was buzzing with anger, her blue eyes flashing as she stared him down. He sighed, and lent against the wall, gesturing for her to speak. Her eyes narrowed briefly, and Haymitch thanked his lucky stars that he no longer had to work with her, else he was sure he'd be a puddle on the floor by now.

"I need a guitarist." She said in a clipped tone "Tonight is the launch, and Gale has had to fly home for a family emergency. I need someone good and I need someone yesterday. Can you help?"

"Well I don't know why the fuck you're asking me" Haymitch replied, a slight frown on his face. He folded his arms in front of him, and balanced his leg on the wall behind him "I do my own guitar work, always have done."

Effie smiled sweetly at him, yet her eyes did not soften at all. He let out a sarcastic laugh

"Oh no, no, no Princess" he chuckled "you can put that idea right out of your pretty little head."

"Please Haymitch "She begged, dropping all forms of pretence, and it brought a smile onto his face. It was rare that Effie let others see how rattled she was. "You know I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate. I've tried everyone I know, but everyone is either retired" she spat the word "or out of the country. There is no way I can fly someone in, and have them learn a brand new song in time. The ones that are available are all useless."

"Oh well thanks for that, makes me feel right special" Haymitch sneered "but the answer is still no. Look sweetheart, I hate to pull this card, but I am a multi platinum selling artist, with an album fast on the way to hitting the top of the charts. I don't play backup for anyone."

"But Katniss is your niece Haymitch!" Effie cried, and he winced at her volume. "This could make or break her career."

"Then she's the very last person I should be playing for." Haymitch argued "Jesus Effie, I shouldn't have to tell you this, but you put me in and all the press is going to talk about is the fact that Katniss cannot stand on her own two feet. The track, the launch, your client will all be footnotes at the end of the article. I would recommend that you push the release back until Gale is able to play."

Effie looked dumbstruck "Push...push back the release date" she spluttered. Colour rose in her cheeks as he watched her struggle to find her words. Unfortunately it didn't take her long.

"Haymitch Abernathy if you stopped thinking about yourself for one single second you would know that tonight has to be the release of 'Simple Song'. We've been counting down on social media for the past month, being very careful as to where Johanna, Peeta and Katniss are seen, not to mention the legal hoops every person involved has had to jump through to keep this under wraps. Do you know how many NDAs we've had to get signed? The hype is almost at fever pitch, and you want us to push it back? We will lose all the momentum we've built."

Haymitch scowled at her, his irritation rising by the second.

"I thought they were releasing it at midnight on iTunes?" He asked, ignoring the elevator doors that now slid open. She was itching for a fight, and she had pushed his buttons.

"They are" Effie replied, rolling her eyes in a way that Haymitch associated with every single woman in his life "You were at that meeting, you had a fit that there was no coffee remember?"

He did remember, it had been just before the concert and eventually to shut him up Effie had slid her own latte in front of him and told him to pipe down. Surprisingly, he had done as he was told; only spluttering mildly when he realized that her coffee had more sugar in it than should be legally allowed.

"So what do you need a guitarist for?" he asked "Its pre-recorded Princess."

"Don't you mock me Haymitch, because I will take that condescending tone of yours and stick it where the sun will never find it. Because they're performing it live-"

"It was agreed that there was no event big enough to release it live." he interrupted, stepping closer so they were almost toe to toe. They had argued over that as well. Haymitch didn't understand that the new way of doing things with digital downloads and having everything over the internet. They had bickered for fifteen minutes that day, with him asking why they couldn't make a guest appearance on one of the morning shows, and her retaliating that the song was "too big" to be released that way, and it had ended with him asking her what the fuck she knew as she wasn't an artist and Plutarch had screamed at them to shut up or get out. Beetee had then put forward the idea of the digital downloads and midnight release. "Please don't tell me you've gone behind my back and put them on the Caesar Flickerman show again, because that will be a disaster, and it would make you a scheming coward for not telling me sooner."

Effie's eyes narrowed, her arms coming up to fold in front of her chest, which did nothing to focus Haymitch's attention. His eyes dropped down her body, and she glared at him.

"First of all, you have no right to criticize when you have no clue what is going on. Second of all Caesar is a dear friend and he did me a massive favour having them all on that time, so I suggest you learn to show a bit of appreciation, and lastly," she reached out and poked him none to gently in the chest " they're not on a TV show or performing at event. We decided to create our own, which you would know if you had attended the meeting two weeks ago, which I emailed you a reminder about three times."

"I've been busy."

"Clearly" she sneered, her lips curling

"District 13 doesn't have that kind of backing to buy television time Princess, no matter how much Coin likes to think she does." He continued, ignoring her jibe. "This is going to be a screw up."

"I forget that you're twenty years behind the rest of us" Effie muttered, rolling her eyes. "They're performing it live on the roof tonight. That's what all this is about" she gestured to the chaos behind her. "We're streaming it directly to YouTube and all their social media accounts, that way we can hit every fan around the world at the same time, not to mention we have a readymade crowd on the streets of New York. They've been picketing out there for the last two days; ever since we 'leaked' that the end of the countdown was leading to an event happening here. I honestly don't know how the hell you missed the crowds when you arrived. In fact" she fished out her phone and waved it at him "It's already in the news that you just arrived. There has been a giant clock on the roof counting down the hours until midnight from 1oclock this morning. So no, Haymitch, I cannot just push back the release."

Haymitch blinked, as the plan filtered through his mind. It was smart; he had to give her that. In fact, it was probably one of the biggest launches that District 13 had ever done.

"It's a big risk." He said eventually, recognizing that he was not going to win this argument "There's a lot that could go wrong."

"Oh really, like what?" she asked sarcastically, cocking her head to the side "My lead guitarist refusing to perform?"

"Well, yes, among many other things." He exclaimed. He started counting down on his fingers "Your feed could go down, you could overload the power and send us all into darkness, and has anyone thought to talk to the cops about the road closures this is going to cause?"

"Haymitch." Effie said, her eyes closed "are you going to help us or not? Because if not, I have just wasted fifteen minutes of my time talking to you, and I'm not about to waste another twenty explaining what we have and haven't done. There was a meeting for that, and it is not my fault that you couldn't be bothered to attend."

"Well, there is no way in hell I'm doing it" Haymitch told her, resisting the urge to remind her again that he was busy.

"Fine" she spat, shoving past him to head back to her desk "Please excuse me while I go and find someone who will then, but I swear to god, if this doesn't go off as spectacularly as planned, I will be putting all the blame on you." She spun on her heels and marched away, the crowd parting as she walked. Haymitch watched her go for a few steps, his annoyance now at the highest possible level, both at her for being such a drama queen, and at himself for admiring the view as she stormed off. Really, he didn't know what the fuck was wrong with him that he couldn't get her out of his head. He waited until she was half way across the room before raising his voice.


Effie froze as though she had been shot. The room had fallen silent at his shout, everyone stopping to watch what would happen next. Effie turned slowly on the spot, her face like a thunder cloud.

"I know you did not just shout at me Haymitch. I am not a dog." She growled, and Haymitch bit back his response. Instead he walked towards her, deliberately taking his sweet time. She stood and waited for him, one hand on her hip and a ice in her eyes. Haymitch could practically feel her vibrating with anger. "You are the rudest man I have ever had the misfortune to meet" she announced as he got closer "and I cannot wait until-"

"Pipe down Princess" he said, cutting her off. Effie's mouth closed with a snap, before it reopened, no doubt to yell at him some more.

"I said that I wouldn't do it" he repeated, cutting off her tirade before it even begun "But I do know of someone who can help. I'll have to call in a favour, but they're an excellent player, and a fast learner."

He watched with amusement as Effie battled with herself. He knew she would love to give him grief about his manners, but at the same time he was saving her ass by knowing someone who could play. He smirked; he was officially a point up.

"Discrete?" she eventually asked "Because if this gets out before midnight tonight, then it's all been for nothing."

Haymitch didn't bother answering. Instead he pulled out his phone, and scrolled through his contacts.

"What room is currently available that we could practice?" he asked, glancing up at her "They'll be here in twenty minutes."

She gaped at him, her words seemingly lodged in her throat. Oh how she hated to lose.

"The boardroom on level eight is available." She eventually said, before turning and walking away from him. He watched with amusement as she grabbed her bag from under her desk and marched out the door, forgetting the crowds outside and slamming the door behind her.

"I think I'm going to throw up" Effie announced, coming up to stand beside him. They were standing on the roof of the District 13 building, both wrapped in warm coats. The giant clock flashed that there was still fifteen minutes left on the countdown, and the stage hands were doing last minute setups and changes. The elevator had been stopped for the last ten minutes, so occasionally someone would rush up the stairs clutching a forgotten piece of equipment.

"Oh are you speaking to me again?" he asked "I must have missed the memo."

She shot him a look that told him to shut up, and focused her attention on making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be.

The cameras were all set up, and Haymitch knew that Katniss, Johanna and Peeta's social media showed only the clock as it ticked away the seconds. He had stopped in the lobby on his way up to the roof where they were getting the last minute touches done to make up and clothes as well as taking thousands of photos that would be on their social media an hour after the song had been released. He chuckled when he thought about it, the photos would be of them as friends, all excited for the release, when in reality tensions were running high, and the one assistant was already in tears.

Peeta had been plugged into his earphones, sitting patiently as a stylist sprayed his hair into shape, while Katniss and Johanna were in a full blown argument about Gale not being available.

According to Johanna, it was selfish of him to not be able to delay his flight for a few measly hours, especially as this affected everyone's careers. Katniss was stubbornly insisting that family always came first, and that Johanna should shut up and move on. This only served to annoy Johanna more, who muttered that she doubted that there was a family emergency at all, and that Katniss would be better to pursue a solo career. At this point, Katniss had screamed at her to shut up, and Haymitch had left their new guitarist in the very capable hands of Cinna, and had bid a hasty retreat.

"I take it you've seen the warzone downstairs." He asked looking down at the top of Effie's head, their argument promptly forgotten.

"I passed it as I came up now." She replied as she checked something off her clipboard "I hope they don't actually kill each other in the next few minutes, because I will be pissed if this all for nothing. As it is, there's enough that could wrong. They haven't been able to do a complete sound check because then everyone would know what's going on, and the Helicopter place conveniently lost my booking. It's taken me all day to get that sorted out. All I can say is thank god it's a clear night. "

"Why do you need a helicopter?" He asked, glancing up at the sky. She was right, the stars were out and there was very little breeze.

"It's doubling as getting aerial views and providing a spotlight." Effie replied "I've been at their offices all afternoon sorting that out. Luckily Antoinette kept the show running here."

"Remind me to fire her" Haymitch joked, grabbing her clipboard from her and flicking through her neat lists.

"It's her off day as well Haymitch, she can do what she likes. Anyway, no one mentioned a guitarist to me, so I'm assuming that your guy came through?"

"What guy?" Haymitch asked, well aware that he was probably risking his life by asking that. Effie spun round to look at him so fast that Haymitch wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't given herself whiplash.

"Haymitch-"Effie started her tone dangerously low. He chuckled and put his arm around her, steering her out of the way of someone carrying a microphone stand.

"Relax princess, she is downstairs with Cinna, all prepped and ready to go."

Effie visibly relaxed and poked him in his side

"That wasn't funny" she muttered before laughing along with him.

"I think we're as ready as we're going to be." Antoinette said, coming up to stand beside them, wrapping a scarf around her neck as she did so. She didn't comment on the fact that Haymitch still had his arm draped over Effie's shoulder. "The girls are ready in the one elevator; the doors will close at exactly two minutes to twelve so they'll appear up here at exactly midnight. Peeta is following about a minute afterwards in the second one so he's here just in time for the chorus."

"Thank you Antoinette." Effie sighed "I really don't know how I would have done this without you."

"Well let's make sure it all happens without a hitch before you thank me." She smiled. The band used the third elevator to get to the 12th floor, so they should be coming up the stairs...aha now."

They all twisted to see the stairs, where the members of the band nervously stepped out. Madge, carrying her drumsticks, in the lead, and a small slight girl carrying a guitar that almost seemed too big for her, bringing up the rear. She smiled nervously at Haymitch as she passed.

"You'll be great kid." He told her "and you like high places so this is right up your ally."

"That's your lead guitarist?" Effie asked, doubt creeping into her voice. "How old is she?"

"She's just turned eighteen, and her name is Rue. Keep that name in mind Princess, because it's a name I suspect we'll be hearing a lot of in years to come. Not only can she play but she has one hell of a voice on her as well." Haymitch told her "Just trust me."

"So she's small but fierce?" Effie asked smirking "That's a brand I could easily work with."

"That should be the title of her first album." Haymitch chuckled "Hey, what's Coin doing up here? Thought she'd be tucked away in her office somewhere."

Effie peered around to see the label head carefully make her way up the stairs. As usual she was dressed all in grey, her hair hanging down around her face. She spotted them and made her way over to them. Haymitch removed his arm from Effie's shoulder.

"I must admit I didn't think you could pull it off" she announced as she got closer "I'm impressed."

"Well that's a first" Haymitch muttered, earning himself an elbow in the ribs.

"I'm afraid it's not over until the fat lady sings." Effie smiled, her nerves getting the better of her as she rung her hands together.

"I didn't know you were singing tonight." Haymitch exclaimed in mock surprise. Antoinette and Coin both glared at him, while Effie merely rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"She's saying don't count your chickens before they hatch" Coin corrected him in an icy tone.

"Shush it's about to start" Antoinette hissed, before Haymitch could respond. He looked over to see that she was right; the clock now read that they had thirty seconds left; the band was in place, all mentally counting so they started at the exact same place. There was an eerie silence on the roof, even though they could hear the crowd down below counting down the last few seconds. It was almost as though everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something to happen. Effie's hand managed to slip into his, and he could feel her hand shaking.

There was a small screen in front of them that showed what was being streamed live. For the last the last two minutes the clock had been moved into the bottom right hand corner of the screen, choosing to show the crowd below instead, but now it changed to the elevator doors and the clock reached the final ten seconds.

Effie whimpered next to him and he tightened his grip on her hand

"Six...Five...Four" he counted quietly, Effie and Antoinette joining in once they realized what he was doing "...Three...Two...One"

The Elevator doors opened, and the roof exploded with noise. The band had timed their start to perfection, so as Katniss and Johanna stepped out of the elevator, they were already playing the opening chords.

"Lights up boys!" called Johanna, and the helicopter that Effie had worked so hard to get, lit the two of them up even more than before. They both waved to the cameras.

"Hello New York!" Johanna screamed "Hello World! My name is Johanna Mason..."

"...And my name is Katniss Everdeen" Katniss joined in "and this" they said together "is Simple Song!"

Together they launched into the vocals, singing about the noise of the world and being pushed constantly. They sang about needing things to slow down, and they sang together in astounding harmony. Behind them, Rue was putting everything she had into the guitar she held, coaxing sounds out of it that Haymitch wasn't sure even he knew how to create.

He had to admit, Cinna had outdone himself in styling them. While the band was in the signature black leather that the Tributes usually wore, he had managed to add subtle patterns of flames into their costumes. Bringing attention to them, but not drawing the attention from the main performers.

Johanna and Katniss were dressed in the same dress, short black dresses that had a white lace overlay. The only difference was that Johanna's hair was up and she wore combat boots, while Katniss had her hair down and was wearing thigh high leather boots. Against the back black drop it showed them up, and showed them as one act but as individual performers.

The second elevator was seconds away from opening, and Katniss and Johanna parted so they were standing on opposite sides of the doors. As they finished the first verse, the beat dropped to a simple classic guitar, and the doors slid open to reveal a blinding white light. As it cleared, Peeta began to sing. Without the electric guitar, the drums and the hype of the verses you could hear every note he sang with perfect clarity, and dressed in the black suit and white tie, he looked as much like an angel as he sounded like one.

As he finished his last note, the rock and roll beat started up again.

"Boys and girls...PEETA MELARK!" Katniss announced, just as Johanna launched into the second verse. She joined her a few lines later, the beat rising and rising until it was almost fever pitch. Again, it dropped for the chorus, and again Peeta's clear voice rang out across the city.

Effie had fished her phone out of her pocket, and out of the corner of his eye Haymitch could see the tweets coming in thick and fast. Her phone was buzzing continuously and blinking. He worried for a moment that it might explode.

The beat kicked in again for the bridge, not as fast as before, but just enough to break it from the simple style of the chorus, and Peeta continued to sing. Haymitch knew this was going to cause a frenzy, as this was the closest Peeta had ever gotten to rock and roll. Sure enough Effie's phone somehow managed to buzz even more than before. Again he squeezed her hand, and she squeezed it in return, looking up to beam at him. He grinned down at her, before turning his attention to Antoinette, who was dancing like crazy, shaking her hips along with the beat and mouthing the words. He chuckled to himself, before he spotted Coin, who was tapping the beat out on her leg and swaying with the melody. He thought his eyebrows would shoot off his face and he looked down at Effie to see her astonished expression as well.

The beat picked up again, and Peeta fell back into the chorus, this time in the rock and roll style that the song had been originally written in, with Katniss and Johanna joining in for the last few lines. They danced together on stage, with Katniss shepherding Rue forward to the centre of the camera for the last few notes of the rock and roll. It dropped again, back to the simple guitar that Peeta was now playing himself, and as it did so Rue spun away, seemingly taking the rock and roll with her.

"Did you tell her to do that?" Effie asked quietly so only he could hear her

"Princess I just taught her the song. I told you she had star quality." He replied.

Peeta now stood in the centre, and Johanna and Katniss moved to stand on either side of him. Now it was just them and the guitar, and the three of them sang the final lines in perfect harmony. As the last note faded away, all the lights on the roof went out, leaving them all in total darkness. The only thing that could be seen was Katniss and Johanna's shoes, and Peeta's tie, as they glowed in the dark. A few moments later the lights came back on and Haymitch could see the screen in front of him had cut the live stream of the roof off, and now had a white screen with the words "Simple Song" written in black across it, with the download link directly underneath it.

It was quiet on the roof as everyone fully absorbed what had just happened, a few of the stage hands grinning at one another and the singers catching their breath.

Eventually, and much to everyone's surprise, Coin stepped forward and began a slow clap. Haymitch let go of Effie's hand and joined her. One by one, everyone on the roof joined in, getting faster and faster until the applause was thunderous.

The singers took a bow, and Katniss and Johanna both tackled Peeta screaming with joy. The band put their instruments down, and all converged on Rue, who disappeared into a sea of people.

Antoinette was jumping up and down with several of the camera crew, and as Plutarch appeared on the top of the stairs, Coin was in his arms, the widest smile on her face that Haymitch had seen for a long time. It reminded him of the Coin that had signed him all those years ago.

He looked down at Effie, who at that moment had looked up at him.

"Well" he said with his signature smirk on his face "At least the helicopter pitched up in the end."

She punched him in the arm, before flinging herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and burying her face against his chest. As he wrapped his arms around her, Haymitch strongly suspected that Effie Trinket had just burst into tears.

He was proven right when a few moments later Antoinette pulled her away and they both stood there staring disbelievingly at each other, tears streaming down Effie's face.

"Why on earth are you crying?" he asked, perplexed.

"Oh shut up Haymitch" Effie choked, and in that moment Haymitch decided once and for all that he would never understand this woman. But as he watched her celebrate with Antoinette and Johanna, he thought that perhaps she wasn't supposed to be understood.

I had so much fun writing this chapter. I would really appreciate it if you could let me know your thoughts. Just a quick reminder, I know nothing about the music business except what I've picked up from certain TV shows and my own imagination.